THE MORNING OREGONIAN, MONDAY, JX7L.T 8, 1918. SURPH S E SPRUNG PORTLAND TO SEEK 9 By NON-PARTISA- NS ORIENTAL TRADE EN'S SUITS at$18, $20 and $25 k 1VJL that have every good quality possible to put into clothes at these Old Parties Suspect League of Advantages of Local Port to prices. Playing Both Ends Against Be Put Squarely Before Middle in Idaho. Secretary McAdoo. Such are the suits that we show for men. Clothes are costing more to LITIGATION IN PROSPECT RAILWAY HEADS TO MEET manufacture, but through early buying and a closer margin of - Significant Feature of Recent Con- I Plans for Entertainment of Visitor profit we are still selling wonder- v - - , vention Is Fact That Democrats Are Being Delayed Pending In- fully good clothes to men who Were Named for So Many i ,i formation as to tbe Time of Leading Offices. ' ' His Arrival Here. want to limit their expenditures in ' ' ' ' . - I ?' ' j this regard. BOISE, Idaho. July 7. (Special.) In an effort to obtain a fair share of $18, $20 $25 The abrupt departure from what was the Oriental trade tor Portland, this Come in and see our and believed to be the Idaho city's advantages as a port will e put suits; we know that they are not ex- League's programme in going: into the squarely before Secretary W. G. McAdoo Democratic instead of the Republican upon his arrival here the latter part of celled There are many primaries to nominate its candidate for the week. This was learned yesterday anywhere. Governor, and to name others on the following the announcement that the fabrics, many colorings and many dope railroad director would visit Portland ticket, upset all of- ed and .confer with important railroad you may and brought about a situation way models from which choose. for and of unusual political in- ficials soon on his from California, I ' A, 'ft where he has been on a vacation. terest. "f Portland business men, spurred on by con- -- Leaders on both sides frankly -- Having : .x the intimation from Washington that. fess that they are surprised. h J ft rM quantities of war supplies soon may be secured an indorsement of its main moving from this country to Russia Pfiegley & platform plank, state monopoly of through Vladivostok, will make a des Cavender water power, in the Republican plat- perate effort to present Portland's case form, the switched to Out i fttht Ita. A. B. n candi- - and obtain definite assurances from the Cor. Fourth and Alder Streets Klrehbm the Democratic party for its . - ))) director-gener- al dates. that materials for the Republicans and Democrats are won- Kast be handled through this port. dering whether the leaguers are play- Lack of congestion, a down-grad- e Cer- pull and a deep, fresh-wat- er harbor ing both ends against the middle. will be the principal points urged in tainly they were caught unprepared for tne city's behalf, it is believed. With the sudden change. There promises merchandise piling up higher and higher to be not only a split along straight at other Pacific ports, while Portland's the various city districts held Satur- party lines, but important litigation in docks and terminal facilities are being day noon In Liberty Temple, plans Can't Help But the courts before the dispute Is set- TO-ME- were tled. Dalton and Thurston Hall in the role Kept almost clear, the '.'congestion FARMS GALL formulated for the conduct of agents. As argument will be of much weight. It the campaign. The enlistment cards Admire Babies Samuel May Be Barred. X of German secret service TODAY'S FILM KEATtjR.ES. a of Paula, heroine, is expected. The saving in fuel and were distributed and districts were Many are matter fact. the is down-hi- ll of the Democratic leaders Star Mary McLaren, "The Mod- a French operative, while Hugo War- equipment owing to the pull finally apportioned. E. O. Johnstone outspoken in their determination to bar on all trans-continent- lines entering is captain of the Rotary Club; Harry Evry Woman Caita' Loving Clanca at Non-Partis- el's Confession." ner, the hero, is not a German spy, but League . H. i Samuels, the Sunset Rex Beach's "The Heart really a member of the United States rortiand is another important argu- P. Coffin for the Progressive Business tbe Nestling Cuddled in its Bonnet. candidate for Governor from the Demo- of the Sunset"; Charlie Chaplin, secret service. The Germans are strug- ment. , Portland Will Quota Into Men's Club; C. C. Hall (or the East cratic ticket. For many years Samuels Woman." papers dealing Oriental Trade Soueht. Send Side Business Men's Club. Among was a member of the Republican party, "The gling for possession of captains who were present at the as of the Republican Liberty William S. Hart, "Shark with a new type of army rifle, and Efforts to recover this city's prestige Hay to other serving chairman Monroe." is posing as maid of Mrs. Boyd, a port for the handling of grain Fields Save Crops. enthusiastic meeting were. A. W. Lam- committee of Bonner County and as a Paula bert, F. E. Beach. N. D. Maxson, L. member of the executive committee of Majestic Clara Kimball Young, wife of Clement Boyd, the inventor. and other materials for the Oriental J. "The Claw"; Allied Nations' Of- - Hugo trade have been almost without success Hartman, George E. Englehart, P. R. the Republican State Central Commit- How Paula and frustrate the up Schomp. S. M. Mann, W. W. Non- ficial War. Review. well-lai- d plans of the Hun spies, pro- to now: but with the business re F. Patt. tee. His identification with the A. Imus, W. A. Newell. W. H. San-for- d. partisan League is of but a few months' Peoples Elsie Ferguson, "The tect the invention, and how Paula en- vival has come a spirit of getting things Lie." gineers a raid by U. S. officers in time tor tne city ana tne securing ol a pro- VACATION DAYS FOR WORK duration. prevent un- portionate of the shipping Calls have been received from many Democrats assert that Samuels has Columbia Dorothy Dalton, "The to the death of Hugo is share Pacific terming At one never been converted to the principles Kaiser's Shadow." folded in a dramatic sequence of events. is regarded as one of the most impor- districts. I'rineville Globe Lou Tellegen. "The Vic- tant if not the most important single farm wants ten men for 60 daya. The It U a joy and comfort to know that of the Democratic party and is not a Item in the advance of com pay Is $3 to $5 per day and board. thosa much -- talked -- of patns and othr dis- Democrat. They assert that he seeks, toria Cross." Sunset. Portland tresses ars to proceed with the backing and support of the mercially and industrially. Business Men's Clubs Organize to This Is a sample of the calls which that said chlldbearlnc The atmosphere of chaotic life on the This will be Mr. McAdoo's first ston aro being received by Mr. Williams may be avoided. No woman need fear dis- league, to secure Con-fetant- the nomination for on his way back to Secure Workers to Fill Calls ly every day. There will be another comfort if she will fortify herself with the a party he Mexican border is thrlllingly presented his double duties well-kno- time-honor- Governor from with which Peoples. at tne capital. will be the meeting at the Liberty Temple to- and remedy. ias never been affiliated and that such in Rex Beach's "The Heart of the Sun- problem itup first Kecclved From Many morrow noon. The headquarters Mother's Friend. an act is in direct opposition to and In Chaplin's fa- teal put to him following there a most penetrating;, ex Elsie Ferguson. beautiful stage set," which, with Charlie his enforced vacation in the California Oregon will be open Monday for all applicants This is rrateful, violation of the direct primary law. favorite, who has .invaded the silent mous comedy, "The Woman," furnish woods. Sections. and will continue there throughout ternal application that at once softens and Therefore, they purpose to contest his photoplay fans with entertainment at Former efforts to divert trade the makes pliant the abdominal muscles and drama with such signal success, has a routes In this city's favor will pale campaign. ex- nomination. the Sunset Theater. into" insignificance alongside ligaments. By regular use the muscles Authority Sought. vehicle in "The Lie," from Sir Henry The Beach story is colorful and vivid, of the Portland Is going to send its auota pand without the usual strain when baby Lesal play, concerted attempt which will be made men Is Many of the leading legal lights of Arthur Jones' which promises to with excellent photography and strik- by of into the hay fields to save the born and pain and dancer at the crisis become her most popular photoplay. ingly scenes to. Portland's commercial leaders this crops. Organization is all completed FORGER LEAVES FOR EAST ts consequently less. the Jeffersonian party of this state are beautiful outdoor arrest week, it is believed. A favorable de- Women everywhere who have now reviewing the statutes of Idaho to It's a powerful emotional role, that of attention. Long desert .wastes, shots of tor tne big drive for men who are used this cision from the Secretary will be more willing 18-Ye- ar famous remedy tell how they entirely avoid- prepare the way for barring the ap- Elinor Shale, in the play which brought the murky Rio Grande and full sweeps probable to give un their vacations for Robert McCoombs Faces ranges greet the eye.
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