Mc NAI R AT T 0 R N E Y S Rebecca W. Martin bmarbnflmcnair.net T f803) 799-9800 February 27, 2013 F f803) 763-3277 Ms. Jocelyn Boyd Chief Clerk and Administrator South Carolina Public Service Commission Synergy Business Park, The Saluda Building 101 Executive Center Drive Columbia, South Carolina 29210 Re: South Carolina Telephone Coalition Petition to Modify Alternative Regulation Plans Filed Pursuant to S.C. Code Section 58-9-57(B) to Take Into Account Recent Action by the Federal Communications Commission Docket No. 2013-55-C Dear Ms. Boyd: Enclosed please find Affidavits of Publication from the following newspapers of legal advertisement as required in the above-referenced matter. This publication was made in all newspapers listed below on Friday, February 15, 2013. The Beaufort Gazette The Post and Courier The Greenville News The State The Herald The Sun News The Index-Journal Thank you for your assistance. Sincerely, McNair Law Firm P A McNAIR LAW FIRM, P.A. 1221 Main Street Suite 1600 Columbia, SC 29201 Mailing Address R ecca W. Martin Post Office Box 11390 Columbia, SC 29211 RWM Enclosures mcnair.net COLUMBIA I )06870Y I DHANLEETDN ~ IA GNEENYILLE HILTDN HEAD MYRTLE BEAcH PAWLEYs IsLAND KENTUcKY LExlNGToN I NoRTH cARoLINA cHARLQTTE I soUTH cARGLINA ANDEnsoN BLDFFTDN coLUM THE ISLAND PACKET PUBLIC SERVICE COMMISSION OF SOUTH CAROLINA KI)P @i."nilfOI f CLERK'5 OFFICE Lhn&fatti.'TATE NOTICE OF HLINR DOCKET No. 2013.55.C Docket Summary: South OF Carolina Telephone Coa0- ) tion Petition to Modify Alternative Regulation Plans Filed Pursuant to SOUTH CAROLINA AFFIDAVIT 5 C Code Ann 0 ) 58-9-576(B) to Take Into Account Recent Action by the Federal Communica- COUNTY OF BEAUFORT ) tions Commission The South Carolina Tele-. phone Coalition ("SCTC") has filed with the Public Service Commission of Personally appeared before me a Notary Public, South Carolina ("Com- mission") a Petition, pur- suant to S.C. Code Ann. in and for State and County, aforesaid, Sara Sectioil 58.9-280(H), seeking to have the Johnson Borton who Commission establish being duly sworn according new price caps for basic local res(dential service (.o law, deposes and that she is the prowded under alterna- says Publisher tive regulation plans filed by SCTC member compa- and President of The Island The nies. The existing plans Packet and cap basic locaf residen- tial and single-hne busi- Beaufort Gazette, ness service at the newspapers published Sunday statewide average rates for such service. SCTC's through Saturday week petition asks that the every in Beaufort Commission establish new price caps for basic County, McNair Law P. Notice local residential service Firm, A., Of at the applicable nation- wide average rates for Filing, Docket No. 2013-55-C, was published in such service. SCTC'3 Petition states that the issuance by the Federal the issue(s) of The Island Packet/The Beaufort Communications Com- mission ("FCC") of its USF-ICC Transformation Gazette on February 15, 2013. Order (FCC 11-161) con- stitutes a change of cir- cumstances, providing the Commission with the statutory authority under S.C Code Ann. 5 58-9-280(H) to establish new price caps. SCTC further states that such action is necessary and in the public interest, because it will allow SCTC member compa. nice the flexibility to meet rate floors estab- Sara Johnson Borton, lished by the FCC in order to continue receiving federal universal service Publisher and President fundmg for which they a e eligible, which will The Island Packet/The Beaufort Gazette ensure the continued provision of basic local service at affordable rates to South Carolina Subscribed and sworn to before citizens. A copy of the petition can be found on the me this 15th day of February 2013 Commission's website at www~sc,sc.iiov under Docket No. 2013-55-C. Additionally, a copy of the petition is available from the Petitioner's rep- resentative Margaret M. Fox, Esquire, McNair Law Firm, P.A., Past Office Box 1139D, Columbia, South Carolina 29211. Notary Public for South Carolina My Commission Expires October 25, 2020 ThelslaudPacketlTheBeaufoaoszette CI 10BuclrIslandRoad ~ ( Bluffton,SC29910 () PO.Box 5727 HiltoaHead Island,SC29938 ) Phone: (843) 706-8100 706-8100 [ (877) [ Advertising Fax: (843) 706-5050 ( News Pax: (843) 706-3070 www.islsndpacket.corn www.beaufortgazette.corn [ ( e-maihnewsroom islsndpscket.corn orgazelte beaufortgazette.corn Any person, who wishes to participate in this mat- ter as a party of record with the right of cross- examination, should file a petition to Intervene m accordance with the Commission's Rules of Practice and Procedure on or before March 5, 2013, and indicate the amount of time required to address the Commis- sion. For the receipt of future Commission cor- respondence, please Include an email address in the Petition to Inter- vene. Please refer to Docket No. 2013-55.0. Any person who wishes to testify and present evidence at the heanng should notify, in writing, the Commission; the Office of Regulatory Staff at 1401 Main Street, Suite 900, Columbia, South Carolina 29201; and the Petitionet'0 representa- tive at the above address, on or before March 5, 2013, and indi- cate the amount of time required to address the CommissiOn. Please refer to Docket No. 2033%5.C. Any person who wishes to be notified of any change in the hearing, but does not wish to presenttesbmony or be a party of record, may do so by notifying the corn. mission, in writing, at the address below on or before March 5, 2013. Please refer to Docket No. 2033usS.C. PLEASE TAKE NOTICE that any person who wishes to have his or her com- ments considered as part of the offimal record of this proceeding MUST present such comments in person to the Commis- sion during the hearing. tionPersons seekingaboutinforma-the Commission's proce- dures should contact the Commission at (803) 896-5100 or visit its web- site at www.psc,scffov. Direct correspondence to: Public Service Commission of South Carolina Attention: Clerk's Office Post Office Drawer 11649 Columbia, SC 29211 2/12/13 'a. ' greenvilleonline.corn AFFIDAVIT , being the Advertising Sales Agent for Gannett, Inc., do hereby testify that the attached advertisement was published in the Legal/Class!f!ed section on the following dates: 40/8 The Greenville News and/or The Tribune Times Sales Agent for Gannett, Inc. Carlotta G. Bell Notary Public for the State of South Carolina My Commission Expires July 22, 2020 «iullln illlioirrlrr qOTAffP VBLtc " 'Iillllillllllntet al A1 Post Office sox 1688 ~ Greenville, SC 29602 n9 f/ 305 South Main Street. Greenville, SC 29601 Phone: 864.298.4100 GAIWBT Toll Free: 800.800.5116 Ad Text: 4767659PUBLIC SERVICE COMMISSIONOF SOUTH CAROLINA CLFRK'S OFFICE NOTICE OF FILING DOCKET NO. 2013-55-C Docket Summary: South Carolina TelephoneCoalitiott Petition to Modify Alternative Regu-lation Plans Filed Pursuant to S.C. Code Ann. I)58-9-576(B) to Take Into Account Recent Ac-tion by the Federal Communications Contmission The South Carolina Telephone Coalition("SCTC") has filed with the Public ServiceCommission of South Carolina (" Comm-ission") a Petition, pursuant to S.C. Code Ann.Section 58-9-280(H), seeking to have the Com-mission establish new price caps for basic lo-cal residential service provided under alterna-tive regulation plans filed by SCTC membercompanies. The existing plans cap basic localresidential and single-line business service atthe statewide average rates for such serv!ce.SCTC's petition asks that the Commission es-tablish new price caps for basic local resi-dential service at the applicable nationwidcaverage rates for such service. SCTC's Peti-tion states that thc issuance by the FederalCommunications Commission ("FCC") of itsUSF-ICC Transformation Order (FCC 11-161)constitutes a change of circumstances, pro-viding the Commission with the statutory au-thority under S.C. Code Ann. 58-9-280(H) to es-tablish new price caps. SCTC further statesthat such action is necessary and in the publicinterest, because it will allow SCTC mcmbercompanies the flexibility to meet rate floorsestablished by the FCC in order to continue re-cciving federal universal service funding forwhich they are eligible, which will ensure thecontinued provision of basic local service ataffordable rates to South Carolina citizens. A copy of thc petition can be found on theCommission's website at www.psc.sc.gov un-der Docket No. 2013-55-C. Additionally, a copyof the petition is available fiom the Peti-tioncr's representative Margaret 1'vI. Fox, Es-quire, ivlcNair Law Firm, P.A., Post Office Box11390, Columbia, South Carolina 29211. Any person, who wishes to participate in thismattcr as a party of record with the right ofcross-examination, should file a Petition to In-tervene in accordance with the Commission'sRules of Practice and Procedure on or beloreMarch 5, 2013, and indicate the amount oftimc required to address the Commission. Forthe receipt of future Commission con cspon-dence, please include an email address in thePetition to Intervene. Please refer to DocketNo. 2013-55-C. Any person who wishes to testily and presentevidence at the hearing should notify, in writ-ing, the Commission; the Office of RegulatoryStaff at 1401 Mam Street, Suite 900, Columbiii,South Carolina 29201, iind the Petitioner's rep-resentaiivc at the above address, on or bcforcMarch 5, 2013, iuitl indicate the amount oftime required to address the Commission.Please refer to Docket No. 2013-55-C. Any person who wishes to be notified of anychange in the heanng, bui does not wish topresent testimony or bc a party of record,may do so by notifymg the Commission, inwriting, at the address below on or beforeMarch 5, 2013.
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