Folia geographica 14 Prešov 2009 ACTA FACULTATIS STUDIORUM HUMANITATIS ET NATURAE UNIVERSITATIS PREŠOVIENSIS PRÍRODNÉ VEDY FOLIA GEOGRAPHICA 14 Ročník XLIX Prešov 2009 1 Folia geographica 14 Prešov 2009 Acta Facultatis STUDIORUM Humanitatis ET Naturae Universitatis PREŠOVIENSIS, Prírodné vedy, XLIX., Folia Geographica 14, FHPV PU Prešov, 2009. Výkonný redaktor / Executive editor: RNDr. Radoslav Klamár, PhD. – University of Prešov, Slovakia Redakčná rada / Editorial board: prof. RNDr. Eva Michaeli, PhD. – Editor-in-Chief – University of Prešov, Slovakia prof. RNDr. Vladimír Baar, PhD. – University of Ostrava, Czech Republic prof. RNDr. Ján Drdoš, DrSc. – University of Prešov, Slovakia prof. Frédéric Dumont – Université des Sciences et Technologies de Lille, France prof. RNDr. Ján Harčár, PhD. – University of Prešov, Slovakia doc. RNDr. Vladimír Ira, PhD. – Slovak Academy of Sciences, Bratislava, Slovakia prof. RNDr. Robert Ištok, PhD. – University of Prešov, Slovakia prof. dr. hab. Antoni Jackowski – Jagellonian University in Krakow, Poland doc. dr. Lučka Lorber – University of Maribor, Slovenia prof. RNDr. René Matlovič, PhD. – University of Prešov, Slovakia prof. Adrian Smith – Queen Mary University of London, Great Britain prof. Ing. Jozef Vilček, PhD. – University of Prešov, Slovakia Dr. h. c. prof. RNDr. Florin Žigrai, DrSc. – Vienna, Austria Mená recenzentov jednotlivých príspevkov sú uvedené v závere každého z nich. ISSN 1336-6149 (Acta Facultatis Studiorum Humanitatis et Naturae Universitatis Prešoviensis, Prírodné vedy) ISSN 1336-6157 (Folia Geographica) 2 Folia geographica 14 Prešov 2009 SPECIAL ISSUE FOR THE 2TH EUGEO CONGRESS, BRATISLAVA 2009 3 Folia geographica 14 Prešov 2009 Dedicated to memory of prof. RNDr. JÁN DRDOŠ, DrSc. (6th January 1934, Vígľaš – 27th May 2009, Bratislava) 4 Folia geographica 14 Prešov 2009 OBSAH SIX DECADES OF ACADEMIC GEOGRAPHIC EDUCATION AND RESEARCH IN PREŠOV .....................................................................................7 René MATLOVIČ – Eva MICHAELI POPULATION DYNAMICS AND POPULATION POTENTIAL IN THE KOŠICE (1999-2005) ......................................................................................22 Slavomir BUCHER Importance AND value OF SOIL environmental FUNCTIONS .......40 Radoslav BUJNOVSKÝ, Martin VILČEK LANDSCAPE RESEARCH IN topic AND CHORIC DIMENSION FROM THE GEOGRAPHICAL POINT OF VIEW .........................46 Vladimír ČECH COMPLEX SITE ANALYSIS AND SYNTHESIS ON A GEOGRAPHICAL SITE AS A METHOD IN THE GEOECOLOGICAL RESEARCH .........................53 Vladimír ČECH THE INTRODUCTION to THE ISSUE OF THE SPECIALISED HIKING TRACES at THE BACKGROUND OF THE mountain BIKING PROGRESS IN THE WORLD AND IN Slovakia ................................................60 Peter ČUKA THE DEMOGRAPHIC SITUATION OF THE ROMA MINORITY IN THE MICRO-REGION “STRÁŽE” ......................................................................74 Zuzana DOLNÁ MEASUREMENT OF PLACE MARKETING orientation .............................83 Magdalena FLOREk MIęDzyMORzE AS a POLISH GEOPOLITICAL CONCEPT ............................89 Robert IŠTOK, Tomáš KOZIAK LANDSCAPE STRUCTURE CHANGES IN MODEL VILLAGE OF HLINNÉ, VyŠNÝ ŽIPOV AND zLATNÍK ........................................................98 Eva MICHAELI, Monika IVANOVÁ, Jana JUHAŠČIkOVÁ GEOGRAPHy AND SOLAR ENERGy UTILIzation ....................................... 110 Ján kAňUK 5 Folia geographica 14 Prešov 2009 REGIONAL DISPARITIES IN PREŠOV REGION ACCORDING TO THE STRUCTURE OF INDUSTRY ...................................................................121 Radoslav KLAMÁR, Martin ROSIČ ASSESSMENT OF GULLY EROSION ACCORDING TO ADMINISTRATIVE UNITS OF SLOVAKIA ....................................................155 Štefan KOCO What IS THE COLOUR OF PREŠOV? AN ANALySIS oF coLoUR ASSocIAtIoNS IN tHe PoPULAtIoN eVoKed by A GeoGRAPHIcAL AReA AS tHe FUNdAMeNt FoR cReAtING AN AccePtAbLe cIty bRANd .................................................167 kvetoslava MATLOVIČOVÁ GEOECOLOGICAL STRUCTURE OF THE DUMP OF TECHNOLOGICAL WASTE (FE – concentrate) at SEREď ..............180 Eva MICHAELI, Martin BOLTIŽIAR, Monika IVANOVÁ SKI tourism IN THE POLISH Carpathians – PRESENT state AND ISSUES OF DEVELOPMENT .....................................198 Mirosław MIKA THE POPULATION DEVELOPMENT OF VEĽKÝ ŠARIŠ IN THE CONTEXT OF SUBURBAN PROCESSES IN 1991 – 2006 .....................209 Barbora NÉMETHYOVÁ TOURISM POTENTIAL AND POSSIBILITIES OF ITS EXPLOITATION IN THE SUBCARPATHIAN (PODKARPACKIE) VOIVEDESHIP .....................223 Robert PAWLUSINSKI, Bartosz PIZIAK THE INFLUENCE OF THE POPULATION AGE STRUCTURE AND SIzE CATEGORy OF SETTLEMENTS ON THE ELECTORAL PREFERENCES OF POLITICAL PARTIES IN THE NATIONAL COUNCIL ELECTION IN 2006 IN PREŠOV DISTRICT .....................................238 Beáta PUSTÁ THE POTENTIAL OF tourism IN THE PREŠOV COUNTY REGIONS .......249 Martin ROSIČ, Radoslav kLAMÁR WINTER WHEAT GROWING POTENTIAL IN SLOVAK RURAL LANDSCAPE. (Triticum aestivum L.) .........................................................................271 Jozef VILČEK 6 Folia geographica 14 Prešov 2009 SIX DECADES OF ACADEMIC GEOGRAPHIC EDUCATION AND RESEARCH IN PREŠOV René MATLOVIČ – Eva MICHAELI1 Abstract: The admission of the Slovak Geographical Society into the EUGEO in 2007 was in particular important events that influenced the life of the Slovak geographical community in the last years. The forthcoming 2th congress of the EUGEO, which will be held in Bratislava in this year is very good opportunity to reflect the history and the present stay of the geographic education and research at the University of Prešov. Thereat we have an ambition to present a brief profile of the Prešov´s geographical community with emphasis on its institutional development, legislative position, and problems of geographical research and education. Key words: geographical institutions, geography, geographical education, geographical research, Prešov, University of Prešov. INTRODUCTION tradition of geographic education at the university level in Prešov has traced as far back to 1667, when the first lectures from geography were introduced at the evangelic college by Michal Pancratius. In the following period there were many famous people in the roles of students and professors that participated in the field of geographic research, education and propagation. the most famous students studying at the college were e.g. Ján Adam Rayman, Ján Matej Korabinský, Pavol Rebery, Samuel Augustíni ab Hortis, Ján Hunfalvy, Ján Pettko, Jozef Jekelfalussy, Alfréd Grósz a Juraj Janoška. From the college professors we can mention Fridrich Hazslinszký, Ján csinka, Jozef Koreň, Ladislav Urbánek and Mirko trnovský. In the 19th century some geographically oriented figures acted also at the Roman catholic royal grammar school. one of the famous and very active people in publishing was Jan Nepomuk Woldřich. In 1918 the evangelic college lost its character of university and in 1945 the last institute of Prešov college – the college grammar school – was closed, too. However, in the second half of 20th century some new educational institutions were established. they continued in rich traditions of Prešov education and they brought the development of university geographic education and research in eastern Slovakia. 1 Prof. RNDr. René Matlovič, PhD., prof. RNDr. Eva Michaeli, PhD., Department of Geography and Regional Development, Faculty of Humanities and Natural Sciences, University of Prešov, ul. 17. novembra 1, 081 16 Prešov, Slovakia, e-mail: matlren@ unipo.sk, [email protected]. 7 Folia geographica 14 Prešov 2009 INSTITUTIONAL incorporation OF GEOGRAPHIC education AND RESEARCH IN PREŠOV Permanent lack of teachers in eastern Slovakia caused establishing of tutorial centres for the distance studies of teachers in Košice (1946) and in Prešov (1947). In 1949 Faculty of education of Slovak University in Košice started to continue in their activities, establishing the Institute of Geography. It became the first Slovak academic place situated outside bratislava. In 1952 the institution moved to Prešov. the Institute of Geography was the part of department of natural sciences that merged also the institutions of botany, zoology, chemistry and geology. one year later an organizational reform of teachers` education took place in Slovakia. on the basis of one of the pedagogic faculty branches, the Higher pedagogic school for teachers from 6th to 8th grades of elementary schools was established in Prešov. In 1954 first 20 teachers of geography left the school.t hey continued in spatial and personal development of the institute, which was located in the building of former evangelic college grammar school situated at Námestie legionárov (Legionar square). In 1959 the system of academic preparation of teachers was reorganized again. New pedagogic institutes were formed in Prešov and Košice. year 1961 was an important milestone in institutional development of the department. the Institute of Geography was detached from the department of Natural environment, declaring an autonomous department of geography. In 1964 education Institute in Prešov changed to Faculty of education, which was incorporated into University of Pavol Jozef Šafárik (UPJŠ) located in Košice as its fourth faculty. the tuition of Geography as a field of study then moved to the university level increasing prestige and quality of the department and its academicians. At that time there were 8 pedagogic- research workers employed at the department. on
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