Permits December 2010

Permits December 2010

Permits December 2010 Permit Type Permit No Issued Address Mapsco Contractor Value Area Work Description Land Use Barricade 1012011097 12/2/2010 500 N ERVAY ST 45-K MANHATTAN W026484 12/2/2010 STREET BARRICADE Commercial CONSTRUCTION 12AM THRU 5/2/2011 Alteration 214/357-7400 6300 N 11:59 AM CENTRAL EXPRESSWAY, DALLAS TX 75206 Barricade 1012011096 12/2/2010 1700 FEDERAL 45-K MANHATTAN W026485 12/2/2010 SIDEWALK Commercial ST CONSTRUCTION THRU 5/2/2011 BARRICADE Alteration 214/357-7400 6300 N CENTRAL EXPRESSWAY, DALLAS TX 75206 Barricade 1012021027 12/2/2010 1908 ELM ST 45-L LEMCO W026488; 12/6/10 SIDEWALK Commercial CONSTRUCTION 7AM TO 12/10/10 6PM BARRICADE Alteration SERVICES 214/637-4222 14131 MIDWAY RD #660 ADDISON TX Barricade 1012031111 12/3/2010 1500 COMMERCE 45-L BRENCO INDUSTRIAL W026493 12-6-2010 STREET BARRICADE Commercial ST SERVICES 214/267-1628 7AM THRU 1/28/2011 Alteration 2929 MICAN DR, 6PM DALLAS TX 75212 Barricade 1012061111 12/6/2010 400 S AKARD ST 45-P MID AMERICA METAL W024687 12-6-10 STREET BARRICADE Commercial 214/790-7545 220 N 9AM THRU 12-13-10 Alteration STOREY LA, 110, 3:30 PM DALLAS TX 75201 Barricade 1012091110 12/9/2010 3517 HERSCHEL 35-S FSG Electric 214/357- W 026502./ CLSD STREET BARRICADE Commercial AVE 5697 2525 WALNUT BEGINS: 12/7/10 2 Alteration HILL LN, SUITE 100, PM ENDS:12/9/10 7 DALLAS TX 75229 PM Barricade 1012101110 12/10/2010 1500 MARILLA ST 45-P LLOYD NABORS DEMO BARRICADE - W STREET BARRICADE Commercial 972/225-1200 1330 026499 Alteration DOWDY FERRY RD., HUTCHINS TX 75141 Barricade 1012101114 12/10/2010 2400 COCKRELL 45-Z LLOYD NABORS DEMO BARRICADE - W STREET BARRICADE Commercial AVE 972/225-1200 1330 026498 Alteration DOWDY FERRY RD., HUTCHINS TX 75141 Barricade 1012101087 12/10/2010 1500 MARILLA ST 45-P AUSTIN COMMERCIAL BARRICADE - W STREET BARRICADE Commercial LP 214/270-0798 3535 026503 Alteration TRAVIS ST , DALLAS , TX 75203 Barricade 1012101090 12/10/2010 3200 MCKINNEY 45-C AUSTIN COMMERCIAL BARRICADE - W STREET BARRICADE Commercial AVE LP 214/270-0798 3535 026504 Alteration TRAVIS ST , DALLAS , TX 75203 Barricade 1012101092 12/10/2010 1700 SAN 45-K MANHATTAN BARRICADE - W STREET BARRICADE Commercial JACINTO PL CONSTRUCTION 026495 Alteration 214/357-7400 6300 N CENTRAL EXPRESSWAY, DALLAS TX 75206 Barricade 1012131051 12/13/2010 308 S AKARD ST 45-P WESTERN WATER W 026510 //CLSD OFFICE BUILDING Commercial PROOFING 469/523- BEGIN:12/13/10 7 AM Alteration 1101 1515 AVE S, SUITE END: 12/17/10 7 PM 208, GRANDPRAIRE, TX 75050 Permits December 2010 Permit Type Permit No Issued Address Mapsco Contractor Value Area Work Description Land Use Barricade 1012214001 12/21/2010 3700 GILBERT 35-X CROCKER CRANE CO. BARRICADE STREET BARRICADE Commercial AVE 972/438-7213 PO BOX Alteration 141539, IRVING, TX 75014 Barricade 1012214002 12/21/2010 2200 CEDAR 45-F CROCKER CRANE CO. BARRICADE STREET BARRICADE Commercial SPRINGS RD 972/438-7213 PO BOX Alteration 141539, IRVING, TX 75014 Barricade 1012221015 12/22/2010 3100 ROUTH ST 45-B GABLES W026477 // CLSD STREET BARRICADE Commercial CONSTRUCTION BEGIN: 10/2/10 12 AM Alteration 469/628-2016 2650 ENDS: 2/28/11 11;59 CEDAR SPRINGS, PM DALLAS TX 75042 Barricade 1012221018 12/22/2010 2515 CARLISLE 45-B GABLES W 026478 // CLSD STREET BARRICADE Commercial ST CONSTRUCTION BEGINS: 10/2/10 12 Alteration 469/628-2016 2650 AM ENDS: 2/28/11 CEDAR SPRINGS, 11:59 PM DALLAS TX 75042 Barricade 1012281043 12/28/2010 400 N OLIVE ST 45-L VONDRAK, CHAD BARRICADE - W STREET BARRICADE Commercial 712/389-8396 P O BOX 026517 Alteration 849, CLEBURNE, TX 76033 Building 1011021085 12/1/2010 3322 N BUCKNER 48-C OBRIEN & ASSOC. 47750.00 13130 ADD 1305 SQFT TO GEN MERCHANDISE Commercial BLVD Ste:120 972/733-1010 5310 BACK OF BUILDING OR FOOD STORE > Addition HARVEST HILL, 136, 3500 SQ. FT. DALLAS TX 75230 Building 1008311072 12/1/2010 17330 PRESTON 5-K H B WELDING 972/741- 11000.00 COVER OVER OFFICE BUILDING Commercial RD 2295 2450 ESTATES, PARKING Addition ALLEN TX 75002 Building 1009221010 12/3/2010 1811 REGAL 33-L ARCHER WESTERN 60242.00 260 CONST WATER TREATMENT Commercial ROW 214/819-9505 2121 STORMWATER PLANT Addition AVENUE J STE. 103, PUMP STATION ARLINGTON, TX 76006 W/ASSOC PIPING & EQUIPMENT Building 1009221009 12/3/2010 1811 REGAL 33-L ARCHER WESTERN 2456145.00 2472 CONST MEMBRANE WATER TREATMENT Commercial ROW 214/819-9505 2121 FEED PUMP PLANT Addition AVENUE J STE. 103, STATION & ASSOC ARLINGTON TX 76006 PIPING & Building 1011301030 12/3/2010 7474 LEMMON 34-G SPRING VALLEY 200000.00 572 new covered entry VEHICLE Commercial AVE CONSTRUCTION CO. DISPLAY,SALES AND Addition 214/340-9800 10950 SERVICE ALDER CIRCLE, DALLAS TX 75238 Building 1007131015 12/6/2010 300 N AKARD ST 45-K SUNTEC INDUSTRIES 3000.00 138 NEW COMMERCIAL RESTAURANT Commercial Ste:100 214/630-1116 3220 CONSTRUCTION WITHOUT DRIVE-IN Addition QUEBEC ST, DALLAS, SERVICE TX 75247 Building 1009171101 12/7/2010 3461 ROYAL LN 23-G HOK 214/720-6000 2711 460462.00 1838 DEMO PAVILLION PUBLIC PARK, Commercial N HASKELL AVE #2250 AND PKG AND PLAYGROUND, OR Addition LB 26, DALLAS, TX CONSTRUCT NEW GOLF COURSE 75204 PAVILLION AND PKG Building 1004271008 12/9/2010 1939 S BUCKNER 58-G CANIZALES, EDGAR 5000.00 330 ADD COVERED RESTAURANT Commercial BLVD 214/270-8924 1230 PATIO WITHOUT DRIVE-IN Addition MCADAMS AVE, SERVICE DALLAS TX 75220 Permits December 2010 Permit Type Permit No Issued Address Mapsco Contractor Value Area Work Description Land Use Building 1005241088 12/9/2010 1400 WALMSLEY 44-S LEMCO 158003.00 55455 FREEZER/COOLER PUBLIC OR PRIVATE Commercial AVE CONSTRUCTION REPLACEMENT SCHOOL Addition SERVICES 214/637-4222 14131 MIDWAY RD #660 ADDISON TX Building 1008161071 12/10/2010 10300 N 26-K NATIONAL CARPORT 21600.00 8748 ADDITION OF OFFICE BUILDING Commercial CENTRAL EXPY INC 903/892-1896 . P O CARPORTS Addition BOX 2323, SHERMAN, TX 75091 Building 1007081093 12/14/2010 5555 67-L City of Dallas, EBS Dept. 1773580.00 7500 NEW COMMERCIAL SANITARY LANDFILL Commercial YOUNGBLOOD 214/671-8088 1500 CONSTRUCTION Addition RD Marilla St., 6BN, Dallas, TX 75201 Building 1007081095 12/14/2010 5555 67-L City of Dallas, EBS Dept. 272818.00 1800 NEW COMMERCIAL SANITARY LANDFILL Commercial YOUNGBLOOD 214/671-8088 1500 CONSTRUCTION Addition RD Marilla St., 6BN, Dallas, TX 75201 Building 1007081094 12/14/2010 5555 67-L City of Dallas, EBS Dept. 145694.00 1560 NEW COMMERCIAL SANITARY LANDFILL Commercial YOUNGBLOOD 214/671-8088 1500 CONSTRUCTION Addition RD Marilla St., 6BN, Dallas, TX 75201 Building 1007081100 12/14/2010 5450 SIMPSON 67-L City of Dallas, EBS Dept. 314481.00 2400 NEW COMMERCIAL SANITARY LANDFILL Commercial STUART RD 214/671-8088 1500 CONSTRUCTION Addition Marilla St., 6BN, Dallas, TX 75201 Building 1012161006 12/16/2010 8150 N CENTRAL 26-X METROPLEX GENERAL 100000.00 ADD CANOPY OVER OFFICE BUILDING Commercial EXPY CO 214/239-8080 15111 STAIR INPARKING Addition N DALLAS PKWY, LOT AREA DALLAS TX 75287 Building 1012171110 12/17/2010 3400 ELM ST 46-J A BAR T 20000.00 4500 CARPORTS & FENCE COMMERCIAL Commercial CONSTRUCTION PARKING LOT OR Addition 817/589-7302 6723 GARAGE BAKER BLVD, FT WORTH TX 76118 Building 1011021057 12/20/2010 1330 REGAL 33-K HIGHLAND BUILDERS 65000.00 1285 NEW 2ND FLOOR INDUSTRIAL (INSIDE) Commercial ROW 972/501-0330 2342 MEZZANINE Addition FABENS RD, SUITE 100, DALLAS TX 75229 Building 1011021062 12/20/2010 1330 REGAL 33-K HIGHLAND BUILDERS 101666.67 825 REMODEL & INDUSTRIAL (INSIDE) Commercial ROW 972/501-0330 2342 ADDITIONS Addition FABENS RD, SUITE 100, DALLAS TX 75229 Building 1011021058 12/20/2010 1330 REGAL 33-K HIGHLAND BUILDERS 101666.67 825 REMODEL & INDUSTRIAL (INSIDE) Commercial ROW 972/501-0330 2342 ADDITIONS Addition FABENS RD, SUITE 100, DALLAS TX 75229 Building 1011021063 12/20/2010 1330 REGAL 33-K HIGHLAND BUILDERS 101666.67 825 REMODEL & INDUSTRIAL (INSIDE) Commercial ROW 972/501-0330 2342 ADDITIONS Addition FABENS RD, SUITE 100, DALLAS TX 75229 Building 1011021064 12/20/2010 1330 REGAL 33-K HIGHLAND BUILDERS 101666.67 825 REMODEL & INDUSTRIAL (INSIDE) Commercial ROW 972/501-0330 2342 ADDITIONS Addition FABENS RD, SUITE 100, DALLAS TX 75229 Permits December 2010 Permit Type Permit No Issued Address Mapsco Contractor Value Area Work Description Land Use Building 1011021056 12/20/2010 1330 REGAL 33-K HIGHLAND BUILDERS 15000.00 190 DETACHED INDUSTRIAL (INSIDE) Commercial ROW 972/501-0330 2342 STORAGE BUILDING Addition FABENS RD, SUITE 100, DALLAS TX 75229 Building 1010271064 12/22/2010 650 S GRIFFIN ST 45-P CITY OF DALLAS ########## 74000 construct and finish TRADE CENTER Commercial 214/948-4539 320 E out mezzanine area Addition JEFFERSON BLVD RM into mtg rooms and 321 DALLAS TX 75203 remodel Building 1004161064 12/23/2010 1140 INWOOD RD 44-A USA EAGLE CARPORTS 12000.00 1200 ADD CARPORT OFFICE Commercial 817/704-7030 P O BOX SHOWROOM/WAREH Addition 162021, FT WORTH , TX OUSE 76161 Building 1010131036 12/27/2010 2603 OAK LAWN 45-A HEJNY CONTRACTING 300000.00 8381 ADD 2381 SQFT OFFICE BUILDING Commercial AVE Ste: 300 972/878-0885 203 OFFICE Addition METRO PARK BLVD, ENNIS TX 75119 Building 1010191001 12/27/2010 3630 3-H SECURITY VAULT 21300.00 120 CONSTRUCT DRIVE BANKING SERVICES Commercial FRANKFORD RD WORKS 469/766-1342 UP ATM AND Addition 8904 N ROYAL LN, CANOPY DALLAS TX 75063 Building 1011031058 12/1/2010 6905 LAKE JUNE 58-J WILSON COMMERCIAL 120000.00 10326 REMODEL GEN MERCHANDISE Commercial RD 214/828-2333 6333 OR FOOD STORE > Alteration MOCKINGBIRD LA, 820, 3500 SQ.

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