Penguin Readers are simplified texts designed in association with Longman, the world famous educational publisher, to provide a step-by-step approach to the joys of reading for pleasure. Each book has an introduction and extensive activity material. They are published at seven levels from Easystarts (200 words) to Advanced (3000 words). Series Editors:Andy Hopkins and Jocelyn Potter 6 Advanced (3000 words) Contemporary 5 Upper Intermediate (2300 words) Classics 4 Intermediate ( 1700 words) §Originals 3 Pre-Intermediate ( 1200 words) 2 Elementary (600 words) I Beginner (300 words) British English Easystarts (200 words) BAmerican English I~ I Book/cassette pack also published www.penguinreaders.com Copynght © 2001 Universal Studios Publ1sh1ng Rights, a d1V1s1on of Unrver'Sl.11 Studios LJCens1ng. Inc, All nghts reserved MUMMY™ RETURNS ISBN 0-997-80575-7 ■Published and distributed by 1111111 Pearson Education Limited 9 780997 805758 The Mummy Returns JOHN WHITMAN Based o n the motion picture screenplay written by STEPHEN SOMMERS Level 2 R etold by Nancy Taylor Series Editors: Andy Hopkins and Jocelyn Po tter Pearson Education Limited Contents Edinburgh Gate, 11,rlow, Essex CM20 2JE, EngJ.nd .tnd Associated Co111p.u11cs throughout the world. page ISBN 0997 805757 Introduction V First published by Bantam Skylark 200 I Tha, edmon first published 2002 Chapter 1 The Scorpion King l lus cd1t1011 published 2006 Chapter 2 The 13racdet ofAnubis 3 3 5 7 9 10 8 6 4 2 Chapter 3 Imhotep in Lo ndon 8 Copyright ,· 2001 Uruvers,1 Studios Publislung R,glns. a D1v1s1on of Uruvcrsal Studios, Inc. Chapter 4 A Trip to Old Egypt 20 fHE MUMMY RETURNS as ,1 tr.1dcmark ,111d copyright o(Umvers.il Studios All rights reserved. Chapter 5 Ahm Shere 28 Activities 39 Typeset by Pamek Am Ltd, Mmhtonc, Kent Set an I 1/14pt Bcmbo Primed 111 Chuld SWTC/01 All rights rtStrvtd; 110 par1 of this p11bliratio11 may bt rtprodurtd, stored In ,, rtttltval system, or lra11sm1t1td ut any form c>r by any umrns, tltctronit, mtd1n11lcal, plio1o<o1,yl11g, recordurg or 01lrent1iu, u11rhout tl1e 11rior u,r/Um permission of tht J>ublisl1tn. Pubh~hc<l by Pc.tr-son Edu<:,ltion L1m1tcd m .1ssot:iat1on with t>cnb,ulll Book~ I td. both co111p,1n1c~ being n1bs1d1,1r1c, of Pc.1non Pie For a complete list or titles available In the Penguin Readers series. please write to your local Pearson llducalion office or to: Penguin Readers Marketing Department. Pearson llducatlon. Edinburgh Gate. Harlow. F.ssex CM20 2JE. Introduction People i11 Egypt told the story ef the Scorpion King and the great pyramid of A1111&is. In the Year ef the Scorpion, they said, he and his soldiers 111ill wake up. They ,viii begin their battles aJ!ai11, a11d this time they 1.11ill kill everybody and everything. Somebody has to kill the Scorpio11 King, or the world 111ill end. The Scorpion l(jng and his soldiers are asleep under the desert of Ahm Shere. But it is now 1933, the Year of the Scorpion, and the Scorpion King is going to wake up. Two people want to find him: Mecla, a beautiful young woman, and Lock-Nah, a strong young man. They have a plan. First, they will bring lmhotep, the mummy, back to life. Then, they will fo ll ow him to Ahm Shere and take the Scorpion King's powers. M eela wants the mummy's love. Lock-Nah wants gold. I mhotcp wants to be king of the world. But, ten years after their last battle with lmhotep, Evelyn and Rick O'Connell arc back in Egypt with Alex, their young son. In an old, dark temple, Evelyn O'Connell finds the Bracelet of Anubis. Lock-Nah, M eela, and lmhotep want this bracelet. It will show them the way to Ahm Shere. But the bracelet is on Alex's arm, and he can't get it off The Scorpion King w ill wake up in seven days! Who will win this battle? Who will find Ahm Shere? Will somebody stop the Scorpion King? Or, is this the end of the world? The Mummy Returns is the second story by Stephen Sommers about the O'Connclls and their exciting battles with the mummy, lmhotcp. It is also a movie. In the movic, Brcndan Fraser is R ick, Rachel Weisz is Evelyn, Arnold Vosloo is lmhotep, and Dwayne "T he Rock" Johnson is the Scorpion King. V Chapter 1 The Scorpion King Egypt, 4000 BC* The ta ll , strong young man walks across the desert.There are a lo t of dead soldiers, his soldiers, on the gro und at his feet. After many great battles w ith the Egyptians, they will never see their ho mes in Akkad again. But, the Scorpio n King didn't die with his m en because he wears the Bracelet of Anubis o n his arm. H e stops and looks up into the sky. " I am the Scorpio n King!" he shouts . " N obody can kill me!" H e walks away into the desert ofAhm Shere. T he Scorpion King carr ies his knife in o ne hand. It feels heavy because he is very tired. Suddenly, he hears horses and looks up again. He sees tho usands of Egyptian soldiers o n ho rseback. They want to kill the great king fro m Akkad . They want to stop the battles. The Scorpion King is going to die. Who can help him? He looks at the sky. " Anubis," he calls to the great god o f the dead , " please, hear me! H elp m e today, and I will build a great pyramid of gold fo r you. And, I w ill give you my life." The Scorpio n Ki ng shouts loudly to the sky, but nobody answers him. The Egyptian soldiers arc coming. His end is near. Then he fe els something on his foot. It is a scorpion! T he Scorpion King laughs and puts the animal in his mouth. He cats the scorpion, and suddenly he is strong again. Around him the desert changes into green trees and blue water. Behind him he sees 10,000 soldiers with faces of dogs. They arc the soldiers of Anubis, and now they are going to fight for him. N ow they are his soldiers. * llC: before Christ was born. Many people knew the story, but nobody could find the desert of Ahm Shere. Nobody could find the Scorpion King and stop him. Chapter 2 The Bracelet of Anubis Egypt, 11ear Ha111u11aptra, the City of the Dead, 1933 Rick O'Connell walked around an underground room in a very old Egyptian temple with his wife, Evelyn. She loved everything about Egypt and could read the old languages. She studied the country's temples and its old stories. Rick and Evelyn met ten years earli er. They found the mummy of Imhotcp in Hamunaptra, in the desert. After 3,000 years, 77,e Scorpio11 Kin,R sho11ts lo11dlv to the sky, b11t 110/Jody a11s111ers hi111. Imhotcp woke up and tried to kill Evelyn. He wanted to be the For the next year, the Scorpion King and the dog-face soldiers kjng of Egypt first, and then king of the world. But Rick fought move across Egypt and kill more and more Egyptians. Then at with lmhotep and won.The mummy returned to his strange sleep the end of the year, the Scorpion King takes the city ofThebes. below the ground of Hamunaptra, and Rick married Evelyn. Anubis is waiting for him. "Dad! Dad!" a small boy shouted, and ran into the big room. "Your life is mine," says Anubis. " I want it today." "What is it, Alex? It's dangerous down here," R ick sa id to his "What will happen to my soldiers?" asks the Scorpio n King. eight-year-old son. "You and these soldiers will leave this life. You will sleep for "But Dad, I saw your tattoo near the door up there!" 6,000 years." Alex looked at the tattoo on his dad's hand. It showed a The Scorpion King fee ls very cold for a minute, and then he pyramid with the Eye of Horus* in the center. Rick didn't know feels nothing. Nothing fo r 6,000 years. anything about his tattoo. It was there when he was a baby. "It's the sa me as the picture near the door! Come and sec." ♦ " I'll come in a minute. Now I have to help your 1110111, and People in Egypt told the story of the Scorpion King and the you have to go back up the stairs." great pyramjd ofAnubis. In the Year of the Scorpion, they sa id, he In a different room, Evelyn O'Connell studied a strange and his soldiers will wake up. They will begin their battles again, picture on a large door. It showed two people in a fight-not and this time they w ill kill everybody and everything. Somebody has to kill the Scorpion King, or the world w ill end. *Horus: the old Egyptian god of the sun; he has the head of a bird. 2 3 men, but beautiful young women. Evelyn couldn't see their faces, but she thought,"/ k11ow these 1110111e11. Where are they fro11 1? Where did I see them before? Maybe the a11s111ers are behi11d this door." " Rick, come and help me," she shouted. " I want to open this heavy door." " Yes, ma'am," Rick said with a smile. His wife used her head, but Rick liked to work with his hands.
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