
本件の対外公表は6月30日(水)11時 Not to be released until 11:00 am. on Wednesday, June 30, 2021. June 30, 2021 2021年6月30日 Payment and Settlement Systems Department 日本銀行 決済機構局 Bank of Japan 決済動向(2021年5月) PAYMENT AND SETTLEMENT STATISTICS (May 2021) 本資料は、わが国における「決済」活動を把握するために必要な主要指標を編集・掲載したもの。 統計作成機関名の表示のない指標は日本銀行調べ。 資料に関するお問い合わせは以下までお寄せ下さい。 日本銀行 決済機構局 電話: 03-3279-1111 E-mail: [email protected] Payment and settlement statistics collects data which are essential for understanding the payment and settlement activities in Japan. Statistics without data sources are compiled by the Bank of Japan. For inquiries, please contact the following section. Payment and Settlement Systems Department, Bank of Japan Tel: +81-3-3279-1111 E-mail: [email protected] 目 次 頁 Ⅰ.日本銀行における決済関連計数 1. 日銀当座預金決済 ···························································································· 1 1-1 日銀当座預金決済 1-2 業態別日銀当座預金決済 1-3 日中当座貸越残高 2. 日銀ネット利用先数 ························································································· 3 3. 国債振決口座振替決済 ··········································································· 4 3-1 国債振決口座振替決済 3-2 国債DVP(時間帯毎決済進捗) Ⅱ.民間決済システム関連計数 1. 手形交換高(東京) ·························································································· 6 2. 全銀システム取扱高 ························································································· 7 2-1 全銀システム取扱高 2-2 大口内為取引の決済 2-3 小口内為取引の決済 2-4 小口内為取引の決済:コアタイムシステム取扱分 2-5 小口内為取引の決済:モアタイムシステム取扱分 3. 外為円決済交換高 ···························································································· 11 4. 民間証券・デリバティブ決済システム ································································ 12 4-1 清算機関の日銀当座預金決済 4-2 証券集中保管機関の日銀当座預金DVP決済 Ⅲ.電子マネー ····························································································································14 Ⅳ.デビットカード ······················································································································15 参考(その他の決済関連計数の入手先) ······································································· 16 CONTENTS page I. BOJ-NET 1. BOJ-NET Funds Transfer System ············································································ 1 1-1 Settlement via BOJ Current Accounts 1-2 Settlement via BOJ Current Accounts by Sector 1-3 Intraday Overdrafts 2. Number of Participants in BOJ-NET ········································································· 3 3. BOJ-NET JGB Services ························································································ 4 3-1 JGB Settlement in the Book-Entry System 3-2 DVP for JGB Settlement (cumulative share of transactions settled) II. Private Clearing and Settlement Systems 1. Tokyo Clearing House's Bill and Check Clearing System ················································· 6 2. Zengin System ··································································································· 7 2-1 Transactions in the Zengin System 2-2 Large-value Transactions in the Zengin System 2-3 Small-value Transactions in the Zengin System 2-4 Small-value Transactions in the Zengin System: Core Time System 2-5 Small-value Transactions in the Zengin System: More Time System 3. Foreign Exchange Yen Clearing System ····································································· 11 4. Private Clearing and Settlement Systems for Securities and Derivatives ······························· 12 4-1 Settlement via BOJ Current Accounts in the Central Counterparties 4-2 DVP Settlement via BOJ Current Accounts in the Central Securities Depository III. Electronic Money ·······················································································································14 IV. Debit Card ·······················································································································15 Reference (other payment and settlement data) ···································································· 16 Ⅰ.日本銀行における決済関連計数 BOJ-NET 1.日銀当座預金決済 BOJ-NET Funds Transfer System 1-1 日銀当座預金決済(1営業日平均)1 Settlement via BOJ Current Accounts (daily average)1 (件、兆円、括弧内は前年比<%>) (Cases, trillion yen, (a)) 当預振替等2 集中決済3 Settlement for Private 年・月 件 数 金 額 Funds Transfers2 4 Clearing Systems3 その他 コール 大口内為 外為円 全銀 国債DVP5 手形交換 取引等 取引 取引 システム6 Large-value DVP for Foreign Bill and Transactions Year, Call Market JGB Exchange Check Zengin Volume Value in the Others4 Transactions Transac- Yen Clearing System6 month Zengin tions5 Transactions Systems System 2018 69,314 ( +2.0 ) 146.9 ( +3.2 ) 60.0 53.0 8.4 17.2 0.6 0.8 6.9 2019 73,324 ( +5.8 ) 165.8 ( +12.8 ) 67.1 63.7 8.6 17.9 0.6 0.9 7.1 2020 72,229 ( -1.5 ) 178.0 ( +7.4 ) 72.4 68.8 8.6 18.2 0.4 0.9 8.6 20/ 5 69,824 ( -8.7 ) 174.4 ( +12.7 ) 73.8 64.9 8.7 16.3 0.5 1.0 9.2 6 71,624 ( -1.3 ) 182.3 ( +13.7 ) 73.2 70.8 8.3 17.7 0.4 1.3 10.6 7 70,357 ( -0.4 ) 181.3 ( +11.4 ) 72.3 74.4 7.9 17.1 0.4 0.9 8.3 8 69,937 ( +0.5 ) 180.3 ( +9.7 ) 70.0 75.5 7.9 15.8 0.4 0.9 9.9 9 72,399 ( -7.5 ) 177.6 ( -2.5 ) 72.6 67.3 8.7 17.6 0.4 0.8 10.2 10 66,529 ( -7.7 ) 166.6 ( -1.2 ) 68.7 65.5 7.2 17.4 0.3 0.8 6.9 11 72,466 ( +0.2 ) 174.0 ( +6.1 ) 72.1 64.8 8.5 18.6 0.4 0.9 8.8 12 71,683 ( -4.2 ) 176.7 ( +0.7 ) 73.5 67.5 8.3 17.4 0.4 1.1 8.5 21/ 1 73,024 ( -3.0 ) 183.4 ( +6.6 ) 71.0 74.5 8.6 19.4 0.4 0.8 8.6 2 75,062 ( -1.6 ) 183.6 ( +4.0 ) 70.5 73.5 9.0 19.0 0.4 0.9 10.4 3 77,763 ( -6.0 ) 197.4 ( -0.5 ) 77.8 76.5 10.5 20.5 0.5 0.8 10.8 4 72,527 ( +6.1 ) 185.8 ( +6.4 ) 79.4 68.5 9.1 19.2 0.4 0.9 8.2 5 74,101 ( +6.1 ) 180.0 ( +3.2 ) 77.7 64.8 9.7 17.4 0.5 0.9 9.0 (注) 1. 日本銀行取引先である金融機関等の資金取引等に伴う日本銀行の当座預金における資金移動を指す。件数・金額 は、実際の資金移動に対応する決済指図の件数・金額を「片道ベース」の計数(振替であれば、入金または引落の いずれか)として集計。「片道ベース」の基本的な考え方については、以下の計表においても同様。 2. 取引先間の当座預金振替等(コール取引等、国債DVP<国債資金同時受渡>、大口内為取引<1件1億円以上の大口の 内国為替取引>および外為円取引にかかる資金の決済)。コール取引等には、国債以外の証券のDVP決済などが含ま れる。 3. 民間の集中決済制度(手形交換、全銀システム<内国為替決済>)にかかる資金の決済。件数・金額は、日銀当座 預金における制度参加者による入金および引落の合計。 4. その他の決済(日本銀行と取引先の間のオペ<国債系オペを除く>や銀行券の受払等)。 5. 国債系オペ等にかかるDVP決済を含む。 6. 2018年10月9日以降は、既存システム(「コアタイムシステム」、通常平日8時30分から15時30分に稼動)の稼動時 間外に稼動する「モアタイムシステム」が稼動開始し全銀システムが24/7化したため、夜間・早朝及び休日の取引 を含む。 Notes: 1. Settlement via current accounts at the Bank of Japan (BOJ current accounts) arising from, among others, funds transfers between current account holders. Each instruction is counted once in calculating volume and value, i.e., the debit from the payer's account and the credit to the payee's account are not counted separately. This methodology for counting transactions is also used in the following tables. 2. Funds transfers between current account holders related to call market transactions, delivery-versus-payment (DVP) for Japanese government bonds (JGBs) transactions, large-value transactions (transactions equal to or larger than 100 million yen) in the Zengin System, and foreign exchange yen transactions. Call market transactions include funds transfers related to other market transactions (e.g., DVP for non-JGBs). 3. Settlement of net positions resulting from private clearing systems (the Bill and Check Clearing Systems and the Zengin System). The aggregate value of credits and debits posted to BOJ current accounts. 4. Funds transfers between a current account holder and the Bank of Japan related to the Bank's money market operations (exclude JGB-related operations) and the delivery and receipt of banknotes and coins. 5. DVP settlement resulting from JGB-related operations is included. 6. On October 9, 2018, the Zengin System started its 24/7 operation by launching the "More Time System" running in addition to the operation hours of the original system ("Core Time System", regularly running from 8:30 to 15:30 on weekdays). Transactions during night and morning time, weekends and holidays are included thereafter. (a) Figures in parentheses are year-on-year percentage changes. 1 1-2 業態別日銀当座預金決済(1営業日平均)1 Settlement via BOJ Current Accounts by Sector (daily average)1 (件、億円、%) (Cases, 100 million yen, %) 件 数 シェア 金 額 シェア Volume Share Value Share 都 銀 City Banks 27,242 36.8 367,300 20.4 地 銀 Regional Banks 4,613 6.2 135,594 7.5 地銀Ⅱ2 Regional Banks II2 1,063 1.4 15,118 0.8 信 託 Trust Banks 4,541 6.1 277,552 15.4 外 銀 Foreign Banks 11,969 16.2 127,460 7.1 信 金 Shinkin Banks 1,287 1.7 2,746 0.2 短 資 Money Market Dealers 1,111 1.5 95,279 5.3 証 券2 Securities Companies2 5,698 7.7 164,957 9.2 その他とも合計 Total Including Others 74,101 100.0 1,800,214 100.0 1-3 日中当座貸越残高 Intraday Overdrafts (兆円、括弧内は前年比<%>) (Trillion yen, (a)) 年・月 日中ピーク残高の月中平均値3 Year, Monthly average of the daily peak month of outstanding balance3 2018 6.7 ( +7.3 ) 2019 9.6 ( +43.5 ) 2020 10.9 ( +12.5 ) 20/ 5 9.8 ( +20.8 ) 6 10.3 ( +28.6 ) 7 11.4 ( +29.7 ) 8 12.4 ( +31.9 ) 9 11.9 ( +1.7 ) 10 10.7 ( +15.4 ) 11 10.7 ( +8.2 ) 12 10.4 ( -9.4 ) 21/ 1 11.6 ( +6.2 ) 2 11.8 ( +3.6 ) 3 11.9 ( +3.1 ) 4 9.9 ( +12.2 ) 5 9.9 ( +0.9 ) (注) 1. 件数・金額は「片道ベース」。 2. 「地銀Ⅱ」は第二地方銀行協会加盟の地方銀行、「証券」は金融商品取引法上の有価証券関連業を行う第一種金融 商品取引業者(以下の計表においても同様)。 3. 日中ピーク残高の月中平均値は、当該月中各営業日の日中10分毎に算出した当座貸越残高のうち、最高額(日中 ピーク残高)の月中平均値を指す。国債DVP同時担保受払機能を用いた当座貸越を含むベース。 Notes: 1. Each instruction is counted once in calculating volume and value. 2. "Regional Banks II" refers to member banks affiliated with the Second Association of Regional Banks. "Securities Companies" refers to firms which conduct securities-related business activities among those classified as Type I Financial Instruments Business in the Financial Instruments and Exchange Act. These definitions are also used in the following tables. 3. Monthly average of the daily peak of outstanding balance within intraday overdrafts incurred in BOJ current accounts (measured every 10 minutes). Figures include intraday overdrafts incurred for settlement of DVP for JGB transactions using simultaneous processing of DVP and collateralization (SPDC). (a) Figures in parentheses are year-on-year percentage changes. 2 2.日銀ネット利用先数 Number of Participants in BOJ-NET 都 銀 地 銀 地銀Ⅱ 信 託 外 銀 信 金 証 券 生損保 その他2 合 計 City Regional Regional Trust Foreign Shinkin Securities Insurance Others2 Total Banks Banks Banks II Banks Banks Banks Companies Companies 利用先数1 5 62 37 12 47 228 57 7 38 493 Number of Participants1 当座預金 5 62 37 12 47 228 36 - 35 462 Current Accounts 外 為 円 4 0 1 3 12 1 - - 6 27 Foreign Exchange Yen Settlement 国 債 5 62 37 11 27 29 56 7 35 269 JGB Services (注) 1.
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