E RY CH 1ST AS DECEMBER 1968 75 CENT5 Sllb~crip.jon Rat. ONE YEAR $7.50 . TO THE WORLD OF CHESS • --- .- e ou 789 PAGES: 7 1h by 9 inches. clothbound 221 diagrams 493 ideo variations 1704 practical variations 463 supplementary variations 3894 notes to all variations and 439 COMPLETE GAMES! BY I. A . HOROWITZ in colloboration with Former World Champion, Dr. Max Euwe. Ernest Gruenfeld, Hans Kmoch, and many other noted authorities This latest and immense work, the most exhaustive of it s kind·, ex ­ plains in encyclopedic detail th e fine points of all openings. It carries the reader well into the middle ga me, evaluates the prospects there and often gives complete exempla ry games so th a t he is 110t le ft ha nging in mid-position with the query : What happens now? A logical sequence binds the continuity in each opening. Fi rst come the moves with footnotes leading to the key posit ion. Then fo l. BIBLIOPHILES! low pertinent observa tions, illustrated by "Idea Va r iations." Finall y. Glossy papcr, handsome print. Practical a nd Supplementary Variations, well annotated, exemplify the spacious paging and all the effective possibilities. Each line is appraised: +, - or = . The large format-7!jz x 9 inches- is designed for ease of rend· other appurtenances of exquis­ ing and pla ying. It eliminates much til"eSome shu ffl ing of pa ge ~ ite book ~ making combine to between the principal lines and the respective comments. Clear. make this the handsomest of legible type, a wide margin for inserting notes and va riation.identify. ing diagrams are other plus fea tures. chess books! In addition to all else, this book contains 439 complete games-n golden treasury in itself! ORDER FROM CHESS REVIEW 1-- - ---------- - - --- - - - - -- - - - - - I Please send me Chess Opellln gs: Theory and Practice at $12.50 I Name . " . • . • • . " " " " " " I Address ... .. ........ ... ..••.... ...••..•.......••. •. ....... ............ ... I City & Slate ...................••...... • . •...... • •.. ...... Zip Code No.. ...... • . .. " . I Check/ Mone)' order encloted ----- - -- -- -- -- -- ------ - - - -- - - - to top Unrated: inquiries to Dallas Cheu Club, 5513 1h E Grand, Dallas, Texas CHESS 75223. REVIEW New J ersey _ December 26 to 28 , ... "'C"'1f CHISS .AO",''''' Hudson County High School Tourna. Volume 36 Number 12 December 1968 ment at YMCA, 654 Bergen Av, Jersey City, N J: 6 Rd 5S, 2 Rd/ day: open I!:DITEO &. PUBLISHED BY County HS students, grade 7·12: EF $3 I. A. Horowitz (81 returned if all games played) j reg­ ister Tuesday or Friday 8 PlII & before Dec 20: $$ scholarships, 1st $200, 2d 125, Table of Contents 3d 75: inquiries to Jersey City n.'ICA Announce the Mate! ...... ...... 354 CC, address above or phone 434-3211. Annual Index ........... 382 . Connecticut _ December 28 and 29 Chess-board Magie! ..... .. •. ..... 356 CO MING EVENTS IN THE U. S. AND CANADA Hartford Open at YMCA, 315 P earl 5t, Chen Club Di rectory .. ... • ..... 381 Abbrevlatlon&-SS: Swiss System Tourna_ Hartford, Conn: 5 Rd 55; 45 moves/Ph Chess Olympiad .... ............... 366 ment (In ht round entrlell pa.lred by lot or selection; In subsequent rounds pl'yert with hours: EF $6 (less 51 in advance): Finishing Touch ................... 368 shnllar scores p!l.ired) . RR: Round Robin marble t rophies for lst and top A, B, C Game of the Month .. .............. 362 'l'onrnlLment (~ ach man playa every other & D: starts 9 AM: inquiries & EFs to F Ulall). KO: KnOCk -Out Tournament losus Games from Recent Events . ..... .. 374 or low scorers eliminated). U: Cash prlzM. Townsend, 10 Bermuda Rd, Wethersfi eld, Go ld en Age of Chess ... .. ........ 361 EF: Entry tee. CC Chen Club. CF: Chess Conn. 06109. fo'ed.e ra.tJon. CAl Chess An oolatlon. CL: Postal Chess .. ........... .... ... .. 376 ChM! League, Rd: rouO(ls. USC F duU: $,10 Readers' Forum .. , ......... .. .. 358 membership per year. Missouri - December 28 &. 29 Greater 51 Louis Open at Downtown Solitaire Chen . ..... ........... 360 U. S. Intercollegiate T eam Championship Spassky VI. Korehnoy ..... .. ...... 370 YMCA, 1528 Locust St, SI Louis, Mo: 5 Decembe r 26 to 30 Visit by Fischer ................. 364 R d SS; 50 movesl2 hours; 3 rd Dec 28, 8 Rd SS for 4 man North American 2 Dec 29: E F S6 USCF dues: trophies World of Chess . ... .. ...... ..... 355 + teams, full·time college or g rad students, to lst two, and to lst in A, B, C, 0 , Un­ 21 or younger: a t Univ of Chicago Center rated & J unior : register latest 9 AM, Dec EXECUTIVE EDITOR for Continuing Ed ucation: EF 530 per 28: adv EFs & inquiries to D W Edwards, Jack Straley Battell team ($25 if rcvd by Dec 5) + I CLA 5753 Delor St, 5t Louis, Mo 63109. MANAGING EDITOR dues (SI0) & uscr dues : inquire re de· Arthur B. Blsguler tailed schedule, rooms: register Intest 6 New York _ January 4 &. 5 CON TRI BUTING EDITORS PM, Dec. 26 : $S 100, 60, 40 & 30 for Genesee Valley Open at Rochester CC, -1. W. Collins, 'r. A. Dunst. teams, also trophies to top 1 teams, top Central YMCA, 100 Gibbs St, Rochester, Sveto:r:a.r Gllgorleh, Hans Kmoeh. scorers on each board, best learns averag· N Y: 5 Rd 55; 50 movesl2 hours: register Watter Korn and Dr. P. TriCunovich. ing under 1900 & 1700 ralings and to top by 9 AM, J an 'k EF $8 ( under 21 $6) + CORRr.:SPONDENTS small college (less than 4,000 sludenls) : USCF dues: $100 lst prize, others per Alabama E. i\I. Coc:krell. illquiries 8: EFs to H Winston, I nterna· EFs: adv EFs 8: inquiries to Dr E W California Dr. H . RoJ ston, M. J. Royer. Colorado -1 . J. Reid. tional House, 1414 E 59 5 t, Chicago, Ill. Marchand, 192 Seville Dr, R ochester, N Y District of Columbia R. S. Cant wen. 60631. 14601. Florida R. C. En-ttwood. Georllia Braswell Deen. Idaho R. S. Vandenberg. California - December 14 to 15 New York _ January 11 and 12 lIIlnols .T. O. Wo.rren. Indiana D. C. Hills, D. E. Rhead. Bay Area Amateur Open (limited to ScJumectadr /pinter Rating Open at the Iowa :1. M. Osne". under 2000 rating) at CACA Oakland Schenectady downtown YMCA, 13 State Kansas K. R. MacDonald Loui.la na J. F, Acerl!, A. L. McAuley. Lodge, 303 8 St, Oakland, California: 5 St, Schenectady, NY: 5 Rd SS; 50 move/ Maine L. E ldrldie. Rd SS: register by 11 Alii: E F S5 + 2 hours: EF $1 + uscr dues: trophy for Maryland Charlell Baruch, Dr. 'V. R. Bund ick. USCF dues: SS lst trophy, title & $25; lst place: play sta rts 9 AM , Jan 11 ; 3 Mauachu,ettt S. Frymer. lst & 1st A, B C 20% each of net profit: Rd Oll lIth ; 2 on 12th: adv EFs and in· Mich igan R. Buskager. quiries 10 J Dragonelli, 2 Easton Drive, Minnesota O. 'fieri!. inquiries and adv EFs to Oa kla nd Chess Missiltippl E. A. Dunnlnc-. Club, Box 1622, Oakland, Cal. 94604. Village Green, Rexford, New York 12148. Nebruka B . Eo Dls\'I'orlh, Jack Spence. Nevada R. L . Wbeeler. T exOls - December 21 and 22 ( Concluded on page 358) New Hampshire ltalph l1. Gerth. New York P. Berlow. Edward Lasker. J. N. North Texas Open at the Sheraton Dallas Items printed for benefit of our readers O tis, F. Penll.. HOlel, Dallas, Texas : 5 R d S5, 45 moves/ if reported by authorized officialS at least North CarOlina Dr. S. Noblin. 2 hours, 20 per after: EF $10 USCF two m~nth s In advance, and kept to brief Ohio R. B. H-c.ye~ , J. R. Schroeder. + essentials. R6G.ders: ne3rly a.1l tOUrneY9 ask Pennsylvania J. E. Armstrong. & T CA dues: register by 9 AM, Dec. 21: your a.id by brlnglnlO own chess sets, boards South Dakota M. F. Anderson. $$ ht $100, 2d 60; A $40 & 10; 8 $30 and clocks. AIIO, wrIte fo r further detaIls Tenn euu linll. Mll rtha Hardt, J. O. Su]IJ· for SP(lCC hcre la very rcstrlcted. but men­ van, Jr. & 10 j C $20 & 10 & trophies to each and tion you heard th rough Chen Revlewl Texas Homer B . Hyde. Utah Harold Lundstrom. Wiscon,ln P(!arle lI4nn. CHESS REVIEW Is pubLished monthly by Subscription Rate: One year 17.60, two Wyoming E. F. Rohltr. CHESS REVIEW, 13~ W. 72d St.. NelV York. years $I ~ .OO. three year, $18.50. world-wide. CoII*lll at,: P. C. Joss. ;\'e'" York 10023. Printed In U. S. A. Re­ Change of Addreu: Six weeks' noUce reo quired. P lea so furnish an address "tencil CANADA entered IlS second-claS!! matter Augus t " "n, a t the Post OtfJce at New York, N. Y .. impNl!ision h'Om the wrapper of a recent Alberta L. Steele. under the Ac t of )Jarch 3, I87S. iuue. Address chanCes cannot be made mlll_ British Columbia Dr. N. D1vln3ky. out the old addreu 11..& well u llIe new one. Manitoba ).r. Stover. Gener,,' Offices: 134 West 12d Street. Nel\' UnSOlicited manuscrIpts and photographs Ontario R. D. JOOQues. Yo rk, N. Y. 10023. Sales Department open will no t be return'd unleu accompanied by Qu ebec M. ),1081. da lly 9:30 to 5:30 PM - saturday, from retL/rn postage and selt-addrnilld envelop •. Saskatchewan Frank Y'erhorr. 2 to 5 PM. Telephone: LYceum 5-1620. DIstributed natlona.l!y by &nern News. , CHESS REVIEW, DECI:MBER, 1968 353 1 White to move and mate 2 Black to move and mate MERRY CHRISTMATES! Here's a song of sixpence Every King has his weak spot. The outlook is not brilliant for your chessic foes today.
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