9660 EXTENSIONS OF REMARKS May 13, 2005 Social Security, but to push its social agen- Mr. Speaker, it is my hope that all Ameri- and Democrats, through many different admin- da, the so-called ‘‘ownership society.’’ cans will join me in congratulating the citizens istrations and many different times. I am proud Funny, median family income adjusted for inflation—the most important measure of of Israel and the entire Jewish community on that this support remains so strong today. how typical Americans are doing—has fallen the 57th anniversary of the birth of the State Mr. Speaker, it is truly an honor to stand by three straight years and is headed for a of Israel. Israel and I know my colleagues join me in ex- fourth as Bush showers tax breaks on compa- f pressing Mazel Tov for a remarkable 57 years. nies that aren’t hiring. Whose ownership so- f ciety is this? IN HONOR OF ISRAELI Democrats and their allies at AARP in the INDEPENDENCE DAY ISRAEL INDEPENDENCE DAY Social Security debate have offered little in the way of real solutions. John Rother, di- rector of policy and strategy for AARP—de- HON. ALLYSON Y. SCHWARTZ HON. ROBERT MENENDEZ fending his hilariously exaggerated, slam- OF PENNSYLVANIA OF NEW JERSEY dunk anti-personal account TV ad cam- IN THE HOUSE OF REPRESENTATIVES IN THE HOUSE OF REPRESENTATIVES paign—told me the idea of allowing the trust Thursday, May 12, 2005 Thursday, May 12, 2005 fund to invest more broadly makes sense. But he said the public isn’t ready for that Ms. SCHWARTZ of Pennsylvania. Mr. Mr. MENENDEZ. Mr. Speaker, today, I am discussion. Speaker, I rise today on Yom Ha’atzmaut to proud to join my colleagues in the United Despite the lack of a cohesive public de- congratulate the Israeli people for a remark- States Congress and world leaders in cele- bate, the trust fund investment idea may emerge as a dark horse. On Monday, the Yale able history and to celebrate the strength of brating the creation of the State of Israel on School of Management announced a working the U.S.-Israel relationship. this 57th anniversary of Israel’s Independence paper by finance professor Will Goetzmann In just 57 years, a land mainly comprised of Day. On this historic day, we honor the that shows exactly how such a system might desert has been transformed into fertile farm- achievements of the Jewish people and the work. land, thriving communities and world-class cit- Jewish state, and salute a young and proud Goetzmann envisioned an independent ies. Industry and technology have boomed nation that has accomplished so much in so agency, similar to Fannie Mae, that would and most significantly, millions of Jews have little time. manage the Social Security fund. It could issue its own bonds and sell contracts, like returned to live in their ancestral homeland. In the 57 years since independence, Israel annuities. It could invest in all sorts of so- A robust democracy has developed around has welcomed immigrants from all corners of phisticated instruments that individual ac- the ideals of freedom of speech, freedom of the world, including over a million new immi- counts couldn’t touch, such as commercial religion, fair elections and an independent jus- grants from the former Soviet Union. Israel real estate, commodity indexes and short- tice system. In fact, it is the only nation in the today is a vibrant democracy, the only democ- term Treasury notes. region to accomplish this. racy in the Middle East, and a world leader in Goetzmann calculated a portfolio mix that Brave soldiers have fought to defend their technology and agricultural innovation for arid would most closely mirror the rise in U.S. wages. That’s the measure Social Security brethren and innocent civilians have coura- regions. uses to set payouts to retirees. geously endured the constant threat of at- We must remember that these great ‘‘It’s a fairly broadly diversified portfolio,’’ tack—all to live freely in their homeland. And, achievements have come at a great cost. Goetzmann said Monday. despite this constant threat, the Israeli people More than 20,000 Israel Defense Force mem- Setting the right investment mix, he said, remain committed to a peaceful coexistence bers have died fighting for the cause of a Jew- ‘‘is a very sophisticated question that is not with their neighbors—a testament to their res- ish state in the years since the war of inde- going to be answered with a few oversim- olute and compassionate spirit. plified choices on a menu.’’ pendence—over 169 Israeli soldiers in the And getting to that point in the debate As remarkable as Israel’s short history is, past year alone, since the last Remembrance will not happen as long as we have officials we must not take its existence for granted. and Independence Days. Their sacrifice has on both sides who give us an oversimplified While recent events have sparked new opti- created a beacon of democracy and hope for menu of political arguments, and nothing mism in the peace process, radical terrorist or- millions of Jews around the world. more. ganizations, such as Hamas, Hezbollah and We must also remember those innocent ci- f Islamic Jihad, emboldened by Iranian and Syr- vilians who have been killed by terrorists trying ISRAEL INDEPENDENCE DAY ian support, are as committed as ever to their to destroy the State of Israel and her people. core goal: the eradication of Israel. And by By remaining strong in our convictions and our now, we are all too familiar with the daunting support of Israel, we honor their memory and HON. CHRIS VAN HOLLEN task of protecting innocent people from suicide move closer towards creating a peaceful and OF MARYLAND bombers. prosperous future. IN THE HOUSE OF REPRESENTATIVES Despite this reality, Prime Minister Sharon On this Day of Independence, the United Thursday, May 12, 2005 and the Israeli people plan to move forward States of America and Israel stand side-by- Mr. VAN HOLLEN. Mr. Speaker, I rise today with an historic and courageous plan to with- side in our commitment to democracy, to in honor of Israel Independence Day. This draw from Gaza and parts of the West Bank peace, and to the State of Israel. The United young country, now 57 years old and sur- this summer. States will never flinch and will never waiver in rounded by hostile neighbors on each of its As Israel moves forward with efforts to live its support for the safety and security of the borders, has stood as a bulwark of democracy with its neighbors in peace and security, it is State of Israel and of her people. throughout its history. crucial that we continue to stand by her. f On this day we honor the people of Israel, We must defend Israel’s right to engage in who struggle daily to maintain freedom and legitimate acts of self-defense to prevent ter- NEW BOOK REVEALS VOICES OF independence. Throughout the country’s short rorist attacks in Israel; SOUTH ASIA history, Israelis have fought against We must stand up for Israel when our inter- unfathomable odds to reestablish the birth- national allies and other members of the inter- HON. EDOLPHUS TOWNS place of the Jewish People. Today, Israel national community unfairly criticize her; OF NEW YORK stands strong and prosperous, longing to live We must hold Syria, Iran, and any other IN THE HOUSE OF REPRESENTATIVES in peace and security. Today we also remem- country that aid and harbor terrorists, account- Thursday, May 12, 2005 ber and pay tribute to the strong bond of able; and friendship and support between the United We must push President Abbas and the Mr. TOWNS. Mr. Speaker, I have recently States and the State of Israel. Palestinian leadership to match Prime Minister been given a copy of an interesting new book I am proud to have visited Israel and to Sharon’s courage by taking steps to end cor- called Authentic Voices of South Asia, edited have seen firsthand the courage and steadfast ruption, crack down on terrorist organizations by retired Brigadier General Usman Khalid resolve of its people. I look forward to a time and end the media incitement that encourages and published by the London Institute of South when we will be able to join Israel in the cele- hatred and violence. Asia. The book is an excellent discussion of bration of a more peaceful and secure Middle Support for Israel has been one issue con- India’s hegemonic ambitions in South Asia East. sistently agreed upon by both Republicans and the drive for self-determination for all the VerDate Sep 11 2014 11:55 Jan 31, 2017 Jkt 000000 PO 00000 Frm 00027 Fmt 0689 Sfmt 9920 E:\FDSYS\2005BOUNDRECORD\BOOK7\NO_SSN\BR13MY05.DAT BR13MY05 ejoyner on DSK30MW082PROD with CONG-REC-ONLINE.
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