WEDNESDAY, DECEMBER 2,1964 ^ < a TWENTY’ FOOi iUattjrl;fBt?r lEo^nins IffraUi Avene* Daily Net Pre« Rob Tha Weather ■'or the Week Itoded Fereeast of D. a Weathw Mr. and Mrs. Alan T. HUla of Goalee. His father was a manu­ November 28, im « About Town Manchastar have left for Flwe- lUing Students Yule Party Set facturer o< agricultural imple­ nlx, Aria., where he will begin ments. Ooslee was alHUated Sm st ftantas kaalghh I fWour - Pita” Bartwnhop with hla father for many years. amre slgnifleaat snow Qaartat, members of the Maa- dutiea aa food and beverage Staging Musical By Church Q u b For Every Oeeasloa! 1 4 ,1 4 8 steward for the Paradise mn. He came to Manchester about low tonight 28-821 Mgh eheeter Chapter of SPBaSSQSA, 60 ireara a n and Is a Jubilee P c d c H i B - ■tor tt the Aeilt will Bing tonight at a meeting He had been asaooiated with More than 100 m ing Junior The Couples CHub of Center M-88. member m Center Congrega­ Joye* FtovrET Shop ••■ f t Oreolatlea of the Manchester Grange. The the Tobacco Valley Inn, Wind­ High students will present the (Congregational CSiurch wil^ ManehettRT' A City o f Village Charm meeting win be at 8 at Orange sor. Mrs. Hiilsi the foim er Pa­ tional Church. Christmas musical "Kris Kiin- have its annual Chrietmas party 801 Mala St., Maaehaster HalL Members are reminded to tricia EMgleeon, haa been trans­ gle Rides Again” on Friday, He haa three sons, Sherwood Next to Hartford for the children of the church, Ooslee and Ck>Uis Ooslee, both bring prizea for a card party. ferred to the office of Uberty Dec. 18 at 7:80 p.m. In the Nsttaaal Ba TOL. LXXXrv, NO. 54 (TWENTY-EIGHT PAGES—TWO 8ECTION8) MANCHESTER, CONN., THURSDAY, DECEMBER 8, 1964 (OUssmed Advorttsing on Pago m PRICE SEVEN CENTS The Home Koonomics commit­ Mutual Insurance Co., Phoenix. school auditorium. Tlcketa will toddlers through Grade 4, on o f Manchester, and Earle Goa­ 648-0781—648-1448 tee hi in charge of the program. Mr. and Mrs. Hilla would like to be available from studenta or Sunday from 3 to 6 p.m. in lee of Glastonbury: eight hear from their Manchester at the door. W oodruff Hall. grandchildren and fifteen great­ iLadies o f Talcottvllle Con­ friends. The operetta with music by There will be games, carols grandchildren. His wife, the former Iva Taylor, died about gregational Church win sponsor Daniel Jason and libretto by and refreehments. The high­ Viet Envoy five years ago. Events a ,,f%ristmaa Bazaar Saturday The Mandiester Ind^>endent James Austin is a Merry Christ­ light of the party will be the Brezhnev Repeats The nonagenarian is in good ^ m 11 a.m. to 8 p.m. at the Oarage Owners met laet night mas in two acts and twelve arrival of Santa Claus to take church. Holiday items, home all the children's orders. health, ia active, and Uvea alone at MUlem Restaurant. "Key to songs. Students who will sing Says Hordes baked goods and a Tuletlde tea solos are David Ware, Bonnie Reservations may be made in his own home. HarHiM’t Demonstrators Hauled Survival through Better Busi- In State room be featured. Starr, Robert Biieler, Laurie today with.Mrs. Robert Carlo, nees Practicee’’ waa the theme SHOPPING Roderick, Theresa Nassiff, 48 Marshall Rd., or with Mrs. Y o u r Congo, Viet Stands of the guest speidter, Bert Wil­ Ray Normann, 87 Campfield Infiltrating Adverttaement Di^vld Caark, Steven Kasel, Tasting Supper DOWNTOWN liams. He is an Automotive DAYS Kenneth Uppling. Susan Pri­ Rd. Alcord Urges TcuTl be glad you did. Next Swvlce Industry Association mus, Maryellen Halvorsen and 9 fBTIOIIEf« B y SPENCER DAVIS representative from Chicago. Set by Women year at thie time, you’U be glad TILL CHRISTMAS Bev MUler. WASHINGTON (AP)— MOSCOW (AP) — uo-T2!i-A!strafed fiv# villages in the“s: de­ you opened a Christmas dub 1(30 members from Torrington, Other members of the cast nid I. Brezhnev, the Soviet GOP Go Back Berkeley Campus Norwich, New Haven and Hous- Goslee Marks North Viet Nam sent 30,- militarized zone. Account at Connecticut Bank are Vincent Pavelack,' Steven Engaged The Women’s CHub of Man­ OPEN Communist party chief­ It said that in addition, U.S. atonic Valley attended. Mother Cabrini Mothers Cir­ Dieterle, 'Douglas Joslin, <3arl 000 to 40,000 infiltrators To the People and TTuet Company because the The engagement of Miss Su­ chester will have a ‘Tasting Ihllljr to 9 P JI. warzhipe on Nov. 25 shelled Co cle will meet tonight at 8:16 at Ogren, and the corps of sing­ 95th Birthday into South Viet Nam dur­ tain, denounced today the fun of shopping for the holidays the home of Mrs. Albert Puzzo, san Blakely Luettgens of Man­ Supper” Tuesday, Dec. 8 at 8:30 S a t to 5:30 Western paratroop landing Ck>n Island off the northern part BERKELEY, Calif. la enhanced when ready caSh is ing postmen Douglas McClain, chester to Paul H. LeFevre Jr. ing the past three years of the zone. HARTFORD (AP)—Former Friendship Lodge of Ma­ 72 Benton St. Mrs. John Tier­ p.m. in Fellowship Hall at Sec­ (A P )— More than 200 law aTaUable. TouTl be welcomed James Macllvain, David Black- of Hohokus, N. J., has been an­ Everett H. Goslee of 31 and the flow continues at in the Congo and also said Brezhnev spoke at a Soviet- Republican National Chairman sons will meet tomorrow at ney will be co-hostess. well, Joseph Belanger, Henry ond Congregational Church, 388 enforcement officers labor­ a t 893 Main, 16 North Main or nounced by her parents, Mr. and Huntington St. celebrated his the Soviet Union is ready Czechoslovak friendship meet­ H. Meade Alcorn says the (SOP 7:30 p.m. at the Maaonic Tem­ Ibarra, Mark Ballard, Greg N. Main S t The Round Table • BUde Boles a stepped-up pace, Ambas-' ttM Parkada Little Flower of Jesus Moth­ Mrs. William L. LAiettgens, 44 95th birthday Sunday with an to help North Viet Nam. ing honoring the visiting Cze­ must get back to the people, ed today at carrying more ple. The Entered Apprentice Horn and Douglas Willey. Singers of Manchester High sador Tran Thien Khiem choslovak president, Antonin must have courageous and than 500 limply defiant degree will be conferred, with ers Circle will meet Friday at Harvard Rd. open house for friends and rel­ • Drafting BappUea But, in reiterating stands al­ Student piano accompanists School will present a program said today. ready taken by the Kremlin, Novotny. Imaginative leaders, and must Junior Warden Ernest J. Smith 8:15 p.m. at the home of Mrs. for the show are Catherine Her fiance is a son o f Mr. and demonstrators from the atives .it his home. Members of after the supper. Robert Vater, • Wedding The newly arrived South Viet- Brezhnev withheld any specific "Let the imperialists beware look ahead if It is to make a presiding. After the meeting, Gerald Charest, 119 Coleman Maccarone and Karen Bissell. Mrs. Paul H. LeFevre of Hoho­ University of Califomia’8 his immediate family honored director of music at the high Statfoneiy namese envoy said in an exclu­ pledge of direct Soviet interven­ of playing with fire,” he said. comeback from this year's elec­ BOTH refreshments will be served. Rd. Mrs. Frank Moriarty will be Stephen Johnson will be the kus. school, will direct the singers. co-hostess. him Saturday night at his sive interview that the Ho <3hl tion in either area. Brezhnev stressed that "the tion defeat Sproul Hall. drummer. Lighting technlbians Miss Luettgens, a 1960 grad­ home. He was presented with Reservations for the supper Minh Trail, passing from North Predicting that it can be done, The officers were mobilized FAIRWAYS Daughters of Liberty, No. 17, uate of Manchester High He called the paratroop land­ unity of the Socialist camp is are James Naschke and William many gifts, a large birthday will close Friday. Members plan­ Viet Nam through Laos, serves strong against Imperialism in Alcorn said that "the first and by Gov. Edmimg G. Brown’s will have a kitchen social Fri­ School, was graduated from El­ ing in the <3ongo a "surprising Verge. David Heritage will op­ cake, flowers and fruit. ning to attend and not already as the main road of infiltration. example of imperialist piracy" the cause of peace and for the most vital step” is the recap­ order to break' up the massive OPEN day at 8 p.m. at the home of mira (N.Y.) College in June. erate the tape recorder. Kent Mr. (3osIec was bom In Buck­ contacted, are reminded to call Khiem, bespectacled 39-year- and said Western alms there benefit of all mankind.” ture of leadership by those who sit-in occupation of the universi­ Mrs. Robert Bell, 10 Elm Ter. BOY SCOUT Joslin, Dennis Walsh and Mi­ Mr. LeFevre, a 1961 graduate ingham, Nov. 29, 1869, a son of Mrs. Andrew Lindberg, 63 Ekie old soldier trained by the are doomed to failure. Brezhnev again denounced the believe these things, and the re­ ty’s administrative center which The social is open to members chael Penslero helped build of (Colgate University, la at­ Ozlas W. and Laura M. Hills S t French and Americans, is a On Viet Nam, he repeated the proposed NATO multilateral pudiation of leadership which started at 12:36 p.m. Wednes­ and friends.
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