The UOEHAssociationUOEH Association ofofHealth Health Sciences JUOEH20(1)!11-19 (1998) 11 [Original) Pathological Study Splenomegaly Associated with Cadmium-inducedof Anemia in Rats Tetsuo HAMADA', Akihide TANIMOT02, Nobuyuki ARIMA!, Yoshihiro IDEL, Takakazu SASAGURI2, Shohei SHIMiVIRI2, Yoshitaka MURATA', Ke-Yong WANG2 and Yasuyuki SASAGURIL' 'Dopartment of'Surgical Pathotogy, University llosPital ?Dopartment qf Palhology and Cell Biotogy, Scheol of' Adlrdicine, (1itib'ersity of Occapational and Environmental Health., .lapan. }'dhatanishi-ku, Kiialp,ztshu 807-8imr, .1apan Ahstract : Splenomegaly was observcd both in male and R)malc Spraguc-Dawley rats after 1 week of exposure to CdC12 (O,6 mg (:d/kg/day), Sp]een weight reached about double that in controls by 8 weeks of Cd exposure. Histopathologica] cxamination of the enlargcd spleen rcvcaled that iron- and lipid-laden histiocytes were clustered in tha periarterial lymphatic sheath, and the red pulp appeared to be expanded. It is noteworthy that electron microscopy rcvealed markcd poikilocytosis and Hcinz body formation in red blood cells (RBCs) in both the sinus and cord, Histiocytes werc swollen by a granu}ar substance in the cytoplasm and also many secondary lysosomes. Thesc morphological findings indicatc that degradation of damagcd RBCs induced by exposure to Cd might bc promoted in the splccn and possibly cause splenomcgaly, This RBC damage-hcmolysis-splcnomegaly sequence is also considered to be associated with the etioiogy of Cd-induced anemia, In addition to the abnormal RBC degradation, nuclel of ]ymphocytes in thc Cd-cxposcd spleen exhibited high elcctron density, consistent with a preapoptotic statc suggesting the immunosupprcssive effhct ofCd. Kay woralf :spienomegaly, poiki]ocytosis, Heinz body, cadmiurn, anemia, (Received 18 November 1997, accepted I9January 1998) Introduction Cd was reported to cause anemia in dogs as early as 1896 [1], and subsequently, anemia was found in humans after Cd exposure [2]. A later study indicated that anemia appearcd to be onc of the carliest signs of Cd poisoning in higher vertebrates [3]. The main characteristic of Cd-induced ancmia is the presence of microcytic, hypochromic red blood cells (RBCs), possibly resulting from iron deficicncy [4] . However, other investigators havc NII-Electronic Library Service The UOEHAssociationUOEH Association ofofHealth Health Sciences 12 THApt・IADA et al suggested that hemolysis or bone marrow suppression may be the cause of the anemia [5, 6] ; thus, the pathogenesis of Cd-induccd anemia is still a subject of debate. NVe noticcd that in rats given subcutancous (sc) irijections ofCd, splenomegaly developed during thc early stages of administration in association with anemia onsct. Aithough exposure to Cd has been reportcd to induce splenomegaly in mice [7, 8] and rats [9, 10], to our knowlcdgc there have bcen no reports describing the histopathological as well as ultrastructural features ofsplenomegaly in relation to Cd-induced anemia. In this study, we focused on patholc)gic changes in the spleen of rats with subchronic Cd intoxication and assessed the significance ol' splenomegaly in relation to thc ctiology of Cd-induced ancmia. Materials and Methods Animats Ninety-six Sprague-Dawlcy rats (Kyudo,Japan), IO or 1 1 weeks ofage, were given a conventional tbod Oapan CLEA, CE2) and tap water ad libitum. Rats in the exposure group were administered O.6 mg Cd/kg/day as CdC12 solution rlihc (about 1/100 LD50) subcutaneously lbr 5 days a week fbr up to 8 wecks, same volume ofphysiological saline was injected into control rats, Body weights of the rats were measured ()nce a week. HistqPathotogical examination Six rats including 4 in the exposure group and 2 in the control group were sacrificed every week from 1 to 8 weeks during the experimental period under general anesthesia by inhalation of cthyl ether, and the spleens were removed immcdiately. The rcsected spleens were weighed, photographed, hemisected sagittally across the splenic hilus, and fixed in 15% fbrmalin solution, Then, paraflin sections (3 ptm thick) were stained with hematoxylin and eosin (H&E), Berlin blue, Turnbull blue and periodic acid-Shiff (PAS). Oii red O staining was using frozen sections of tissue after immersion pcrfbrmcd 5 ,um formalin-fixed in gum-sucrose solution overnight, Electron microscopic examination Small tissuc blocks cut from the resected spleen, about 1 × 1 × 1 mm in sizc, were fixed with cacodylate-buffered (O.l M, pH 7.4-) glutaraldehyde solution (2.5%) for 2 h and postfixecl with cacodylate-buflered osmium tetroxide (1.0%) for 1 h. After embedding in Epon 812 (TAAB, I.ondon, UK), ultrathin sections wcre cut, stained with uranyl acetate and lcad citratc, and examined using an electron microscope (1200CX, JEOL, Tokyo, Japan), NII-Electronic Library Service The UOEHAssociationUOEH Association ofofHealthSciences Health Sciences Splenomegaly Induccd by Cadmiurn 13 Results Animals There was no s{gnificant difference in body weight change between Cd- exposed and control rats during the administration period (not shown). Splenomegaly developed and was significant (P<O,Ol) at 1 week both in males and in females aftcr Cd administration (Fig, 1). Transient and high increase of spleen weight occurred only in female rats exposed to Cd in l w. Macroscopic examination The spleens excised from these rats exposed to Cd fbr more than 1 week were enlarged with an incrcased consistency and rough surface. The capsules ofthese "sugar-icing" splcens were distended, and showed a appearance (Fig. 2), Histopathological examination H&E sections of the enlarged spleen exposed to Ccl revealed an expansion of the red pulp and clustered histiocytes with brown granules in their cytoplasm in the periarterial lymphatic sheath (Fig. 3nl). These brown granules showcd positive staining with Berlin blue, indicating iron deposition in the cytoplasm (Fig. 3-2). Oil red O staining also demonstrated lipid deposits corresponding to the Berlin blue-positive granules (data not shown). 2.2 o---N;ngBcoo)・.--N-oec 2.0 1.8 1.4 1.0 O 2 4 6 8 Administration period(VVeeks) Fig. 1. Relative spleen to body w'eight (SW/BW) ratio of' cadmium exposed rats, Relative SivVIBI'V ratio meaiis (cadniium exposed spleenlbody'wcight)f<control spleen/ bod>, weight). Increase ofSNNFIBN-i ratio is signiticant in 1 w in ma]e (open circ]e) and in fernalc Copcn square) rats af'ter exposure. Splenemegal>, is remarkable as twicc that of control spleen in 8 w Cd expnsure. NII-Electronic Library Service The UOEHAssociationUOEH Association ofofHealthSclences Health Sciences 14 T H"ADA et a( Fig 2llepresentahNe rriac rosLopic dcatures ot control dnd Ccl cxposcd spleens The spLeen exposed Lo O 6 mg CdClplKg {sL) foi 8" showcd marked cnlargerncnt, thc capgulc havmg a rough surfacc and suqar icing appearance (× 2O, Bar = 1O crn) es Fig 3 Histopatholoqical changes in Cd cxpesecl splecn rhere aie gome ciustcred histiocNtes (arroM) scattercd in thc pemartctial lymphatic sheath in caclmium exposed spleLn (1, H&h hectien) l"hLsc hisnoqtes arc posiuve foi iron staming == = {2, Beilin blue stdining) CBdr 1 100,rim, Bar 2 5UIim) NII-Electronic Library Service The UOEHAssociationUOEH Association ofofHealth Health Sciences SpLcnomegaly Induced b}, Cadmiutn I5 Electron mieroscopic examination Ultrastructural examination of the enlarged spleen revealed the diffuse presence of RBCs with a defbrmed and irregular contour in the splcnic tissue, particularly in thc dilated cords, Some of the dcformcd RBCs were fbund to be reticulocytes, recognizable by their small number of organelles (Fig. 4-1), These damaged RBCs contained granular or angular inclusions with high electron density in both the cord and sinus. The electron-densc inclusions were compatible with Heinz bodies [11, 12] . Some electron-dcnse globules in thc histiocytes were fbund to be consistent with phagocytosed RBC fragmcnts (Fig. 4-2), Thcre were many secondary lysosomes and membranous or g'ranular substances in the cytoplasm ofswollen histiocytes. A noteworthy feature was the presence o{' glycogenosomes engulfing a largc amount of glycogcn in the autophagic vacuolcs [13] . I.ymphocytes showed mild morphoEogical alterations, fbr example, a split fbrmation between the inner and outer nuclear membranes, and higher nuclear electron density in comparison with control specimens (Fig. 4m3). wwww ` ee , ,/X,ma ,/ ,,ee.k bu.,x Fig. 4. Poikilocytosis in caclmium-exposcd gplccn. (l) Elcctron micrograph demonstrates that /Kacanthocyte tear drop or bizarrc RBCs are in sinii$ or clilated cords of as(A), Cl') CB) present Ladmium-exposecl spleen (Bar = 5 ,am). Hcinz bodics in ad-exposed splecn. (2) Granular to anbuular Heinz bedies (arrow) arc noticcd in RBCs in cadmium-exposed splcen. Somc HcinL bodics arc attachcd to RBC mcmbrane and c)thers are floatlng in RBC cytoplasm Onseit). (Bar = 5,ttm) Ultrastructural alterdtions in the histiocytes and 1>・rriphocyLes in Cd-exposed splecn. (3) In Cd-cxposcd splccn, a large gl>,cogenosemc (G), various heLeiophasFosomes and incmbranous substances are found m the histiocytes, High eLectron density in nucleoso]ne and == cli]atat{on of nuc/lcar rnembrane (ariow) are noted m the Iyrnphocytcs (Bar 2ptmm). Discussion Therc havc reports of studics dcscri the splenomegaly inbccnducedseveral by Cd. Earlyexperimentalstudies showed that Cdbinghad an NII-Electronic Library Service The UOEHAssociationUOEH Association ofofHealth Health Sciences 'l' 16 I'EAMADA et at immunosuppressive efi'ect on mice and induccd splcnome.ffaly
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