PATRONIZE CO!ltfC TIME TO TH INK. Ou r· ABOUT THE ADVERTISERS S.B.A. ELECTI ON VOL. XIV. GRAND JUNCTION, COLO., THURSDAY, APRIL 10, 1947 NO. 22 Turn About Fa ir Play! 'Reporter Attempts "Roundup" Sale Mesa ·Males in Dither Over You've seen poster~ around the hall concerning perhaps an un­ known article called the Roundup. Fear no more, read on and you will know all. Prospect of Free Evening Each year the advanced composi­ tion class gathers the best literary Gold-diggers Ball Boom to Deflated Ban k Rolls; Girls to effort of aspiring English students and publishes these gems in a stu­ Recompense Boys Today I dent anthology called the Hound­ up. If you got all A's on your By J ean Yarnell I themes and compositions, get your copy of the Roundup and sec Under the clever publicity posters for the Gold-diggers' ll (if) the best (is the bestl. Ball, groups of males have been gathering all week in com­ This is your chance to see your­ templation over an event which will revolutionize the social I self and your friends and even -----==========-+date routine. I those not under these classifications Turn about is fair play. The girls in print. This is a permanent rec­ Pres. Wubben to Be who spend 365 days of a normal ord of your happy college days and year fleecing the unwary males, so more than worth the small price the fellows say, will be digging that will be charged. Toastmaster down deep all day Friday in Last year the Roundup was so President Horace Wubb<.n will recompense. well received that it sold out be­ act as toastmaster at a banquet The boys have been waiting for fore everyone got one, so don't of the district convention of the sweet revenge for some time. The wait too long to go down to the Colorado Congress of Parents and day of recognition has now arrived. booth in the hall and order yours. Teachers, April 14 and 15. The At the dance climaxing this day of The advanced composition class banquet will get underway at 7 flowing coins, the girls will have reports that they had much fun in p. m. Monday, at the Redlands to put on the dog. reading over material for their club house. Thanks to co-chairmen Nore en selections ... such things as come Among the many prominent Besse and R,uth Reeds, and their from someone's case against speakers to take part in the pro­ committees, the day will be women. "Her name is giggle Ruth, gram will be Russell C. Porter, co­ brought to a close as the last min­ giggle Baer, her address is a giggle, ordinator of radio for Denver Uni­ utes of April 11 tick off the clock. I so is her mother and her father versity. The following girls acted as chair­ works for a giggle.·, All this and men of committees: Mary Eliza­ more make up the student Round­ beth Kerr, publicity; Shirley Wes­ up. Don't get left out. Mr. Bare to Undergo ton, refreshments; Dorothy Ann H.S. Devere, program; Betty Sullivan, --- ---- Major Operation in East dance programs; Maxine Cocroft, Wubben, Charles to Attend Mr. Carl Bare. head of the com­ ticket sales; Sara Lu Rankin, deco­ College Conference April l O posing room of the Daily Sentinel, rations. Even at this late date, girls can President Horace Wubben, and left Sunday for the Mayo Clinic in Dean of Men, Mr. Victor Charles, Rochester, Minnesota, where he stiil summon a date. Some guys Community Concert Triumphs will undergo a major operation. He think that no corsage means no will leave Wednesday to attend the expects to return in about three hurry. What about it girls? As the Annual School and College confer­ weeks. girls hold the minority at Mesa, ence, to be held April 10, 11 and there's a wide horizon to choose 12 in the Cosmopolitan Hotel in Mr. Bare was very helpful to the from. This time, the coeds can In Presenting Symphony Denver. CRITERION staff in making up play the field! The conference is sponsored l.>y the paper. We hope that he will the University of Colorado, and is have a quick recovery, and will Student Council Assembly Avalon Theatre Refuses Stage; Locale Sh ifted to College the only meeting where all school soon be back to give us his needed administrators get together at the assistance. Lively, Informative, Good! Auditorium, Performance, April 17 same time and place. Jackie Diemer, Ruth Reeds, By TED FOSTER Among the featured speakers at Scars Left on College the conference will be Professor Maurice Johnson, Joyce Hollem- Community concerts will score again for music fans Campus By Brute Shovel; beak, and Anna Jean Mclnturf Gilbert Wrenn of the University of reported on the results of their re- when they sponsor the Minneapolis symphony, Dimitri Minnesota; and Dean Arnold Joyal Grass Ga rden, Walks La id spective meetings at the Dixie con- from the University of Oklahoma Mitropoulos conducting, in an appearance here the even- Of interest to graduating stu­ A look into the crystal ball ference. ing of April 17. A student's concert, sponsored by Mesa deuts at Mesa college, will be the promises many good things for The . yearly spendings were re- ]] d th G d J · 1· ported by Marjorie Eyer and the new system of entrance require­ Mesa in the not too distant future. ~ ege an e ran unct~on pub 1c _school_s, will be ments, to be drawn up by Colorado The tract of ground north of the new type budget was discussed by - + given at 3 o clock m Mesa col- University. building has seen much activity of Al Leonard. · H / W lege auditorium, and an adult's late, what with working, leveling The highlights of the year were I e p anted for prog~am is planned for the same Mesa College on the Air and watering of the piece of read by Jean Yarnell, and Ross "P / Al/'' evenmg.. ground. Some students have won­ Bale read the constitution. This apa S Mr. Mitropoulos, known _as the On Mesa College on the Air on dered whether they are going to was highlighted by music by the . concert goers' conductor, W}ll pre- April 16, Norma Carr will present plant onions or beans. Collegians and tumbling on the Are you an electrician? If so, sent a. program that _shoulo be of a program on the theme "Home Farsighted individuals see there trampoline. please see Mrs. Cramer immedi- great mterest to music fans of all Economics As It Affects the Vet­ a football practice field, tennis ately. Several stage hands are also degrees. The program will be as erans' Wives." The program will courts, a cafeteria and a women's A Snowy, or Arctic, owl which . follows: consist of four wives who will be dorm. It has been rumored that alighted on a ship in mid-ocean, nee d e d an d anyone w h o is w1l1 mg 1. Overture to "Rosamunde" interviewed on questions concern­ with the advent of Mesa becoming exhausted, has been sent by the to work can qualify. Schubert ing home economics. a four-year college more academic crew to the London zoo. Inside flats have been obtained 2. Second Movement "Scherzo," They are Mesdames William buildings will be constructed from Symphony No. 3, in A Weaver, Frank Gibbs, William there. Colu mbus found Sea island cot­ thru the courtesy of Mr. Vern minor IScotch) Mendelssohn Austin of the Avalon theatre, and 3. Suit No. 1, from Peter Everett and Vernon Reed. A new walk is being laid east of ton growing in the Bahamas in Yesterday, Miss Smith's French 1492. the set for the play "Papa Is All" 1 Gynt" - ---------- - Grieg the building; resodding of certain will be one of the best. 1 (A) Daybreak in the Moun- Class had a panel discussion on areas is being undertaken. Al­ 1 tains the adoption of Suyanne Ougier. though the recent excavation left Rehearsals of the new produc- 1 (Bl Aase's Death On the panel were Dolores Barron, quite a scar in the southeast cor­ NOTICE tion began on Monday and will (Cl Anitra's Dance Joan Son, Peggy Woolverton, Rosa­ ner of the campus, the huge steam An important business meet­ continue until the public perform- <D) Dance in the Hall of the lie Roussin and Jerry Gerboy. One shovel has moved on and the ing of the P hi Theta Kappa will ances on May 8 and 9. Mountain King 4. Intermezzo, from "Condel­ of the two French songs sung in campus is beginning to take on the be held at 11:15 Friday in r oom leria Rusticanna" __ Mascagni French was France's National old familiar look once more. 206 for the initiation of pledges, Australian dock workers recent­ 5. Ride of the Valkyries from Anthem. election of officers and plnns for ly worked day and night to load 12 "Die Walkure" _____ Wagner ----- ----~ Russia began coining platinum the spr ing luncheon, ships with nearly 100,000 tons of 6. Polka and Fugue from Lignite, a form of coal, crumbles money in 1828. wheat for India. Turn to Page 2, Col. 5 when exposed to the atmosphere. PAGE TWO MESA COLLEGE CRITERION THURSDAY, APRIL 10, 1947 <Continued from Page 1) '"Schwanda and the Bag- MESA COLLEGE CRITERION piper'" Weinberger Established 1932 Important among the ranks of Published at Grand Junction, Colorado. the orchestra is the colorful and , famed Louis Kransner, concert­ - )(.- master of the Mrnneapolis sym­ EDITOR __ _ __ Joyce Hollembeak phony, who is a sincere ad, ocate of modern music.
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