![May Day 10 Days of Extra Speqal Values](https://data.docslib.org/img/3a60ab92a6e30910dab9bd827208bcff-1.webp)
‘ T —\'V'3>V/5i'9X^ . r-r- ■ Centos Jf^raUi WBDUEBDAT, MAY 11, It c H - t - ifl iMlIlfcl ‘S3r p W f ' ,-•« oO m mmum iH i 9,500 Manekastar^A Cky o f Ftttaga Charm ?%■ V O L . L X V II4 N O . I f 1 M) MANCHESTER, CONN., THURSDAY. MAT IS, 1948 (BlZfBBN PAOli) Jews CrII Trained- Reds Riot Over Anti-Red Movie Truman Says No4ilf MAY DAY Fighters to Meet ar t'.' > >< ; Have Not Bolstereiil When State Bom 10 DAYS OF EXTRA SPEQAL VALUES An Men and Women Be­ Hopes of Peaci tween 18 and 35 Who Arabs Wonder DoKns of PottcnM II' Have Had Any' Pre- Whether Fate President Supportni^ U ^ rions Militaiy Experi­ Culbertson Attacks Umit MarsluiB’t R« pj^ ix r ™ r s ence Ordered to Re­ Truce o r W ar mark What Is Nee^ Oold uid idlver OnMiad nerlcUc«a. Broochea, Starting Thursday, May 13 port for Dnty at Once ed b Action, RoA^tt braceleta, aarrinca. Special each ............... One whole table of 8ne quaUty 80 aquan per* Lax Foreign Policy PLUS TA X cnie prints in amnll and large SomI deaigns. American Proposals for Than General TaliiM All color comblnnUon. Yard .................... Jerusalem, May 18.—<ff>— Jewish forces c^ed upon aU Tmee in Palestine Says American Loaders Attempt Seen SUIl W Ul Be^ Gind* HOUSE DRESSES Regular 59c Fast Color trained men and woman of Under Disenssion by Boosting Chances of To Meet Premier Stilt COATS—TOPPERS lighting age today to mobi­ in in WasbinfiCT^ REG. $2.98 HANDBAGS Cotton percalca, atrlpea and floral M ttem , E ffh lize for the “zero hour” in Leaders in Damascus Russian World Con^ button-coat atyle, alxe 12 to 44. Regular To Push Aside Pouch or envolopo atylaa in whlta or colora. PERCALE PRINTS Palestine when a Jewish state quest by Their Stand SUITS — DRESSES 23.98, (tale price ...................................... is proclaimed. The state will OMHat'a netot Max Boyi Washington, May 13-—<ll> “ * ................ i t i i T M " - $2 .2 9 he proclaimed early tomor­ I Om paaamutles e f war Partition Plan — President Truman said to­ Washington,'Msy 18.—(JP) • Good looking prints in floral designs. Yard “ ■ ■ la the day that his hopes for evaoK 49c row night, effective one min­ trsas Oplre. — Ely Culbertson said today Drastically Reduced ute after mldaight, whea th« Brit­ tuol psoce havs not been iiT^ , 'U.SII Wadiabh Wktlc CHILDREN’S BeyS haa besa atodytag prob- American leaders are boost­ DRESSES Regular 79c ish mandate ends. Itam of tbe Middle Bast for Spokesman for Jewish creased by the rec«it Beautiful dresaea, fine quaUty cotton*, alxe 7 to 12. .................. T e A to m Sabknth Aetlaa Bseie tban two yean as chief ing Russia’s chances of world One group of dresses............ conquest by defending sn Agency Says American change of notes with ftassimt $4.00 Reg. Price $4.9^ Sale Price ............ $4.49 Tbs Jewish provialoaal govern­ efTbeABeeriatwdrreeebwteaa The president told a newi ment decided In.Tel Aviv to pro­ la Oalrs, a awjer capital et “impotent” United Nations FABRIC GLOVES Proposal ^ould- In* conference he is supporting to Reg. Price $3.9^ Sale Price ............ $3.59 Spring & Summer FABRICS claim the state early to the eve­ Sba Mesleni werM aad bead snd letting the Soviets build la aUMb atylaa urtth titauned ouffa. Sise One group of dresses............ Smart dlmlUea, ginghams and line prinU. ning to avoid such notion on the qaarteiB et tbe Arab league.) TUs mslos aver a msvie waa recorded by NEA-Ac b m BME Vhetagrapber Aady l^pea dktoMe Mms crease Present Conflict the limit Secretary of Stats 1 all».oo Yevk*a Boxy Theater, where Comnale plckrta proteetlag tbe aatt-Bed 81m, "Iroa Curtsla,’* etoehed.wUh atom bomba “with impunity.” Pair. $8.00 Reg. Price'^$3.29, Sale P ric e .............. $2.98 Save during the sale. Y ard .......... .............. Jewish Sabbath. .MarahxU'a statement that n to n 4 - $1.19 The Jewish moblllaatlon call, By Max Boyd OatbaBe W ar Veteraae pratestiag the ploketa. Monated pellee aaeved la ea the beltle, wMcb teek This, he said, is “fantastic needed ia actioii. rather than gaw- unreality" to forriga policy. l-ake Success, May 13—(FT — ■oed In Haifa, ordered all nmn and Cairo, May 18 — (A) — Arabs place Bight befora tbe nwvle epened. (NEA telepbeto). oral talks. Marshall aald yester­ One group of dresses . .. a a a a a a a a wooien batweea tba ages ot 18 and The famous bridge experts, who The Jewish Agency charged today day that If Ruaola deeirea to pro­ $ wondered today whether e truce Sigokr I1.M 51 Gaoge 10.00 COTTON Regular 99c 18 who have had nay prevtoua mU* haa turned to the field of interna­ the new U. 8. plan for a Paleatina mote peace she cam act throinTi CARDIGANS Itoiy training to report Immedl- win prevaU In Palestine or If regu­ tional politics, told the Houae For­ high commissioner is an attora|)t the United Nanona and o ttw al­ Ideal for Summer wear. Two poCketa. Yel- ntriy for duty. Tbeae tadude not ’Secrets’ Bill eign Affairs committee that Rus- lied agenciea. The secretary of > a a a a a a a I lar Arab Armiea wUl ba moving One group of dresses ... low, blue, pink, medium larre. Reg. $2.08, P Q War Goods to Russia .ila \^ill have enough atomic to aet aside the Unitad Natlona $ 1 3 .0 0 Spring & Summer FABRICS only those who have had training across the bordera whsn the British state ruled out any two-nntlod. NYLON HOSIERY sale price ....................... X ........... la Jewish forcee, but also thoae bombs by 1850 to threeten the de­ partition project. Ruaao-Americaa talka on mattera Valncs to $19.98 mandate ends at nddnlght Friday. X stro abaor Orat quality boatary in new Bates fabrics In prints and plain colors, bor- wbo had any type of previoua mil­ Chauge Likely struction of scores of American A Jewish agency apokaaman of concern also to otter n^kms. ^ %rtav iluulM. «M 8M) ta 10^,. Pair .... dered prints. FTne quaUty fabrics. Yard .... w a^ileb itary training. Xgypttoa aewipapera reported cltiea. said Ir. a formal atotement that $ 1 .3 9 Will Bring End to Aid "Ihen the people of America Says HKuaBen Oevdead ' Observers said the Jewish moW- that Smericaii propcaala for a tha American propoaal would to- Preakknt Truman said Marahdi Uaatlon is a precaution against CongreMional Conia^- WlU turn to ttehr leaders," he said, crease diaordar aad eoafllct to central tmea In Pnlestine are un­ "and ask this fateful queatien: covered thoroughly tba . fttaitiqn SUITS . GIRLS’ BLOUSES possible invasion from neighboring der dlawMsion by Am b leaders in peace. •a left by the stirhinga . of aeloi Regular $1.35 Cotton blouaea, Peter Pan and open c o lla r , Reg. 39c Niagara, Cannon and Field Crest Part Linen tee W o ik e n , O f f i c i i Hoffman Says United -i— ^ ‘What did you do to avert this ter­ oountriee. Dnmascus. The plan waa aanouaced last between Ruaaia and tta UhMto One group of suits, reg. $19.98, sale abort aleevea, alxe 7 to 14. Reg. $1.98, Bale In Cairo, Abdul Rnsak el 8aa- Many factora appear to be push­ rible atomic threat during the aO- nlgkt after Praatdaat Truataa aad $12.00 Only to Be Penalized precioua years from 1845 on. when States. price .................................................... $1.59 houri the Egyptian minister of ed­ ing the Arab governments toward Stales Will Stop Aid *New8 Tidbits Secretory of 8UU Marahall coa- Ik teaponae to qneaUona tte ucation, told a reporter a royal acceptonce cf a truce. If they can the United SUtes held the destiny ferred to Waahtogtee oa Palea­ NYLON HOSIERY DISH TOWELS To Any Nation Snpply- coU*d Vrom (JP) Wiivs of the world to the palm of her presidant reprated wtiat.kc ban VmC qo>Rty 48 ga n (t ahaar ayloa bealary One group of suits, reg. $29.98, sale $ 1 8 .0 0 Absorbent, long wearing decree imposing martial Uw In get one postoonlng the proclama­ Bttlletlal tine. aaM often b a fo re -ttn t Oa would to aaw Spring and Summer abadaa. All dish towels made by famous Egypt wUl be put Into effect when tion of a Jewish state and limiting Waahtagtoa, May 18—MV- ing War Machinery hand?” ’ H m U. 8. plan, brought forward ba glad to meet with Soqlct Pro- mills. Plaids and colorful the Igyptlaa Army moves across Jewish immigration. Many other PresMeat Tramaa today de8- Culbertooa said the world owaa leas than two 4aya before t t * Vttfe ratotofoad heal- and toaa for extra 3 fo r $X.oo Topic of Soviet-American rela­ "a profound debt of graUtude to mlerOtalto to TTattlutwi Oraar. Spa<M at p a ir ............................ $ 1 .0 9 One group of suits, reg. $25.00 and A A JACKETS mulU-color stripes. the Paleatine border. The govern­ factors, however, still are working ed Ooagreee to get coaBdeat- Washington, May 18.—</P) tions dominates Bnaaiaa press ead British and tteir League of N v Asked wnat the tare would talk Wool Jackets Uned orr unlined. Navy,Nnvy, black, red, cbecka, green. ment obtained authority from Par­ in favor of some action by their lal tofonaatOB from the White Secretary of State Marshall for tlona mandate rule over tt* Holy $29.98, sa le .............................. ^ ^ ^ a U U — The United States will shut radio with Truman, MarshaU and his leadership to World war Two, about at aneli a meet ing, the piral- SiZe 10 to 18^12 to 20;W; cbUchanchlltfren 7 to 14.
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