i \ ■; r ■ ;!V t A.“j . ,x-.„ ■ v- ■ i / '■ V ' ... , AL_. 1' ' -'S'- •:L /■--I '■ 'I'/ V. ir~ :- ■''S r ■■ \ /. .. ' 'v>. yr*y - ■ \ •.V .r- I-' PAGE SIXTEEN TUESDAY, MARCH 6, 1987. .'. i t ' •Average Dkily Net Pres-q Run j lEtifning ,/{■ ■■ / : -y-. F or the .kVeek Ended ' ' ; Th« W«ather 1957..... Fdnwsst of IL p. Weather Bmpaa^ Members of Andaraon-Shea Aux­ ' The second assslon of the Moth­ tlM.inisoniiat and ewtgoihg df< er* Btbia 8tndy^3raup;wtlt tt« held i / iliary, No.“ 20*d; "VirW, attended a DeMoky Seats flcsra. 'T Not )i« cpld tonight. Low near’ About Town meeting o fD e n 'd , Vack -47wat the tomorrow from ll to 11:80 n.mv Benoit-Hallin Wedding Worshipful Msster.Mslcolm Rob­ 12,469 . • . South Melhodist’ClHirch'yesterday; The suU ect wlU be"M *ry, Mother ertson of Maheh6sU r Lodges No. ember of the. Audit . a . SO. Thursday eloudy, chaaoe bf At M . me*ungr « f th» Patriotic Instructor'Oglore White of- Jesul.” sm all -children will be 73, A,F.Aa .M., responded with . Bureau of ClrcuUCtlon light min late ta day. High 4 6 ^ cared-for- In’ the evening at 8 p.m., „ New -Officersbest vrishea to thi'new offkefi. r' ■ / . ‘ pitniriitf '«emmtU«e, -the SalVstfon .presented an Ainertcan' flag and WHIit CHAW . ^ ^ Manchester— A City of Village Charm A^v'womeiv'ii Horn* Lm^ u« »«t flag etiquettes to the Cub Sedutt. the Ladles Aid Society will meet . Master ' 'Councilor . McConnell t)M d»t« of ThurmlRy, Marrh 14, St the churCh,.' and the guest Recently elected and appointed then atmouheed- appointment of David Miirphy accepted the gift in c o n ­ •S'' ' ■ for It* mnhuiil Irish Sale and T«a. behalf of' the den' and expressed, ^eaker ■ will be the Rev. Russell officers of John Mather Chapter, the. following committee chair­ 8 * ' “ r vertedv e rte d from- yW. txxvi, N 0 .‘ 13.2 (TWERrltT-FOUR^^1»:;^S--TW^ MANCHESTER, CONN , WEDNESDAY, MA^CH 6j, 191957 (CInssIfted Advertising n n ^ ^ ^ .2 !) PRICE FIVE CENTS Th* food nal* will open at 2 p.m, thanks. Mrs. Shirley l^urphy.-den. Camp ehaplsln of the State Pris­ OrdeE of DeMolay, were install^ men; sick,'" H a r^ Wahnquiatr and will feature all kind* of Irtah on at Wethersfield'. visitation, Richard B ^g; athletic, reac-whfcl to mother, is assisted by Mrs. Edns a;. last night qt the Masonic Temple; ftont-whesl 7'" " bread*, ia kddiUon to other home- Tfcdford. P ast Presidents Oertruoe Donald Mulesner; pariiphemalla, baked fbpda of various kirttU. i Sf.'\ .'■.'Vi’.-:" • Tlte officers Installed were: Robert Andrew; tend ehlertain- ptopeiling, or BuclMhan. Florence Plltl 'and The Kehler Circle of the South to all J-ln'ck Ufkt lun^ea will alto be servdl Helen Beebe of the VF(V also at- Methodist W8CS will meet tonight • Robert McConnell, master coun­ ment. Carl MaSstit . '■'x- . rsvtert. throufhout th# afternoon and tended; sb 8 p.m. St the home of Mrs. cilor; Harvey-"Wahnquist, senior Homemade cake with bevei'age . early evening. Philip Lees, 42 CrestvvoOd Dr. The was served by the Mothers Circls; $72.00 councilor; Robert Andrew,. Junior following the installation cere­ A short business meeting of speaker will be Past- President councilor; Wayne Newqiiqn,' senior Delta Chapter, No. 81, Royal Uibbons Assembly, Catholic Ladies Mrs.- Ruth-M cCann of the W8CS monies. of South Church, w-hose aublcct desconf Richard Fogg, junfor dea­ ilWtvWeqd 0»w Teibl tinw«d« Arch Masons, will hold Its anndal of Columbus, will be held tonight con; Donald Mulesner^senlor stew­ Fit* ov4* average toilet ,v . ' X- .- ' meeting and election of officers' to­ at St. James' School, starting .at will be "The WSCS Functions," * • X Another giiest" will be this .year's ard; Charles Krampr Junior stew- bowL Sibfdilv con* morrow night at 7;30 in the Ma­ 8:15. After the meeting, all mem­ ^kra;.Chhrles Stoltx, orator; Philip itructed. Eatily clesoed. sonic Temple. ' This , irpportant ber* are invited'to visit .the Cam- president. Mrs. Phyllis < Von; Deck,. Grange Notes A social time will -follow the busi­ Finlay, treasurer/, Cuy Oartslde, meeting will be followed by the dot Ceramics Studio for a ceram­ sentinel; David Janssen, chaplaid; .•v . ness session. 11*1^1 social hour and refresh­ ics denumstratloTf. TransportStlon Carl Masztal, marshai; Gordon M anchester Orange, No. 31, will $si.oo ments. will be pi'oviiiod for- those who Oseir, *tehdard' bearer; R obert Ma­ ( meet tomorrow at 8 p.m, . In ne^ it. ' , Members of the Manchester son, almoner; and Steven Hum? I Orange Hall with Master Chester Country Club sre requested to mail, -bleal Kerris. B rent Ander­ ! small pi-esldlni;. WELDON DRDB CO. U, 8. foreign policy in regard to make table reservations as soon as the Middle Blast will be discussed A progressive whist psrty, apon- S . - 4 son, BlVvoOd AnBerson, . Edward ’ First and second degrees-will be Authorised Deoler at a panel meeting of the Man.- sored by the, library committee of possible for the St. Patrick's Eve McSpadeh. George Tdrcotte and i conferred on a class’ of candidates. 901 8IA1N ST,—8n S-5S2I cheitef Leagtie of Worhen Voter* the Buckley"School PTA, will be dance to be held' at the - chib Rqbert CromvyelK. preceptors. ~ I Past Master Hazel T. Ahderson 'ia March 16, with dancing from 9 i captain, of the first degree team tomorrow morning at 8:30 at^fhe held tonight at . the school, start­ .m. to 1 B.m. Reservations may 1 ' Instaliatlon Slat« home of Mrs. Jacob Miller, ' 103 ing a t 8 o'clock. The public Is The Installing ojffi'cers .were: Ar- I and Past Master Wilber Little Is Adelaide Rd. Invited. e made^wllh Archie Livingston, master. Past Sfaster James O. I club luSnager, ., i- Carlstrom, State M.sster i. Baker ts captain of the second de* couilcUor; Richard 5’- M a t b* o h, GAS HEAT U. S. Promises Held igree team and Mrs. Beatrice Llt- br. Samuel E. PentL-xhalrnian. State Chaplain: Louis . Faucher, I tie ls_ master. Following the' meet-, IS BEST F O R ’57! 7 State Junior Councilor: Ernest rno :S Division of Natural Sclenco* and Iing, Mrs. Ruth Hulchlns and her BEST FOR A LIFETIME Ir' • k >V Mathematics.; and Dr. Arthur- W. Freeman. State Sentinel; and I committee will serve refreshments. Fsnta. historian, are -among those Tl.omn.s R. Grose. P ast Slate The ways and means committee VISIT THE HARTFORD ideast Peace Key^ MANCHESTER who will take part in the panel Scribe. will hold a setback I party Friday GAS.COMPA.NY FOR Bid to Reds discussions by a group of edu­ Karl Fritz. "Dad" of the Chlp- a t 8 p.m. in Tinker Hall, to Which AN ENOINEERED. FREE cators at HUIyer College In a se­ •ter, spoke briefly, congratulating Ihe public is Invited. SURVEY OF By ERIC GOTTGETREU UBLIC MARKE ries of weekly radio programs be­ YOUR HEATING •JakaiTa. ljJ^nasi.'tv March 6 803-805 MAIN STREET ginning Sunday a t 4 p.m. on REqUfRESIENTS (fP)— PresIdenT -^karno and Jeruiialem, Aliirch 6 (/P)— Israel began moving out o f the ■rT: WDRC. Theme of the informal Gaza Strip arid the Adsha gulf cpa.st today. I half-hour programs Is " B a c k ­ Ask for 3Ir. Rr'ygak the diead of his Army, Ma.j. grounds of'Today's' Worjd." Gen. Aboul Harris Nasution, Premier David Ben-Gurion ctuabod parliaRieritary oppo­ An unidentified womahv left, looks down to the egCth 14.000^f*et were reported in serious dis­ sition to the pull but, vvinning overwhelming Vptes of (ion-' I ' The, Young Adult Group of the below, apparently oblivwvts to the gaping hole above hei>-caused agreement today over Sukar­ fidence. He said there wilt be peace “ if the Uniti^ States ■ Second Congregational Church by a propeller of an Anvbrickh Airiines p\wM negr^emphis. Elementary, my Terin., MaPeh 5. This in-flight picture was mqde by passenger no's. plan to take Communists and other powers will keep their promises to,us." \ ' t vvill meet at the parsonage. 106 Arab disturbances and an Isi'seli su.sj)icion that thVU .N . l-Heniy St.,' tomorrow night a t, 6 John A. Thomas, of Mt. Kisco/N. Y., just a^efthe propeller flew, into the government and o'clock for a spaghetti supper: l.orinf Photo into the cabin. ' No one was injKred aii.-ptane w as landed safely. institute “guided democ­ Emergency Force planned to restore, Egyptian adminis­ MRS. THOMAS AHTHONY BENOIT dear Watson! racy.’- . \. trators in Gaza interrupted the flow of materiel from the Manchester Emblem Chib, 'A\ high-iankihg Arhiy officer stfategic area foi^a few hours. • ASM 281. w-lll meet tomiu-rpw nighcT in Miss DynnS' Cedlis H s 111 r-:'Sweetheart rosea. Mrs. Halim was The detection of spots, that is. Our who attended secret meetings , Authoritative reports said the pull out was resumed this Tinker Hnll at 8 o'clock. The bust- daughter of Mr. and Mrs, Frank attired In a .p'rincess style, paprika between Sukarno and Nasution wrool dre:^arid her corsage was of K ure afternoon. ' ■ / T------------------ -ness wlU Include* the eiection of H. Halim, 848 Woodbrtdge St,; and super spotting sleuths go over every disclosed that Nasution voiced op­ The Israeli Army announced'an •*KIN^ OF # IE it A " ; ' ^ Ctntor SHetf. officers' for the ensuing year and phalaenopsls orchids. Mrs. Benoit position to the plan. Thomas ' Anthony Benoit, son of wore,a dress of stone blue silk square inch of clothing for hard-to- Arab civilian and pb Israeli soldier committee reports, R^re.shments Officers and upits of the Army were killed and tWo Israeli aoldlers De y^lera Gets will be served snd sn sttendsnce Mr.
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