Hope College Hope College Digital Commons The Anchor: 1965 The Anchor: 1960-1969 12-3-1965 The Anchor, Volume 78.11: December 3, 1965 Hope College Follow this and additional works at: https://digitalcommons.hope.edu/anchor_1965 Part of the Library and Information Science Commons Recommended Citation Repository citation: Hope College, "The Anchor, Volume 78.11: December 3, 1965" (1965). The Anchor: 1965. Paper 28. https://digitalcommons.hope.edu/anchor_1965/28 Published in: The Anchor, Volume 78, Issue 11, December 3, 1965. Copyright © 1965 Hope College, Holland, Michigan. This News Article is brought to you for free and open access by the The Anchor: 1960-1969 at Hope College Digital Commons. It has been accepted for inclusion in The Anchor: 1965 by an authorized administrator of Hope College Digital Commons. For more information, please contact [email protected]. OPE COUEGE Student Union Open Tonight Recorded Music 8:30-12:30 p.m. Saturday, Hop After Game Treblemakers; Admission $.25 anc or <Pcci^: OLLAND, MICHIGAN 78th ANNIVERSARY - 11 Hope College anchor December 3, 1965 Tonight, Tomorrow Night Medieval Farce and Greek Tragedy Close Run Palette and Masque will be pre- with a twist: the knavish lawyer staff, while choreography is by (Vrrr-J senting two one-act plays, •'Hip- ends up a fool himself." 'Mrs. Robert De Bruyn. polytus," and "The Farce of the Dennis Jones will portray Pierre Heading the various stagecrews Worthy Master Pierre Pathelin," Pathelin with Susan Armstrong as are Tom Coleman, scenery; Mel tonight and tomorrow night at 8:15 his wife Guillemette, Jan Hubert Andringa, make-up; Sue Stoeckly, p.m. in Snow Auditorium. Tickets as the draper, Tom Coleman as the costumes; Lee Van Dyke, lights; are priced at one dollar. shepherd and Keith Taylor as the Leslie Bruggemyer, props; Bob judge. "Hippolytus," written by Eurip- Schroeder, sound and Rich Reitveld Dr. Edward Savage is directing ides in 450 B.C., has as its subject business and publicity. Technical the plays, assisted by John El- the tragic love of Phaedra for her assistants include Anne de Velder fring. James Malcolm and Robert stepson, Hippolytus. This love is as costume mistress and Mike Wegter are directing the technical caused by Aphrodite, Goddess of Vogas, lighting and scenery. love and beauty, who is angered by Hippolytus' refusal to worship her. Also, she is jealous of the devotion shown by Hippolytus to her rival sister Artemis, Goddess of chastity and the hunt. Dr. Edward Savage of Hope's English department commented, " 'Hippoly-tus' is a great tragedy; for a new unity is apparent in Euripides' poignant revelation of human passion and suffering, and the deep psychological motivations THE DEATH OF HIPPOLYTUS—Hal Huggins (left) and Charles which lie behind human behavior. Van Ark comfort Hippolytus, portrayed by A1 Wildschut, who lies We sympathize and empathize with dying, while Theseus, his father, portrayed by Mike Yogas, laments both Phaedra and Hippolytus who, his dying. as human beings like ourselves, find themselves caught hopelessly and irrevocably not only in the diabolical schemes of the gods but also in the net of their own hum- NSA Urges Students anity." Hippolytus is played by Al Wild- schut, Phaedra by Kathy Lenel, To Defend Equality Theseus by Mike Vogas, Artemis In recognition of extreme need Volunteers are needed, Schrier by Alice French, the messenger by and as a response to invitations continued. They will work in Mis- Charles Van Ark, Aphrodite by extended by- national civil rights sissippi, Alabama, Georgia, Louis- Linda Patterson, the nurse by groups, United States National Stu- iana, South Carolina and North Irene Maatman, the old servant dent Assn. is recruiting students Carolina. After Orientation Ses- by- Jed Green, the huntsmen by who are willing to sacrifice their sions on Dec. 19 and Dec. 28 vol- Hal Huggins, Martin Van Houzen, Christinas vacations in the fight unteers will proceed to their spe- Tom Hendrickson and Bob Schweg- for equality. cific projects where they will be kr and the handmaidens by Mary provided with housing in local Ann Bicking and Ann Slaughter. These students will work in es- homes. Most of the civil rightf The Chorus of five people is led by tablished programs doing voter groups have promised an advan- Jeff McGilvray. registration in the South. Accord- tageous ratio of local people to "The Farce of the Worthy Mas- ing to the latest available figures, work with volunteers, lessening THE WORTHY MASTER—Dennis Jones, the Worthy Master, reads over 1,700,000 eligible Negro voters the problems of unfamiliarity with ter Pierre Pathelin," by an an- during his fifteen week illness while his wife, played by Susan Arm- have not yet been registered to geography, local law enforcement, onymous author of the fifteenth strocg, finishes her mending. vote in the states covered by the etc. century, is "generally considered Voting Rights Act. Thus the need Contact Dick Shiels, Emer- to be the greatest dramatic mas- terpiece in French literature be- is there. sonian house, or Jack Schrier, Ar- cadian house for further informa- fore Moliere," said Dr. Savage. In some areas, which do not tion. Applications should be in by "Pierre Pathelin is a farce which have federal assistance or federal '65 Christmas Vespers Dec. 5. follows the knave-fool tradition, but registrars registration is very low. Local registrars give token com- ipliance to the Voting Rights Act Presented by Music Dept. by taking one, maybe two, can- Hillegonds Will Discuss didates at a time, though lines out- The 25th annual Christmas Ves- the "Concerto Opus 6, No. 12" by side the office may number fifty pers Service will be presented by Corelli. The concertino parts will to one hundred persons who have Understanding the Gospel the Hope College music depart- be played by Leslie Clark and taken time they can ill-afford to ment Sunday, at 4 p.m. in Dimnent David Tubergen, violinist, Mary come to register. Rev. William Hillegonds, Hope Memorial Chapel. Rev. Hillegonds Pat Russel, cellist and Rosemary College Chaplain, will deliver the In every one of the deep South will preside over the program. Hekman, harpsichordist. next Centennial lecture on Tues- The Chapel Choir under the dir- states a Senatorial seat, Congres- The service will be preceded by day, Dec. 7 in Winants Auditorium ection of Dr. Robert Cavanaugh sional seats and large portions of tower music by the Brass choir at 7:30 p.m. will sing "The Virgin and Child" slate, county and municipal elec- conducted by Robert Cecil. Deco- Rev. Hillegonds will discuss his by Faure and "Lully, Lullay" by tions will be decided in 1966. Yet rations for the Chapel have been belief that the New Testament is Ulysses Kay. Roger Davis will the people they will be represent- provided by the committee con- very much aware of the Gospel and direct the 120 voice College Chorus ing are not allowed to vote. The sisting of Janita Holleman, Joyce the need to communicate the Gos- in "Glory to God in the Highest" war for equality, for the right of Morrison, Joan Tallis and Charles pel in such a way that what it by Pergolesi, "In Bethlehem this representation in congress and for Aschbrenner. Roger Davis is says will not only be heard but Christmas Morn" by Clemens non real freedom does not end until chairman of the service. every American Negro can vote- will be also understood by the men Papa, "Torches" by Matthews and not just register—but vote and who chooses to listen. Special em- "Joseph Dearest, Joseph Mild" by have his vote counted on the same phasis will be given to the public Walther. terms as that of his white brother, school teacher's role in communi- Dr. Anthony Kooiker will direct Anchored Inside said Jack Schrier, USA regional cation. the women's Choir in the "Mag- coordinator. Rev. Hillegonds served in the nificat" and "Madonna and Child" armed forces in Europe during by John Davison and the kodaly Vietnam Conference Page 2 the Second World War, earned five "Christmas of the Shepherds." The Hope on TV battle stars and was awarded the Men's Choir, under the direction Religion Series Page 3 Bronze Star medal. After the war of Roger Rietberg will sing two Editorial Page 4 Hope foreign students, Tad- he graduated Magna Cum Laude traditional Christmas melodies— ashi Isami from Japan and Jan from Hope in 1949 and graduated "God Rest Ye, Merry Gentlemen" Shiels Page 4 Huber from the Netherlands, from Western Theological Semin- REV. WILLIAM HILLEGONDS and "A Child was Born in Beth- will appear on a 15-minhte TV ary in 1951. Rev. Hillegonds has lehem." Werge Page 6 show with Dr. Paul Fried on done graduate study at Colgate- Reformed Church of Chatham, New Organists for the service are Faculty Focus Page 6 WKZO-TV Wednesday, Dec. 15. Rochester Divinity School, the Bib- York; Brighton Reformed Church Kenneth Bruggers, Steve Rumpf, They will discuss the topic of lical Seminary in New York City of Rochester, New York; and Hope Gloria Langstraat and Rosemary Snow Page 7 international education with and the Theological Seminary of Church in Holland from 1960 until Hekman. The string section of the WKZO's John MarshaU. the University of Dubuque. he took the position of Hope Col- Hope C ollege Symphonette con- Preview of Concordia Page 8 Rev. Hillegonds has served First lege pastor this year. ducted by Morrette Rider will play December S, 1965 Hope College anchor Vietnam Sessions Reviewed Policy Discussed, Explained covering the entire spectrum of By George Arwady Vietnamese affairs. Droge and On November 20, a conference on 4 4 Fishel expanded on every question, .< .rt ^v-•• - •£**• - - Vietnam was held in the Dimnent demonstrating great familiarity Memorial Chapel.
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