Agenda Item: 9E Wolverhampton City Council OPEN EXECUTIVE DECISION ITEM (AMBER) Cabinet / Cabinet Panel CABINET Date 15 MARCH 2006 Portfolio(s) ECONOMIC EVELOPMENT AND HOUSING STRATEGY Originating Service Group(s) REGENERATION AND ENVIRONMENT Contact Officer(s)/ COSTAS GEORGHIOU PHIL SHUTTLEWORTH Telephone Number(s) 5600 5629 KEY DECISION: YES Title WARD STREET MASTER PLAN – RESULTS OF PUBLIC CONSULTATION IN FORWARD PLAN: YES 1. Recommendation 1.1 Cabinet is recommended to : (a) approve the responses to the public consultation on the Draft Ward Street Master Plan as set out in the Appendix to this report together with other minor amendments and additions; (b) adopt the revised Ward Street Master Plan as a Supplementary Planning Document to provide a context and guidance for the submission of future planning applications. Cabinet Report 15.03.06 Ward Street Master Plan Results of Public Consultation 1. Purpose of the Report. 1.1 To advise members of the results of public consultation on the Draft Master Plan for the Ward Street regeneration project and to make recommendations for amendments as appropriate. 2. Background. 2.1 At the meeting on 27th July 2005 Cabinet noted the development principles set out in the Draft Master Plan for the regeneration of land at Ward Street and Ettingshall Road owned by Carillion / P.&O., National Grid (formerly Second Site) and the City Council. 2.2 Members authorised a major public consultation on this important project and this was undertaken by officers from the Project Implementation, Neighbourhood Management and the Bilston Regeneration Team in collaboration with staff from JBP public relations consultants and Carillion /P.&O. 3. Details of Consultation. 3.1 The consultation ran from 21st November to 16th December 2005 and involved the following elements: • Leaflet drop with scheme summary and contact details to 3,000 local residents. • Static exhibition at the EVCAP Centre, John Street with a full consultation period staffed at advertised times. • Mobile exhibition located in Bilston Town Centre on two occasions, Bilston Local Area Forum and eight other venues in the local area. • 41 individual letters to interested bodies and individuals including the constituency MP and ward councillors for Ettingshall, Bilston North and Bilston East. • Public meeting at Bilston C. of E. Primary School. • Statutory press notice. • Press release. • Posting on Wolverhampton City Council website. • Freepost address for comments available throughout the consultation period. 4. Results of Consultation and Recommended Responses. 4.1 A summary of the comments received and council responses is listed as an Appendix to this report. 4.2 In addition to the public comments, a number of other minor amendments, updates and clarifications have been been included by your officers. These include such matters as updating policy statements in the light of the Inspector’s Report into the Unitary Development Plan and clarification of the design principles relating to the canalside area. 5. Financial Implications 5.1 Negotiations are continuing between the respective landowners to ensure that the significant infrastructure costs of developing the site and the ultimate capital returns from Cabinet Report 15.03.06 its disposal are properly apportioned between the three owners from the outset. Further reports on the details of these negotiations will be brought to Cabinet in due course. 6. Environmental Implications 6.1 The implementation of the Master Plan as referred to in this report will regenerate a major area of derelict and underused land and bring about significant environmental improvements for residents in the surrounding locality. 7. Equal Opportunities Policies 7.1 This report has implications for the Council’s Equal Opportunities Policies in that it seeks to respond to the views of a range of interested parties including residents in an area of relative social deprivation. This is an important part of the process of bringing about a substantial new residential scheme which will include the provision of new social housing, open space and community facilities which will also benefit the existing communities in the area. Cabinet Report 15.03.06 Ward Street Master Plan Summary of Comments from Public Consultation and Recommended Responses Respondent Comments Council Response Support proposals in principle. Welcomes Sport England Noted. Reference included Para 6.10. emphasis on quality open space but ensure canal frontage provides a walking / cycling route connected to residential areas and refer to advice in document – “Active Design.” Emphasise that any planning application must demonstrate that playing field provision will be in Noted. Reference included Para 6.32. accordance with PPS1, PPG17 and UDP Policy R5. Playing field assessment required. Noted. Reference included Para 10.7. The Ettingshall Village Association Welcomed the scheme as a replacement for the The points raised by TEVA will be former tyre burning plant. Concern at failure to investigated in the context of the Transport integrate scheme with surrounding communities. Assessment Report. Highways and Transportation consultants have been advised accordingly. Inadequate routes from new development to existing facilities, i.e. Priestfield Metro stop, shops in New Street and the EVCAP Centre. No restructuring of traffic management in surrounding areas. Support closure of Jibbet Lane Bridge. New development will increase Cabinet Report 15.03.06 Respondent Comments Council Response traffic and “rat running” in surrounding streets to avoid the Bilston Road / Ettingshall Road junction. To prevent through traffic recommend closure of George Street, Frost Street and John Street. Support restrictions on Jibbet Lane Bridge and recommend consideration of closure to all traffic. Plan should indicate provision for cyclists, pedestrians and wheelchair users along railway cutting as far as Millfields Road. Recommend changes described above could be funded from finance raised from the disposal of Council-owned land. Heantun Housing Association New buildings should overlook open space around Agreed. Amendments made to plans primary school rather than backing on to it. Poor junction at Millfields Road / Ettingshall Road. Improvement works already carried out to this junction to increase capacity. Restricted visibility at site entry on Ettingshall Noted. New access will be as far away as Road due to canal bridge. How could proposals possible from the canal bridge. address these? Approach to site through industrial areas does not The land zoned industrial on the Revised create context for “making a place.” Deposit UDP lies south of the canal and west of Ettingshall Road. There is often a problem at the interface between different land uses but it may be expected that the character of Cabinet Report 15.03.06 Respondent Comments Council Response the industrial areas will be enhanced as the quality of design, materials and possibly uses improves over time. To form a more diverse community, investigate Whilst it would be desirable to incorporate possibility of including “time served” housing land wider housing issues, (particularly in a brief for a wider area, with housing for sale in Wolverhampton Homes) it is not possible to place of rental and increase rented sector within do so within the timescale of this the existing Master Plan area. development. However, the Council will continue to liaise with W’ton homes on this issue with a view to considering these observations as part of future neighbourhood renewal initiatives in the area. English Nature Council should be aware that brownfield sites can Noted. Reference to PPS9 included Para harbour significant nature conservation interest. 6.35. Development should take account of PPS9 Mitigation measures already required. (Biodiversity and Geological Conservation). Appropriate mitigation measures will be required if protected species are affected. Recommended Council conducts a survey to Surveys carried out. Results awaited. identify protected species, BAP habitats and species. SPD should include results of these surveys. EcoRecord should be consulted. British Waterways Support the objectives of the draft plan but are Noted. References now included to the disappointed that the canal is not given more importance of the canal to the development. prominence in the document. SPD should Paras 3.5, 6.33. Cabinet Report 15.03.06 Respondent Comments Council Response acknowledge the Black Country Tourism and Interpretation Strategy. Towpaths should link into wider footpath and New section addresses treatment of the public transport network. Improvements should canalside area in relation to waterway users, form an integral part of any development proposals visitors and residents. Paras 6.10, 6.34 taking the opportunity to create new access points. Refer to guidance document “Waterways Access Included. Para 6.34 for All” which sets out good design principles including the needs of people with disabilities. Location of moorings should be considered as part Ditto of any new waterside development. New development should create natural Ditto surveillance by facing the canal and positively use the water space. Southern site boundary is the Birmingham Main Amended. Para 3.3 Line Canal not Millfields Road as described. Refer to BW Planning Policy Document – Included. Para 6.11 “Waterways and Development Plans.” Need to take development opportunity to enhance Included. Para 6.34 the canal corridor for the benefit of canal users, residents
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