THE [IVING CHURCH A Rich Life: The Writings of Michael Mayne The Calendar in Blossom: Lesser Feasts and Fasts Episcopal Authors in Review ESSENTIAL WRITINGS MARY (!vew and expanded edition) fu>iritualify• Dialogue .Culture Shadow of Grace L'hiara Lubich Megan McKenna Foreword by Card . 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ThomasA. Fraser Lesser Feasts and Fasts Riverside, ill. (President) BY CHARLESHOFFA CKER 1iriamK. Stauff Wauwatosa, Wis.(Vice Pr esident) )aniel Muth 18 A Rich Life Prince Frederick, Md. (Secretary) The Writings of Michael Mayne foward M. Tischler Albuquerque, N.M.( Treasurer) BYPETER EATON 'he Rt. Rev. Bertram N. Herlong Nashville, Tenn. ~heVery R ev. Gary W. Kriss Albuquerque, N.M. 'homas Riley 10 Opinion Vienna, Va. Aiss AugustaD. Rodd.is 20 Editor's Column Marshfield, Wis. Meeting in Vain ~heRt. Rev. Jeffrey Steenson Albuquerque, N.M. ?ditorial and Business offices: 21 Editorials 316E. Juneau Avenue v1ilwaukee, Wl 53202-2793 Reading and Faith viailingaddress: P.O. Box 514036 · waukee, WI 53203-3436 relephone: 414-276-5420 22 Reader 's Viewpoint cax: 414-276-7483 ~-mail: tlc@livingchw·ch.org The Churc h's Mission .vww.livingchurch.org BYLEANDER S. 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All gifts Loth e foundation are tax­ deductible. 28 Short & Sharp ©2007 The Living Church f'mmdation, Inc. Allrights reserved. No reproduction in whole or part can be made wiUtoutpe nnission or Tm: LMNGOnJRCH. Volume234 Number 18 29 People and Places 22 MAY 6. 2007 · T H E LIVING CHURCH 3 ART AND SOUL: SUNDAY'SREADINGS NURTURING YOUR SPIRITUAL LIFE THROUGH THE CREATIVE ARTS JUNE 3-7, 2007 SHRINE MONT Plansfor FaithfulPeople . 'Then I saw a new heaven and a new earth' (Rev.21:1) ;,., ...." ,rF -· The FifthSunday of Easter(Year C), May 6, 2007 A Retreat Center of the Episcopal Diocese BCP: Acts 13:44-52 or Lev. 19:1-2, 9-18 ; Psalm 145 or 145:1-9; Rev. 19:1, 4-9 of Virginia and the Cathedral Shrine or Acts 13:44-52 ; John 13:31-35 of the Transfiguration, Orkney Springs VA RCL:Acts 11:1-18; Psalm 148; Rev. 21:1-6; John 13:31-35 In the heart of Virginia's Shenandoah Valley It has been asserted that the primary stature as he experiences God's lively Classes for 2007: spiritual virtue is stature and size. We and unfettered Spirit in the lives of • Writing from your Creative Soul with Vinita Hampton Wright can judge the health and authenticity "unclean" Gentiles. • Learning to Sketch with Margaret Adams of our images of God and our own The Gospel of John continues the (Peggy) Parker spiritual traditions by how much quest for stature, reminding us that • Poetry as Sacred Space complexity they can include and the true imitation of God is to be found in with Emily Blair Stribling change they can embrace without loving relationships. Love, even divine • The Art of Nature Printing losing their identity and center. This love, is not unilateral or one-sided. with the Rev. Mary Norton same measure can also seIVe as the Unilateral love is ultimately unfeeling, • Icon Writing with Elizabeth Hudgins • Movement and Dance standard for our personal spiritual coercive and paternalistic . In its with the Rev. Bruce Stewart growth. Today's scriptures explore the narcissism, it loves according to its • Painting with Emma Lou Martin issue of spiritual and theological vision rather than in terms of the stature and challenge us to embrace concrete person that stands before us. Brochure at: www.thediocese.net Or call (540) 856-2141 God's world in all its diversity. It never takes into consideration the Carolyn Chilton, Retreat Coordinator In the reading from Acts, Peter one who is being seIVed. Alfred North [email protected] retells a life-transforming vision in Whitehead spoke of God as a "fellow which God pushes him beyond his sufferer who understands." Holy love, "comfort zone" into a new and deeper the love embodied in Jesus, has "Oneof the year's best books." understanding of his faith and enough stature to embrace the pain - The[conom ,st vocation as an apostle. Llke many of and joy of the world, and then respond his Jewish companions, Peter affirmed lovingly and creatively to bring forth .. f\ lLH ~~ . ..- ------t a spirituality of holiness and purity. His healing and beauty. faith involved the affirmation of The text from Revelation ultimately ;*, - < "Astartlingly certain boundaries , which rightly leaves us with the awareness that the :~-~ ,,~~: :~::~~h:~~~□!:t preseIVed its purity and identified the reign of God is not ours to build; it is THE DOOR Jews as God's uniquely chosen people. God's to give. But it is this vision of the OF ;',JO RE TUR 1'° CopeCoast Castle]. Yet, like all boundaries, the emphasis New Jerusalem that keeps God's Thoroughly on holiness and purity was also people going with the conviction that fascinating." ambiguous in that it excluded as well the vision of the heavenly city is -Booklist , as included. In encountering Cornelius worlds removed from the community starredreview and his family, Peter discovers that in which they live, and their belief that God's Spirit is all-embracing and it is their task as disciples of Jesus unbounded . Faced with this, Peter Christ to live toward that vision. That THEDOOR OF NO RETURN must choose to grow in wisdom and would be our task as well. TheHistory of CapeCoast Castle LookIt Up andthe Atlantic Slave Trade The church's baptismal covenant places no restrictions or boundaries on those WILLIAMST CLAIR we choose to seIVe or love (BCP, p. 305). "Perhapsthemost impressively detailed picture of ThinkAbout It slave-tradinglivesto dote ... Amust-read for As we reflect on Peter's vision in light of Psalm 148, we are prompted to ask, anyoneinterested inthis essential history." Where do we limit God's presence? What persons are "unclean" in our lives? -PublishersWeekly , starredreview NextSunday AVAILABLENOW978-1-93334605-2 Ooth288 pp S24.95 The SixthSunday of Easter(Year C), May 13, 2007 Publishedby BlueBridge BCP:Acts 14:8-18 or Joel 2:21-27; Psalm 67; Rev. 21 :22-22:5 or Acts 14:8-18; John 14:23-39 b I uebri d ge books.com-------­ RCL:Acts 16:9-15; Psalm 67; Rev. 21:10, 22-22:5; John 14:23-29 or John 5:1-9 4 THE LIVING CHURCH · MAY 6. 2007 ORDAINED for LIFE? BOOKS A number of books have addressed ordination and the priestly life from a devotional or vocational vantage point, but few books have considered ordination from a truly theological perspective. Meanwhile, our time is obsessed with the more general question of leadership. BeingSalt addresses both ordination and leadership by taking as its point 2000Years of AmazingGrace of departure the most distinctive yet often overlooked feature of ordination: indelibilicy-being ordained for life. TheStory and Meaning of the Christian BeingSalt offers several answers to the question, "What is the church?" Sumner Faith wholeheartedly agrees with the Reformation emphasis on the ministty of the whole By Paul F.M.
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