DEPARTMENT OF THE ARMY OFFICE Of THE SECRETARY OF THE ARMY DCN 1267 WASHINOTON,DC 30310-0101 DACS-TABS 18 April 1994 KEMORANDUH FOR SEE DISTRIBUTION SUBJECT: BRAC 95 Installation Assessment Narratives (Data Call U4) 1. Reference: Memorandum, The &my Basing Study, 6 April 1994, Subject: BRAC 95 Installation Assessment (U)Program. 2. Installation Assessment Narratives are an irportrnt part of tho Array's BRAC 95 rocrwndation ruhirrioa. tb'e nrrrativo f provides a brief ruaury of an in8tallatlon'r lo~atlon,hirtory, mirsion, joint rynergy, and unique facilitier and, location. mi8 t .,'. , , information ir used by the collllirsion ataft in tboir proparation t...., , *.. for briefings and viaitr. i 0 - , 3. Zhir =raachm prorider inrtructionr to rction rddra8"rr on the proparation and rubrirrlon of the Arry'a BMC 95 Inrtallatioa Asror-t krrativer. Annex A lists the inrtallations included .. in thir roquort. Anaox B idontitior, tho mrrativo olrwntr rquirmd tor oach iartallation. , ..$ ' ., .a,% 4. Data will be ruhittod in threo printod copier with wordprocessing diskettes. The susmnse for this data all la 15 June 1994. 1,:; .* 5. OSD has determined that blank data -118 will not bo ro1~8.d to the public until the Socrotary or Dofume forwar& a11 . :L. -. recamendations to the Comirrion on 1 Urch 1995. Shiluly, inforution rubmitted in rorpomo to ruch data calls must ruofve carparable protection from dirclorure. Accordingly, p.r#onnel that hand10 this info~tionrhould be rrindd to protoct it from premature dirclorure by marking and Wingdocumontr aa CWSE HOLD. 6. The Defense Base Closure and Realignnent Act of 1990, 8s ..mended, requires certification of the accuracy and corplateness of a11 information provided to the Commission and the Secretary of Defense. Accordingly, data and documentation rust be accurate and detailed. DACS-TABS SUBJECT: BRAC 95 Installation Assessment Narratives (Data Ca11#4) 7. Data submitted as a result of this or subsequent DA requests must include an accompanying memorandum signed by the reporting MACOM Chief of Staff (or equivalent) with the following statement: .The information contained in this report is accurate and complete to the best of my knowledge and belief: 8. To ensure the Army is prepared for GAO review, the Amy Audit Agency may virit the action rddressees to validate the accuracy of the data and adequacy of the decirion trail. 9. R8q~e8taction addresreer acknowlmdge receipt of thir memorandum. Point of contact ir CPT Blake Iiollir, DES-TABS, (703) 695-1375, DSN 225-1375,, f1rnAu G. 301W COL, Gs Director, The Amy ksing 8tody mu, U.S. AmY ?mas w, U.S. AI)IT TIUIIIIG- Am BIU m, U.3. AmY MTIIIU mmAm \ 3UL, U.8. ARlCI PACfYIC DAL, 0.3. AmY icmLTn 8mmCrs CQllUlb 3UL, U.S. &RHY MILITARY DImICT OF WUHI- W, UILITARY T.AllrIC XRS TED STATES MILITARY MSISTAMT 8ECRETMY OF THE ?OR IllSTWTIQS, WGISTICS AID -1- -1- THE AUDITOR GENERAL CHIEF OF LEGISWTIVE LIAISON DEPUTY CHIEF OF STAFF FOR OPERATIONS AND PLANS ASSISTANT CHIEF OF STAFF FOR INSTALLATION MNAGPEWT OFFICE OF THE CHIEF ARMY RESERVE CHIEF, ??AT I ONAL GUARD BUREAU DIRECTOR, PROGRAM ANALYSIS AND EVALUATION ANNEX A BLUC 95 INSTALLATION ASSESSMENT NARRATIVE T INSTALLATION m S3IU033&Y3 NOI&YI?QJSNI - Y XBNNY CLOSE HOLD ANNEX A - INSTALLATION CATEGORIES COIWODITY INSTAUCLTIORS nACOM ECOROnIC AREA ARWY RESEARCH LABORATORY, #) AWC M ARUNDEUHWAXD COUNTIZS, #) COLD REGION RESEARCH USACB QUPK)N COUKTY, WH DGTROIT ARSGHILL, I L Am: DEIROIT, nr ns~ ?ORT DETRIC)(,MD HSC WASHINGTON, DC-VA )(SA ?ORT )IO(SIOUTH, NJ Anc motmomwaN, NJ PMSA NATICK RBSEARCH,BK;R m,)U AMC mSM)J-LAm-w IUa W160U PICATIW ARsBUL,w Anc NEWARK, Ru PWSA mSTOWHARSaUL ,U Anc WIR(SNIU, AL )ISA ROQ( ISLAIS) ARSPUL,IL UIC DAYPIORZ-Rm'K ISU#W(O~, U-IL WA llUOR mmIUIK; ARUM mICARM lrOII A.P. BILL,VA CAmLDa m,va mm~awmwa PmtT um, mulrrr DU,W m-U YW,n6A lOQT aEELY,M ~PAIRMmsmIY13r 10T Xm'mt-LIGGn7,CA ~~1Y)L-IIoRA.I IU m mmmcm W,?A mxuT-. = I1IIIM, CA RIYIILJIDX-SA)I Bm?tmm, 0 m- lQCT )IcCOY,vI -I COIIMI, n m ?Iam=r,VA mUC#ICX m,VA PaT -,u YL## PmIstl, XA CLOSE HOLD A-2 CLOSE HOLD ANNEX A - INSTALLATION CATEGORIES PORT RILtY,KS m~sm RILEY m,KS PORT SZEWMtT,CA lORSCOW LIBWTY COUNTY, GA mTWAIrnICHT,Alt USARPAC! FAIRBANKS WORTHSTAR WROW;H SCHOFIZLD .ARRAQIS,RI UJARPAC HO))(ILUUI, HI lllSA PORTS / OCIUll TQ#IAIUS IaKm BCOIUmIC AREA UYOW Oauw -,lU anc IWAU, UJ rn OAICLIIl(D ARI(Y W,CA unc -, CA mA rra+n mm ocun -,wc m rx-, m: IBA CLOSE HOLD A-3 ANNEX B BRAC 95 INSTALLATION NARRAm -b SAMPLE REQUESI' CLOSE HOLD FORT BACKGROUND LOCATION: ( Not to acted S - 12 pitch lines) (EXAMILE) Fcrt -- ir located in SwtbtrnWncudh..~eoMtierur . , d-. HISZDRY: (NMb~lS-l2#tchYICI) mfilpPL- -1.r.aJ-feby&e,M ombdfrorrbarderaq~oafO~~ ~dh~~~dw~~mb~rd,rbard~ Uldbd -Amy school. ~lCQSS#)N:(NMt,amd15-12~Plrr) (tXAlldlLL) Part Lh bomcdmdporideroocnmPdmdupportbtbe- W,Qn U.S. Anal, -y*-j-dcp'vbk rrdtr. facfPdblh ll* Af!wmd~~(ACR).. The. ScbodetkrrIbtksy'r- , dtPtbpr- docbincmd-,rad-- @wb=-- . Tb Oem=AirFara ~ujK)~tFat. Ontkm~,23~W ~~~~!kmkX~~~rJFarr-- Q Xn&dZJ8 ~proar#wlthoafainl~fortbeirrtudsatl.~,Fort- -46 ~&vitiermd8uppom33trtellioertivi~. CLOSE HOLD CLOSE HOLD FORT UNIQUE INSTALLATION CHARACTERISTICS JOINT SYNERGY: (Not to exceed 15 - 12 pitch lines) (EXAMPLE) Fort provides upport to the Naval Surhce Wufire Center, whose ofices bae ovatat the ubdawrter defima of tbe Cberrpuke Bay. provider drinking wrta to AFB &NASA . Sevdjoint commissions md tuk forcer with other rervicu ue rupported bere u well. @dude joint 8cbodr, a#cbcr, trrkimg, a) UNIQUE FACXUTES: (Not to ad15 - 12 phcb ha) (EXAMPLE) Fort hra rttte of tbc ut target rcquiritioa linalllta. Unitl &om a three state uer we this frcilrty. 'Ibe we aftbir~dcdukdthoughtbeead ofFY9S. 'ihi,dmllltorincrp.b~htyofintaopartiPg l&h*ficititierrraubdthecarntry. - '4 f; 33 UNIQUE LXK=ATION: (Net to acted IS - I2 pitd h)0 Fort bu thc~.mrradoflltmycoatrdlsdrinpcwxineitbaServicc.Contrdrmoccthm10 oOartwrajadyiqMdsinrrpportdrotuyubgriratfttninirrg. w-wrged.l1~1~lrrplk--ti+u) CL,OSE HOLD B-2 MARM-MS (5) 25 MAY 1994 MEMORANDUM FOR DIRECTOR, THE ARMY BASING STUDY, COL MIWLG. JONES, DACS-TABS, WASHINGTON, DC 203 10-0101 SUBJECT: BRAC 95 Installation Assessment Narratives (Data Call #4) 1. Reference: Memorandum, The Army Basing Study, dtd 18 April 1994, subject: SAB 2. Enclosed is the Installation Assessment Narrative for The United States Military Academy at West Point, New York. The information contained in this report is accurate and complete to the best of my knowledge and belief. 3. Point of contact for this action is Mr. David Madison, DRM-MSD, (91.4)938-4277, DSN 688-4277. Encl MICHAEL P. PETERS COL, GS Chief of Staff CLOSE HOLD United Statee Military Academy Weet Point, New York 10996 LOCATION: West Point is located on the Hudson River, about 50 miles north of New York City in Orange County, New York. Stewart Army Subpost (STAS),located about 14 miles north of West Point, and Galeville A~rmy Training Site, located another 20 miles north of STAS in Ulster County, are the responsibility of the United States Military Academy. Surrounding counties include Putnam, Rockland, and Dutchess. HISTORY: The United States Military Acadey (USMA) was established by Act of Congress on 16 March 1802. Prior to that date, West Point had served as an important. Revolutionary War site. USMA was this nation's first engineering school, and its graduates built the American West, while also leading the Army during virtually all the wars of the past two centuries. Among the more than 50,000 graduates of the Military Academy are Grant and Lee, Pershing and MacArthur, Eisenhower, Patton, Braclley, Westmoreland, Abrams, and Sc:hwarzkopf. UNIQUE FACILITIES: In addition to its role as the world's premier leader development institution, West Point is a designated National Historic Landmark and major tourist attraction, visited annually by an estimated three million tourists from around the world. UNIQUE LOCATION: USMA was the nation's first institution for developing military leaders, and West Point was chosen as the site for the Academy because of its historic significance during the Revolutionary War. Part of the USMA mission is to "inspire each [graduate] to a lifetime of service to the nation." The unique location at a national landmark helps to accomplish this mission. As a potential regional support site for various elements of the Department of Defense, West Point is accessible by road, rail, boat, and air service. Only 50 miles from New York City, it can be reached easily and quickly by virtually anyone. CURRENT MISSION: The mission of the United States Military Academy is to educate and train the Corps of Cadets so that each graduate shall have the attributes essential to professional growth throughout a career as an officer of the Regular Army and to inspire each to a lifetime of service to the nation. STAS supports the mission of the USMA by providing some family housing. Other services include aviation support and transient billeting. Galeville Army Training Site is currently being leased to the Federal Bureau of Investigation (FBI) for law enforcement training. Galeville has been declared excess and is in the process of being disposed of according to Public Law and Regulations. JOINT SYNERGY: STAS provides support to various departments of Department of Defense and other federal agencies. Specific units supported include Readiness Group Stewart, U.S. Army Reserve (USAR) Area Maintenance Support Activity #4, New York Air National Guard, 316th U.S. Air Force Recruiting Squadron, 320th USAR Evacuation Hospi.ta1, 854th USAR Engineer Battalion, 97th USAR Command Aviat.ion, U.S. Marine Corps Aviation Group. Galeville Army Training Site provides unique training facilities for the FBI.
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