University of Nebraska at Omaha DigitalCommons@UNO Honga: the leader Digitized Series 5-1-1980 Honga : the leader, v. 03, no. 05 American Indian Center of Omaha, Inc. Follow this and additional works at: https://digitalcommons.unomaha.edu/honga Recommended Citation of Omaha, Inc., American Indian Center, "Honga : the leader, v. 03, no. 05" (1980). Honga: the leader. 28. https://digitalcommons.unomaha.edu/honga/28 This Book is brought to you for free and open access by the Digitized Series at DigitalCommons@UNO. It has been accepted for inclusion in Honga: the leader by an authorized administrator of DigitalCommons@UNO. For more information, please contact [email protected]. ''THE LEADER II rm_ III - NO, 5 AMERICAN INDIAN CENTER OF OMAHA, INC. Ml\Y 198J A MESSAGE FRCM THE EXECUTIVE DIRECTOR WAR DANCE - GOURD DANCE INDIAN FEAST The Orphan Aides and the American Indian Cen­ DEAR HID IAN C~ITY & SUPPORTERS: ter of Omaha, Inc., announces the planned This month 1 s edition of the HONGA will begin War Dance, Gourd Dance and Feast to be held to cover the many summer activities which are at Dodge Park from 11 a.m. to 12 p.m; on cherished by us Indian people. Through the MAY 10, 1980. Gourd Dance Head Staff (Tai' coming editions of the HONGA we will be pah Society Host Dancers): · providing you with the latest update on these forthcoming Indian doings from across Head Singer: Dewey Sheridan - Omaha Indian country. Head Man Dancer: John Turner - Omaha Head lady Dancer: Hermine Blackbird - Omaha The Orphan Aides is charged with the respon­ Head Boy Dancer: Levi Par.ker - Omaha sibility of providing to our people trad1- Head Girl Dancer: Monica Morris - Omaha t"io11al and cultural enrichment. The AICO MC •. :.: •.••.•.•.•.• Cliffotd Wolfe Sr.- Omaha r will assist the Orphan Aides in what ways Assistant MC's ••••• Joe Kemp & they can. Raymond Wells - Omahas · WAR DANCE \le are planning a traditional pow wow with Head Man Dancer: Albert Pappan - Omaha an intertribal theme fo r th is coming August. 'le hope to bring about the appreciation of (PLEASE BRING DISHES, CHAIRS, SALADS AND our traditional Indian ways. In addition> CAKES). ALL INDIANS AND THE PUBLIC ARE INVITED. 11e would hope to attract some of the finest Indian dancers and traditional people to the ALL DRUMS ANO DANCERS ARE CORDIALLY WELCOME pow wow. TO THE DANCES AND FEAST. During next week the AICO is contemplating a move to a new headquarters. Not1ficat1on of this action will be publicized in the event HAPPY t-OTIER' S DAY,,, the move is made. If it is decided to move we The American Indian Center's staff wish all hop~ that all of you will adjust to the the mothers a happy mpther's day. change wit~ as little inconvenience as possi­ ble . We understand the hardsh i p this may tend to create, but if we al l work together for the total benefit of our people our ef­ ELECTION t-oTICE. I I I I ficiency and effecti veness wi ll be strength- To All American Indians living in the Omaha ned . Any recommendations and or cormients metropolitan area. Please be advised that the on this proposed move, would ~e appreciated. American Indian Center of Omaha, .. :tn£., will hold their Annual Board of Oirectots election This S~turday (May 10) we hope to see all of on May 31i 1980 (Saturday) from 8:00 a.m. to you in atten~ance at our War Dance, Gourd 8:00 p.m. Lo~ation/picn1c to be announced. Dance and Indian feast. ·,,To be eligible to vote you must register· with . the American Indian Center's Executive Direc- Also, the election and annual picnic will be . tor ten (10) days prior to the election. You held on May 31. Mark this event on your must be eighteen (18) years old. You mu st calendar. show proof of residency . Petitions are avai l­ able at the American Indian Center if yau are Respectfully, interested in being a candidate for the Board of Directors. Contact th~ Executive D~rector for petitions . Candidates run ning for the Board of Directors must svbmit their petitions to the Executive Director one (1) week before TimotJJ?'(: .. Woodhul 1 the ~lection. Date of submission of petitions Executive Director will end on May ?4> 1980, at 5:00 p.m. Urban Representative,:Nebraska Indian . Commission . ', ·,· ·· . SUPPORT YOUR INDlAtl CENTER,: OON'T FORGET TO . · VOTE: . ·~··"• ... 2 HONGA HON GA (T HE LEADER) is publi shed mo nthly by She re-entered high schoo l at w,~"eba~~. the Am eri can Ind ian Center of Omaha, Inc., Nebrask a where she Has gradU"!t\~d in 1u 1 ". wi t h gr ant funds appropriated by Admini st r a­ Her exper ience and ac hi eve'llent-; IF,./e l ·:-r:' t ion fo r Native Americans (ANA ) an d approved her to bel i eve that educati on i:; the ~.t· by the AICO Boa rd of Director s . HON GA (The to overcome m,ny ob stacles . Le ader) i s ma iled free to nati ve Americans and ot her interested persons /organ izations She ended by saying, "I want to e,{prcss t1 c upon receiving a written request and ha s a importance of education to the Ind i ~r· st1 · ~~r ;•" ircul ati on of 1, 500 copies. All cor res­ at Flandreau and to others. 11 pondence shou1d be addressed to: The Ed itor , l!O NGA (T he Leader), American Ind ian Center Mrs. Rosa Porter hopes to further hi:~r r du.. a~ icn of Omaha, Inc., 613 South 16th Street, Omaha, in the field of health. NE 68102. · Full credit should be given HONGA (The Leader) when any material therefrom is reprinted. POPE TO BEATIFY M1F.:RICAN INDIAN Vatican City (AP) -- The first North .L\niP.r ~: ,'r: Indian candidate for canonization ~i i 11 ii·.: EDITORIAL STAFF beatified by Pope John Paul II in a ce ,-:~;Jui :/ Editor-in-Chief ............ Timothy F. Woodhu 11 at St. Peter's Basilica on June 22~ th,~ V;;.'· ,-: M1 Associate Editor .••....•••....... Wayne Tyndall said. Mimeograph Operator .....•••..... Renee Browning * * * * * Kateri Tekakwitha, a Mohawk won ,:1·1 v.11 10 ,ji c d REPORTERS in 1680 at the age of 24, will bt n1~ ~ a "blessed" of the Rom:-:'l Catholic": Chw·c!, -- ( .1i:­ Alcoholism Program ..•.•••.• ;-...•. Whitman Harry step~ be'low possible sainthood -- tcYi::~th e !" ,,, : ,.; Legal Services .....•..••.....•...... Oiane Webb four European missionaries_ in North 2nG Sovi· Health & Nutrition ...••.........•. Elsie Harlan America. Ellen Cunningham Standing Bear Project ..•.••.......• John Pappan She was born in wha t i s now Auriesv1l l~. ti.,· : Employment Assistance ..••..••.•.••.• Fred LeRoy in 1656 of a Chr ist i an mother an d a pa0·1 Health Recruitment .•.••••.• Josephine Clinchers chief of the Mohawk tri be . Acco rding tc chu1~1 Volunteer .•.......•••••••••••.•.••. Gene Trisch historians, her bap tism in 16i6 caused sur~ CRISIS Intervention •••••••••.•.•. Clyde Tyndall opposition that she was forced t o flee la~ Christian Indian village near Montreal. ... ROSA POITTER TO BE CCJ"MBJCF.MENT SPEAKER The Catholic Encyclopedia said she lived ar exemplary 1 ife of austerity and ch2ffity an( Rose Porter of Omaha, Nebraska, will be "her death at the age of 24 serv~d as an in­ commencement speaker on May 21 at the Flan­ spiration to the Indian community. 11 dreau Indian School in Flandreau, South ;. Dakota. t l NCAI TRIBAL AND URBAN MEETING TO EE HELD P.T l Mrs. Porter, a member of the Oma ha Tr i be , was t graduat ed from the University of Nebraska at HALFWAY HOUSE ON f"V\.Y 12 .I Omaha in 1975. She is presently empl oyed by The National Cong ress of Ameri can 1ndi,rn"J ! the Midland Information and Referral Ag ency will be represented by Ms. Vic ki Th ornton as an Information Special ist. at a meet i ng on Con sul tations f or tri ba l gove r nments and urban Indi an cen ters h0 re She attended Wahpeton Indian School which is i n Or na ha on May 12 from 9 a.m. to 5 p .rn . an elementary school for Indian children. at t he Ame r ican Indian Center Alcoho li ~m From there, she attended Flandreau for three Program, 1ocated at Plaza f or Human Res ourceJ. years. 460 1 North 36th Street (4th Floor), Omaha , ~t The Phone Uo . there is 451 37 14 . t1r. Ru~b~n Rosa decided to finish her Senior year at Sn ake, Cha irman of the Winnebago Tribe is Walthill High School in Walthill, Nebraska sponsoring the event . Mr. Ti mothy r . Wr;o dl111! , which is predominately non-Indian. She became Execut ive Di rect or of AICO , is host cf the very popular and was chosen head cheerleader planne d NCAI meeting . The r e will b~ a ~1ic.t'ji:.. for the Bluejays and president of her senior of $3 for dinner to be prepared it t~ ~ ,,,~~J ­ class. A very remarkable achievement. i sm Ha 1fv1Gy Ho use . The agendil wil 1 fo1 lt,t. Meets tragedy l) Indi an Yo uth Act i vities ; 2) Contrat.L S. q ,e1 1, In the fall of 1970 Rosa had a car accident 3) Mar tinez Case; and 4) 1980 St r3L~qfe . which left her paralyzed. She was out of Please pl an t o attend . Al l urban and rese~ u~­ school for a period of fourteen months. She t ion en t ities are invi ted to participate.*+ said, ,.
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