Functional and Concurrent Programming Simon Thompson [email protected] CO545 Lecture 1 CO545: functional and concurrent programming CO545: functional and concurrent programming Lectures 22 lectures: introduction, functional programming, concurrent programming, going further CO545: functional and concurrent programming Lectures Classes 22 lectures: introduction, 11 two-hour functional programming, terminal sessions: concurrent programming, from this week going further CO545: functional and concurrent programming Lectures Classes 22 lectures: introduction, 11 two-hour functional programming, terminal sessions: concurrent programming, from this week going further Resources Moodle for slides, lecture recordings, programs, class and seminar resources CO545: functional and concurrent programming Lectures Classes 22 lectures: introduction, 11 two-hour functional programming, terminal sessions: concurrent programming, from this week going further Resources Lecturers Moodle for Simon Thompson slides, lecture recordings, [email protected] programs, class and Dominic Orchard seminar resources [email protected] What will I learn? What will I learn? Functional ideas Values, names, evaluation, structured types, lists, higher-order functions, recursion, PBT. What will I learn? Functional ideas Concurrent ideas Values, names, evaluation, Processes and messages, structured types, lists, process ids and spawn, higher-order functions, asynchrony and mailboxes, recursion, PBT. fail-safe and exits, … What will I learn? Functional ideas Concurrent ideas Values, names, evaluation, Processes and messages, structured types, lists, process ids and spawn, higher-order functions, asynchrony and mailboxes, recursion, PBT. fail-safe and exits, … Put it into practice Using these ideas in practice in the Erlang programming language. What will I learn? Functional ideas Concurrent ideas Values, names, evaluation, Processes and messages, structured types, lists, process ids and spawn, higher-order functions, asynchrony and mailboxes, recursion, PBT. fail-safe and exits, … Put it into practice Context Using these ideas in Haskell for “lazy”, typed practice in the Erlang programming. programming Other concurrency models; language. scaling up Erlang systems. How will I learn? Lectures … interaction, Q&A, … Terminal sessions … supervisor Lecturers, anon Q&A, drop-in, … How will I learn? How will I be assessed? Four assessments: two functional, two concurrent. How will I be assessed? Four assessments: two functional, two concurrent. Four assessments: a “driving test”, an in-class test, two take-homes. Programming means making this … Programming http://www.cpu-world.com/forum/viewtopic.php?t=19888 Programming … Intel Xeon Phi 'Knight's Corner': 1+ teraFLOPS with double precision; 62 x86 processor cores and a 512 bit GDDR5 memory controller … do this … do this … do this A# .NET, A# (Axiom), A-0 System, A+, A++, ABAP, ABC, ABC ALGOL, ABLE, ABSET, ABSYS, ACC, Accent, Ace DASL, ACL2, ACT-III, Action!, ActionScript, Ada, Adenine, Agda, Agilent VEE, Agora, AIMMS, , ALF, ALGOL 58, ALGOL 60, ALGOL 68, ALGOL W, Alice, Alma-0, AmbientTalk, Amiga E, AMOS, AMPL, APL, App Inventor for Android's visual block language, AppleScript, Arc, ARexx, Argus, AspectJ, Assembly language, ATS, Ateji PX, AutoHotkey, Autocoder, AutoIt, AutoLISP / Visual LISP, Averest, AWK, Axum, B, Babbage, Bash, BASIC, bc, BCPL, BeanShell, Batch (Windows/Dos), Bertrand, BETA, Bigwig, Bistro, BitC, BLISS, Blue, Bon, Boo, Boomerang, Bourne shell, bash, ksh, BREW, BPEL, C, C--, C++, C#, C/AL, Caché ObjectScript, C Shell, Caml, Candle, Cayenne, CDuce, Cecil, Cel, Cesil, Ceylon, CFEngine, CFML, Cg, Ch, Chapel, CHAIN, Charity, Charm, Chef, CHILL, CHIP-8, chomski, ChucK, CICS, Cilk, CL, Claire, Clarion, Clean, Clipper, CLIST, Clojure, CLU, CMS-2, COBOL, Cobra, CODE, CoffeeScript, Cola, ColdC, ColdFusion, COMAL, Combined Programming Language, COMIT, Common Intermediate Language, Common Lisp, COMPASS, Component Pascal, Constraint Handling Rules, Converge, Cool, Coq, Coral 66, Corn, CorVision, COWSEL, CPL, csh, CSP, Csound, CUDA, Curl, Curry, Cyclone, Cython, D, DASL, DASL, Dart, DataFlex, Datalog, DATATRIEVE, dBase, dc, DCL, Deesel, Delphi, DCL, DinkC, DIBOL, Dog, Draco, DRAKON, Dylan, DYNAMO, E, E#, Ease, Easy PL/I, Easy Programming Language, EASYTRIEVE PLUS, ECMAScript, Edinburgh IMP, EGL, Eiffel, ELAN, Elixir, Elm, Emacs Lisp, Emerald, Epigram, EPL, Erlang, es, Escapade, Escher, ESPOL, Esterel, Etoys, Euclid, Euler, Euphoria, EusLisp Robot Programming Language, CMS EXEC, EXEC 2, Executable UML, F, F#, Factor, Falcon, Fancy, Fantom, FAUST, Felix, Ferite, FFP, Fjölnir, FL, Flavors, Flex, FLOW-MATIC, FOCAL, FOCUS, FOIL, FORMAC, @Formula, Forth, Fortran, Fortress, FoxBase, FoxPro, FP, FPr, Franz Lisp, F-Script, FSProg, G, Google Apps Script, Game Maker Language, GameMonkey Script, GAMS, GAP, G-code, Genie, GDL, Gibiane, GJ, GEORGE, GLSL, GNU E, GM, Go, Go!, Gödel, Godiva, GOM (Good Old Mad), Goo, Gosu, GOTRAN, GPSS, GraphTalk, GRASS, Groovy, Hack (programming language), HAL/S, Hamilton C shell, Harbour, Hartmann pipelines, Haskell, Haxe, High Level Assembly, HLSL, Hop, Hope, Hugo, Hume, HyperTalk, IBM Basic assembly language, IBM HAScript, IBM Informix-4GL, IBM RPG, ICI, Icon, Id, IDL, Idris, IMP, Inform, Io, Ioke, IPL, IPTSCRAE, ISLISP, ISPF, ISWIM, J, J#, J++, JADE, Jako, JAL, Janus, JASS, Java, JavaScript, JCL, JEAN, Join Java, JOSS, Joule, JOVIAL, Joy, JScript, JScript .NET, JavaFX Script, Julia, Jython, K, Kaleidoscope, Karel, Karel++, KEE, Kixtart, KIF, Kojo, Kotlin, KRC, KRL, KUKA, KRYPTON, ksh, L, L# .NET, LabVIEW, Ladder, Lagoona, LANSA, Lasso, LaTeX, Lava, LC-3, Leda, Legoscript, LIL, LilyPond, Limbo, Limnor, LINC, Lingo, Linoleum, LIS, LISA, Lisaac, Lisp, Lite-C, Lithe, Little b, Logo, Logtalk, LPC, LSE, LSL, LiveCode, LiveScript, Lua, Lucid, Lustre, LYaPAS, Lynx, M2001, M4, Machine code, MAD, MAD/I, Magik, Magma, make, Maple, MAPPER, MARK-IV, Mary, MASM Microsoft Assembly x86, Mathematica, MATLAB, Maxima, Macsyma, Max, MaxScript, Maya (MEL), MDL, Mercury, Mesa, Metacard, Metafont, MetaL, Microcode, MicroScript, MIIS, MillScript, MIMIC, Mirah, Miranda, MIVA Script, ML, Moby, Model 204, Modelica, Modula, Modula-2, Modula-3, Mohol, MOO, Mortran, Mouse, MPD, CIL, MSL, MUMPS, NASM, NATURAL, Napier88, Neko, Nemerle, nesC, NESL, Net.Data, NetLogo, NetRexx, NewLISP, NEWP, Newspeak, NewtonScript, NGL, Nial, Nice, Nickle, NPL, Not eXactly C, Not Quite C, NSIS, Nu, NWScript, NXT-G, o:XML, Oak, Oberon, Obix, OBJ2, Object Lisp, ObjectLOGO, Object REXX, Object Pascal, Objective-C, Objective-J, Obliq, Obol, OCaml, occam, occam-π, Octave, OmniMark, Onyx, Opa, Opal, OpenCL, OpenEdge ABL, OPL, OPS5, OptimJ, Orc, ORCA/Modula-2, Oriel, Orwell, Oxygene, Oz, P#, ParaSail (programming language), PARI/GP, Pascal, Pawn, PCASTL, PCF, PEARL, PeopleCode, Perl, PDL, PHP, Phrogram, Pico, Picolisp, Pict, Pike, PIKT, PILOT, Pipelines, Pizza, PL-11, PL/0, PL/B, PL/C, PL/I, PL/M, PL/P, PL/SQL, PL360, PLANC, Plankalkül, Planner, PLEX, PLEXIL, Plus, POP-11, PostScript, PortablE, Powerhouse, PowerBuilder, PowerShell, PPL, Processing, Processing.js, Prograph, PROIV, Prolog, PROMAL, Promela, PROSE modeling language, PROTEL, ProvideX, Pro*C, Pure, Python, Q (equational programming language), Q (programming language from Kx Systems), Qalb, Qi, QtScript, QuakeC, QPL, R, R++, Racket, RAPID, Rapira, Ratfiv, Ratfor, rc, REBOL, Red, Redcode, REFAL, Reia, Revolution, rex, REXX, Rlab, RobotC, ROOP, RPG, RPL, RSL, RTL/2, Ruby, RuneScript, Rust, S, S2, S3, S-Lang, S-PLUS, SA-C, SabreTalk, SAIL, SALSA, SAM76, SAS, SASL, Sather, Sawzall, SBL, Scala, Scheme, Scilab, Scratch, Script.NET, Sed, Seed7, Self, SenseTalk, SequenceL, SETL, Shift Script, SIMPOL, Shakespeare, SIGNAL, SiMPLE, SIMSCRIPT, Simula, Simulink, SISAL, SLIP, SMALL, Smalltalk, Small Basic, SML, Snap!, SNOBOL, SPITBOL, Snowball, SOL, Span, SPARK, SPIN, SP/k, SPS, Squeak, Squirrel, SR, S/SL, Stackless Python, Starlogo, Strand, Stata, Stateflow, Subtext, SuperCollider, SuperTalk, Swift (Apple programming language), Swift (parallel scripting language), SYMPL, SyncCharts, SystemVerilog, T, TACL, TACPOL, TADS, TAL, Tcl, Tea, TECO, TELCOMP, TeX, TEX, TIE, Timber, TMG, Tom, TOM, Topspeed, TPU, Trac, TTM, T-SQL, TTCN, Turing, TUTOR, TXL, TypeScript, Turbo C++, Ubercode, UCSD Pascal, Umple, Unicon, Uniface, UNITY, Unix shell, UnrealScript, Vala, VBA, VBScript, Verilog, VHDL, Visual Basic, Visual Basic .NET, Visual DataFlex, Visual DialogScript, Visual Fortran, Visual FoxPro, Visual J++, Visual J#, Visual Objects, Visual Prolog, VSXu, Vvvv, WATFIV, WATFOR, WebDNA, WebQL, Windows PowerShell, Winbatch, Wolfram, Wyvern, X++, X#, X10, XBL, XC, XMOS architecture, xHarbour, XL, Xojo, XOTcl, XPL, XPL0, XQuery, XSB, XSLT, XPath, Xtend, Yorick, YQL, Z notation, Zeno, ZOPL, ZPL. A list of programming languages fetched from Wikipedia in CSV format – https://github.com/jamhall/programming-languages-csv Hardware Low-level but … … fiendishly complicated. The Turing machine http://www.math.uri.edu/~kulenm/mth381pr/comput/fig.jpg The von Neumann model By Kapooht - Own work, CC BY-SA 3.0, https://commons.wikimedia.org/w/index.php?curid=25789639 The von Neumann model Computation is … … performed in a sequence of steps … through changing values stored in memory Scaling up the von Neumann model object-oriented object-based structured procedural assembler machine code Scaling up the von Neumann model object-oriented object-based structured procedural assembler machine code Levels of abstraction Instructions
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