Town Topics WE NOMINATE Stephen Kemp Bailey, variously described as a University, England, before and after World War II, "professor turned politician" or as a "politician turned brought forth in 1938 his first major work, Roosevelt professor," who this week (Sunday, 1:00 p.m.) before and His New Deal, and in the late 1940's earned his a nationwide television audience will consider one of doctorate at Harvard University. In 1941-42, prior to the most controversial, most discussed and least under- entering upon a three-year stint with the U.S. Board stood political plienomena of modern times, "The of Economic Warfare, including a stretch of duty as Lobbyist." Currently holding forth as Director of the chief of Balkan Intelligence, Bailey "wore two hats" Graduate Program within the University's Woodrow at Hiram. He taught government and also served as Wilson School of Public and International Affairs, director of admission at an institution seeking to strike Bailey, a going-on 39-year old native of New England, just the right balance between the numbers of men will bring to his program—the ninth in a series known and women students admitted. as "Princeton '55"—the unusual point of view of the Bailey returned to teaching at Wesleyan in 1946 but professor of public affairs and the retired elective offi- two years later received leave in order to assist the cial. Hoover Commission as a staff associate in studying the While any number of educators, particularly on the office of the presidency of the United States. In 1950, higher echelons, have held—or hold—lofty appointive the same year he issued Congress Makes a Law: The posts in Federal and Stale Government, only a hand- Story Behind the Employment Act of 1946, he assumed ful of "perfessers" have campaigned for and won the the task-force responsibilities of a director of the Con- honors Bailey gained in becoming mayor of Middle- necticut State Government's Reorganization Commis- town, Conn., one of the "Nutmeg State's" top dozen sion and in 1951 was named administrative assistant population-wise and a city which on the basis of the to U.S. Senator William Benton. In 1952 he was ac- 1950 Census would qualify in size among New Jersey's corded recognition as co-author of two well-conceived "first 21." Less than a year ago, when he succeeded the and penetrating volumes. Congress at Work and A Guide late Donald Holmes Wallace as Osborn Professor in to tile Study of Public Affairs, and merited newspaper the Wilson School, Bailey was teaching at Wesleyan billings as a Connecticut gubernatorial possibility. University and was completing his term as mayor of For attempting to cast new light on the whole sub- Middletown, having been elected on the Democratic ject of lobbying and pressure groups; for carrying for- ticket for a two year-term that began in October, ward studies in neglected areas of American political 1952. behavior; for combining in his work the attitudes of the An alumnus of co-educational Hiram College, Hiram, teacher-scholar and the practical, understanding poli- Ohio, Bailey studied as a Rhodes Scholar at Oxford tical scientist: he is Town Topics' nominee for PRINCETON'S MAN OF THE WEEK THE KIMBLE FUNERAL HOME ANNOUNCES ITS RECENT AIR CONDITIONING INSTALLATION MARCH 6-12, 195S . Ue Act A« Vour Ofllci' JSaton Capita Mail — Phone Srrvicp PMI to Build? Bur-Wick's Secretarial Services Inc. may undertake building construction 1S4 Nnssuu SI. TeL 1760 Donald C. Stiiart Ja. for the first time since Palmpr Square was com- Dan D. Coyle pleted in 1937 was raised this Editors and Publishers week with word Pringle Tweed that the com- jiany is studying its property Shetland Yarns Katharine H. Bretnall at 32-36 Nassau Street. Thomas S. Godolphin George A. Brakeley. presi- derff of PMI. told Town Topics CotifribHting Editors 2% THE KNITTING SHOP that an architect has be<?n re- a Tulane St. tained to look into the possi- Mailed without chari bilities of the site of the pres- Interest On ent buildiitg at those locations. Stores at those addresses in- Savings Accounts Mother of the n Townships and Griggstown. cludi' the Princeton Decorat- ing Shop. C. Masselos Pictures L'p to $10,000 Bride Dresses and and Framing, and the Univer- sity Cleaners' newly-acquired Cocktail Dresses Scopa branch. Two larger structures adjoin the combina- • tion si ore - and - apartment building, with the existing PMI development starting THE FRENCH SHOP thre door: A-ay. Open G. O. P. ting I If Mayoj- Sturges runs again, e.xpectations are that the Repub- licans will present Friday Evenings a full slate of Incumbents for the governing body. Professors J. Dayton Vooi- Slates Taking Shape. With less hees and Alfred E. Sorensoii, tJian a week to go before the whose terms expire, are believed deadline for filing nominations ready to seek renomination. This From 5 to 7 for the April primai-ies, the poli- is also presumed to be the case in tical picture was beginning to Princeton Township, where John take shape. Best bets for the }i. Wallace. Jr.. in his first year borough's biennial mayoralty con- mayor (on an elective basis by • t4'st: Republican incumbent P. fellow committeemen) 82 NASSAU STREET MacKay Sturges and Democratic the end of his second term - : committee. Telephone 2550 councilman Raymond F. Male. Whereas there was reason to "OVER The Opposition. THE BALT" believe last fall that Mr. Sturges Democratic selections to run for council felt six years in office was to be have included the limit of hi mention of three wo- Republi men: Mrs. J. Douglas Brown, wife of the University Dean of J. The Cost of friends feel that he the PRINC ETON, N. Faculty: Mrs. E. Harris o run for a fourth Harbison, whose husband is a professor term. He known to be deeply of LANDSCAPING history at Princeton; and Miss C. ucipality's Member of the Federal Deposit Insurance Lawrence Norris. active in real Corporation future but also desirous of" estate and a candidate last without sacriJicing the profes- ing repetition of the bitterness fall. Princeton attorney Seymour sional look. that characterized much of 1953. and Federal Reserve System Montgomery has also when off-street parking been named Our Market Salesmen will lots, con- as solidation a possibility, while in the help you now, with a "do-lt- and other issues stirred Township, a possible candidate to yourseU" plan you can carry the community in unprecedented oppose Mr. Wallace is William out without delay. M. Sloane, Jr., an attorney prac- Bring a photo and measure- ticing in New York. ments if convenient. Quantity Mr. Male, who rode into office The Democratic Club will an- and cost can then be estimated. on the strength of the voters" dis- nounce its slate next Wednes- satisfaction with the Republican day night at 8:30 at the Chestnut Open 8 to 5 - Closed Sun. regime two yeai-s ago, is current- Street firehouse. All prospective ly the only member of his party members of the organization are being mentioned for top spot on invited to attend. Robert R. HOfcs the ballot. In contrast. Repub- France heads the executive board, puRTMmm lican reports are that if for some whose other officers are Ezra ifr'ason Mr. Sturges does Peck, vice-president: NwWb Get Famous Patented NGTON not run Theodore T. ENTON again, the possibilities include Tarns, treasurer; Mrs. Joseph E. Councilman Tristam B. Johnson, McClean. recording secrtary; Mrs, six-time mayor Charles R. Erd- Betty Bredemeier. recording sec- man, Jr. and former councilman retary; Rifhard A. Lester, Roland RUPTURE-EASER George R. Grifling. The latier has. Hoagland. Tignal Morton and Special Purchase pretty well Stanley Ackley, directors. 11 self —Continued on Page 2 imported Wines Pinto Imperial Port Union Food Market 203-205 Witlierspoon St. Tcleplione fiftli $1.55 Over 700.000 Grateful Users! Selt-Scrvice and Free Delivery: 2334 or 2335 A strong form-fitting, washable designed to give you re- Santa support AAaria PARADE OF EXCEPTIONAL VALUES lief and comfort. Adjustable back-lacing and leg strap. Snaps Pale Dry Sherry up in front, Soft flat groin pad- Right Meojur* no steel or leather bands, tlnex- I Sid» 0$3 95 celled for comfort, invisible UfrSide I D$3 95 fifth $1.59 PORTERHOUSE STEAK j5'o'^g[,^° under light clothing. Washable Ooubt« Q %A 95 INCHES* and sanitary. Also used as after- I • ' operation support Just give SIRLOIN STEAK measure around lowest part of ^^ abdomen and state right side, Blended Whiskey double! CENTER CUT PORK CHOPS.) left side or Wine & Game, 86 proof (40% Six Years Old) Lean Meat.v Spare Ribs \ quart $4.69 Tender Baby Beet Liver I ' J§ ^^ Homemade Country Sausage case $52.00 ( "T^iX .Swift Premium or Rath Frankfurters ../ fifth $3.75 case $42.50 EDWARD A. THORNE BIRDSEYE GROCERIES FROZEN FOOD Milani's Garlic Dressing; .. S7o Wine and Game Shop The Druggist Alaska .. Haililock FUJets 45c King Crab Meat 6Sc Free Deliver^y Perch Fillets 45c Wild Rice box 51.98 168 NASSAU ST. 6 Nassau Street Ornnge Juice Z/iic Cooking Sherr>' ,, bot. $1.19 Telephone 2468 Peas 2/37C or 3748 neet Pot Pies JSc Imported Capers 29c Town Topics, jUarch 6-12, 1933 liiPics or '////: TOM \ People. Not Machines CLARIOGE WINE ^Continued from Page I Death from a Shotgun. A shoot- impli- AND LIQUOR CO. ing; nrcirit'nl whosf Inigic throuRhout lt\v PrJnceiian Hospital $18.40 per ^o9 .^'^^ Itl II 11. II V\HM K calions \v*Tf fell :-"-r^; lommunil v saddrned Print eton eight-hour day.
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