The Newark Post. ~.U~I X=·.\=·[=II====::7::=====' NEWARK, DELAWARE, THURSDAY, DECEMBER 15, 1932 NUMBER 46 ~ To Continue Contract with Delaw-are Power and Light Co. C=-=o=nt=r=ac=t= L=e=t =b=y=' = , S=tate Highway Department for Sidewalk [EfrRIC RATE IN NEWARK CONTRACT LET LAST Newark Presbyterian Sabbath MEANSSAVING OF ABOUT 22% School Christmas Play THURSDAY FOR NEW SIDEWALK Big Taxpayers of T oWDofSotrenuously Oppose the Manufacture , State Highway Department Give.. Project to Wilmington The Newark Pre~byt e rian Sabbath School will be entertained on wn Current I Wednesday evening, December 021, at 8 o'clock, by "A Christmas Concern Carol" a dramatized adaptation of Charles Dickens' celebrated The tow n meeting, held in the Old to set power and light rates and taxes. The sidewalk to be built from the Highw~y Department to condemn any rn House on 1ucsday evening They feel, and justly so, that citizens Christmas story of the same title. The play has in its cast 28 young town' limits starting at Leak's Garage property for this type of improve ~~ regard to rencwing the electric and taxpayers of the town are the people, the majority of whom are members of the Christian Endeavor to Lum's Lane on the Lincoln High- ment, which is never done unless it i (O;t rnct was well aLtc nded, there be- ones to decide this question. I Society, and all of whom are members of the Sabbath School. The way .will be started within the next absolutely necessary. iag ap prox ima tely 150 pe?ple present, Council was not left in doubt as to program has been arranged by the Endeavorors under the direction of few days; the contract being awarded We understand there are two ob I large t u ~ nout c~ n s l d e rlng the how the users of electric current feel i Miss Blanche Malcom. The play will be supplemented with special to a Wilmington concern on Decem- jectors to the sidewalk coming up on ,eather co ndi tIOn s. 1 he largest tax- Ion the matter. The meeting was a music between acts. bel' 8. the east side, but the State Highway We understand that one or two Department will proceed to lay the aye rs in town wcrc r"p r ese ~t e d ~nd Ir epresentative- gathering of probably I There will be no admission charge and members of the church Pt ' uou sly opposed to town s bUlld- more than one hundred citizens de­ petitions have been circul/!.ted in the walk on the east side and condemn :n:~t s o w ~ plant, , ince they felt that spite the inclement weather and was and congregation and the community are cordially invited to attend past week: one to ask the State to any property which stands in its way the performance. A free-will offering will be received for the benefit the rate given by thc Delaware Power I almost unanimous for the Delaware 1 run the sidewalk on the west side' of if necessary, as they feel this is th ,Light Co. wa s muc h cheaper than . Power and Light Co. proposition. To 1 of the missionary fund of the Sabbath School and to cover the cost of , the road from the B. & O. bridge and safest side of the road due to th it wou ld be possiblc to manufacture I record the opinion of those at the production. I the other to run a sidewalk on the number of children who will use this east side the full length. It is under- pavement. A number of citizens of its own current. meeting, C. E. Rittenhouse moved Program A rep resentative of Fairbanks, that it be recommended to Council stood from a very reliable source that Newark and vicinity have worked Piano Prelude .......... .... ........ .. ........ .. Miss Nell Wilson Morse Co mpany stated that they that the contract with the Delaware I the Highway Department made a very hard to get this project in the Gov (IIuld guarantee to man ufactur.e cur- P_ower and Light Company be signed. Christmas Carols .... .... .. .... ....... .. ... Sung by the Audience , careful study and a head count of the ern or's unemployment program and )!lit fo r lc a kilowa tt and .d e hv~r it A rising vote was taken on this mo- Solo-"The Birthday of A King" ... ........ ... Mrs. Paul 'D. Lovett persons using the Highway at this it is earnestly requested by all con 10 the switchboa rd for this figure, tion and nearly everyone in the room point and have no intentions whatever cerned that the dissenting property BUT this di d not include the cost of stood up. When Mayor Collins re­ STAVE I OF THE PLAY of changing the original plans for owners will consent to the wishes of of the plant, interest, de- ! quested those opposed to the motion Solo . ... ..... ... ............. .. .. ... .. Mrs ~ J. Earle Dougherty having it laid on the east side, the full the Highway Department for th or any fixed charges what- to stand, Wright C. Dizer_and Robert IIlength. It is in the power of the State safety of the children. ; only including the estimated Hunter, both residents of Wilming­ STAVE II OF THE PLAY of fuel and wages, and $1000 or Iton, but connected with the Dela­ Violin Solo . .......... ... .. .. ... " ....... Mr. John Phillips for maintenance per year. I ware Ledger, here, were the only two was broll ght out at the meeting to stand in opposition to the Dela­ \ STAVE III OF THE P ~AY MAYOR COLLINS PRESENIS Dove r fi gures its cost of produc- ware Power and Light Company con­ Duet--"A Christmas Carol" at 2c per kilowatt by a steam tract. Mrs. Raymond McMuilen and Mrs. Lloyd Yarnall Another town bases its cost 1 With Mayor Collins OR the st~ge TWO PROJECTS TO EMERGENCY 1~ c; in other words, it was were all members of Council, Messrs. I that any sma ll town manufac- Lovett, Mote, Stoll, Ferguson, Hubert PLAY CAST RELIEF COMMISSION current never fig ures the C?st and Widdoes and Charles H. Priest, I Scrooge ......... .... .. ........ ....... ....... Colbert Wood production of electricity I representing the Fairbanks, Morse I ' the hu nd redth part of a cent Co I Bob Cratchit ........ ... ... ... ........ " ...... Orville Richardson Mayor Collins has presented to the Project No 2 is a much needed side was therefore hard to get an I Mayor Collins, at the opening of Nephew Fred ....... ................. ............. Kent Preston new State Emergency Relief Commis­ walk around the residence of Presi of the actual cost against an the meeting, explained the two prop- Marley's Ghost . ... ................. ..... .... .. Homer Malcom sion as part of the "Made work pro­ dent Hullihen, which would be laid on PO SITIVE co ntract price. ositlons before Council on which the Ghost of Christmaa (past) ........... ............. Alfred Maciary Delaware avenue and South Colleg gram," for the benefit of the unem­ avenue. s, if you contract for members desired to get the views of Mr. Scrooge when young .. ................... ... Marian Wood ployed, as follows: It is believed there will be no op a given price, you know citizens. He explained . that the His Fiance ............ .. .................... .. ... Dot Dawson Project No.1 is for a sidewalk on position to these projects, as this i it cost and what profit power company in a new contract of- Boy at Desk .......... ..........•.. ... .. ... .. Harold Tiffany the West side of Academy street for State property and will give employ therefrom, but if you man- fered reduces the cost of electric cur- Ala Baba ........................... .. ............ Edwin Smith the- full length of the State's property ment to a goodly number of men it yo urself yo u really know rent to the town by more than 20 per Robinson Crusoe .... ........ ........, . :: .......... George Wond which the Women's College Campus Action will be taken shortly by 'th it costs, and anyone who has cent. MI'. Fezziwig borders 'on. Commission. any manufacturing will agree, The figures Mr. Collins said as to rll n up an d down. this reduction show that -at present Mrs. Fezziwig . ......... ........ .... .. ... .. Ann Chalmers F ' b k M C C i1' . g b t $35000 Young Women .... ... ... Mary Burnette, Dorothy West, Betty Wood two oarl rtl;~:~\ lan ~:s~n D ~ ~~:~~ y ~:;cfor I~h~a:~~ren: ~~ereas' unde~ I Young Men ...... .. Marian Wood, Elwood Zebley, George Zebley Benefit Movie for Hopkins Brothers to they stressed the poi nt t hat one the new contract for the same Ghost of Christmas (present) ... .' ... .. ... .... .. Joseph Zebley Mayor's Relief Com. Give 5% To Mayor's had not been out of service for amount of current the charge will be Mrs. Cratchit ... .. .. .. ..... .. ... .. ..... Louise Murray for ovc r cight years. We Ibetw een $27,000 and $28,000. Peter Cratchit . .. .. .. .... .. ... .. .. .. Paul Lovett, Jr. - Relief Committee taken time to check this but It developed during Mr. Collins' Small Cratchit Boy ... .... ... ... .. ...... , . ... Harry Mac1ary Ticket.. are going fairly well for the Hopkins Brothers announced las check the statement made that I talk that while the Fairbanks, Morse Small Cratchit Girl .. .- ....... .... , .. , , .. ... Jane Anne Lovett benefit movie to be given Monday and night that they will give 5 per cen pl ant lost on ly lwe nty min- Co. had offered to install a Diesel en- Martha Cratchit . .... ... ....... ..... ... .. ..... Doris St rahorn Tuesday night, December 19th and of all money taken in at their stor the last cighl years, which g ine plant of two 420 horsepower and Tiny Tim . .......... ... ... ... .. " ... ...... , Billy Hamilton I 20th, the entire proceeds being for the between December 15 and 25, in to be inco rrect, As a matter I one 210 horsepower motors in a mu- Ib enefit of the Mayor's Relief Commit- clusive, to the Mayor's Unemploymen if thi Fai rba nk s, Mor se I nicipal plant without the town paying I Topper .
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