o tit r-r^" ^ -<-s\ I! ,; I ^ISWIO'ifX |a s& 54; «»jfi t<Of' ;r ?• ' ft^T. yv •;rira-]7fitW f " VOL. LSVI.-NUMBEE 3 WHOLE NUMBER 1828. ',;<TUESDAY. JANUARY 16, 1883.- Je« of William T. tourant, George Hewitt, DARBY3 A Turn of the Title. - ^ For a day or two grief and court plaster ^ .The General Assembly. , /A NORWALK GAZETTE, h REAL ESTATE. omerlc. Great Calamity* ;jV £ G. Hibhard & Co . B. M. Weif; WWi i*1 Only a turn of the tide ! ' ' caused Parkin's face to assume an unwonted •We give below the lists of the various v expression, except when, as often happened, The, Bar Bins of. the , Nevrhall (Vlyers, L; A. Wheeler and J. H. Waton, PUBLISHED EVERY TUESDAY MORNING. I was sitting here, by myself alone fi committees of the Connecticut Legislature, For Sale or to Let. -•.i?;? !.* .., , Agent of the Canada Southern railroad be­ . T PROPHYLACTIC On this rock, now hardly three hours n-gone, The Mtcred tfee$ of Ilton fc Wnt he detected his wife in the act of being very as announced in the respective Houses, , Hpnse in Milwaukee; , • • • • • • - sides the offloes cf Nelson's coal yard and of With my book on my knees, and my eyes on With shaft and pit; vague waters wander mother^ to little Jenri(p Bray. The neigh­ Wednesday, January 10: $ I f \ The Second Oldest Paper In tbe State. FLUID. SOMEWHERE IN THE HEIOHBOKHOOD OF OHX^ < he Merchants' Dispatch line. A number of Furnished or Unfurnished, the sea, •low bors dra not know what to make of the old " ij^NATK. * 1 A Household Article for Universal HCNDKEP. PEESONS VICTIMS OF . THE DEATH jvholesale establishments in Water street Family Use. And my thoughts still farther adrift, when he Through plain* where Xanthus and Scaman- an, §nd got.so satisfactory answers to their The, Republ&anuiominatlons df chairman TRAT—SCENES OF HOKBOB IN THE STREETS THE Houao on Jiaet Avenue, oceupicil by Mrs. 'nqulHeS. Christmas was elbse at Land, but of committees were" confirmed, those not were damaged by "the fire and. water and OFFICE IN GAZETTE JiVILDING. O. S. Ferry. Enquire on tbe premises, or 01 For Scarlet and So suddenly stood by my side. derwent . —THE BAD ENDING OF-A BBIDAL TOUK. «8tr JAMES MITCHELL. Typhoid Fevers, To war with gods and heroea'long ago; Parkin, instead of throwing himself heart previously announced being as follows: tailing walls! Among them were those of Eradicates The sun shone whit* on the sail?, Incorporations—Senator Ooit of New Lon^ MILWAUKEE. January 10.—The fire Which Cramer, banker; thet* Goodyear Rubber Cor.; Diphtheria, Sali­ Not yet to dark Cassandra, lying low «nd hand into the preparations for the Sun- Subscription $2.00 per year, in advance. vation, Ulccratcd The waves wora^ (limplinir and sparkling in don. .» destroyed the Npwhalt house, on the corner' Louis Schadegg & Co., wholesale wine mer­ For Sale Cheap. " MALARIA In rich Myceosp, do the Fatestea yelent,jele^nt; i„ j ^day-school celebration/, gave no assistance Financc—Senator Baker of Norwalk. " * » Single Copies 5 Cents. ' ILL be sold at a Bargain, if applied for 80011 Sore Throat, Small wi ."i -n -.rf - of Michigan street and Broadwajv .a si? chants; -Tames Morgan, dry goods; Zimmer­ Pox, Measles, and W j.ofA(?am^mipd ^ap»oj^ except with his pocketbook. Suddenly he Military—Senator Clark of Southington. W a small, neat Cottage, ol six rooms, in good A.nd I—my visions.were almost as bright. Cities' and"' Boroughs—Senator Boss of story building, to-day, Is the most^shockip^ man Bros., clothing. William Candee, neighborhood, and tlireejnimites' walk 01 tlie nil Contagions Diseases. Persons waiting on is his royal modament. astonished some of the natives by buying a Bridge. Apply at UAZKTTK OKl' IOK. th6 Sfck should use it freely. Scarlet Fever has But ;i ipist ia now qeepiog aloDg ibe shore, ^ndrulne Windham. catastrophe which has occurred.in;thiaeitjr' Entered at the Post Office at Norwalk, Conn., ticket tor New York, and appearing at the ^ashier of the Manufacturers' bank, carried never been known to spread where the Fluid was 'And I shiver >vi'.h cold—it is uoijiini? more ; The awful dust and treasures of the DsadJ Fisheries—Senator Gilbert of Hebron. since the burning of the steamer Lady Elgin jbe cash box of the'institution, conta'ning as Second-Class Matter. used. Yellow Fever has been cured with it after atation a quarter of ah hour early so ^as not <' Insurance—Senator Hills of Hartford, To Let. black vomii; had'taken place' The worst If it were—what now avails 2^ m... a«H«s Learning scattered wide ; but vainly twenty years ago. The fire broke out; in v money and paper to the amount of $000,000. cases of Diphtheria yield to it. to miss thetrain. Aahe had Seldom gone c .Manufactures—Senator Sturtevant of East HE large, commodious front room in Gazette tf ,r. ' thee, Lyme. the northeast corner at fbur o^cjock, apd* in out of the flames, ^he insurance agencies Feveredand SickPer- SMAIX-POX . Only one turn of the side ! to the eity, which he alwaya insisted was as ; *• '" Advertising Rates : - T Building just vacated by Francis McKeon. sons refreshed and and Homer, ahejpMKggg Lesbian lead, Temperance—8enator Barro\:s of East- less than half an hour the structure was a i m : ; Full particulars of Bed Sores prevent­ PITTING of Small bad aaSodom and Gomorrah rolled into one, and general offices on the first floor were. y ll.J.STUKGES tie told me his love was so deep and strong, .fordl' - • mass of flames inside ^nd'.ECenes which beg­ ed by bathing with' Pox PREVENTED And strives to rend thy song: too blind is Worst portion of Babylon added, he, Scarcely saved or any ^papers. The insurance i*our lines or less, 1 time 50c., 3 times $1 00 Darbys Fluid. • That in saying him usy I dicj bim wrong. Krlth tU ^Federal Relations—Senator Gilbert of gar description followed. Dozens-otinmates 0ne square, one insertion 1 00 ' A member ofmy fam­ she • r on the hotel is stated .by C. D. Nasb, pfftH-' Impure Ais made ily • was .. taken • with That I had not the right hi3 life to break ; l^ad to endu& what learned to him an hour Be\>ron. Per week for" continuance 50 | */ For Sale or to Rent. Harmless and purified. T6 know tfts &»w6 ofl tiil& faniottii tftfd Canvass of Voles—Senator Cook of Bark- met death by leaping from windows while dent of the Newhail house association: at For Sore Throat if is a, Smal!-pox. I used the of impertinent questioning, but his only reply One Square, three months 4 00 HE well-known Farm at Winnipauk, formerly .Fluid ; the patient was And before I half knew the words I spake OfindlvUiiblb supremacy. vw hamated., many others looking put and seeing the fate j$125,000, all held in Cincinnati agencies. The " " six months............. 7 00 sure euro. not delirious, was not : I liail promised to be his bride. was that lfe>mB:at&nding;to his business, and T owned by. Morgan.T.Smitli, is offered lor Contagion, -destroyed; pitted, and was about Bavision 'of Joint Rules—Senator Baker in store for them if they jumped fell back to • " : 41 que year, with papor. 15.00 sale or to rent. 'JL'lic Farm contains some 40-acres For Frosted Feet, t 'I wished hj£\ friends &eiid to their of Norwalk. , < loss will reach about' $500,000. ^"ift^tekj- ot impro,vfecl;laiul, In gopd condition, a.crimmodi- ChllhlaitiVFil e s, the house again in three perish in the flames. The Itfjiding haailpqfc Two " " , " " .... 25 00 ! weeks, an* no others I can see his footprints yet, • / • s Queer Old Parkin. own ;Bas all his'tor mentors t^d their wives New Towns and Probata Districts—Sena­ raph wires are down.. Both the, vfrfstern ons and convenient residence, barns, &c. Pos­ : Chaflngs, etc.* , ha'd it. — J. W. PARK­ been designated as a "deatli trap/u Three " " •• 3000 session -Rivetiimmediately.-' Price low and terms Rheumatisih cured. INSON, PliUadelphia. Ttiough. the sfe-althy waves liave alir.ott of the old man's disappearance, Mrs. Parkin tor Richardson of S4lisbury. nd Mutual Union offices are burned out- . nnav. -For further particulars enqrire at .the - 'SoftWhite Complex^ Rjads and Bridges—Senator Northrop of Btupified persons were; lying across the hall Quarter of a column, one time....'5 00 effaced •had for two or three1 daya little time to do The list of identified dead is as follows: " one year.. 60 00 jFAIB'PlELDCOONTY N ATIONAL BASK. II ' ions secured by its use. Newtown. ways. Many not quite dead were laid on the Sliip Fever prevented. From the satidi,'. .dry oc-it the,,track they. anything but snub Visitors who were deter­ Forfeited Rights—Senator Plunkett of New jAllen'^Johnson, D. G. Powers, Mrs. John One-half colunfh, one time '10 00 To purify the Breath, Diphtheria- floor of the American express oflico Where Gilbert, the aetoi's wife, Mrs. Kelley, Miss- " " one year 80 00 j ficTi S-iaoa v#r: To Let. Cleanse the Teeth, | traced; , ,, • queerest man in all Dillton township, and, mined to find out something about her hue- Haven. Full column, one time 20 00 'mHE Large JJ all, recently occupied by the Odd it can't be surpassed. Agriculture—Senator Alsop of Middle- their groans were heartrending. On an' 0°tfft,»and Bessie Bjjgwn, servatfts; Thom­ Catarrh relieved and Prevented. But I feel as if ycara had gone over my head, by rirtue.of his peculiai^ties, he iras a never- band's latest queer move.
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