ISSN: 1863-5598 ZKZ 64717 03-17 Electronics in Motion and Conversion March 2017 WELCOME TO THE HOUSE OF COMPETENCE ENGINEERING PRODUCTION GvA SOLUTIONS DISTRIBUTION SOLUTION POWER IS IN OUR NATURE! Powerful and flexible – our turn-key system solutions “made by GvA” with tried and tested equipment feature fast availability and offer short time-to-market. Benefit from our Solution Power for your success! Maximum flexibility with the modular converter system VARIS™ Multi-channel power supply GPSS with outstanding dielectric strength Inductive power supply system IPSS for isolated power supply Plug-and-play drivers for thyristors and IGBTs GvA Leistungselektronik GmbH Boehringer Straße 10 - 12 D-68307 Mannheim Phone +49 (0) 621/7 89 92-0 [email protected] www.gva-leistungselektronik.de CONTENT Viewpoint ........................................................................................... 4 Technology ................................................................................ 42-43 Make the World Great, Extremely Efficient Energy Storage Three-Level Inverter Based on Silicon Carbide Events & Events ............................................................................... 4 By Alexander Streibel, Roger Cooper, Ole Mühlfeld, News ............................................................................................. 6-10 Danfoss Silicon Power Blue Product of the Month ............................................................. 12 IGBT Modules ............................................................................ 44-46 LinkSwitch-XT2 Offline Flyback Switcher IC Family Delivers IGBT/SiC-FET Driver Design Tips to Prevent False Triggering High Accuracy and Efficiency By Andrew Leake, Dengrove Electronic Components Power Integrations Centerfold .................................................................................. 48-49 Green Product of the Month .......................................................... 14 APEC Floor Plan Win a BM64 Bluetooth Audio Evaluation Board MOSFET ..................................................................................... 52-55 Microchip Rethinking the Power MOSFET Figure of Merit Product of the Month ..................................................................... 16 By Sanjay Havanur, Sr Manager System Applications, Vishay Siliconix System Benefits of Using G1 Series Intelligent Power Modules (IPM) Capacitors ................................................................................ 56-58 Mitsubishi Electric Robust AC- Film Capacitors for Power Electronics Guest Editorial ........................................................................... 18-19 By Dieter Burger, COMPOTEC / Germany - Mind the Gap! – WBG Semiconductors are Gaining Importance the European sales-office of BM / China By Dr. Peter Friedrichs, Senior Director SiC and Steffen Metzger, Measurement ............................................................................ 60-62 Senior Project Director GaN, Infineon High Voltage Ceramic Chip Capacitors Evaluated Acoustically Magnetic Components ............................................................. 20-22 By Tom Adams, consultant, Sonoscan, Inc. Modern Magnetics Design Power Supply ............................................................................ 64-67 By Dr. Ray Ridley, Ridley Engineering Dynamic Output Voltage Adjustment Technology ................................................................................. 24-26 By Matthias Ulmann, Texas Instruments Step Up to Half-Bridge GaN Power ICs Technology ................................................................................ 68-71 By Santosh Sharma, Dan Kinzer, Jason Zhang, Marco Giandalia, Increasing Power Density and Improving Efficiency Stephen Oliver, Navitas Semiconductor By Aly Mashaly, Manager Power Systems Department, Cover Story ................................................................................ 28-33 Rohm Semiconductor GmbH And Mineo Miura, Dry Film Capacitors for High-Frequency Power Electronics SiC Power Device Engineer, Rohm Co., Ltd. By Joseph A. Bond, President & Director of Engineering, MOSFET ...................................................................................... 72-77 Electronic Concepts, Inc. State of the SiC MOSFET Motion Control .......................................................................... 34-38 By Kevin M. Speer, PhD, Littelfuse Inc. and Dr. Sujit Banerjee, PhD, Operation of and Power Silicon for Cascade Cell Based MV Motor Drives and Kevin Matocha, PhD, Monolith Semiconductor Inc. By David Levett and Tim Frank, Infineon Americas with Márcio Sari WEG, Diodes ........................................................................................ 78-81 Uwe Jansen and Klaus Vogel, Infineon Germany High Current Welding Diodes for Demanding Industrial Applications Design and Simulation ............................................................. 40-41 By Ladislav Radvan, ABB s.r.o. Semiconductors Powerful Simulation Tool New Products............................................................................. 82-96 By Daniel Hofmann, Assistant Manager - Application Engineering; Fuji Electric Europe 䈀漀漀琀栀 ⌀ 䴀倀㠀㠀ⴀ倀吀㠀㠀 匀攀爀椀攀猀 一漀 椀渀琀攀爀渀愀氀 眀椀爀攀 挀漀渀渀攀挀琀椀漀渀猀Ⰰ 椀洀瀀爀漀瘀攀猀 昀爀攀焀甀攀渀挀礀 爀攀猀瀀漀渀猀攀 䴀倀㠀㠀ⴀ倀吀㠀㠀 䘀䔀䄀吀唀刀䔀匀 䔀䌀 䐀椀爀攀挀琀ⴀ琀漀ⴀ攀氀攀洀攀渀琀 琀愀戀 愀琀琀愀挀栀洀攀渀琀 䴀倀㠀㠀 ⴀ ─ ⸀㈀㈀ ⬀⼀ 㘀 嘀䐀䌀 吀攀爀洀椀渀愀氀 氀攀愀搀 猀瀀愀挀椀渀最 ㈀㌀ⴀ㈀㠀洀洀 刀攀瘀攀爀猀攀搀 挀甀爀爀攀渀琀 琀栀爀漀甀最栀 甀渀椀焀甀攀 搀甀愀氀 攀氀攀洀攀渀琀 搀攀猀椀最渀 嘀椀猀椀琀 甀猀 漀渀氀椀渀攀 愀琀 眀眀眀⸀攀挀椀挀愀瀀猀⸀挀漀洀 䌀漀渀琀愀挀琀 唀猀 一漀爀琀栀 䄀洀攀爀椀挀愀㨀 猀愀氀攀猀䀀攀挀椀挀愀瀀猀⸀挀漀洀 䔀甀爀漀瀀攀㨀 猀愀氀攀猀䀀攀挀椀挀愀瀀猀⸀椀攀 The Gallery 2 Bodo´s Power Systems® March 2017 www.bodospower.com #redCUBE embedded world Hall 3 Booth 359 REDCUBE Terminals are the most reliable high-power contacts on the PCB level. Low con- Flexibility in processing and tact resistance guarantees minimum self-heating. Four different designs cover all leading connection technologies processing technologies and offer a wide range of applications. Highest current ratings up to 500 A Board-to-Board and www.we-online.com/redcube Wire-to-Board solutions Extremely low self-heating Robust mechanical connection REDCUBE PRESS-FIT REDCUBE PLUG REDCUBE SMD REDCUBE THR VIEWPOINTCONTENT Make the World Great, A Media Katzbek 17a D-24235 Laboe, Germany We have only the one world to live in, and Phone: +49 4343 42 17 90 everyone’s goal should be to make this one Fax: +49 4343 42 17 89 world great. [email protected] www.bodospower.com Peace and respect is therefore of utmost Publishing Editor importance. “Alternative Facts” are words Bodo Arlt, Dipl.-Ing. that should raise concerns. But a belief in [email protected] an “Alternative Reality” should qualify one Junior Editor Holger Moscheik for medical assistance. Respected members Phone + 49 4343 428 5017 of science have written a letter addressing [email protected] the global warming issue and the need for Senior Editor corrective actions. To read this letter, signed Donald E. Burke, BSEE, Dr. Sc(hc) by 706 US Physicists and Astronomers from [email protected] Colleges and Universities across the United UK Support States, just go to: forward to meeting my friends – all a big June Hulme http://people.usm.maine.edu/pauln/climate/ family, young and old. They’re a well-estab- Phone: +44(0) 1270 872315 the-letter.html . lished group, many of whom I have known [email protected] To deny the existence of global warming, or for decades, always working for progress in Creative Direction & Production to take actions that accelerate it, are bad for semiconductors. Through respect and coop- Repro Studio Peschke [email protected] our world. As engineers we can do our part eration, we can provide a positive example Free Subscription to qualified readers by placing a focus on energy efficiency. to our children. I look forward to seeing you Bodo´s Power Systems I hope the future will show us that a better in a few weeks at the APEC conference in is available for the following world for our kids is achievable. Tampa. subscription charges: Annual charge (12 issues) This year is a special one for me. As a young Bodo’s Power Systems reaches readers is 150 € world wide Single issue is 18 € engineer 30 years ago, I worked with a across the globe. If you are using any kind of [email protected] customer to develop a design for a variable tablet or smart phone, you will now find all of speed drive for a household appliance, using our content on the new website circulation print run 24 000 a switching device known in 1987 as a COM- www.eepower.com. FET. Today these are known as an IGBT. In If you speak the language, or just want to Printing by: the 30 years since a lot has happened, now have a look, don’t miss our Chinese version: Brühlsche Universitätsdruckerei GmbH all over the world the IGBT is the work horse www.bodospowerchina.com & Co KG; 35396 Gießen, Germany for power switching applications. And still, A Media and Bodos Power Systems assume and hereby disclaim any new developments are still being made. My Green Power Tip for March: liability to any person for any loss or Looking back is not what drives progress, so Driving an electric car in the winter requires damage by errors or omissions in the I look forward to the wide band gap devices a warm jacket, as heating the car may sig- material contained herein regardless and exciting new designs that reduce losses nificantly reduce the of whether such errors result from and continue improvement. The APEC driving range of the negligence accident or any other cause Conference
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