THE FAMILY OF GRIFFITH BOWEN, GENTLEMAN, WELSH PURITAN IMMIGRANT, Boston, Mass., 16.38-9, ESPEC/ALLY THE BRANCH OF ESQUIRE SILAS BOWEN. Born in Woodstock, Conn., 1722. By IJANIEL ROWEN (242.) J ACKSONVILLB, FLA, DACOSTA PRINTINU COMPANY. FAMILY OF GRIFFITH BOWEN, GENTLEMAN 'Honor thy Father and thy Mother. Not to arrogate a superiority over our neigh­ bors, but to fraternize among ourselves; widening the horizon of the home, and extending the vista of our past. To 1'"11 (l"it•c,\t-(15~nnbrnthc~, The prompter of this book, Esquire Silas Bowen, still livin~ in his " Records" and " Memoranda" thoughtfully handed down by him "for posterity to view." PREFACE. This little book consol1·s itself for its shortcomings by the consideration that it may dn fnr a beginning, and may seem to be better than nnthin~. Some who take it up will exclaim that it has no index; not observing· that the place of one is supplied by the tables with their g-cnealogical numbers. A formal index will hardly be missed, except by outsiders who peep into the book from idle curiosity, and for whom this serious work was not und<!rtaken. The writer would g-la<lly have: seen these pages lighted up by our best known foces and autographs. So. also, he would have been pleased to give place to many more sketches, especially of the departed: but he has done what he could. May the pen he lays clown be taken up by some one of ampler resources. CONTENTS. Pages. Table, ..... 3-24 Gcncalo~ical Data . 27-148 1--1 istorical and Biog-raphical 151-266 Appendix ....... 267-272 Book I. 1\tbles. :;; ~ ;: ::: ...,. ?" F ?' ~ ?" ?" ~ ~ ~ Es.1. Geo. W.-~Jtllf ::"'=i- c, 0 Judll1l L. -170 :'- __!' 8-l =e t:: Cnpt.Hcnry-Ji!l!- I § IL =ix.- "' -- Fordyce F. -lm I !' '.:< ~- 1 S.: I I$ ~G- Dr.M.-)83'-~s-l cc J,r. A.-111,,; I ~ J ,-;=i- • o I I ,...C Eti11. Chus.-J~'U I ~e- I Pnif. F11111cis-J!IJ f ?"- I I t,. E.-:!IJ() I ~- I I -- llr. E. C.-:!01 j ~E- -::!_I:'",~ - !:,: Judge i.,. A. -llil-:!116 j ~­ ~s-, Es<1. L. B.-209 • =5- E~- Prof. S. T.-210 \ ~ e :" l-- :::, f 0 ;r-1 Dan'! I .--621-Cullon-2Jd} fl-~~"'- ,, ;i- e- 1 I •~ I ;; Gon'l S.-~JH ! ~ -~-, J r . !:-1 a, ... f [ §!,.,_ §:- - fl Col. P .-2"20 f V 1 - i f~§- :- I John L -2:!l } ~?,-1 I a ~&l-1 · If , rL l f. .. ;'l" r; I ~~ -- =~- Q~ I e o 1 6 :: '1 'E- g-.,_J . ':' r.,- a« ' A "--ri~I 1 :-:; Ii. r -c .. l'.C.-:t.'11}:::­ I Lcm. W.5U-C.C-:!:ll ;,~ E.J.-~ ?! , r-1 .,_w·- C. E.-575-D.-~42j i:,_ A .•J.-~43\'~,.­ 1 I s-J - I ;- B. D.-5i0-.J. C.-:!44 r-c -,"I; 11 s-1 ;·gt:: Edw. A.-«,G-Heury c.-:u; l ~ ~ J j I Dr. Gt..'O A.-r.G'i-T dw. E.- :nl , :i! - I I ;' I !' j ;; :' 1.;1 ':. .. _ J .~; Cl -- le'-,:,:5\-::!:t?­ z ~ ~:: ~~ H. E. 11".-:r.lO--f--J ~ ie.,...., f "!i,':;/'JflY.L + '/',t Rf, /18, FAMILY OF l'I-IILIP BOWEN, SoN OF G1rn,·1,1TII ap .OWEN, A(.IAS Boll'I\N. (Mo~tly in Wales.) (I, l 11111,IJUJ1N', I ,1111111 ...................... i 1'upl, 1'11111 I•• ........... ~ A ll111111hlHr, :J ,\llt!u, 1 I M11rg11rot, (Mrti •• r11l111 'l'hn1111tH), (Mr•. Wohl), :! 11•1,rnulH, IOI' Jtomhrnku, \\'nll1H), n Wfllhtm, (llf llrlstol, l•l1111"l, -I l,lm1t. llonry. (or lloxb11ry, MIISR,) i'1 Orllllth ......... .. I r, ~r::t:·c11111J.) ll ~•1111101, .... , .. , .... , ..... , ·l' ~ flOOl'l!'U II 1'lll1A1\10th, a 1,:111.ulmth. 011'0. A1hl111gtn11, l 7 Bsthol', H ,lhl1111II, II 1'0111111, IIll lllwl11h. r, Sll>ol, (Mro. ,101111 8topho11J. U Elennoru. '/'.I I/I.NI-I. 5 F1\I\IILY OF LIEL"T. IIENR\'. CIIIMJIIBS, Cl, f!llllilllltlS. Cl, (I, Cllll,IIIIV.N, 1111111'.r, Jr. Ill! 1,:u,,.111,1 h Murrie, ~l 11mm1,.,, h llnl'l'IS, ~ I 1,tn11t .. IMwnr1l MorrlH, :!II I ~ BlbJ1hufh.,, ,.,., ... u .. Urum, !!7 Hm1111111U :!II l 11r111h11u•<• 1111111111h llowm1, :11 O 1 Blb.ulu•th / :l'J II ,John ..... .......... Jr, j ,\111111111 ~nruh 411 '.''. j Molmtuhfu. ., ~1111•µ,11•,,t .. Ill I,lnhn •• , •• ,,,,,l:1 1 .lohn. 47 I r, llury, Ii I Pt.muul. fl MUl'Jllll'Ot, 18 i ,\hlµ,111, Ill ~llua. lll ~Juttlww. rdl lhu11111h. iii H ,\lolµ,111. !.'fl llt•t11',\',., •.•••••••••••••••:111l l lt-11UlU. 11:J llnnnuh. i,:J iii ·!!I lh1111111h, a7 l~a:~u•pt r.r; Ill IMlwr. o)oJ l\JHI'.\', 118 Jo:111,ihelh. fill , Alolgull, iii 11-'llllr, •..... • ••···,,IO I[ Pruntlcu, r,x Churh.•1:1. i1U Hnrnh. 411 11 fHIUlll,, ,,, ,,,,,, ,, ,, ,.:!ll '1""1" 11 ' ·II j lll'ltry, llo11,luml11 '"'Ill ] 1t'ttnul . ....... ............1!! lltl'\", Pumwl. 11:l l•~l'UIICUS, 1111 Hnmh. lll llunirnh. Ill t lhm,fnmln, H [ Ell,,i\Joth, -Iii 6 'l~·I /IT,/?8, FAMILY OF ESQ. HENRY.-36. II. f'llllllllltlN, 1111111111h, llli lkl 1>11111'""" ..IIUIII',\', 1•. Iii l'rls.,11111, IIH I "1•11• I-Illus .... , .............. , ...... 411 Mllsh11, 1111 ll11r11l,hy ill l-lnmh, !,I, ,IUl'IIMhll, ,. N11tl11111l11I II, ill ~h11·11111·ut. 7-1 Mnry. iii I 1 711 1//\!ll/;'/:;". • jj 2 011111, Mnltlww ...... , .. .............. ri0 / flrltllth 7H n 11111·1111111. r,f Wllll11111 711 ii:! lluttlww. HO ,i4 1111111111h,'""""· r.1 111111111111. HI II .ll11r1111rut. M ll>11111'm•f.11. ~ Hll 11~:~~~!:1\111. HI , .1111111. Hu 7 ,l11hn, .......... .................... .fo/i ·l ~lull••n. l'O Ntb.uhuth, H7 1,110.\', HH 1•r111loncu. HU FAMILY OF ISAAC OF W_OODSTOCK.-39. 011fLllllllN Cl. Otlll,llllMN, Cl. 0, 01111,llllMN, llll1,1h11t,h. fill rl'1·u11Ucu. 14-r 2 Ahl1111II. Illlh111111.1. 14r, 1 n Prl!ntloo ............... r.H~ l!hnrh.•H .............. .. 110 1 1~111111.}' II. 1-111 !lt•Cll'l/l! I'. 147 IHomce II. 14H f l,uuyl'. 1411 Ch111•lu• B, Jr,(I •'111111y. 01 Snrnh JI. tr.I llr•• Jnmcs. 11:i I 4 Clmrlos .......... ... fill ~lnrU111. r,. 1r>2 Uhnrlos •••••..•.....•... ua Hulon J•\ 1r.1 1,uuy. 114 ! ttnrrlct C. Ir.I IMwnr,t ti, tro/i lrunry u. 1r.u OOlll'l(U p,; tr.7 '/'A /lf,R8, 7 FAMILY OF ESQ, SILAS.-4!J, C'll11,llltl·lN, U. U1tlhllllHN, l.1!\'I, Iii IHIIIHI, IIH 1111111111h. ,., ,\hhmll, 1111 Jlr, Hll11H, IIHI 11111111, 1111 "IIr Jr,I HIIII, Jllt :! IJt•II, lhHII',\' •••·••••••• Jlonry, IINI ................... '"Ifh,n, U1111htl, Jlll f,y,1111. m; 1111111111h, JUii ,ff,hn. I07 fir, l:1111111101. 11114 01•, BIIHhll, JOii Jlnrnthy, (Ill lJ llnnlul ................................. " Iii f JIUl'\'l!Y, 111 'l llun. Hlh••• 112 HIUIUllllU, Jl:1 l111hl11h, JU Lnthr1q,, Ila Wunlt.hy. 1111 117 H:::;•;tl'fi. 11H I 1'1·JHulll111,lI/'H, IJ/lc11c111 ................... 1111 'rlaumlosfn, 1111 llnxy. 1~,1 Ollvo1•l,, l~I l!?'.! 1; Blhdut .• ••••...••• , •.•• , , • , , .. , .•.•..•. , •. , .1111 """"""·J,uulus If, 1:lll II Dorothy (Jl1·•· 11111·1•,:lt) ............ , ...... 711{ 'l'hcmln•ln. 12-1 Hhuhlnn, J!?Jj llunnnh. 1~11 j ~unth 1Jfrs. 1'1t1l,r1111 ....................... ii ,formdm. 1:!7' { Cluu·lottu. l~H J.oulsu, J:lll Mehutul>lu, mo· Huth. 1111 So11hronlu, 1:1:! Olorlmlll, 11~1 H ,Jorushn (,\ll'H, G//licrll ................... 721f ZUIIIIS (;, 1:11 "# Snn1h. Jilli JHIIIIU II. 1:u1 J:lj o Nnth1111lcl, II .............................. 7:1 lN/\!:!:: V, IIIX 8 FAMILY OF LEVl.-97. T,\111.1•: I. 4'1111,11111•:N. fl, fl, C'llll,lllnlN, J Mnrr AIIII lhrnforth a:!I 11,,,rl lhm·1•11 U11111'urlh ,11:!lil Mllrhi .\, U11111'111•lh, 11\lj N111wr ... ,. .... IU:I: J~lnrr M, lh,Hl.wlok, illl 11 1111111'111•1 h ........ ~i1/,1~ 1I,, 71111 · / s rn,y a:!11 ( 1ii!~•H!'u~!Mlf,~t!'k~h 7117 l ,I, lhtlH(I)" ll11111'urt.h .... ltli 1 1rn11 I,, lluufurth, 71HI I l•'lorlno M. l'••llct, , Mulrlulu .................:tJK·lu,•,wu II. l'ullllt.. 'iHI· l,lllluM. llowm1 71,1 Mury 1Jul,011J,r nowun, m, (h,o, Nuhmu •~ ilCI AmmM. •· 717 li,l'Ot1Cl1:4 \\', 71~ Olurn 7111 llunl'Y M. 7:m :! I 11L •• ,,,.,,. l.tu-t~ni.o Mwnn, :tt.K Hlh1s .. aau 11 Chnrle1'4 u :J.10 , oII I ,I y .. · '" "". lllli !Curnllnu " 1111 Cluumoy u :H2 CorclolhL O :ua Ttl 11£118, 9 FAMILY OF LEVI.-97, TAIi!.!( II. (I. (I. 01111,UUMN, r M1111uu I,, iUO I.\IUI'.\' N, i!!7 lh,r11•l' l,111•1, . ........ JIil ·lUl111t!. II, Mory 1•• IHfi Allllll 11\ 7~'11 (!urollnu. IHII S11r11h M, 71!0 ·I Oron ...... , .. , ........ 1m1 fj Uh11rlo• N 11-17 I H11nih A, IHH ii lllJ11h, 1117 l11utu11 Fl. IHP llnrrlot A, lll11·1·11ws,ll5ll-,llunus 11, Cu11t11111l. 731 B, lluhct• lllil 11 lllll'l'IUt.............. , 1111! l,yclhtA, ,huto g. 111'11 Bnn1h M, Dickson. ilt! ChnN, n. Morsu. lliil llitttlo N. 71111 ,J. l\h•ko 111'>/i \Vm: ,Josc1,h 0 731. 7 l,ydh1 .......... .... .. , lllll S11n1h 0, ...... :11'~1 Cltnrlus n ill/i l,y<lln ar,; ,lmmph A. 71MI H r,o,·y I•\ IW l,01·1 31''8 M111•ylt. 'i1Ji u l~msmus. 171 1 llnt•rlot ,J. llowon, .. ,MU ( llolon 11, llownrd 738 IO TA/ll,J,J8, FAMILY OF ISAAC.-98, TA111.1~ I. 01111,111\tlN, (I, (I, Cllll,111\l<N, N1111oy M, ,\111iut111. 1'411111,1111, wn Murin. 7111 I, llltnu1111 ......... Ii~ ,\hl1t111l, 711 ,\iocnll110 11 ..
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