THE OSCAR www.BankDentistry.com 613.241.1010 The Ottawa South Community Association Review l The Community Voice Year 44, No.7 July-August 2016 Bridging the Gap The proposed Fifth-Clegg Canal footbridge. GRAPHICS FROM THE CITY OF OTTAWA By John Dance Old Ottawa South residents, not the least of whom is Councillor David Although it’s not going to be in Chernushenko. Old Ottawa South’s boundary, “The proposed pedestrian/cyclist the proposed Fifth-Clegg Canal bridge at Fifth and Clegg will provide footbridge is getting close to a much-needed safer option for providing relief for the community’s residents. Progress has been made as a result of the strong advocacy of Continued on pg. 5 COMMUNITY CALENDAR Mon. July 4 Windsor Park Wading Pool Opens for the Season Wed. July 13 19:00 Bear & Co. Presents Shakespeare’s Macbeth, Windsor Park Sat. July 16, 19:00 A Company of Fools presents Shakespeare’s Pericles, Windsor Park Wed. July 27, 19:00 Bear & Co. Presents Shakespeare’s Macbeth, Windsor Park Sat. August 13, 12:30 Star Trek Triple-Bill and BBQ, Mayfair Theatre Sat. August 20, 19:00 A Company of Fools presents Shakespeare’s Pericles, Windsor Park Sun. August 28 Windsor Park Wading Pool Closes for the Season Sat. September 10, 8:00-15:00 OSCA Porch Sale To see the latest listings, go to the online calendar at www.oldottawasouth.ca NEXT OSCAR Deadline: August 12 Page 2 The OSCAR l July-August 2016 OSCA EVENTS Fall Porch Sale By Ilona Peltz Fall in Old Ottawa South! Back to school, back from the cottage, back to normal... and back-to-back bargains at the Porch Sale! Furni- ture, clothes, appliances, tools, toys... whatever you’re hoping for, it’s prob- ably out there somewhere. And if you get weary of wandering, please do drop by the Firehall for a change of pace. Listen to some live music while you eat your hot dog or sausage, fresh off the grill. We’ll have hot dogs, sausages, and juice too, and maybe even a sweet treat to round things off. You’re sure to meet a neighbour or two. Add some face painting for the kids, and you have a nice little interlude before you’re back to the bargain-hunting! There will be two donation boxes: A scene from last year’s Porch Sale. one for non-perishable items for the Food Bank, and another for cash do- So be sure to drop by to the CA’s contribution to this neighbour- Ashton Brewing Company for their nations to help cover the costs of this Firehall (260 Sunnyside Avenue) hood event! donation to this event! It’s communi- event. We thank you in advance for on Saturday, September 10, between And we can’t finish this note ty-minded businesses that help bring your generosity. 11:00 and 1:30, and enjoy OS- without a great big thank you to the fun events to our neighbourhood. REGISTER NOW! Full Week Tennis & Pool Summer Camps Memberships Still Available • 18 Har Tru Tennis Courts • 10 Beach Volleyball Courts • Newly Renovated Outdoor Pool • NEW Junior Programs for All Ages • Tennis & Red Cross Swim Lessons • Free Organized Activities for Members Upcoming at the #OTLBC... Join us for our Monthly Live Music Series Come and watch the Steve Stevens Senior National Championships in August Enjoy the Royal Oak specials on our One-of-a-Kind Balcony Unique location for a Corporate BBQ or Wedding! All at 176 Cameron Ave (Next to Brewer Park) | 613-730-7207 | www.otlbc.com | [email protected] The OSCAR l July-August 2016 Page 3 GIRL GUIDES A Society of Wonder Girls By Tracy Morey They go to the Colonel By Residence and sing camp-fire songs to the el- ders. They do neighbourhood clean- ups, collecting garbage. And they’ve adopted a park. Welcome to the 30th Ottawa Girl Guides, a community that has been operating out of the Trinity Church basement for a few decades. It now consists of 70 girls, including Sparks (kindergarten and grade 1), Brown- ies (grades 2 and 3), Guides (grades 4, 5 and 6), Pathfinders (grades 7, 8 and 9) and Rangers (high schoolers). Whatever the age group, the weekly sessions are rich and lively. At a recent early evening session the Brownies featured Earth Day, then went for a walk on the earth of OOS. Another evening the Guides worked to get their “plant” and “ani- mal” badges, and a week later did orienteering in Brewer Park. Discovery Girl Guides began in England in 1909, and by the next year there was OOS Girl Guides during an orienteering excursion to Brewer Park. a unit in Canada (St. Catherine’s). It’s estimated that in the last 100 years PHOTO BY ROSELYN MESHER more than seven million Canadian girls and women have been involved. Janet, who is in her seventh year as a way they choose – as a unit guider, Roselyn Mesher. How do the girls “There’s a focus on friendship and Brownie leader. When her daughter volunteering in other ways, meeting feel about the movement? Guide being true to yourself,” says Janet was a Brownie, the program was run up with other Link members. Then Amelia, 10, says “it’s fun and I like George, one of the leaders. “We do by U of O and Carleton students. there are Trefoil Guilds for women the camping trips.” arts and crafts and a program broken They wanted the summer off and over 30, who just want contact and “I like forging new friendships,” into Keys, like the key to the com- asked for volunteers. Janet never association with Girl Guides. says Oonagh, also 10. munity, the key to active living, the looked back. At the Pathfinders meeting, the Eva, an 8-year old Brownie said: key to the living world.” The Trinity older group’s socializing and bonding “I like selling the cookies and then basement locale has closets crammed Life-long commitment is intense and appealing. “In Guides coming back here later to eat them.” with art supplies. The older girls pay There are 20 adult leaders involved you are growing into a social group, weekly dues because they have more in the program. Some are moms, and it’s a way to connect,” says leader outings and camping trips. Girl Guide some are women who just loved the cookie sales account for 80% of the involvement when they were young. groups’ operations budget. Guide leader Kathryn Lyons was a The 24 Brownies (and there’s a Brownie at age six and went through ⨀⨀昀爀攀攀 猀琀爀攀攀琀 瀀愀爀欀椀渀最℀⨀⨀ waiting list) have at least one sleep- the system to Rangers, then as a Link over and camping trip per year. member through university. Link is “Everyone is so focused on having for women under 30 who continue fun they forget to be homesick,” says to participate in Guiding in whatever Pool Update from the Ottawa Tennis 伀琀琀愀眀愀匀甀瀀⸀挀愀 椀渀昀漀䀀漀琀琀愀眀愀猀甀瀀⸀挀愀 and Lawn Bowling Club ⠀戀攀猀椀搀攀 䌀⸀䄀 倀愀爀愀搀椀猀 漀渀 刀椀搀攀愀甀 刀椀瘀攀爀⤀ Contrary to what some outlets ㌀㐀 䈀愀渀欀 匀琀Ⰰ 圀愀琀攀爀昀爀漀渀琀 By Kaylea Groover, 氀椀欀攀 甀猀 漀渀 昀愀挀攀戀漀漀欀 Communications and have reported, the 19-year-old Head Lifeguard was taken to the 渀攀眀 渀甀洀戀攀爀 㘀㌀ ㈀㘀㌀ ㈀ 㘀㤀 Marketing Manager File Name: Log #037_Apr - Fallis Group - Newspaper Ad_5in x 2.25in hospital as a safeguard and re- Trim: 5”x 2.25” Colours: CMYK Creative & Production Services 爀攀渀琀愀氀猀 ␀ 㔀⼀栀漀甀爀⸀ 洀漀渀ⴀ昀爀椀 ␀㈀ 昀漀爀 ㈀ 栀漀甀爀猀 100 Yonge Street, 10th Floor Bleed: 0" Safety: n/a Mech Res: 300dpi Material Deadline: April 29, 2016 leased. Toronto, ON M5C 2W1 爀攀渀琀愀氀猀 ⴀ 氀攀猀猀漀渀猀 ⴀ 猀愀氀攀猀 ⴀ 猀甀瀀 礀漀最愀 On Saturday, June 18, there was We are investigating the cause an equipment malfunction lead- of the break. OTLBC manage- ing to a break in a pipe of the pool ment and lifeguards would like to filtration system. This resulted in a inform you that there was a swift Do you know how much you need to chlorine gas smell throughout the evacuation of the area. pool area. Repairs were quickly com- retire comfortably? As a precaution the fire depart- pleted, and the OTLBC Pool has ment was called to assess the www.findyournumber.ca re-opened! Our members and (613) 782-6773 environment for the health and their guests are looking forward to The Fallis Group safety of our members, staff and continuing a great season at their ScotiaMcLeod,® a division guests. As another precaution the “Cottage in the City.” of Scotia Capital Inc. lifeguard team and two involved staff were given medical evalua- ™ Scotia Capital Inc. is a member of the Canadian Investor Protection Fund and the Investment Industry Regulatory Organization of Canada. For more information visit www.scotiawealthmanagement.com. tions and were cleared. Page 4 The OSCAR l July-August 2016 Green Dreamer Journal Around 1:00 p.m. June 17th, the and next. City of Ottawa delivered its sec- • Compost from the City’s Trail ond truckload of mulch to OOS, Road Site has been turned into emptying half its load at Sunnyside garden beds at Glen, Grove, Oss- and the remainder at Ossington ington and Cameron. Avenue. Saturday morning at 8:30 • Garden beds and plants at the a.m. Green Dreamers will spread Firehall have been turned, weed- and move the mulch to public gar- ed, and pruned. den beds from Sunnyside to Cam- • The library has given us the green eron. By 10:30 a.m. before the heat light to prune bushes and trees, to begins to press in, Green Dreamers weed and to garden beginning this will pack up their trowels, shovels, June.
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