LC LOCAL LC RECORD Resident: Flood plain changes hurt the sale of his home STEVE SMITH insurance. Needless to me, thinking it might be [email protected] say, they and their realtor due to stress, it was just A Lebanon man look- vanished,” he wrote in heart failure.” he said. VOL 2 ISSUE 25 LACLEDE COUNTY RECORD ing to sell his house says information submitted to %HFDXVHRIWKHÁRRG he found he could not do U.S. Rep. Vicky Hartzler, zone issue, they were not so because of changes to “We hired a local sur- able to sell their property. NEXT SATURDAY Celebration WKHÁRRGSODLQ veyor to do a survey It So they went back to Bernie Skalenda seems the flood plain the surveyor for sugges- said he had lived in the extreme edge touches tions. September 7, 2019 in the NEXT SATURDAY the base of our base- “He said he would try home on Gene Drive- PRUHWKDQ\HDUVDQG PHQWÁRRU7KLVLVUHDOO\ to contact FEMA and ask Ozarks never saw an issue with hard to understand after for a copy of the calcula- 9 am - 4 pm SEPTEMBER 7, 2019 DERXW\HDUVRIQHYHU tions, which determined ÁRRGLQJXQWLOWKH)HGHU- al Emergency Manage- VHHLQJZDWHUZLWKLQ the current zone areas,” ment Agency (FEMA) yards of our home,” he he said. Exit 127on I-44 in Lebanon, MO 417.532.7000 www.CaseXX.com/Celebration 9AM - 4PM informed him of changes said. He also sought help He believed the sur- /&5SKRWR6WHYH6PLWK from U.S. Rep. Vicky LQWKDWZRXOGUH- Homeowner Bernie Skalenda of Lebanon says that his property value has veyor was not helpful in Hartzler but had been TXLUHÁRRGLQVXUDQFHRU KYVWWLKILJH\ZL[OPZVULJVYULYVMOPZOVTL[V\JOLZH`LHYÅVVKWSHPU # 23170 a LOMA (letter of map correcting what he said unsuccessful in getting a NEXT SATURDAY amendment). He said it was a mistake made by letter of map amendment CELEBRATION IN THE OZARKS Skalenda said he ´,QWKHUHZDVD I was in this “x” and they 2019 Celebration Knife also made it impossible FEMA. (LOMA). Skalenda said “The surveyor was bought the property new map made and all determined it was not he has also been unable to sell the home. PRUHWKDQ\HDUVDJR RIDVXGGHQ,·PLQDÁRRG needed,” he said. t4NPPUI$IFTUOVU#POF#BSMPX He said they had the accredited with FEMA, to make phone contact which I didn’t know at and built a home there plain.” Five years ago they with FEMA in St. Louis. tø$MJQBOE1FO#MBEFT 2019 CELEBRATION KNIFE home sold to a career LQ ,Q KH ZDV decided to sell the house army family with four the time I hired him,” He said the LOMA is a $ 00 t/PNPSFUIBO UPCFQSPEVDFE Skalenda said.”It cost ´,QWKHUHZDV told he needed flood because of his wife’s poor simple statement that FKLOGUHQLQ-XQH DPDSSLQJRIWKHÁRRG insurance. health, but were not able 2 GIFT “Then to our surprise PHDQG,PLJKWDV his house is not in any $ 99 well have got FEMA’s, plains in Laclede County “Three months later. to do so. His wife died GDQJHURIÁRRGLQJEXW and grief, their loan ap- and I was nowhere near they wrote back and said last year. TENT SALE 76 SOLFDWLRQUHTXLUHGÁRRG because it was identical FEMA has turned down t4NPPUI$IFTUOVU#POF#BSMPX to the inch.” WKHÁRRGSODLQµKHVDLG I did not need it, because “I never let it bother his applications. Tent Open 7am - 2pm # GDJ tø$MJQBOE1FO#MBEFT 2019 Lebanon Knife t/PNPSFUIBO UPCFQSPEVDFE Deputies investigate man allegedly growing marijuana in his backyard CELEBRITIES IN ATTENDANCE #23170 t-BTFS$BSWFE#POF5SBQQFS LCR STAFF ijuana at a residence on according to a deputy’s yard of the residence, the SODQWHUEDVHVDQGWKHQ would be sent to the La- t*ODMVEFT1SFTFOUBUJPO#PY $ 99 [email protected] Ed Neosho Drive. report. The man said he report said. more potted plants and clede County Prosecu- 76 The Laclede County Deputies visited the was unaware of any mari- The report said dep- six planters that had been WRU·V2FHIRUPDQXIDF- Jessup 6KHULͿ·V2FHLVVHHNLQJ residence Tuesday and juana on the property, but uties found a wooden harvested. Deputies told turing and distributing Case $ 99 charges on a person for received permission to GHSXWLHVUHSRUWHGÀQGLQJ picnic table with six mar- the resident he was not marijuana, according to National Sales allegedly growing mar- look around the property, several plants in the back ijuana plants in plastic under arrest, but charges the report. 89 2019 Lebanon Knife t-BTFS$BSWFE#POF5SBQQFS Maury # GDJ Ford t*ODMVEFT1SFTFOUBUJPO#PY Case Assault National Sales 2019 CELEBRATION 25TH ANNIVERSARY KNIFE IURPSDJH$ Linda t"OUJRVF#POF#BSMPX #22322 According to the moth- “She is really strug- Karst $ 99 t4QFBS#MBEF er, her child reported the gling. She’s hanging in 76 t/PNPSFUIBOUPCF1SPEVDFE LQFLGHQWLQ-XQHDWWKHVWDUW there, but she’s going World Renowned of summer school. She through a tough time,” Scrimshaw Artist APPLE PEELIN’ waited to tell her mother the mother said. Corn Hole & $ 99 because she was afraid She added that any BUBBA GUM BLOWING of the boys who had al- time her daughter sees 89 legedly molested her. She a school bus, she can be Tony CONTEST claimed that the teens had “triggered” into thinking brought a gun and a knife about the incident and be- Bose Get a great deal on our “Plinko” on the bus, showed them FRPHVWHUULÀHG7KHIDP- Knife Making “Wheel of Fortune” and 2019 CELEBRATION to the girl and threatened ily has added a security Legend “Roulette Wheel” knife games! to kill her, if she told any- system to their home and TH one what had happened. has to let their daughter 25 ANNIVERSARY Lebanon Police Depart- sleep with the family dog Also in Attendance ment Public Information to feel safe. KNIFE 2FHU.DFLH6SULQJHUFRQ- The mother also said Name Title firmed that the incident she had to quit her job so t&MMJPUU+FTTVQ $BTF4BMFT(SPVQ had been reported to the that she would be able to t+PIO4VMMJWBO %JSFDUPSPG4QFDJBM1SPKFDUT t"OUJRVF#POF#BSMPX /3'RQ-XQH take her child to school t(SBOU%VLF #VTJOFTT*OUFMMJHFODF"TTPDJBUF “The investigation has and pick her up. t#SFUU#PPUI $BTF4BMFT.BOBHFS t4QFBS#MBEF been labeled as inactive Due to the incident t#SFOU5ZMFS $BTF4FOJPS#SBOE.BOBHFS t/PNPSFUIBOUPCF1SPEVDFE #22322 due to a lack of physical involving juveniles, the tø+PO#SBEEJTI $BTF$PNNVOJUZ.BOBHFS LIVE evidence,” she said. She LPD declined to release t,PSUOFZ3FHJT ;JQQP&WFOU.BSLFUJOH$PPSEJOBUPS On Site Knife added that the case could a copy of the full police t+PIO1BOUVTP $BTF.BSLFUJOH4QFDJBMJTU t,FSSZ:PSL $BTF"SUJTBO REMOTE be reopened if anyone report to the Record, but Engraving $ 99 came forward with any Springer did discuss the t4IBOOPO:PSL $BTF"SUJTBO with t%PO-FOOZ $BTF7JDF1SFTJEFOUPG(MPCBM4BMFT Mike 76 evidence. basics of the report. She t%PO)BMM $IJFG'JOBODJBM0GýDFS Since the event hap- also released a “press t)VHP.JDIFM 4FOJPS7JDF1SFTJEFOUPG(MPCBM4BMFT pened, the mother says her release” version of the t+PIO4JDIFS 7JDF1SFTJEFOUPG*OOPWBUJPOBOE Morris daughter has post-trau- report that simply states #SBOE.BOBHFNFOU POTTER'S WHEEL from matic stress disorder WKDWRQ-XQHWKH/3' t-JTB.JMMFS $BTF1SPEVDU.BOBHFS Free Knife KJEL 103.7 will be performing at the APPLE (PTSD) and has been re- received a “child abuse Sharpening ceiving counseling from an tip” and the the investi- celebration 11am - 12:30 pm PEELIN’ area child advocacy center. gation was ongoing. GRAND PRIZE Corn Hole & SEE THE WORLD FAMOUS Jack Hamlin BUBBA GUM BLOWING DRAWING WWII & D-Day CONTESTS Policy At 3:30pm Veteran Get a great deal IURPSDJH$ Must be present to win on our “Plinko”, Superintendent Dr. &ODULÀFDWLRQVPD\EH “Wheel of Fortune” David Schmitz said they made based on school wanted facilities to be board concerns. and available for Lebanon The policy covers rec- kids to use. board mem- reational, educational, bers also discussed what social, civic and other “Roulette Wheel” charges would be consid- purposes. The superin- ered fair. tendent or designee can knife games! “There’s a wear and approve or deny requests tear factor which makes in accordance with the it reasonable for why policy. there’s a fee when Leba- Facilities used include non kids are involved,” stages, computer labs, Schmitz said. gymnasiums, classrooms, 1900 West Elm Lebanon The board discussed kitchens, cafeterias, ath- (Retail Store opens at 7:00 am what fees are charged, OHWLFÀHOGVDQGWKH-DFNHW Saturday, September 7th) (417) 532-7000 but did not vote on any VWDGLXPDQGÀHOG7KHUH Sale Prices good Saturday, September 7th Store Hours: 8am - 8 pm Daily changes to the existing is no charge for most in- policies. ternal school groups. & Sunday, September 8th (Retail Store opens at 7:00 am Saturday, September 7th) Sale Prices good Saturday, September 7th & Sunday, September 8th LACLEDE COUNTY RECORD | SATURDAY, AUGUST 31, 2019 A9 VS. KICKAPOO CHIEFS See page C1 for game details! LC RECORD SATURDAY AUGUST 31, 2019 VOL 2 ISSUE 25 LACLEDE COUNTY RECORD ONE DOLLAR INSIDE ‘Humble and Kind’ teacher Shepherd Hills honors Gary D. Jones with Brandy Bonnette See page B1 commemorative knife INDEX STEVE SMITH Reid said many people remembered him for spinning the numbers on the [email protected] wheel of fortune at the annual Case A LOOK BACK...............Page A8 Remembered as “humble and kind,” celebration. CALENDAR....................Page A2 the late Gary D. Jones will be honored “He loved people,” CLASSIFIEDS.......Page B4 with a commemorative knife at this COMICS ........................Page C8 said Shepherd Hills ENTERTAINMENT..........Page C7 year’s Case Celebration of the Ozarks, president and FAITH...................Pages A6-A7 which is scheduled for Sept. 9 at Shep- founder Ida Reid. OPINION...................Page B8 herd Hills Factory Outlets. “He loved to talk SPORTS ..................Pages C1-C6 “How he lived his life was to always to people and to be humble and kind,” Shepherd Hills do things for peo- co-owner Rod Reid said.
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