June 26, 2006 CONGRESSIONAL RECORD — HOUSE H4533 would allow Members to assist in ef- the rules were suspended and the bill Professional Responsibility’s request forts to locate and to recover missing was passed. for and denial of security clearances, children. A motion to reconsider was laid on which was referred to the House Cal- First enacted in 1985, this program the table. endar and ordered to be printed. authorized the Office of Juvenile Jus- f f tice and Delinquency Prevention of the Department of Justice to prescribe UNITED STATES-OMAN FREE SPECIAL ORDERS guidelines under which the government TRADE AGREEMENT—MESSAGE FROM THE PRESIDENT OF THE The SPEAKER pro tempore under and franked mail may be used to help the Speaker’s announced policy of Jan- find and recover missing children. The UNITED STATES (H. DOC. NO. 109– 118) uary 4, 2005, and under a previous order law also authorized the Senate Com- of the House, the following Members mittee on Rules and the House Com- The Speaker pro tempore laid before will be recognized for 5 minutes each. mission on Congressional Mailing the House the following message from Standards to establish guidelines for the President of the United States; f the use of franked mail in the House which was read and, together with the b 1900 and Senate. accompanying papers, without objec- The SPEAKER pro tempore. Under a Although the law was reauthorized tion, referred to the Committee on previous order of the House, the gen- three times, the underlying statutory Ways and Means and ordered to be tleman from Texas (Mr. POE) is recog- authority expired in 2002. H.R. 4416 printed: nized for 5 minutes. would permanently reauthorize this To the Congress of the United States: (Mr. POE addressed the House. His very important effort. The placement I am pleased to transmit legislation remarks will appear hereafter in the of photos of missing children on gov- and supporting documents to imple- Extensions of Remarks.) ernment and congressional mail will ment the United States-Oman Free greatly assist in locating and recov- Trade Agreement (FTA). This FTA en- f ering children. hances our bilateral relationship with ILARIO PANTANO’S MEMOIR Mr. Speaker, I commend my col- a strategic friend and ally in the Mid- league, Ranking Member Millender- dle East region. The FTA will benefit Mr. JONES of North Carolina. Mr. McDonald, for sponsoring this bill; and the people of the United States and Speaker, I ask unanimous consent that I urge my colleagues to include photos Oman, illustrating for other developing I might speak at this time. of missing children on their official countries the advantages of open mar- The SPEAKER pro tempore. Without and franked mail. kets and increased trade. objection, the gentleman from North Mr. Speaker, I yield back the balance In negotiating this FTA, my Admin- Carolina is recognized for 5 minutes. of my time. istration was guided by the objectives There was no objection. Ms. ROS-LEHTINEN. Mr. Speaker, I Mr. JONES of North Carolina. Mr. yield myself 1 minute. set out in the Trade Act of 2002. Con- gressional approval of this FTA will Speaker, on April 5, 2005, I rose on the Mr. Speaker, I include for the House floor in defense of former Marine RECORD a letter from Congressman mark another important step towards creating a Middle East Free Trade Lieutenant Ilario Pantano, who had Vernon Ehlers, chairman of the Com- been accused of premeditated murder mittee on House Administration, re- Area. Like our FTA with Bahrain that for his actions in April 2004 that re- garding the bill before us that is under the Congress approved in December sulted in the deaths of two suspected consideration. 2005, and our FTA with Morocco that Iraqi insurgents. HOUSE OF REPRESENTATIVES, COM- was approved in July 2004, this FTA of- MITTEE ON HOUSE ADMINISTRA- fers another important opportunity to At that time I encouraged my col- TION, LONGWORTH HOUSE OFFICE encourage economic reform in a mod- leagues to support a resolution calling BUILDING, erate Muslim nation. Oman is leading on the United States Government to Washington, DC, June 14, 2006. the pursuit of social and economic re- dismiss all charges against Lieutenant Hon. J. DENNIS HASTERT, forms in the region, including by sell- Pantano who had defended the cause of Speaker, House of Representatives, ing state-owned businesses, encour- freedom, democracy and liberty, while U.S. Capitol, Washington, DC. serving as a platoon commander in DEAR MR. SPEAKER: I write concerning aging foreign investment connected to H.R. 4416, a bill to permanently reauthorize broad-based development and providing Iraq. the use of penalty and franked mail in ef- better protection for women and work- In an action of self-defense, Lieuten- forts relating to the location and recovery of ers. It is strongly in our national inter- ant Pantano made a split-second bat- missing children. H.R. 4416 was ordered re- est to embrace these reforms and do tlefield decision to shoot two suspected ported by the Committee on Government Re- what we can to encourage them. Iraqi insurgents who refused to follow form on June 8, 2006. GEORGE W. BUSH. his orders to stop their movement to- As you know, the Committee on House Ad- wards him. Lieutenant Pantano did his ministration received a joint referral on the THE WHITE HOUSE, June 26, 2006. bill because of the Committee’s jurisdiction f duty as any marine officer should when faced with the enemy. over matters concerning Congressional PRIVILEGED REPORT ON RESOLU- franking privileges. However, in order to ex- Following a 5-day military hearing in pedite this legislation for floor consider- TION OF INQUIRY TO THE PRESI- May 2005, the truth of Lieutenant ation, the Committee will forgo action on DENT Pantano’s innocence prevailed, and he this bill. This is being done with the under- Mr. SENSENBRENNER, from the was cleared of all charges. Lieutenant standing that it does not in any way preju- Committee on the Judiciary, submitted Pantano left the Marine Corps fol- dice the Committee with respect to the ap- an adverse privileged report (Rept. No. lowing the dismissal of the charges pointment of conferees or its jurisdictional prerogatives on this or similar legislation. 109–528) on the resolution (H. Res. 845) brought against him, as the media Sincerely, requesting the President and directing frenzy surrounding his case may have VERNON EHLERS, the Secretary of Defense and the Attor- put him or other corps members at Chairman. ney General to transmit to the House greater risk were he to return to duty. Ms. ROS-LEHTINEN. Mr. Speaker, I of Representatives not later than 14 As an outstanding leader and dedi- yield back the balance of my time; and days after the date of the adoption of cated servant to the Marine Corps and I hope that our colleagues support this this resolution, documents relating to our Nation, I believe Lieutenant important legislation. the termination of the Department of Pantano’s resignation was a great loss The SPEAKER pro tempore. The Justice’s Office of Professional Respon- for the Marine Corps and a great loss question is on the motion offered by sibility’s investigation of the involve- for America. Mr. Speaker, I recall the gentlewoman from Florida (Ms. ment of Department of Justice per- these events to draw attention to the ROS-LEHTINEN) that the House suspend sonnel in the creation and administra- recent release of a memoir by Lieuten- the rules and pass the bill, H.R. 4416. tion of the National Security Agency’s ant Pantano, coauthored by Malcolm The question was taken; and (two- warrantless surveillance program, in- McConnell, entitled: ‘‘Warlord, No Bet- thirds having voted in favor thereof) cluding documents relating to Office of ter Friend, No Worse Enemy.’’ VerDate Aug 31 2005 06:06 Nov 18, 2006 Jkt 059060 PO 00000 Frm 00011 Fmt 4634 Sfmt 0634 E:\RECORDCX\T37X$J0E\H26JN6.REC H26JN6 ccoleman on PROD1PC71 with CONG-REC-ONLINE.
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