Check out stories from Voting continues for 2021 the 1800’s Readers’ Choice - Find ballots on Page 1B Page 6A-7A or vote online ADVANCE-MONTICELLONIAN 75¢ WEDNESDAY, JULY 21, 2021 SERVING DREW COUNTY SINCE 1870 A MESSY DAY AT THE OFFICE... Tax-delinquent land to be auctioned Special to the Advance buyer’s guide; statutes gov- schools, roads, libraries and erning sales; auction date, public services including Commissioner of State time and location; and a ambulances,” Land said. Lands Tommy Land an- complete listing of parcels “Everyone benefits from nounced that his office will offered. This resource is on paying those taxes — and auction tax-delinquent land the Commissioner’s web- the property owner bene- in Drew County on Thurs- site, www.cosl.org, and is fits from paying on time, by day, Aug. 5, at 10 a.m. The regularly updated. avoiding interest and penal- auction will be held at the The website also includes ties on delinquent taxes.” Hampton Inn – Meeting an instructional video Properties that do not sell Room in Monticello, with demonstrating how to re- at auction will appear on the registration beginning at search information about COSL’s post-auction sales 9:30 a.m. each parcel available for list 30 days after the auction “Since we were unable to sale. date. From there, they can hold public auctions in 2020 “We open the bidding at be purchased through an due to the COVID pandemic, the amount of taxes, penal- online auction system. An- we are auctioning properties ties and interest due,” Land other instructional video on that were scheduled for sale said. “Anyone who has de- the COSL website demon- last year,” Land said. “These linquent property going up strates that process to bid- are properties whose taxes for auction should be aware ders. have been delinquent since they only have 10 business Owners of delinquent 2015.” days after the auction to re- parcels may redeem those Next year, during the deem property sold there.” delinquent taxes online at 2022 auction season, the Bidders must register for www.cosl.org using a cred- COSL office will auction the auction, but the reg- it or debit card. Those who two years’ worth of proper- istration is free. The first prefer to pay by check or ties. “That will catch us up $100 of any parcel’s pur- money order can print a Pe- so that we’re current on all chase price must be paid in tition to Redeem from the sales,” Land said. cash, while the remainder website or call the office at Prospective bidders can may be paid by cash, check 501-324-9422 to request the find an online Public Auc- or credit card. petition, which must accom- tion Catalog, including a “Property taxes help fund pany their payment. Tom White/Advance-Monticellonian Monticello loses former Monticello city employees RJ Pharr and Randell Whitmore work on a water main break Thursday, July 15 on North Hyatt Street. County Judge, Mayor Jackson named interim athletic director BY MELISSA ORRELL a Saturday while all of us wore [email protected] out rubber boots and cover- BY EMBER DAVIS gone on to play for the NFL, ing up and attracting students alls so the couple could go to University of Arkansas at Monticello AFL, and CFL. UAM’s invita- who are strong athletes, strong The Drew County commu- a construction job out of state. tion to the Corsicana Bowl in people, and strong representa- nity lost another community That was just the kind of man University of Arkansas at 2018 took the Weevils to their tives of our university. I think leader Wednesday, July 14, he was.” Monticello chancellor Dr. fi rst bowl game in 25 years. In we have made a lot of progress with the passing of former During his tenure as Coun- Peggy Doss announced Thurs- the last traditional season (fall in that area, and we want to Drew County Judge and Mon- ty Judge, West also came to day the appointment of head 2019), Jackson’s Weevils set a continue making that a focus.” ticello Mayor Harold West. Akin’s aid. football coach William “Hud” 4-1 record at home in Cotton When Jackson was announced West, who served as Coun- “A friend of mine and I had Jackson as the institution’s Boll Stadium and earned sev- as the head coach in late 2010, ty Judge for two terms and a job building a fence for Dr. interim athletic director. Jack- en Great American Conference members of the football team as Mayor for four terms, also David Denson, it was a pipe son’s appointment is eff ective (GAC) student-athlete honors, had a 19% four-year gradua- served his community as a fence on Midway Route and immediately, according to the the most for the institution tion rate, and now, that rate member of the Arkansas Na- we had to weld the pipe,” email announcement sent to since the conference was cre- has increased to 87% at the tional Guard. He also served Akin stated. “I was worried we employees and students. The ated. Currently, Jackson’s 34 open-enrollment university. as District 4 Vice-President, Police, the President’s Award would catch the fi eld on fi re previous director of athletics, wins with UAM mean he holds Chancellor Doss said, “Coach fi rst Vice President and then in 2002 by the Arkansas De- and we did. Padraic McMeel, left UAM to the second-most football victo- Jackson has always demon- President of the Arkansas partment of Human Services “We were putting the fi re accept a similar role at Black ries in the university’s coaching strated a commitment to aca- Municipal League as well as a and he was admitted into the out with out shirts when Har- Hills State University in June. history. demic success and to engaging member of the Southern Mu- Drew Central Hall of Fame for old drove up in his County The announcement said the In a 2019 press conference student-athletes in campus nicipal league and the on the outstanding Citizenship and Judge Car,” Akin remembered search to fi ll the AD role has announcing an extension of life. He and his staff play an Transportation Infrastructure as an exemplary graduate in with a laugh. “He bailed us out been temporarily suspended Jackson’s coaching contract, important role in student Service Committee. 2010. Those who knew him by radioing the fi re depart- but will resume near the start his time spent off the fi eld with achievement and retention. Lake Monticello was con- remember him as a man who ment. He said he was glad he of the next calendar year. student-athletes was cited as He also knows how to provide structed during his tenure wanted to help any time he came along when he did or be- Jackson became the univer- just as important as garnering and advocate for our students as mayor and was named by was given the chance. fore long we would have been sity’s 25th head football coach wins. When it comes to player through public outreach and West, who is remembered “During his time as Mayor, naked. We always had a laugh in 2011. Typical team rosters recruitment, Jackson prides creating strategic partnerships. fondly by those who knew Laura Gober and Greg Whita- when he came to the offi ce.” at UAM range from 100 to 130 himself in sourcing region- He is a wonderful represen- him. ker wanted to get married, I’m West had many hobbies student-athletes, on average, al talent from Arkansas and tative of our university, active “We probably wouldn’t have pretty sure it was on a Satur- that included golf, fi shing and making football the largest bordering states as much as in the community, and is a a Lake Monticello without day,” remembers Akin. “I had woodworking, as well as being team on campus. In his decade possible, and he says a top con- valued member of our staff . I Harold,” said current Drew been duck hunting and it was a licensed pilot and enjoyed at the helm of the football pro- cern, right along with assessing am pleased to have him serve County Judge Robert Akin. very cold. Harold’s dad had flying his family, friends gram, he has mentored seven athletic skill, is the character in this pivotal role during this West received many honors frozen pipes and was dressed and business associates to All-American honorees, nine and dedication of prospec- athletic department leadership throughout his lifetime in- as if he was going to Alaska. many locations. All-Region selections, and 40 tive student-athletes. Jackson transition.” cluding being named Mayor of Harold came in the Mayor’s Funeral services were held All-GAC athletes. Several of said, “When I came in, I knew the Year in 1999 by the Arkan- offi ce and preformed the cer- Saturday, July 17, with burial Jackson’s former players have we needed to prioritize build- See UAM Page 11A sas Association of Chiefs of emony for Laura and Greg on at Oakland Cemetery. Drew County COVID-19 weekly update New COVID-19 Cases in Drew Coun- longer smoldering. It has broken out Wednesday 10 ty totaled 41 this week, a large jump into a raging forest fire that will grow Thursday 3 from the 18 added the week before. in size and strength. We cannot stand With vaccinations slowly rising to still. We must act to reduce the conse- Friday 4 only 36.2% of the population fully quences of this new surge to the extent Saturday 0 vaccinated, the Delta variant is gain- possible.” Sunday 0 ing traction in the County and across For the week of Wednesday, July 14, the State with the latest report from through Tuesday, July 20, the county Monday 14 UAMS warning that “COVID is no added new COVID cases as follows: Tuesday 10 INDEX Opinion ..............4A Calendar ............2A Religion .............5B Classifi eds .........9A Obituaries ..........8A Kids’ Activities .
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