0<*^><><><*C><><><><>O<C><^^ DIRECTORIES LISTS NECROLOGY <>0<><XK><X><>^»^<><><><><>v>S><>3^ List of Abbreviations A.B Bachelor of Arts J^D Doctor of Jurisprudence acad academy JDC American Jewish Joint Distribution admin administration, administrative Committee agr agriculture JNF Jewish National Fund agrl agricultural jt Joint Am America(n) JWB National Jewish Welfare Board A.M Master of Arts apptd appointed lieut lieutenant assoc association lit literature asst assistant Litt.D Doctor of Letters atty attorney LL.B Bachelor of Laws LL.D Doctor of Laws b born B.A Bachelor of Arts m • *«•-•*... married B.H Bachelor of Hebrew M.A Master of Arts bd board M.D...... .Doctor of Medicine bibl biblical med medical, medicine B.S Bachelor of Science mem member chanc chancellor mfr manufacturer chmn chairman mil military coll college mng....... managing collab collaborator, collaborated, mgr. manager collaboration nat national com committee NCCJ National Conference of Christians comdr commander and Jews comm commission N.Y.C New York City commr commissioner conf conference ord ordained cong congregation org organized contrib contributor orgn organization corr corresponding, correspondent ORT American ORT Federation—Organ- d died ization for Rehabilitation through dept department Training D.H.L Doctor of Hebrew Letters Ph.D Doctor of Philosophy dir director phys physician dist district pres president div division prof professor D.Sc Doctor of Science pseud pseudonym D.S.C Distinguished Service Cross pub published, publisher D.S.M Distinguished Service Medal publ publication ed editor editl editorial rep represented, representative edn edition ret retired, retirement cduc educated sch school educl educational sci science estab established sec secretary exec executive sem seminary fed federation soc society fdn foundation supt Superintendent fdr founder temp temporary gen general theol theological govt government transl translated grad graduated translr translator HIAS Hebrew Sheltering and Immigrant UJA United Jewish Appeal Aid Society UN United Nations hon honorary univ university hosp hospital UPA United Palestine Appeal USNA United Service for New Americans incl included, including ind independent vol volume inst institute instn institution v.p vice-president instl institutional instr instructor yrs years internat... .international ZOA Zionist Organization of America 488 4OQ<><i>e<x><<>0e&z<><><Z'<z>^^ National Jewish Organizations1 UNITED STATES CIVIC DEFENSE, POLITICAL * AMERICAN JEWISH LABOR COUNCIL (1946). 22 E. 17 St., N. Y. C, 3. AMERICAN COUNCIL FOR JUDAISM, INC. AMERICAN JEWISH LEAGUE AGAINST COM- (1943). 201 E. 57 St., N. Y. C, 22. Pres. MUNISM, INC. (1948). 220 W. 42 St., Lessing J. Rosenwald; Exec. Dir. Elmer N. Y. C, 18. Nat. Chmn. Alfred Kohl- Berger. Seeks to advance the universal berg; Exec. Dir. Benjamin Schultz. Seeks principles of a Judaism free of national- to publicize Communist enmity toward ism, and the national, civic, cultural, and Jewry and Judaism and the American social integration of Americans of Jewish Jew's enmity to Communism; fights Com- faith. Council News. munist infiltration in Jewish life. Jews AMERICAN JEWISH COMMITTEE (1906). Against Communism. 386 Fourth Ave., N. Y. C, 16. Pres. ANTI-DEFAMATION LEAGUE OF B'NAI Jacob Blaustein; Exec. V. P. John Slaw- B'RITH (1913). 212 Fifth Ave., N. Y. C, son. Seeks to prevent infraction of the 10. Nat. Chmn. Meier Steinbrink; Nat. civil and religious rights of Jews in any Dir. Benjamin R. Epstein. Seeks to elimi- part of the world and to secure equality nate defamation of Jews, counteract un- of economic, social, and educational op- American and anti-democratic propaganda, portunity through education and civic ac- and promote better group relations. ADL tion. Seeks to broaden understanding of Bulletin; The ADL Christian Friends' the basic nature of prejudice and to im- Bulletin; Facts; "Freedom Pamphlets." prove techniques for combating it. Pro- ASSOCIATION OF JEWISH COMMUNITY RB- motes a philosophy of Jewish integration LATIONS WORKERS (1950). 9 East 38 by projecting a balanced view with respect St., N. Y. C, 16. Pres. S. Andhil Fine- to full participation in American life and berg; Sec. Walter A. Lurie. Aims to en- retention of Jewish identity. AMERICAN courage cooperation between Jewish com- JEWISH YEAR BOOK; Report of Annual munity relations workers and communal Meeting; Commentary; Committee Re- workers; to encourage among Jewish com- porter. munity relations workers the fullest possi- AMERICAN JEWISH CONGRESS (1917; re- ble understanding of Jewish life and org. 1922, 1938). Stephen Wise Congress values. House, 15 E. 84 St., N. Y. C, 28. Pres. CONSULTATIVE COUNCIL OF JEWISH OR- Israel Goldstein; Exec. Dir. David Pete- GANIZATIONS (1946). 386 Fourth Ave., gorsky. Seeks to protect the rights of Jews N. Y. C, 16. Co-chmn. Jacob Blaustein in all lands; to strengthen the bonds be- (American Jewish Committee), Ewen E. tween American Jewry and Israel; to pro- S. Montagu (Anglo-Jewish Association), mote the democratic organization of Jewish Rene Cassin (Alliance Israelite Univer- communal life in the United States; to selle); Sec. Moses Moskowitz. Cooperates foster the affirmation of Jewish religious, and consults with, advises and renders as- cultural, and historic identity, and to con- sistance to, United Nations Educational, tribute to the preservation and extension Scientific and Cultural Organization on all of the democratic way of life. Congress problems relating to human rights and Record; Congress Weekly; Jewish Affairs; economic, social, cultural, educational, and Judaism; Program Notes and Leads. related matters pertaining to Jews. Oc- • , WOMEN'S DIVISION OF (1933). casional monographs. Stephen Wise Congress House, 15 E. 84 COORDINATING BOARD OF JEWISH ORGAN- St., N. Y. C, 28. Pres. Justine Wise IZATIONS (1947). 1003 K St., N.W., Polier: Dir. Mrs. Newton S. Arnold. Washington 1, D. C. Co-chmn. Frank 49° AMERICAN JEWISH YEAR BOOK Goldman (B'nai B'rith), Barnett Janner formation Sheets; Jewish Cultural Affairs; (Board of Deputies of British Jews), B. Periodical Reports. Arthur Ettlinger (South African Board of Jewish Deputies); Sees. Gen. Maurice Bis- gyer (U.S.), A. G. Brotman (U.K.), J. CULTURAL M. Rich (S.A.). As an organization in ALEXANDER KOHUT FOUNDATION (1915). consultative status with the Economic and 3080 Broadway, N. Y. C, 27. Pres. Alex- Social Council of the United Nations, rep- ander Marx; Sec. Shalom Spiegel. Pub- resents the three constituents (B'nai B rith, lishes works mainly in the fields of the Board of Deputies of British Jews and Yiddish grammar, lexicography, and arche- the South African Jewish Board of ology. Deputies) in the appropriate United Na- AMERICAN ACADEMY FOR JEWISH RE- tions bodies with respect to advancing and SEARCH, INC. (1920). 3080 Broadway, protecting the status, rights and interests N. Y. C, 27. Pres. Saul Lieberman; Sec. of Jews as well as to related matters bear- A. S. Halkin. Encourages research by aid- ing upon the human rights of all peoples. ing scholars in need and by giving grants JEWISH LABOR COMMITTEE (1933). Atran for the publication of scholarly works. Center for Jewish Culture, 25 E. 78 St., Proceedings. N. Y. C, 21. Nat Chmn. Adolph Held; AMERICAN ASSOCIATION OF ENGLISH Exec. Sec, Jacob Pat. Aids Jewish and JEWISH NEWSPAPERS (1943). 708 David non-Jewish labor institutions overseas; Stott Bldg., Detroit, 26, Mich. Pres. Philip aids victims of oppression and persecution; Slomovitz; Rec. Sec. Elias R. Jacobs. Seeks seeks to combat anti-Semitism and racial to raise and maintain the standards of and religious intolerance abroad and in the Jewish professional journalism. American U.S. in co-operation with organized labor Jewish Press (AJP). and other groups. Facts and Opinions; AMERICAN BIBLICAL ENCYCLOPEDIA SO- Labor Reports; Voice of the Vnconquered. CIETY, INC. TORAH SHELEMAH (1939). , WOMEN'S DIVISION OF (1947). 114 Liberty St., N. Y. C, 6. Pres. Louis Atran Center for Jewish Culture, 25 E. Goldstein; Sec. William Mazer. Aims to 78 St., N. Y. C, 21. Nat. Chmn. May spread knowledge of the Bible through Vladeck Bromberg; Exec. Sec. Pearl Hore- publication of the Talmudic-Midrashic lick. Newsletter. Biblical Encyclopedia. * JEWISH SOCIALIST VERBAND OF AMERICA AMERICAN JEWISH HISTORICAL SOCIETY (1921). 175 E. Broadway, N. Y. C, 2. (1892). 3080 Broadway, N. Y. C, 27. JOINT DEFENSE APPEAL OF THE AMERI- Pres. Lee M. Friedman; Librarian, Ed. CAN JEWISH COMMITTEE AND ANTI- Isidore S. Meyer. Collects and publishes DEFAMATION LEAGUE OF B'NAI B'RITH material on the history of the Jews in (1941). 220 West 42 St., N. Y. C, 36. America. Publications of the American Exec. Dir. Victor Lamer. Raises funds for Jewish Historical Society; Studies in Amer- the activities of the constituent organiza- ican Jewish History. tions. Council Briefs. AMERICAN JEWISH INSTITUTE, INC. NATIONAL COMMUNITY RELATIONS AD- (1947). 103 Park Ave., N. Y. C, 17. VISORY COUNCIL (1944). 9 E. 38 St., Pres. Bernard G. Richards; Hon. Sec. N. Y. C., 16. Chmn. Irving Kane; Exec. Herman W. Bernstein. Seeks the ad- Dir. Isaiah M. Minkoff. Formulates policy vancement of Jewish knowledge and cul- in the field of community relations in the ture through the dissemination of data on U.S.; co-ordinates the work of national Jews and Judaism, publication of essential and local Jewish agencies engaged in literature, speakers and library services, community relations activities. Legislative etc. Current Jewish ^Thought. Information Bulletin. , JEWISH INFORMATION BUREAU WORLD JEWISH CONGRESS (1936; org. in (1932). 103 Park Ave., N. Y. C, 17. U.S. 1939). Stephen Wise Congress Chmn. Bernard G. Richards; Hon. Sec. House, 15 E. 84 St., N. Y. C, 28. Pres. Herman W. Bernstein. Serves as clearing Nahum Goldmann; Coordinator Maurice house of information on Jewish subjects. L. Perlzweig. Seeks to secure and safeguard The Index. the rights, status and interests of Jews and AMERICAN JEWISH TERCENTENARY COM- Jewish communities throughout the world; MITTEE (1952). 270 Park Ave., represents its affiliated organizations be- N. Y. C, 17.
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