Ceramics International 26 (2000) 589±592 3+ Czochralski growth and laser parameters of RE -doped Y2O3 and Sc2O3 L. Fornasiero, E. Mix, V. Peters, K. Petermann*, G. Huber Institut fuÈr Laser-Physik, UniversitaÈt Hamburg, Jungiusstr. 9a, 20355 Hamburg, Germany Received 8 July 1999; received in revised form 7 September 1999; accepted 4 October 1999 Abstract Yttria exhibits a thermal conductivity which is higher than that of Y3Al5O12. Moreover, it can be doped with rare earth ions. The isostructural scandia has similar characteristics. Due to these properties both oxides are attractive hosts for high power solid state lasers. We have grown yttrium oxide and scandium oxide crystals from rhenium crucibles by the Czochralski technique. The size of the crystals is limited because of problems to control the crystal diameter during the growth process. However, the grown rare earth doped samples show promising spectroscopic features. We report on the spectroscopic characteristics of Y2O3 and Sc2O3 doped 3+ 3+ with Ho - and Er -ions. Laser operation of Er:Sc2O3 near 3 mm wavelength has already been demonstrated. # 2000 Elsevier Science Ltd and Techna S.r.l. All rights reserved. Keywords: B. Spectroscopy; C. Optical properties; C. Thermal conductivity; DY2O3;Sc2O3 1. Introduction Growth methods that have been established in the past include the Verneuil method [4], the ¯ux method [5], the The sesquioxide Y2O3 (yttria) has been investigated ¯oating zone technique [6], and the laser heated pedestal since the early sixties. Y2O3 has the bixbyite structure growth method [7]. These techniques limit the size and and belongs to the cubic space group Ia3 [1] with a lat- optical quality of the crystals, which is the reason why tice constant of 10.6 AÊ . The unit cell contains 16 for- yttria and scandia have not found widespread industrial mula units: 24 of the 32 cations in the unit cell reside on application in the past. In a research program the sites with C2 point symmetry and eight on sites with C3i synthesis of yttria and scandia crystals of rather good point symmetry. The measured thermal conductivity of optical quality from the melt was demonstrated. Several undoped Y2O3 is 14 W/mK at 300 K [2], which is higher RE-doped single crystals have been grown until now than the value of 11 W/mK for Y3Al5O12 (YAG) mea- and were spectroscopically investigated. First laser sured by the same method [3]. results with samples doped with Nd3+-, Yb3+-, and 3+ Sc2O3 (scandia) is isostructural to yttria and exhibits a Tm -ions have been reported in Refs. [10±12]. In this thermal conductivity of 17 W/mK. The lattice constant paper we present spectroscopic data and laser para- of scandia is 9.79 AÊ . The Sc3+ ion is much smaller meters of Ho3+ and Er3+ doped crystals. than the RE3+ dopant ions (RE=rare earth) causing a strong crystal ®eld at the dopant site and a generally large Stark-splitting of the multiplets. Although the 2. Crystal growth thermal conductivity is reduced in doped crystals in com- parison to the undoped material, yttria and scandia are The high melting points of yttria and scandia restrict promising RE3+-ion hosts for high power solid state lasers. the choice of crucible materials. The crucible has to be Due to the high melting points, about 2420C, the mechanically stable at the melting point of the oxide growth of Y2O3 and Sc2O3 single crystals is rather dicult. and must be resistant against chemical reactions with the melt as well as with the surrounding thermal insulation. * Corresponding author. Tel.: +49-40-4283-85257; fax: +49-40- Experiments with several crucible materials revealed 4283-86281. that rhenium ful®lls these requirements to the greatest E-mail address: [email protected] (K. Petermann) extent. Rhenium is sensitive to oxidizing atmospheres 0272-8842/00/$ - see front matter # 2000 Elsevier Science Ltd and Techna S.r.l. All rights reserved. PII: S0272-8842(99)00101-7 590 L. Fornasiero et al. / Ceramics International 26 (2000) 589±592 but resistant to melts of Al2O3 and RE oxides. The show mosaic structures and striations between crossed melting point of rhenium is 3180C. During growth polarizers. The doped samples were spectroscopically experiments the crucible was inductively heated with a investigated and tested for laser operation. Laser oscil- power of approx. 20 kW at 230 kHz RF frequency. lation could be demonstrated in Tm: Y2O3 at 1950 nm Because of the reactivity of the materials at high tem- [10], Yb: Sc2O3 at 1041 nm [11], Nd:Y2O3 at 1075 nm peratures, any direct contact between the hot crucible [12], as well as in Nd:Sc2O3 at various wavelengths [13]. and the ceramic zirconia insulation was avoided. A Recently measurements were made on Ho and Er doped holding construction was designed which consisted of sesquioxides. rhenium rods directly welded to the crucible. The crucible Ho3+- and Er3+-ions have shown laser action near 2 was suspended in a thermally insulating tube of zirconia mm (Ho) and 3 mm (Er) in many hosts. These wave- felts so that it was completely surrounded by gas. lengths are in the region of strong water absorption Cylindrical crucibles with a diameter of 20 mm and bands and therefore interesting for medical and eye-safe height of 25 mm were ®lled to about 75% with oxide applications. Actually, one of the most ecient Ho- melt. The crystals were grown in an inert helium atmo- lasers emitting at 2 mm is Ho:YAG [14±16] and one of sphere with a pulling rate of 1±3 mm/h and a rotation the best Er-lasers emitting near 3 mm is Er:YLF [17]. rate of 10 rpm. At the melting point the melt as well as The absorption- and emission cross-section spectra of the growing crystal appeared opaque in accordance with Ho:Sc2O3 and Er:Sc2O3 are shown in Figs. 1 and 2. The the comparatively high emissivity of the sesquioxides absorption spectra were measured with a spectro- which was measured to be between 0.5 and 0.8 by photometer (Varian Cary 2400) and the ¯uorescence McMahon [8]. The growth process itself was straight spectra with a FT-spectrometer (Biorad FTS 40). The forward only for the ®rst 2±5 mm of the growing crystal. emission cross-sections were determined with the Then the crystal lost contact with the melt or method of McCumber [18] from the absorption cross- uncontrollable asymmetrical lateral growth started and sections and with the FuÈ chtbauer±Ladenburg equation the experiment had to be interrupted. [19] from ¯uorescence spectra. The spectra of RE3+- The problems with the diameter control are caused by ions in Y2O3 and Sc2O3 are similar. Some cross-sections a `W'-shaped isotherm at the melt surface. At very high and ¯uorescence lifetimes of Ho and Er doped samples temperatures the heat transport is dominated by are given in Table 1. The cross-sections of the 2.8 mm 4 4 3+ radiation according to the Stefan±Boltzmann law. The laser transition I11/2! I13/2 in Er have not been radiation power absorbed in the interface region of the determined, because both levels involved in this transition growing crystal dissipates to the upper crystal surface mainly by heat conduction, because the radiative heat transport is inhibited by the opacity of the crystal. Due to the low heat conductivity of the crystaline material near the melting point, the temperature near the inter- face increases and becomes higher than at the uncovered surface of the melt around the crystal. When the heating power is reduced to maintain a constant crystal dia- meter, asymmetrical growth towards the cooler regions starts. We performed several experiments with dierent re¯ectors to reduce the radiation losses from the free melt surface. For this purpose rings and funnels were inserted into the crucible a few millimeters above the melt. However, larger crystals could not be obtained in this way until now. 3. Spectroscopic characteristics of Ho- and Er-doped crystals Several crystals with typical length of 5 mm and dia- meter of 10 mm have been grown. The crystals show a brownish shade which vanishes after annealing in air at 1100C for 48 h. We suppose that the brownish discoloration appears due to color centres caused by oxygen loss of the melt in accordance with the results of Berard et al. [9]. The annealed and polished crystals Fig. 1. Absorption and emission cross-sections of Ho:Sc2O3. L. Fornasiero et al. / Ceramics International 26 (2000) 589±592 591 higher Er-concentrations the population dynamics change. Nonradiative interionic processes become important as described by Jensen et al. for Er:YLF [16]. The upper and lower laser level lifetimes are quenched and become comparable. At high excitation densities the lower laser level is depopulated by the upconversion 4 4 4 4 4 process I13/2+ I13/2! I9/2+ I15/2. The I9/2 manifold population mainly decays into the upper laser level so 4 that the population of the I13/2 manifold is partly recy- cled for the laser process. Laser operation near 3 mm could be demonstrated in Er(2.3%): Sc2O3, which was the Sc2O3 sample with the highest Er-concentration available during the experiments. The crystal was placed near the ¯at mirror of a hemispherical resonator (r1=1, r2=50 mm) and was pumped with the focused beam of a laser diode providing up to 3.7 W pump power at 973 nm. Laser oscillation was achieved at 2715 and at 2816 nm in the quasi cw regime. The output power was below 1 mW probably because the Er concentration is still too low.
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