THEATRICAL CIRCUS BILLPOSTERS FAIRS THE BILLBOARD Price, 10 Cents. Volume XVI. No. 10. CINCINNATI. MARCH 5,1904. Per Year, $4.00 CJ THOMAS W. ROSS, As Checkers in the Pla.y of that Na.me. -, THE BILLBOARD Joe Jefferson, dean of the American actors, which are the best money could buy. Mr. celebrated his 75th birthday Feb. 20, and all Fleming goes with the Pawnee Bill Show for Palm Beach turned out to do-him honor. A big the summer and Mr. Forman will attend to- French breakfast was tendered the actor at office duties in their suits 42 Lewis Block, Bove d'Kte. Buffalo, N. Y. Manager P. P. Craft has engaged Sie Hassan Percy Herbert, with the Younger Brothers Ben Aii's Five Whirlwinds as an extra feature Company, closed the show Feb. 15, at advice of for Conroy & Mack's Comedians for the balance A. A. Jack, his manag'.r. Several people claim of the season. The Arabs jioned at York, Pa., to own the play and Mr. Jack declines litiga- on Feb. 29. tion—leaving the would-be owners to fight it that Kirke La Shelle, who had accepted Check- Gordon & Bennett, managers of A Royal out. Mr. Jack will reopen the old reliable A PREDICTION FOR THE WEST. ers, which was written for but rejected by Slave Company, have purchased the rights of Franklin Stock Company, now booked, and will Collier, signed Ross for ten years and gave Holy City for next season, and will open the use new peorln—capable of specialty work and San Francisco, Cal., Feb. 8, 1904. him the title role in this production. same in Baltimore July 28, with a capable willing to pl.iy parts. See ad. ir» want column Editor Billboard. company of thirty-five people. of this isst.. Dear Sir—I trust you will pardon my bold- Charles Edwin Inslee, of the Baker Theatre White Whittk'sr.v, who ct'ars upon the Coast ness in expressing to you my individual views DRAMATIC. Company, Portland, Ore., has been loaned by next season, is shu. iux with Lackaye the honors as to what result the present Japanese-Russian Leon Washburn was in Cincinnati last week. Manager George L. Baker to Paul Gilmore to of The Pit, which has crcjiti'd a sensation at War will have upon theatricals in this country. Ermete Novell! will make hla first American take the place of G. Arthur Yielding in The the Lyric, in New York. _ IH- personates Corth- Being a Westerner, perhaps I am enabled to tour next January. Mummy and the Humming Bird. rell, the aesthetic young arti.-it, educated in Eu- see the situation in a different light than one Clay Lambert, in advance of Arizona, stopped Qulncy Adams Sawyer recently reached its rope, with a soul full of poetry and music, from the Bast would, but I believe that the off in Cincinnati, 23. 2,000th performance at the American Theatre. Lackaye is the plain, blunt, hustling wheat present war will have an influence upon the- The National Stock Company disbanded re- New York. Copies of the book from which the speculator. Both love the typical American atricals, and I would not be surprised if It is cently at Chanute, Kan. play takes its title were distributed to the la- girl. The dramatic interest is tremendous. not felt in the West even this season. To Anne Ivers is reported to be making good in dies in the orchestra and balcony. W'hittlesey is commended for the elegance, begin. Since the beginning of the year the- Resurrection in the Northwest. John Drew is meeting with greater success poise and perfect art of Ms personation. atricals have picked up considerably in the The Orchid has passed its 100th performance than ever before in his revival of The Second Gaston Serpette conducted the first perform- West In the way of box office receipts. I state at the Gaiety Theatre ia London. In Command, Captain Marshall's spirited mili- ance in London of his comic opera, Amorette, this to show that the West is not at the pres- Joseph Jefferson begins his annual spring tary comedy, which Belasco, Mayer and Price Feb. 17 at the Comedy Theatre under the man- ent time dependent upon the East from a finan- tour April 2 in Jacksonville, Fla. have secured for White Whittlesey's Pacific agement of Frank Curzon, 'M. Serpette's music cial standpoint. All through the West busl- Oliver Broyles has joined the John Fay Palm- Coast tour. delighted tue audience. The Dally M»ll says: aess is picking up and theatrical matters are er Stock Co. as principal character. Stephen Phillips has been commissioned oy "The piece is creditable, and the lyrics, for in a more stable condition than during the first Mrs. Sarah Cowell Le Moyne will appear this Viola Allen to write a play for her use next which Ernest Boyd Jones is responsible, reveals part of the season. spring in Browning's Plppa Passes. season, with Joan of Arc as the central figure. some facility in the making- of 'singable' verse, The Eastern war is now attracting the at Michael Strogoff may be revived in the ,.est Scott Craven, Miss Allen's former leading man, but are not remarkable for humor. They serve, tention of the world. I believe that it wil owing to the Japanese-Russian war. is now in Europe to make arrangements with however, to carry Serpette's exceedingly gay result In that Oriental country being put Ii Walker Whiteside missed Iowa Falls, Ia. Mr. Phillips. and tuneful music. Miss Mabel Oilman makes a position of more importance than ever before 17, on account of bad railroad connections. The Queen of the West Company Is playing a charming heroine." conceived of by mere man. It will make East- James K. Hackett has announced that there to good business in New Jersey under the man- American players of ability never have to ern Asia a world factor, and certainly oui will be no change in his method of booking. agement of Mr. Edward Evans. Mr. Kv.ans has "rest" long in London. Mabelle Gilman is play- Western States will become the open door to Paula Edwardes will copyright her photo- now four companies on the road: The Evans &. ing the heroine in Am*relle, while Blanche Ring this newly aroused country—aroused to the graph and intends it for use as S. trademark. Ward, Uncle Joshua, Colmer & Hutson and has a leading part in Love Birds at the Savoy. fact of her importance and her power. This Mme. Rejane will begin her second American Alice Cole, in -Queen of the West. Meanwhile, Maud Hoffman, who was seen first being so, why will not San Francisco or some tour in October. In ber -repertoire will be Zaza. Frederic Belasco and his general manager, by English play-goers in The Cardinal, with western seacoast city became the metropolis Jane Brooks has been engaged for Clara in B. D. Price, are going to New York shortly and E. S. Willard, has been paid the compliment of of the United States by reason of her com- Dr. Jekyll and Mr. Hyde by Eduard Waldmann. are awaited with expectation, upon the iiialto, selection by the Oxford University Dramatic manding position commercially and financially Miss Elsie UeTourney is to resume 'her tour as they will have some one hundred and twenty-, Society to play Rosalind in its coming produc- and consequently theatrically. But of course in Mary Stuart, Queen of Scots, next season. five players to engage for their Pacific Coast tion of As You Like It. this pre-eminence of some western city coulc Gordon & Bennett will have out three Royal stock companies and traveling organizations. The patrons of the Academy of Music, at not be desired at the present time because we Slave and two Holy City companies next season- The Everyman Company followed Viola Allen Baltimore, Md., who wished to see Frank Dan- would have to take Broadway physically and Stanley Murphy and J. W. Ashley have been into the Knickerbocker Theatre, New York, 'n iels last week bad free transportation to the plant ber in that western town in question, engaged by Ernest Lamson for Young Tobe a Twelfth Night production in the character- house from any part of the city. Mr. C. B. and it would be better to wait until the mag- Hoxie. istic style of this capable company of players. Dillingham and the management of the house nificent theatres adorning tbat historical avenue Richard Mansfield moved into the New Am- Ettith Wynne Mathison characterized/ Viola. established a bus line for the convenience of wear out by time, but then time is short in sterdam Theatre March 1 for a four weeks' en- The role of Malvolio was taken by Ben Greet. its patrons and named it the "Frank Daniels the twentieth century. gagement. Clyde Fitch's Way of -the World, written for Bus Line." The car lines are still tied up, How would a theatre party of the elite of The new play, Bigamy, by Morton Powell, Elsie de Wolfe, will soon have its first Western causing much inconvenience In reaching the the Golden City dress while going to the proved a success at the Theatre Royal, Corydon, performance at the San Francisco Alcazar. The theatre, hence the omnibuses. When Mr. Dan- Greater Metropolitan Opera House to see the England. first act is very curious. The characters are iels arrived In the city on Sunday evening- he latest Importation from Japan, What dainty A special concert tour in Europe has been ar- all riding in automobiles in Central Park, and was surprised to learn that he had entered the novelties were worn at the special matinee; ranged for June and July next for Miss Van the effect of motion is produced by a panoramic bus business-.
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