52 Continuous Years of 100% Membership Issue 52-1 September 2019 Tom Judd & Sheila Lee-Eiler Elected to Lead AZ VFW in 2019-2020 Tom A. Judd was elected Sheila Lee-Eiler was elected as State Commander of the Vet- the Department of Arizona’s Pres- erans of Foreign Department ident in June of 2019. She joined of Arizona on June 1, 2019. the VFW Auxiliary in March 2008 Tom was born in Spring- at the Sandy CoorPost 1433 in erville, Arizona and grew up Glendale, Az., under the eligibility in Alpine, Arizona. He was in of her father, Chester H. Lee Sr.A the United States Navy from Korean War Army Veteran who 1970 to 1974 as an Interior earned 4 Bronze Stars while in ser- Communications Electrician vice. on board the USS Leonard F. Sheila has served her aux- 0DVRQ''ZLWKWZRWULSVWR9LHWQDPDVJXQ¿UH iliary as President 2009 – 2012. She also served as the support, Yankee Station, Sar and Operation Line- District 3 President 2012 – 2015. She has served as Vet- backer Two. Operation Linebacker Two they were erans and Family Support, Scholarship and Member- the decoy as they were the older ship. In recognition ship programs chairman for the Department of Arizona. of his service he received the National Defense Ser- Where she won National awards for all 3 chairmanships. vice Metal, Vietnam Service Metal and the Republic Sheila is married to Dept. of AZ, VFW Sr. Vice Com- of Vietnam Campaign Metal. He retired from Arizo- PDQGHU-HɣUH\(LOHU5HWLUHG1DY\6XEPDULQH9HWHUDQ na Public Service Company in 2016 after 25 years. They have 3 children between them, and all are members After being eligible since 1972 he joined the VFW in of the VFW and Auxiliary. Future auxiliary members are 2008 at Post 9907 Show Low AZ were he has his Life grandchildren James, Lyra and Joshua. Membership. In 2011 he became Post Commander to 2013 and District 6 Commander from 2013 to 2015. He is married to Melody Judd Sr. Vice Presi- dent VFW Department of Arizona Auxiliary. What’s Happening in D.C. Sign up to receive Washington Weekly and stay LQWKHNQRZ RQ NH\ LVVXHV DɣHFWLQJ YHWHUDQV DQG military.You’ll get the latest on what’s happening with veterans’ legislation, national security and RWKHU QHZV DɣHFWLQJ $PHULFD¶V GHIHQGHUV *R WR http://capwiz.com/vfw/mlm/signup.htm and IROORZGLUHFWLRQV<RXPD\RIFRXUVHXQVXEVFULEHDW any time. New York Veteran Elected VFW National Commander 2019-20 KANSAS CITY, Mo. rate partnerships, the VFW has also surpassed $11 mil- William J. “Doc” Schmitz, OLRQLQ¿QDQFLDOJUDQWVDQGPLOOLRQLQVFKRODUVKLSV of Corning, N.Y., has been awarded to veterans, and is celebrating 100 years of elected the new leader of its National Veterans Service and National Legislative the 1.2 million-member Service programs which advocate for the best possible Veterans of Foreign Wars of TXDOLW\RIOLIHVROXWLRQVDQGEHQH¿WVRQEHKDOIRI$PHU- the United States. Schmitz’s ica’s veterans, service members and military families. election to VFW Command- “Doc” Schmitz served in the United States Navy er-in-Chief occurred at the from 1966 to 1970, with deployment to Vietnam as a conclusion of the organiza- corpsman attached to United States Marine Corps in- William J. “Doc” Schmitz tion’s 120th national con- fantry and artillery. He then joined the VFW in 1971 vention in Orlando, Fla,. at Post 524 in Corning, N.Y., where he has served the which drew approximately 10,000 veterans, and mil- VFW in many vital leadership positions at the local, itary family members. state and national levels. 6FKPLW] WDNHV RɤFH GXULQJ D WLPH RI During his tenure as national commander, great momentum for the organization which recently Schmitz will log thousands of miles across the U.S. and DQQRXQFHGLWV¿UVWLQFUHDVHLQPHPEHUVKLSQXPEHUV abroad to promote the many objectives of the VFW. in 27 years, reached a milestone achievement of more His charge to members and supporters the $102 mil- WKDQELOOLRQLQEHQH¿WVDQGFRPSHQVDWLRQFROOHFW- OLRQ QRQSUR¿W RUJDQL]DWLRQ RYHU WKH QH[W \HDU LV WR ed from the VA on behalf of veterans, and fought for “Dare to Care,” calling on individuals to help confront the successful passage of the Blue Water Navy Vietnam the challenges that hinder America’s service members Veterans Act of 2019. Through donations and corpo- and families from living their best lives. Arizona VFW 6WDWH2ႈFHUV 1DWLRQDO&RXQFLOPDQ0LNH)HUJXVRQ3632 Tempe District Commanders &RPPDQGHU 7RP-XGG9907 Show Low #1 'HQQLV'ROH 769 Quartzsite 6U9LFH&RPPDQGHU-HႇHU\(LOHU1433 Glendale #2 $ODQ7RELVK 7400 Cottonwood -U9LFH&RPPDQGHU/DUU\:LOOLDPV3713 Coolidge #3 %REE\7UXMLOOR3715 Phoenix 4XDUWHUPDVWHU6NL.XF]\QVNL 3632 Tempe #4 -RH'RUD 720 Phoenix $GMXWDQW*HQH:RRG9400 Sunnyslope #5 5D\*HUYLQJ 549 Tucson -XGJH$GYRFDWH 0LNH.HPHU\12043 Maricopa #6 $QWKRQ\+HUQDQGH] 1704 Globe 6XUJHRQ0DUN6KRUW9400 Sunnyslope #7 -LP0F&RUPLFN 9972 Sierra Vista &KLHIRI6WDႇ5D\7KRPDV3632 Tempe #8 'DYLG3ULFH 10005 Bullhead City &KDSODLQ3KLO(ULFNVRQ7968 Apache Junction #10 -LP-RKQVRQ9399 Apache Junction 6HUYLFH2ႈFHU0LNH)HUJXVRQ3632 Tempe Arizona Auxiliary 6WDWH2ႈFHUV 1DWLRQDO&RXQFLO.LP+DUQH\9972 Sierra Vista District Presidents 3UHVLGHQW6KHOLD/HH(LOHU1433 Glendale #1 &KDUOHQH3DUNHU 6U9LFH3UHV 0HORG\-XGG9907 Show Low #2 -R\%RUN -U9LFH3UHVLGHQW -DQDH.HPHU\12043 Maricopa #3 /RLV0RRUH 6HFUHWDU\7UHDVXUHU.LP6ORDQ 10188 Tucson #4 Weezie Burrell &KDSODLQ 5KRQGD)ROOHWW11014 Meadview #5 &DURO*HUYLQJ &RQGXFWUHVV-RKQQLH'H%RDUG404 Mohave Valley #6 %UHQGD.LQJKRUQ *XDUG %DPEL-RKQVRQ9399 Apache Junction #7 5HED'HUPRG\ &KLHIRI6WDႇ&DWK\6HLSSHO6739 Camp Verde #8 %REE\'H%RDUG 3DWULRWLF,QVWUXFWRU*DUUHWW*UDF\40 Avondale #10 0HOLVVD0DUWLQ AZ VFW Commander Tom Judd Post 9907, Show Low recruiting new members but when extent that your schedules will al- you are recruiting a new member low, so I ask you to join a Post. are also trying to recruit mem- The many programs, scholarships bers for the Auxiliary. By having a given, hours of community service spouse/family member involved done, helping many of our veter- with the Auxiliary usually will en- ans with their disability claims and sure involvement by a new member compensation, the amount of mon- within the Post and a higher rate of etary contributions made for so retention rate than individual mem- many causes. The list goes on and bers. So now I go to retention as we on. We all do our part and we hope have over 3500 members in the De- you will assist us by transferring to partment of Arizona who have not one of our Posts. paid their dues in the last two years Another moto we go by is DQGZHKDYHWR¿[WKDWDQG¿QGRXW “If not us, then who”! Let’s make what we are doing right and not do- the voice of the VFW so strong that ing right. no one will ever doubt our cause or I would like to thank our diminish our name! Please contact Comrades and Auxiliary, “members at large” who renewed us if we can assist you in any way. I First of all I would like to their dues this year. Your contin- would thank you for all of your hard Congratulate Gene and Kim for a ued loyalty and support of our great work, your many contributions to great job this past year and they organization greatly assists us to our programs helping Veterans and could not have done it without all accomplish our membership goals. families and recruiting new mem- of the hard work of our members. You can further assist us by reach- bers. Let’s not forget we are going Yes that is a tough act to follow but ing out and joining one of our many for 53 consecutive years greater I know that we can do it as we still VFW Posts located throughout the than 100% for the Department of have our great hard working mem- state. So this is an OPEN INVITA- Arizona and that is you. And re- bers who’s heart is in their work. I TION to all members at large to do member I am here to help and if am Honored to be the State Com- just that. We would be happy to as- ,GRQ¶W KDYH WKH DQVZHU ,ZLOO ¿QG mander for Arizona as I believe it is sist you in locating a Post near you someone who does. one of the top Departments in the and answering any questions you VFW. We have a lot of work to do may have. Whatever the reason that 7+$1.6)25$//<28'2 and I know we can get it done as we you are a “member at large” now is 9HWHUDQVRI)RUHLJQ:DUV have a great hard working Auxilia- the time to join a Post! We all know 'HSDUWPHQWRI$UL]RQD ry. And once again I will ask if you that there is strength in numbers State Commander don’t have an Auxiliary why not? and we hope that you will become “Standing Watch” We are doing a great job of an active member, at least to the Tom Judd Keep in Touch !!! Everything at your fingertips VFW1DepartmentofArizonaVFW1Departmento YIZD]FRP Congratulations Tim Borland, Jr Vice CIC Designee ber and has served in numerous VFW grow. As did past generations National positions the last 19 years. before us join, so will our future Tim earned his eligibility to join the members from Korea Service, Iraq, VFW during his 28-year long career Afghanistan and other operations in the U.S. Army, retiring as a First since the attacks on our great nation Sergeant at Ft. Huachuca in Sierra in September of 2001. Vista in 2007, with deployments to Korea and Iraq. Tim and his wife Shannon reside in Benson, Arizona. Tim’s passion and loyalty for this organization is strong as he continues to travel all over the Nation promoting the VFW and encouraging younger members from Iraq and Afghanistan to join.
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