Student Peace Marchers Met By Riot-Ready Police Force, , im Ml - 1 / «* t STATE EWS By FAYE E. UNGER State News Staff Writer Police armed with ax handles East Lansing, Michigan Friday, May 7, 1965 Price 10: and tear gas greeted about 50 Vol. 55 Number 303 picketers from the campus Com­ mittee for Peace in Viet Nam at the Lansing city lim its on their protest march to the capitol Thursday afternoon. Both Sides Rest In A labam a The picketers, who left cam­ pus at 12:15 p.m., carried signs protesting the United States in­ From Our Wire Services Indicted with W ilkins but not yet brought to tria l were two fellow volvement in Viet Nam, "War Klansmen, Eugene Thomas, 42, and W illiam O. Eaton, 40. All are Is H ell," one sign read; “ Let’s HA-YNEVILLE, Ala.— An all-white jury - told by the defense from the Birmingham area. get the hell out of Viet Nam." that the state’s star witness was "worse than a white nigger’ - The state rested its case at the outset of the fourth day of W ilkins’ As the picketers entered the deliberated the fate Thursday night of a KuKluxKlansman charg­ trial. It had called 15 witnesses, the star among them Gary Thomas Lansing city lim its at Frandor, ed with murdering Detroit civil rights worker Mrs. Violet Liuzzo. Rowe Jr., 34, red-haired FBI informer planted within Klan ranks over 25 policemen, both in squad The case of 21-year-old Collie Leroy Wilkins Jr. went to the five years ago. cars and on motorcycles, pulled jury at 3:40 p.m. CSTT after four days of testimony. He was in the car with the three accused men at the time of Mrs. out to follow the line of march. The jury caused a flurry of excitement when it returned to the Liuzzo’s slaying, he said. Cars waited at each corner along court room one hour and fifteen minutes later to ask whether it Before the defense opened a brief presentation of testimony from the four-m ile route. was limited to any specific sentence under a first-degree murder six witnesses, juror Clifford McMurphee asked in courtwhether Five blocks from the capitol, ch a rg e . there were fingerprints on the .36 caliber revolver identified in FBI police with ax handles stood guard Second C ircuit JudgeT. W erthThagardexplained the two penalties testimony as the murder weapon. along the curb. Others stopped for first-degree murder were death and life imprisonment. Rowe had testified that the gun belonged toThomas, from whom it traffic at cross streets for the The jury then returned to the jury roomto continue deliberations. was recovered after the slaying But the FBI inform er said the wea­ m a rc h e rs . pon was used by W ilkins to put a bullet into M rs. Liuzzo’s brain dur­ V\ ilk-ins, 21, a chunky, crew-cut auto mechanic, was brought to tria l The police were stationed along ing a high-speed auto chase through the night on nearby L.S. 80. the route to protect the m archers, for the March 25 slaying of M rs. Viola Liuzzo, 39. A white Detroit BE PRE P ARE D--The Boy Scout motto apparently made an impression on these FBI agent Edward Lahey, recalled by the state, testified that mother of five, she was shot to death in her car on a highway near Chief Streiger of the Lansing Po­ policemen. They were on hand to prevent Thursday’s demonstration march on when he took the .38 from Thomas' home the day after the slaying here in a violent aftermath to the Selma-Montgomery civil rights lice said. He had not anticipated the Capitol from turning into another riot similar to that at Berkeley eaHier he did not examine it for prints. trouble, he said, but he knew the Photo by James H. Hile m a rc h . marchers would draw criticism . this year. "They don’t consider us re­ sponsible," p ic k e te r A rn o ld Strasser, Great Neck, N.Y., sen­ ior, said of the police guard. "They don't understand the ser­ iousness with which we take this is s u e .' At the capitol. House and Sen­ ate page boys picketed the picket­ e rs in support of President Dominicans Show Terror Tactics Johnson's policies. Several leg­ islators, returning Mom lunch, applauded the page joys. "W e believe the U.S. involve­ Generals Demonstrate 'Trust’ M i c h i g a n ment in Viet Nam is a war of ag­ gression," Stuart Dowty, East Lansing graduate student, said. "The march is part of our ef­ M a r i n e fort to get the question debated.” Viets Re-Install Spectators along the route showed little sympathy for the C a p t u r e d m a rc h e rs . " I’ve been through two World Civil Government From Our Wire Services Wars and 1 know appeasement approved it Wednesday by a 408 doesn’t work,” a Hollander who SAIGON (UP1) - - South Viet SANTO DOMINGO, Dominican has lived seven years in this Nam’s generals T hursday turn­ to 7 vo te . S ince th e Senate m ade no Republic — Communist - led country said. "America is the ed over full control of the na­ change in the measure, it went .rebels dumped the body of a main defender of freedom today tion to the civil government, directly to the White House. dead U.S. Marine on the door­ and she must show force.” which they said "has shown that The Senate vote came after steps of the Ambassador Hotel "I'm glad these people are in­ it'can be trusted.'” some bitter criticism of John­ ■ Thursday in an apparent demon­ terested, but they don’t know what Meanwhile, Congress handed stration of the terror tactics they are talking about,” he said. President Johnson a 5700 m il­ son and some speeches of deep m icglvir.g. seasons T»*e here to stay they plan to use against Am eri- • A student from the Lansing lion vote of confluence i nurs- SPRING SPRANG“_Tho blossoms which are now in spring and sum m er can.m ilitary forces here. Backed by the Congressional Photo by Cal Crane Community College started to at­ day for his Viet Nam policies evidence on trees around campus are s u re indica­ a whMe. Washington announced the I .8. tack a picketer. Another demon- but said plainly it was not w rit­ vote a U.S. military spokes­ man made the most optim ist^ tions that those winter months are far behind and toll in the LT-rioy-1 -la Don strav^.cilp ilv turned him a,vs>qr ing a bY^'v^iif-cx for 'A s s e s s m e n t o f trie? t v u , <■-*£* -1 r . • - w . .«..jf&’str:!*» v '/ We fuwb a right to picket,” he out grotrrfci war in the Far'East. guerrilla war in the past year. mg and 58 wounded. told the attacker. The Senate approved Johnson’s "The pendulum has swung” to­ Two captured Marines, one "And 1 have a right to take a request of more money for the ward victory over the Viet Cong, of them from Michigan, were club and bust in his head,” the war in South Viet Nam by a vote he s a id . College Power Shuffle 'Prem ature’ shown to newsmen as rebels student snapped back. of 87 to 3, just two days after Fifty U.S. A ir Force jets and took a television, tape of them. One observer, a state repre­ Johnson requested it. The House eight Navy planes hammered tar­ response to the committee’s in­ front to the Senate in firm op­ They were identified as Pvt. sentative, recommended taking "The board feels it would be gets in North Viet Nam during United Press International vitation to testify on a consti­ position to the amendment. D a r re ll J. Southwell, 21, of several of the demonstrators to premature for the state to con­ the day with "spectacular suc­ An amendment to take auton­ tutional amendment proposed by Warren M. Huff, chairman of Ma son, and Reuben Garcia, 23, the barber shop. sider a constitutional amend­ cess." Fifty more planeloads omy away from Michigan’s state the MSU Board of Trustees and of New York City. ment affecting a radical redis­ Sen. Edward J. Robinson. D- universities was answered by c h a irm a n of the Coordinating Heavy fighting broke out of U.S. Army paratroopers ar­ tribution of powers between sev­ D e a rb o rn . Collie Alarms § rived to guard two vital air state Board of Education Pres­ Council on Higher Education, told Thursday in downtown Indepen­ eral universities and college gov­ The amendment would strip dence Square in Santo Domingo Blood Drive b a se s. ident Thomas J. Brennan Thurs­ the committees the distinguished erning boards on one hand and the the state-supported colleges and The powerful South Vietna­ d ay. record of Michigan higher ed­ in what the United States has | state board on the other.” universities of their constitu­ charged is a Castroite-Commu- Ends Today City Policemen mese Armed Forces C ouncil Brennan told the Senate Ju­ ucation was due to the indepen­ The statement was made in tional independence and place bowed out of politics with a for­ diciary Committee: dence of its universities.
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