■■■ ■■■■■ Go to the Mercantile Oo. s Shoe Department for Special Bargains in Shoes. The Clinton Republican VOL. XXXVIIINO 26. ST. JOHNS, MICH., THURSDAY, OCTOBER 19, 1893. WHOLE NO. 1,949. LOCAL MATTERS Fred Leland made a business trip to Mr. and Mrs. J. B. Moore, of Duplain, ANNOUN CEMENTS. BUSINESS LOCALS. Detroit Monday. went to tbe world ’s fair Monday. They The Republican The ladies' society of the St. Johns church Seasonable Sale* In Millinery. The celebrated fl.00 spectacles at Mr. and Mrs. Dean Wickes have re­ were accompanied by their brother-in- will give a 0 o ’clock tea at tbe home of Mrs. As I am about to 'remove my stock C. C. VAUGHAN, Publish **. Allison ’s. moved to Owosso. law and wife, Mr. and Mrs. H. T. Allen, Grlsson Thursday afternoon, October 10th. three doors north from head of Clinton All friends of the society are cordially invited. avenue, my present location, .to more Get our prices before you trade a dol ­ O. C. Hollister is spending the week of Dayton, Ohio. Quarterly meeting at the M. E, church next commodious quarters, I will offer, to lar anywhere, we can save yon money at the world ’s fair. The board of supervisor convened my customers on Saturday, October 21, Strictly in Advance, $1.00 Sunday. The Presiding Elder, G. S. Hickey, 4tf Kbkpps , DgW itt & Co. October 9th, with J. W. Beckwith, of will preach Friday evening, and hold the Special Bargains in Trimmed Hats, and EeimUioaii 8c Detroit Tribune. $1.60 Agent Bromley sold 57 tickets to the a line of $1.00, $1.50 and $2.00 hats, world ’s fair Monday. Victor, as chairman, and will probably quarterly conference after the sermon. He BBITITI KB. will also preach again Sunday evening. which cannot be equalled elsewhere. All Settlements of Past Duo Subscrip­ finish their labors to-day. They re­ Respectfully, Mrs. Dr. Broughton is visiting her The next meeting of the ladies literary club tions will be made at tbs rate elected Prof. E. M. Plunket, of Ovid, as Mrs. L. Caneirld Editor Hollis Corbin is at tbe world ’s daughter in Lansing this week. a memder of the county board of school will be held at the home of Mrs. F. A. Travis, of $1.50 Per Tear. fair this week. Mrs. J. E. Jones and son Lyman, of Wednesday, October 25. Program: Current Carpets and Ruga. examiners, and Jesse Dunn, of 8t.j Johns, events, Mrs. Thus. Bromley Sr.; Charlemagne, We have them, all styles, qualities Our advertising rates are flOO per column per Will Cnch made a business trip to Durand, visited 8L Johns friends the as a county poor commissioner. John Mrs. Geo. Waldron; Goths and Vandals, Miss annum. Business notions five cents per line foi and prices. Call and examine oar line. each insertion. Editorial notices, ten cents. Saginaw Tuesday, first of the week. W. Clemons, of Bath, was elected county Matte Havens; Reading the number, Mrs. L. John H icks . Business cards, 91 per line per year. E. H. Lyon and wife are spending tbe Miss Frankie Nelson went to Chicago drain commissioner in place of C. G K. Patterson. Marriage, birth and death notices inserted free. The next meeting of the Clinton couty The onlv place in Clinton county Obituary comments, resolutions, cards of than**, week at the world ’s fair. Wednesday. She will also visit friends Barnes, of Bingham. The board made where Card Engraving is done etc., will be charged for at the rate of five cents Pomona grange will be held with Watertown pgr Une. Mr. and Mrs. Prof. Tinkham are at in Ohio before returning. an appropriation to continue the stone grange October 25th. Program: Welcome At Porter & Davies .’ Correspondence containing local new! tisolic the world ’s fair this week. Addison Keiser, formerly of Green- walks in the rear of the court house address by Master of Watertown Grange; Buy tbe Best Organ in the world, the ted from all parts of the county. Response, J. W. Ennest; Song, Effie Hunt; Anonymous communications not Inserted under and to paint the building, The official Mrs. Martin Smith, of Detroit, is bush, who is practicing law at Luding Paper, Fred Corbin, subject, "Sheep Husban Story A Clark. For sale any circumstances. At Sturgis ’ Music Stork . visiting friends in St. Johns. ton, is spending a few days in this proceedings will be published next dry; ” Comic Reading, M. L. Corbin; Recife week. JOB PRINTING. J. A. Witbam, of Boston, is in St. vicinity. tion by some member of the Watertown We have just received some beautiful Our material is nee and of the latest styles, and Mrs. W. N. Stocker and son Willard grange; Paper by the Lecturer of the Water- new novelties in Dress Goods, including we guarantee satisfaction, both in prices Johns thif week on business. High Scnooi Notes. town grange; Paper, D. S. Pike; Paper, Mrs. a good variety of the popular Hopsack­ and quality of work. left Wednesday for Fostoria, Ohio, to V'Hon F. W. Redfern removed on Tuee- Stampfly, ing in new shades. H. L. Kendrick . day from 8t. Johns to his farm in Essex. visit relatives. They will be gone about Examinations next week. BUSINESS DIRECTORY two weeks. Marriage Licenses. A new assortment of Ladies ’ and Miss Etta Barnes, of Toledo, Ohio, is The piano has been tuned* ATTORNEYS. DATE. NAME AND RESIDENCE. AOK. Gent ’s Gold Watches. Latest styles visiting at her aunt ’s, Mrs. Dr. Sprague. Maple Rapids at the world ’s fair this Some new books have been ordered and prices below competition week : Mr. and Mrs. A. D. Bancroft, Oct. 11—Wm. H. Winfield, Shepardsvllle ....21 LEW1S SEVERANCE A. B. C. C. Dewey, of Meridan, Conn., visited for the library. M. Jewell Coleman, Shepardsville.24 At Porter A D avies .’ ^TTORNEY, OPERA HOUSE BLOCK. Mr. and Mrs. Frank Redfern, Mf. and Don Kneeland, Bert Kipp aud Frances Oct, 12—Henry P. Parkhouse, Riley............. 81 with 8. W. Gibbs last Saturday and Mrs. Wm. Pickney and Mr. and Mrs. Florence H. Cattermole, DeWitt.25 Where did you get that delightful Nelson are world ’s fair visitors. Oct. 12—Wm. G. White, Victor ...................... 21 Perfume? A t Fildew A Millman ’s. WM. N. STOCKER, Sunday. Herbert Casterline. Jessie M. Wagner, Ovid ................... 19 0LDIER8 AND COMRADES. I BEING ONE Lew Johnson, Chas. Harrison and The flag staff, before the Union build ­ Oct. 14—James B. Moore, Duplain .................29 People who trade with Chapin A Co. of your cumber, therefore know your wants According to the daily papers Ring- Edith B. Cook, Duplain .................... 20 Sand also your rights by law, therfore respectfully ao*H. M. Gohn are at the world ’s fair ing, is to be fixed so that the flag can be do not complain of hard times. licit your patronage in the prosecution of claims for ling Bros, will move their winter quar­ raised. Oct. 16—Erank L. Anderson, Essex................29 nsfons, back pay, bounty or rations. Also Notary this week. ters to some place in Michigan, probably Ella I. West, Greenbush...................21 Cloaka. Cloaks, Cloaks. Kibllc. Enquire at Putt’s grocery. C. Fred Knapp has been engaged as Mr. and Mrs. Tinkham went to the Oct. 16—Calvin Calkins, St. Johns................. 25 You know the best place to buy cloaks 28 tf WM. K. STOCKER. near Grand Rapids. They are now Eliza Wilkins, St. Johns................... 28 and wraps is At John Hicks’. superintendent of the schools at Mack­ world ’s fair last Friday anti returned Oct. 16—Fred Damon, Dallas..........................28 H. E. WALBRIDOK located at Baraboo, Wisconsin. J. H. FKDKWA. Tuesday. Mary Ellett, Dallas.............................26 For Sale or Kent. FEDEWA A WALBRIDGE, inac Island. Mr. and Mrs. J. Aiken left for the Oct. 16—Silas H. Tyler, Syracuse, N. Y....... 26 ttorneys at law , st. johns , mich. Miss Anderson, of Detroit, was the world ’s fair Monday. They will also The two rhetorical societies have Mand 1. Mecomber, Elsie.....-.........19 A good, new, eight room house with A Over Trails A Raker’s. chosen as names the Greek letters, Oct. 17 —F. E. Maltby, Grand Ledge ............ 24 a good well, cistern and cellar, all in­ guest of Mr. and Mrs. L. C. Mead in St. visit their son who is attending tbe Daisy Brown, Riley............................21 side. Can give possession at once. B. M. PERRIS. P. K. PERRIN. A. J. BALDWIN. Johns over Sunday. Northwestern University at Evanston, Delta Upsilon and Kappa Tau. Oct. 17 —James F. Clemons. Bath...................25 Inquire of A. Granger, St. Johns. PERRINS 8c BALDWIN, Madge Bunday. Agnes DeWitt, Allie Mary A. Hart, Bath........................... 22 26w2 ttorneys at law , money loaners Mrs. Myron Miller, of Scottsville, N. Illinois, before returning to St. Johns- Oct. 17 —Lowell M. Crandall, Duplain .....-..23 and Real state Agents. Office over Chase and Nora Wandel visited the Francis L. Thompson, Duplain ......20 WickesA ’grocery, Clinton Ave., St. Johns, Mich. Y., is visiting her sister, Mrs. Dr. Jones, The application for a receiver for the Oct. 18 —Peter Leehman, Westphalia........ 28 Let us repair your Watch and you in St. Johns this week. Ingham county savings bank at Lansing high school rhetoricals last Friday. Dena Cook, Westphalia...................22 will always have your work done EDWIN H. LTON. JOHN C. DOOLINQ. Miss Zimmerman has organized a Oct. 18 —Delbert I. Chesebro, Greenbush-...23 At Porter & Davies .’ LYON 8t DOOLING, Joel Cagwin, formerly of St. Johns,, has been withdrawn, and the bank will Retta M. Post, Greenbush................17 ttorneys at law , st. johns , mich. and now of Boone, Iowa, called on St.
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