Office of the Chief Commissioner of Central Excise, Ahmedabad Zone, 7th Floor, Central Excise Bhavan, Near Polytechn_c, Ambavadi, Ahmedabad — 380 015 Email : ccuahmedabad gmail.com Fax: (079) 26303607 Tel.: (079) 26303612 Establishment Order No. 27 / 2014 Dated 13th June, 2014 Sub : Annual General Transfer — J014 in the grade of Inspector — Regarding The following Inspectors of Customs Gujarat Zone are hereby transferred and posted to Central Excise, Ahmedabad Ione with immediate effect and until further orders. Sr. Name of the Officer FroM To No. S/Shri 01 Shri Neeraj Singh Customs, Ahmedabad Ahmedabad Sector 02 Shri Manish Kumar Customs, Ahmedabad Ahmedabad Sector Singh 03 Shri Rupesh Kumar Customs, Ahm:xlabad Ahmedabad Sector Suman 04 Shri Rajendra Singh Customs, Ahmedabad Ahmedabad Sector 05 Shri Saurabh Prakash Customs, Ahmedabad Ahmedabad Sector 06 Shri Narendra Kumar Customs, Ah dabad Ahmedabad Sector Rai 07 Shri Nirmal Kumar Customs, Ahmedabad Ahmedabad Sector Jha 08 Shri Suraj Prakash Customs, Ahmedabad Ahmedabad Sector 09 Shri Sarvesh Kumar Customs, Ahmedabad Ahmedabad Sector Singh 10 Shri Jay Kumar Customs, Ahrr edabad Ahmedabad Sector Bishwas 11 Shri Narendra Kumar Customs, A edabad Ahmedabad Sector Meena 12 Shri Rakesh Devathia Customs, Ahniedabad Ahmedabad Sector 13 Shri Premraj Meena Customs, Ahrnedabad Ahmedabad Sector 14 Shri Navin Kumar Customs, Ahmedabad Ahmedabad Sector 15 Shri K.J. Acharya Customs, Kandla Ahmedabad Sector 16 Shri M.J. Shulda Customs, Kandla Ahmedabad Sector 17 Shri P.C. Dave Customs, Kandla Ahmedabad Sector 18 Shri L.C. Bodat Customs, Kandla Ahmedabad Sector 19 Shri B.S. Bhagora Customs, Karklla Ahmedabad Sector 20 Shri F.S. Shaikh Customs, Ka4dla Ahmedabad Sector ' Sr. Name of the Officer Fro To No. S/Shri 21 Shri Anurag Srivastav Customs, Ja n . r Rajkot Sector Ahmedabad Sector 22 Shri Kamal Kishore Customs, Jamn ,ar Sharma 23 Shri Balkrishna Customs, Jamn I tar Ahmedabad Sector Thakur Customs, Jamul :• . r Ahmedabad Sector 24 Shri Alok Mishra i 25 Shri Anurag Gupta Customs, Jamnir ar Ahmedabad Sector 26 Shri Achal Pradhan Customs, Jam !gar Ahmedabad Sector 27 Shri Shiv Kumar Jha Customs, Jam Agar Ahmedabad Sector 28 Shri Sanjay Kumar Customs, Jam 'agar Ahmedabad Sector Choudhary 29 Shri Abhishek Customs, Jam agar Rajkot Sector Srivastava 30 Shri Brijesh Kumar Customs, Jam agar Rajkot Sector Awasthi 31 Shri Chandan Singh Customs, j am , agar Rajkot Sector 32 Shri Vikas Goyal Customs, Jam agar Ahmedabad Sector 33 Shri Sheo Shankar Customs, Ja u gar Rajkot Sector Kumar 34 Shri Upendra Kumar Customs, Jam , agar Rajkot Sector 35 Shri Parmeshwar Customs, a [agar Rajkot Sector Pramanik 36 Shri Gopesh Kumar Customs, Ja Igar Rajkot Sector 37 Shri Ajay Kumar Customs, Jam, agar Ahmedabad Sector Yadav 38 Shri Jatin Makwana Customs, Jam d gar Rajkot Sector 39 Shri P.C. Popat Customs, a tatar Rajkot Sector 40 Shri Anil Kumar Jef Customs, Ja Ill'iagar Ahmedabad Sector 41 Shri D.K. Meena Customs, Ja nagar Ahmedabad Sector 42 Shri Ramchandra Customs, Ja nagar Rajkot Sector Meena 43 Shri Rajendra Meena Customs, Ja 'agar Rajkot Sector 44 Shri Ratanlal Meena Customs, Ja agar Rajkot Sector 45 Shri J.H. Chavda Customs, Ja 4iagar Rajkot Sector 46 Shri Arjit Mishra Customs, Ja. Aagar Ahmedabad Sector 47 Shri MD. Manir Customs, Ja nagar Rajkot Sector . - 48 Shri Ravishankar Customs, Ja p agar medabad hector 49 Shri Vikas Shulda Customs, Ja hagar Rajkot Sector 50 Shri Sujeet Kumar Customs, Ja hagar Rajkot Sector Sinha 51 Shri Deshraj Meena Customs, Ja nagar Ahmedabad Sector 52 Shri Prakash Chand Customs, Ja Hagar Ahmedabad Sector Meena 53 Shri Rakesh Kumar Customs, J. a nagar . Ahmedabad Sector Singh 54 Shri V.V. Sagathia Customs, Ja nagar Rajkot Sector 55 Shri Nicolas I. Dund Customs, agar Ahmedabad Sector Sr. Name of the Officer From j To No. S/Shri 56 Shri Ashok Kumar Customs, Jamnagar Ahmedabad Sector Meena 57 Smt. J.N. Khandani Customs, Jamn gar Rajkot Sector 58 Shri B.K. Ambariya Customs, Jamnaar Rajkot Sector 59 Shri P.M. Meena Customs, Jamnl.gar Ahmedabad Sector 2. Inspectors at Sr. No. 22, 32, 37, 40, 411, 48, 51, 52, 55, 56 and 59 are not eligible for any transfer allowances i.e. TTA / DA and joining time etc., as they have been transferred at their own request. 3. The following Inspectors of Central xcise Ahmedabad Zone are hereby transferred and posted to Customs Gujarat Z e. Sr. Name of the Officer From No. S/Shri 01 Shri Meena Kamal Singh Ex. Ahmedabad-II 02 Shri Sharma Priya Gopal C. Ex. Ahmedabad-II 03 Shri A.N. T li 1 Ex. Ahmedabad-I 04 Shri R.C. Dadlani C. Ex. Ahmedabad-III 05 Shri Nimesh M. Patel C. Ex. Ahmedabad-III 06 Shri V.S. Venkatraman IL Ex. Ahmedabad-III 07 Shri Neeraj Pal 1 Ex. Ahmedabad-III 08 Shri R.D. Muthreja Ex. Ahmedabad-I 09 Shri K.B. Mudaliar C. Ex. Ahmedabad-III 10 Shri Prakash Kumar M.V. (2,. Ex. Ahmedabad-III 11 Shri Ramchandran P. CO, C. Ex., Ahmedabad 12 Shri A.K. Singh Ex. Ahmedabad-III 13 Shri Sureshan P.V. CO, C. Ex., Ahmedabad 14 Shri Jayantilal Chunilal Ex. Ahmedabad-I 15 Shri N.A. Mansuri CESTAT, Ahmedabad 16 Shri I.P. Shilijia C. Ex. Ahmedabad-III 17 Shri Murlidharan Nair Service Tax, Ahmedabad 18 Shri Vivian Francis C. Ex. Ahmedabad - III 19 Shri Dilip Sonkushre C. Ex. Ahmedabad-I 20 Shri Vipul R. Joshi Service Tax, Ahmedabad 21 Shri H.B. Nachane Ex. Ahmedabad-III 22 Shri Dipak Sonkusre C. Ex. Ahmedabad-III 23 Shri Kuldeep Singh Rathore Service Tax, Ahmedabad 24 Shri J.P. Meena C. Ex. Ahmedabad-I 25 Shri Ashok Nair Service Tax, Ahmedabad 26 Shri Anup Chaurasia Service Tax, Ahmedabad 27 Shah San amkumar P. "C. Ex. Ahmedabad-II 28 Shri Kanaya Bhavesh Prakash C. Ex. Ahmedabad-II 29 Shri Gin Narayanan 1CCO, C. Ex., Ahmedabad 30 Shah Ashesh Pankajbhai C. Ex. Ahmedabad-II C. Ex. Ahmedabad-II 31 . Ms. Sheena Venu (Now Mrs. Sheena Dineshan) 32 Shri P.S. Gawande Service Tax, Ahmedabad 33 Shri Biji Thomas Service Tax, Ahmedabad 34 Shri B.M. Kalashikhar C. Ex. Ahmedabad-III 35 Smt. Bijal Dave C. Ex. Ahmedabad-III Sr. Name of the Officer From No. S/Shri 36 Shri R.R. Bhambhani C, Ex. Ahmedabad-II 37 Smt. Lata Rajwani S rvice Tax, Ahmedabad 38 Shri Jony Fernandis CO, C. Ex. Ahmedabad 39 Shri Jatin V. Shah CO, C. Ex. Ahmedabad 40 Apeksha A. Bhimani (Smt. Apeksha C Ex. Ahmedabad-II Subramaniam) 41 Shri Nicolas Gomes Service Tax, Ahmedabad 42 Shri Madanlal Maheshwari C. Ex. Ahmedabad-III 43 Smt.Lovely Gervases C. Ex. Ahmedabad-III 44 Shri Brijesh Pandya C. Ex. Ahmedabad-III 45 Shri Ashish J. Mehta :1,. Ex. Ahmedabad-II 46 Shri Bopate Sharad M. Ex. Ahmedabad-II 47 Shri D.V. Thakkar q. Ex. Ahmedabad-I 48 Shri J.K. Kamdar CCO, C. Ex. Ahmedabad 49 Shri M.D. Kharadi d. Ex. Ahmedabad-III 50 Shri S.M. Barot Service Tax, Ahmedabad 51 Smt. Falguni Desai (. Ex. Ahmedabad-II 52 Shri P.N. Dave C. Ex. Ahmedabad-I 53 Shri Manoj Nair . Ex. Ahmedabad-II 54 Shri D.J. Pandya (E. Ex., Rajkot 55 Shri B.R. Pathak t Ex., Rajkot 56 Shri Ravi Gautam C. Ex., Bhavnagar 57 Shri Anand P. Baxla C. Ex., Bhavnagar 58 Shri Dipak Chauhan L Ex., Bhavnagar 59 Shri Emil Horo C. Ex., Bhavnagar 60 Shri K.J. Soni C. Ex., Bhavnagar 61 Shri D.B. Pabari C. Ex., Rajkot 62 Shri R.N. Ansari C. Ex., Rajkot 63 Shri P.P. Jivrajani C. Ex., Rajkot 64 Shri Y.K .Riska C. Ex., Rajkot 65 Shri B.R. Mehta C. Ex., Rajkot 66 Shri D.M. Joshi C. Ex., Rajkot 67 Shri B.S. Rana C. Ex., Rajkot 68 Shri D.A. Gohel C. Ex., Bhavnagar 69 Shri Piyush Trivedi l'C. Ex., Bhavnagar 70 Shri H.A. Badrakia C. Ex., Rajkot 71 Shri Kacha Ashish N. ' C. Ex., Bhavnagar 72 Shri J.R. Bhatt C. Ex., Bhavnagar 73 Shri V.T. Shah C. Ex., Bhavnagar 74 Shri D.K. Thakkar ' C. Ex., Rajkot 75 Shri K.G. Savlani C. Ex., Rajkot 76 Shri Viresh Mansatta C. Ex., Bhavnagar 77 Shri K.D. Mehta C. Ex., Bhavnagar 78 Shri G.V. Rana C. Ex., Bhavnagar 79 Shri K.D. Trivedi ' C. Ex., Bhavnagar 1 04. The detailed posting of Inspectors osted to Rajkot Sector will be decided by the Committee of Corn sioners of Rajkot Sector and accordingly, necessary orders will be 'issu i by the Commissioner, Central Excise, Rajkot. 5. All representations received regarding etention in Central Excise Zone / Customs Zone and transfer to Customs rune / Central Excise Zone stand disposed of and no representation will be ente ained. s posted to Customs, Gujarat Zone, 6. All requests for further posting of offic . Ahmedabad will be decided by the Chief Co ssioner of Customs, Gujarat Zone, Ahmedabad. 7. The officers being posted to Custom would stand relieved on 04.07.2014 (A/N), if not relieved earlier by their supervis k , officers. 8. Commissioners are requested to e ure that officers relieved should give a proper handing over note to his iccessor / officer taking over his charge. 9. This issues with the approval of hief Commissioner, Central Excise, Ahmedabad. ( SAMEER CHITKARA ) ADDITIONAL COMMISSIONER F.No. II/03-05/CCO/2014 Dated : 13.06.2014 Copy to: 1. The Chief Commissioner, Central Exc e, Vadodara Zone. 2. The Chief Commissioner, Customs, G jarat Zone, Ahmedabad. 3. The Commissioner, Central Excise, hmedabad — I / Ahmedabad-II / Ahmedabad-III / Service Tax, Ahme bad / Rajkot / Bhavnagar. 4. The Commissioner, Customs, Ahmed ad / Jamnagar / Kandla.
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