•'!iO:i!£3UTH CC. HISTORICAL .A3S:.!., [: L, This Week COVERING TOWNSHIPS OF 2450 COPIES . HOLMDEL,-MADISON ONE EXCTION MAIUUOHO, MATAWAN AND 16, PAGES MATAWAN BOItOUOH Member NatlonaJ Editorial Association Member 88th YEAR —42nd WEEK New Jersey Press Association MATAWAN, N, J, THURSDAY, APRIL 18,1957 County I'rtB Single Copy Ten Cents Auditor's Report On Road Program Service Interruption Clean Up Week In Welcomes Assistant Commissioner A planned plant lnterrup- Mild Interest Shown As Area Voters Ion of electrical service at Reveals $1271 Shortage In Deliveries erstj Central Power * Matawan Borough Decide Primary Election Contests Lljht Company's Ma,taivan Marlboro Committeemen Learn Slips sub-station, serving il a t a- Announce Winners Man Easy Winner In Township; Stilwetl For Stone, Gravel, Did Not Tally wan Borough, Matawan In Poster Contest Township, n small section of Tops Genovese; LaMura And LeMoind Win A discrepancy ol $1271.73 in Keyport Borough and Madi- Mrs. Oenevievo Dorinell. a Mttlo Interest wns shown tickets far stone and Brave] son Township, was held to- nember of the Matawnn Bov- deliveries was reported by Jo- Pupils' Attire Is day between 3:29 a.m. and >ugh Council .-'has announced Effects Of Double .'uosdny. as loss thnn 25 nor seph J. Seaman, Perth Am- 5:11 a.m. Jack McGalliard, ;hat next week will be clean :ont of Uic ollKtblo voters In boy,. to - tiK Marlboro Town- Bay .Division manager of jp week in Matawan. Trash lve men rumiminllloa turned Found Disturbing the local .utility, announced. ship Committee Thursday as fill be collected on Thursday, icssions Reviewed to voto in tho piimury a result .pi an inquiry he con- ipr. 25, and three large -trash Madison Board Bars Due to switching pro- iloctlons, There WRB .no con- ducted on. order of committee- cedures necessary during a ans will be placed at vailous, Schnock Sees No . \meri into the handling of road Unkempt Wear project at the sub.stution, ilaces in the borough for use Harm To MHS Study ost slulcd' in Mnlawnn Hor- Work during 1956. the interruption was sche- y residents. : . '.'• ... -' u (iltlipuBll -flalila w DJt.»_ .._,;.;. .There,wer&..other- points -in Madison, Township.. Board, of. duled for that period; T IT 'Mrs.~~]3orjiDcU "stated- the Effects of hair or double ed In Mntftwun Township, - last'; year's road" program Mr. Education Thursday moved to early morning hours w e re rlonmouth County Board of •ssiolia, ivs tho torm is used, liu'luoro Township und llr.lm- Seaman Questioned. One was restrain 'school children' of the :hosen to offer the least in- 'resholders have been rfipalr- i Malnwnn llHih School In lol Township fov niunwlpiil awarding a contract for black- district in the use of attire convenience to the majority ,ng Main St. and county em- IO 1057-50 school year woro iost«. Domocrutlc ranks In topping to Manzo Con-. tending to moke them appear -of consumers effeoted, Mr, ployees expect to clenh out Iscuasecl nt Monday's Muln lmllBon Tonnshlii elao b,it- .^_tracting Co., Maiawan, in .ex- slovenly or unkempt. A' jesor McGalilard concluded.. - ' he gutters during tlie enm- un Township Board ot Edvi- Uid fov exeoutlve cuvinty coin- cess of $1000 without competi- lutlon was Introduced, which inign. She asks all residents atloi) meotliiK, Wllllnm J. illeo spnt« in four of the tive bidding. Anotlier was that explained, that while t tie o co-operate wltli the . ejenn .lcUniw, boilrcl prcsldrllt, lind ownahlii'a tiovcn voting il's- board had no Intention of at- lOknowlodBcd nt, the 1 iv s t (he toad committee set a Urn tempting to dictate to parents ip drive.- •••••.. Y ,riot»: . •"• '•• • -It of $25,000 on the work to be Night Meetings In'conjunction, with the cani- iieotlng with tlio townkhli) what their children should ilannlng board two wccko ugo H«Ut, butlottna' mntUcM I h o done by the C. H. 8 u t p h e n wear, the board did want to palgn, the art department of .lutawnii pilmniy election firm, Freehold, and the value the Womnn's Club'of Mata- uch seHaloiiB were unnvoltl- discourage the wearing of Set For Holmdel blc. "of the contract was (27,540.02. jeans, of 111 fitting and tight wan, sponsored an antl-lltter- Mr. Seaman suggested this clothing, jackets with "offen- Ackerson Indicates bug p.oster contest In " Oic Km] II. Schncck, oluilrmnn Aro Crushed. might have been a "technl- sive" lettering on the back Palawan Schools, Pupils in ! the oducntional nianago- - cal" violation of the rule on Two Sessions Needed lie art classes of Mrs, Doro- Kcnnclh Woodbury. assistant oommlsnlonor of education, Iimurcont Drniooniln \U and belts that had "hard and left) Is -welcomed by Mayor Spnfford W. Sohnhok, Mntawon, to lont commlttco, gnvo nssui- competitive bidding which thy Wolverston in the eighth noo there would bo no Ions frcil T, l'ollnit, Koynort, uuil harsh" buckles. The terms lis- Mayor James H. Ackerson, grades or high school were (he meeting of the Monmouth Municipal AsiocUtlon held at 'J, Harry Itcnnelt, Hclford, the township attorney. Clifton Duttonivood Manor, Matawan, last night, Mr, Woodbury ad- time In studios, Ho a :i I d • T. Barkalow. Freehold, would ed to designate such attire lolmdel Township, set a new worn ueatcin *oumUy by rej- ani for the transaction eligible. dressed the group on Ihc flnanolnl nipeotn of itato Holmoi licro might oven be n galn-ln Save to decide. were "Improper" and "undec- Contest To Aid Drive uhir county Damocrntla orative as well as uneconomi- >f township' business nt ThurS' operations. There were 05 municipal officials prencnt to lienr euter Individual nttentlon forccM Tiicmlny In their hid 'j Mr, Barkalow noted there : ay's meeting, He adjourned The contest, initiated by the ilm. The mayor will complete hid term »» hoad of the HI 'or the stuiiontn from t li o 1 r ' ;were~two references to him- cal.'.' ' , • art department, was to give oolatlou In June, for Httitn CanunUtenmnn he sesslontgfter it had been ouoliors us tho class a nud the Htnlo Aniiomlily self in the report and Mr. Sea. Harold Meyers, aboard ubltclty and impetus to. the ould bo mndo onuillev, Mv, member, averred the board jonvened for two-and-one-UaU noiuliiallaiiH. Mr. I' o 11 n c ?man. hajrgtven hurl" a. chance lours In the afternoon and Matawan Clean Up Campaign, iohnook saw study poiloda mnirod BSD votes In the coun- before the meeting to prepare was going too far in the direc- ind olub activities ollmlnntod. tion of dictating to parents. aid the business would be riglnated by Mrs. Donnell, ty to I'nul Klornnn'i 7317. « letter covering the points. ontinued the evening of who also is ;v member of. the Io quoted a noted educator In tho race far tlio Ai- The attorney said it was his He called lt_"beyond the Jur- us deolnilng study pciiarti isdiction of this or any other Thursday, Apr. 25. Woman's Club. The poster •Dinbly nod, Mr. I) c n n o 11 .Interpretation of the statute contest, also was In keeping oro of doubtful vnlue In tho liollcd 703 ilgulnul 71(7 for board." Henry Spltzer, Perth The 'mayor explained the I'OCCSB of oduontlon, . that the requirement stated Amboy, the board's , attorney, with alms of the Federation, Julin O, (llordano, Jr., and materials In the amount of move was necessitated' by Varsity sports woro soon Uic was asked about It, Mr, Spltz- the present amount of official Prize winners. In the contest oint aufforoi'M from d o u b 1 6 ltloliard V, Kciuucr'j 7970, ,$1000 had to be obtained by er said he knew of "no alear- were Carole Pole, first; An- ' bid. Mr. Barkalow declared business. He, pointed out town- lesslon. Mi'. Bohiieok saw tho The relict UomovriiU were cut" legal opinion on the mat- ihlp meetings have been' ru& toinette Blanb, second: Art'eiie unlor and sonloin KOIIIK to nucccNKdil hi 10511 an they • it was obvious there was no-ter and advised the board to Qblaszewskl,' third; Betty Lou thing "criminal" nor was ling from l;30 p.m. to 0 p.m ichool in tho mornings, tltoro uimct oramnlintlon oandl- adopt the resolution. Parents, nd longer, indicating that Parr/ and Michael Zelwak, ly making thorn nvnllnbla for iliilen for thn nmmiibly did. there any evidence of collusion bjecting to the way admlnis- wo meetings per month are honorable mentions.' The first in the way the blacktopplns rnoUoB tor varnity iinortii In Until wore dofpntotf In ivp •ators or teachers may ea- four winners are high school lio aftornoon, Howover, »ro»h- vombnr by tlmlr Ilnpublloan ' ..was obtained. The amount e s 1 r a b \ e. He according- pupils ana Michael Is an 'orce it, may seek an inter- y used the authority of his men and iiophomoroa would opiionontii. bought was not greatly in ex- retatlon from the courts, he eighth grade student. ave to Uo oo.vorod by Jumor cess of... $1000, Mr. Barkalow loted. >fflce to put this into effect, Hen. Mnloolm f). I''orl)c» or the time being, at least The posters • will be exhibit arsity tonma with a cuv'.nil dawned hl« uyiionent. Hon. /reported. It was an oversight, ed at various, places in the oct protirnm, ho ncltnowlcilurit /in tho attorney's' opinion. The board resorted to two The committee also met at an Pastors of the churches In First Molhodtit Church Wayno Dumont, Jr., by 100,- engthly executive sessions djourned meeting in March. borough • next-week in on ef- tho area have announced Main SI,, -Msla\v»n ln naw tho pohnlbllHy of nomo OOU volnn In tho utata tor llio .
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