1654 in pain. The licensee is, of course, responsible for carrying out the con- COLE, ROBERT HODGSON. M.B. Durh., has been appointed a Coroner for ditioiis of his licence and certificates and the additional guarantees are Victoria. that the inspectors can judge whether the licensee is in the habit of COLMER, PTOLEMY AUGUSTUS, M.R.C.S. Eng., L.R.C.P. Lond., L.S.A., obeying the conditions by the number which they see and in which has becn appointed Medical Officer and Public Vaccinator te No. 2 they find the animals in a proper state and by the fact that whenever District, Yeovil Union. ’they find an experiment going on the provisions of the law with regard D’OMBRAIN, ERNEST ARTHUR, M.B. Melb., has been appointed Public to anaesthesia are obeyed. Further guarantees lie in the character of Vaccinator for the South-Western District, Victoria. ’the persons to whom licences are granted and the eminent persons ERCOLE, QUINTO, MD., Ch.U. Bologna, has been appointed Govern- who recommend them and in the fact that such experiments must be ment Medical Officer and Vaccinator at White Cliffs, New South ,performed in registered places which are under the control of responsible Wales. ’authorities, and that all applications are carefully scrutinised before ELVINS, HENRY, F. H., M.B. Melb., has been appointed Medical Officer registration is granted. of Health, pro tem., for the Borough of Clunes, Victoria. In the course of the sitting Mr. BANBURY brought in a Bill to amend EYRE, J. W. H., M.D., has been appointed Bacteriologist to Guy’s Hos- ’-the Cruelty to Animals Act, 1876. ’ pital. FLOYER, F. A., B.A., M.B. Cantab., M.R.C.S. Eng., L.S.A. Lond., Civil Cancerous Cattle. Surgeon attached to Connaught Hospital, Aldershot, has been Sir JAMES JOICEY asked the Home Secretary whether his attention appointed a Government Medical Officer in the British Central had been called to a recent case at the Leicester County Court, before African Protectorate, to proceed to Zomba. - His Honour Judge Wightman, when a statement was made by one of the FREEMANTLE, FRANCIS E., M.B.. B.Ch.Oxon., has been appointed meat inspectors of the Leicester Corporation that in cases where cancer Medical Officer of Health to the I-lerts County Council. -occurred in an animal (presumably local) he only condemned the part GREEN, REGINALD. M.D., D.Hy. Duuelm, has been appointed Medical of the animal affected as being unfit for human food but passed the Officer of Health and Medical Officer to Infectious Hospitals for remaining part of the carcass ; if so, whether, considering the increase the Kings Norton and Northtield Urban Council. of cancer in the United Kingdom, he would make regulations, or ask Hozcxorm, W. F., has been appointed Medical Officer for the North -the local authorities to do so, to ensure in such cases the condemnation Molton and Molland Districts by the South Molton (Devon) Board - of the whole carcasses of animals in any way affected by cancer.-Mr. of Guardians. WALTER LONG, replying to the question, said : I have seen a short LAMB, WILLIAM, M.D., C.M.Edin., M.R.C.P. Lond., has been ’newspaper report of the case referred to. I am advised that the course appointed Honorary Surgeon to the Birmingham and Midland adopted would appear to have been sufficient, and it does not seem to Ear and Throat Hospital, vice Dr. Charles Warden, resigned. me that there is any need to ask local authorities to take action of the LYNCH, PETER, L R.C.P. Edin., has been appointed Public Vaccinator ’kind suggested. I have no power to make regulations on the subject. for the Metropolitan District, Victoria. MCGEE, WILLIAM, L.K.Q.C.P., has been appointed Officer of Health TUESDAY, JUNE 3RD. for the Shire of Phillip Island and Woolamai, Victoria. MACQUARIE, CHARLES NicoL, L.R.C.P. Edin., has been appointed The Holding of Inquests. Medical Officer of Health for the Shire of Omeo, Victoria, and Public Sir JOHN LENG asked the Attorney-General whether his attention Vaccinator for the North-Eastern District, Victoria. ’had been called to the holding of an inquest on a man, aged 70 years, MAHOMET, ARCHIBALD, M.B., Ch.B.Aberd., has been appointed House ’who died lately in his own house at Mapplewell after being ill for more Surgeon to the Paddington Green Children’s Hospital. than three years suffering from cancer; if he would explain why an MORRIS, F. H., M.D. St. And., has been re-appointed Medical Officer of inquest was held in this case ; and whether he would promote legisla- Health to the Wellingborough Rural District Council. - tion to prevent inquests being necessary in such cases.-Mr. RITCHIE OWEN, FREDERICK JAMES, M.D. Melb., has been appointed Public replied : I find on inquiry that an inquest was held in this case to Vaccinator for Needham District, Victoria (Acting), during the explain the reason of the deceased man’s having a dislocation of the absence of Dr. Esler. hip. complicated by fracture of the thigh-bone, and that it was only REID, MATTHEW ALEXANDER, M.B. Edin., has been appointed Acting after very careful attention to the medical evidence at the inquest that Ofhcer of Health for the City of Richmond, Victoria, during the the jury were enabled to return a verdict to the effect that the death absence on leave of Mr. Branson. was purely natural, and that the injuries to the bones were the result SYMONS, WILLIAM HENRY, M.D. Brux., L.R.C.P. Lond., M.R.C.S., "of the cancerous growth and were not due, as had appeared possible, L.S.A., D.P.H. Oxon. and Durh., has been re-appointed Medical to a fall or external violence of some kind. Under these circumstances Officer of Health for Bath. it seems impossible to say that the coroner did not properly exercise the TIGHE, JOHN M., L.R.C.P. Edin., has been appointed Medical Officer of discretion given him by the Act. Health Jor the Shire of Yarrawonga, Victoria, during absence on leave of Dr. O’Sullivan. Provision in Medical Orkney. WILSON, GEOFFREY R., B.C. Cantab., has been appointed House Mr. CATHCART WASON asked the Lord Advocate if his attention had Physician to the Paddington Green Children’s Hospital. ’been called to the fact that a petition from the island of North WORTHINGTON, SIDNEY, M.D. Lond., F.R.C.S. Eng., has been appointed Ronaldshay, praying that telegraphic communication should be estab- Honorary Physician to the Chesterfield and North Derbyshire lished with the mainland, was refused consideration by the Post Office Hospital and Factory Surgeon for the Chesterfield District. owing to the extensive nature of the work ; and whether, seeing that the population of the island was over 400, that there was no medical officer there, and that medical or surgical attendance could only he procured after considerable delay, he would consult with the Northern Lighthouse Commission, the Scotch Fishery Board, and the Congested Districts Board as to the establishment of communication by helio- Vacancies. graph, semaphore, or pigeon post.-The LORD ADVOCATE, in reply, said that the Secretary for Scotland was not prepared to initiate action in the direction indicated by the honourable Member. He would, how-. For Jurther information regaraing each vacancy reJerence 8hould be made to the adverti8ement ever, be happy to consider any scheme for facilitating communication (see Index). that might be laid before him by those interested. Vaccination Exemptions. AYR DISTRICT LUNACY BOARD.-Medical Superintendent. Salary £500, with house, coal, gas, &c. Mr. CORRIE GRANT asked the Home whether he was aware* Secretary BRIGHTON, HovE, AND PRESTON DISPENSARY.-House that Mr. E. Dew made to the Sessions, Staines, Surgeon. Salary application Spelthorne jE160 per annum, with apartments, coals, gas, washing, and on Monday, May 5th, for an exemption certificate on the ground of,’ attendance. conscientious objection to vaccination ; that, four of the magistrates BRISTOL CITY LUNATIC ASYLUM.—Medical Assistant, unmarried. in favour of the certificate and four it was re- being granting against, Salary £ 140 per annum, increasing to £160, with apartments, board, fused : and, seeing that under the circumstances two of the magis- . and washing. trates who were in favour of the could have granting certificate signed CENTRAL LONDON SICK ASYLU:W: at Cleveland-street or Hendon.- the certificate, whether he would state what action he to proposed Fast Assistant Medical Officer. Salary £120 per annum, with board I am advised that where a of the take.-Mr. RITCHIE replied : majority and residence at Hendon. in sessoins are not in favour of a certi-- . justices sitting petty granting CENTRAL LONDON THROAT AND EAR Inn-road.- of vaccination it would not be for HOSPITAL, Gray’s ficate exemption from proper any House Honorarium at rate of 40 a to the certificate unless the other Lt Surgeon (nQn-resident). guineas minority grant justices present year. abstained from in the case. There is no action which I adjudicating CITY OF LONDON HOSPITAL FOR DISEASES OF THE CHEST, Victoria- can in the take matter. park, E.-Second House Physician for six months. Salary at rate of .E30 per annum, with board, washing, and residence. EAST LONDON HOSPITAL FOR CHILDREN AND DISPENSARY FOR WOMEN, Shadwell, E.-Resident Medical Officer. A salary, with board, resi- dence, and laundry. FISHERTON A6YLUM, Salisbury.-Assistant Medical Officer, unmarried. Appointments. Salary .E150 per annum, wIth board, lodging, and washing. FoRRES LEANCHOIL HOSPITAL, Morayshire.—Medical Officer. Salary 260 per annum. Successful applicants for Vacancies, Secretaries of Public Institutions, GLASGOW, ST.
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