The TRMITY TRL Vol. LXXXIII, Issue 10 TRINITY COLLEGE, HARTFORD, CONNECTICUT November 20, 1984 AD On Restriction No More Open Parties by Ellen Garrily tions to which each brother can Assistant News Editor invite 2 guests. AD officers met on November Alpha Delta Phi (AD) has been 15 with Dean of Students David placed on restriction for the re- Winer, Assistant Dean of Stu- mainder of the 1984-85 academic dents Joseph Tolliver, and Mather year. The administration has im- Campus Center Director Wayne posed the restriction on AD be- Gorlick-Asmus to discuss the al- cause of an alleged hazing incident leged hazing incident. AD officers which supposedly occurred some- plan to meet again with the time around Open Period. administration to further discuss AD's restriction is of two types: the incident. 1) There will be no more open AD president Bill Nault said parties for the rest of the 1984-85 that the issue should be resolved academic year. upon his meeting with the admin- istration. Nault said, "We need to .2) There will be no more Wednes- talk to our alumni to decide what day night parties for the rest of our stance is. Right now the best the 1984-85 academic year. thing to do is shut up." According to the 1984-85 Trin- The administration is "in the ity College Handbook, a restric- middle of an ongoing investiga- tion "is imposed upon an tion. When everything is pinned individual to prevent him/her down, the penalties may change. from participating in some aspect It is an extremely complicated sit- of the College's operations and- uation. We'll have, to wait and see i by Chris Qumn life," (p. 77.) what the investigation turns up," Members of Outreach held a soup kitchen at the St. Elizabeth's House. Plans are being made to hold mote AD can have closed social func- Dean Winer said. like it. Community Outreach Establishes Holiday Plans l>> Chris Quinn Hartford Relief Surviccs Commit- Cave mig, ho possible sites for adn community leaders. Home. They aim to sponsor Staff Writer tee ,' ' T|1£ committee may als# organ- monthly activities such as parties, ' "iTliififVoup worRs fnairfly with served on December 8 or 9. A ize a fast for the Hartford hungry. movies, singing, or entertainment. The Outreach Committee met the lower income groups of Hart- group to provide entertainment at Proceeds from the fast would help The group also wants to have stu- again last week and discussed the ford. The heads, Laura George the meal is also needed. pay for the food that is served at dents adopt grandparents and problem of funding. Since the and Sydney Trattner, have In addition to serving meals at St. Elizabeth's House. meet with them on a weekly basis. group is not currently receiving planned to sponsor a Hartford St. Elizabeth's House, the group A program through which stu- any direct funding, they are at- Hunger Awareness Day on will also sponsor weekly activities Elderly dents can assist Gables volunteers tempting to organize some fund Wednesday, November 28. The in an effort to develop more Led by Max Smith and Jonake with their weekly activities is also raisers for the future. Fund rais- committee will purchase canned meaningful relationships with the Biase, the elderly group hopes to being developed. ing ideas include selling a survival goods that students can buy and residents. Possible activities that organize different kinds of activi- kit for exams or sponsoring a immediately donate it to the food might be organized with residents ties at the Gables Convalescent Continued on page 5 dance or party. collection poor Hartford resi- include social hours, current Each of the individual groups dents. events discussions, game nights, has started to formulate goals and On the evening of November 28 or lectures. The IFC (Interfratern- Phones At Frats plan their upcoming events. there will be a Hunger Awareness ity Council) will sponsor bingo meal in the private dining room. games and assist in other activi- Youth and Recreation Two speakers will share their ties, • Would Be Safer Headed by Ben Rhodes and knowledge of the hunger problem The group is considering estab- Dave McNaughton, this group's facing Hartford residents. All stu- lishing a permanent food and by Beth McDonald Merrill, who stressed that the primary goal is action. They plan dents are invited to attend. clothing committee on campus to At an Inter-Fraternity Coun- houses feel that it is a "good to have at least two community The committee will serve more which the community and stu- cil(IFC) meeting earlier this idea," is "leaving it up to the in- projects each month, hopefully meals at St. Elizabeth's House in dents could donate. This activity month, 1 addressed the issue of dividual houses" as far as the ex- more. They want to develop a downtown Hartford with the would involve students collecting accessability of phones at fratern- act measures they intemd to take: good rapport with members of the combined support of the Chapel cans at area supermarkets, family ities to call for an escort. What PKA, Merrill's own frat, will be local Hartford community so that Charity Funds. St. Elizabeth's markets, and on campus through prompted this question was a ru- putting up a sign informing stu- the community can see that Trin- house is home for 60-70 low in- parties and direct solicitations. mor I had heard about an alleged dents that "if they need a security ity cares and is involved. This or- come persons, it is the group's Another suggestion was the es- stabbing somewhere on campus. escort to please see a brother at ganization wants to make service hope that the school could invite tablishment of a shelter for the My dormitory was filled with hys- the door, who will make the call fun and enjoyable for the Trinity the residents of St, Elizabeth's homeless at Trinity. Members of terical girls afraid to venture out- for you." Merrill urges students students who become involved House to campus to share a meal the committee will be speaking to side the building at 1:30 a.m. on- not to "be afraid to talk to a without taking up a large amount with the student body. A frater- Frank Hartmann, Ivan Backer, a Sunday morning. My roommate brother at the door." of their time. nity house, Hamlin Hall, or the and other College administrators and other friends were at a frater- nity party. I wanted to call the frat Merrill feels, and I agree, that" to warn them, but 1 knew I would "if people walk home alone, it is never be able to get a hold of a stupid thing to do at 2:00 a.m:" Frats For Closer Relations them. What was I to do? because "with or without that Well, I went to the IFC meeting camera in the parking lot, you can for the first time and addressed only do so much." He feels that by Ellen Garrity come more involved in various kins, a TCAC member, suggested my concern about phone accessa- •the "phone system is the way for Assistant News Editor service programs in Hartford. some other events including a bility. Andrew Merrill, president a woman to avoid the intimida- They also hope to serve meals at spoof on "Family Feud" which . of the IFC, agreed that it was im- tion involved in asking a guy at a The Interfraternity Council St. Elizabeth's House on a weekly might be called "Fraternity portant to have the fraternities party to walk her home." : made plans at last Thursday's basis. Feud." help out. He spoke with the fra- Merrill urges everyone to use meeting to establish a more pro- Mark Greenland, TCAC presi- ternities on the issue, and this past the system. He feels that it is "the ductive relationship with the dent then spoke to the IFC. Some Pike and Tri-Delt plan to spon- Tuesday came back to me with only way it will work."I urge administration. Both the IFC reps people see the IFC and TCAC as sor a forum on the possible cur- positive feedback. everyone to take advantage of the and the fraternity and sorority adversaries. Greenland said that if riculum changes in December. Iri an interview with Merrill, he system as well. It is not worth the presidents hope to meet with var- the two organizations work to- John Fiske spoke to the IFC informed me that he had spoken risk to walk home alone or with ious members of the administra- gether often enough, the adversity about the annual Clement lecture with Michael Schweighoffer, Di- someone you really cannot trust. tion sometime in the second would diminish and the IFC and sponsored by.St. Anthony Hall. rector of Security, who feels that Ultimately, it is the student's own semester to discuss the role of fra- TCAC would begin to work in This year, Connecticut congress- the frats should try the phone sys- choice. But I am glad to see that ternities and sororities in Trinity's harmony. , . woman Barbara Kennelly will be tem to start, and if it does prove the.frats have taken "this concern future. Suggestions for IFC/TCAC the speaker. The Clement lecture •effective, then an escort system seriously, and have decided to help events include a lecture sponsored will be held on December 11 at 8 may be able to be worked out out. My thanks to Andy. Merrill Also discussed was community by both organizations or, a Val- p.m.
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