THE CATHOLIC PASTORAL PARTNERSHIP OF BIDDULPH, GOLDENHILL, KIDSGROVE & PACKMOOR UNDER THE PATRONAGE AND PROTECTION OF OUR LADY OF GRACE SUNDAY BULLETIN THE PRESENTATION OF THE LORD SUNDAY 2ND FEBRUARY 2020 CHURCHES A WORD FROM THE PARISH PRIEST Biddulph English Martyrs’ Church, Church Road, Biddulph, Last week, I received noti- A500 all the way up to ST8 6NE fication that the boundaries Brindley Ford. All of this Goldenhill St Joseph’s Church, of the old Fegg Hayes par- makes little difference to High Street, Stoke-on-Trent, ST6 ish had finally been re- people and where they 5RD drawn and that the Arch- prefer to go to Mass. But it Kidsgrove St John the Evange- bishop had issued the de- is important that places list’s Church, The Avenue, cree to make those bound- have a proper parish and a Kidsgrove, ST7 1AE aries official on 9th Janu- proper parish priest. The Packmoor St Patrick’s Church, ary. That means that I am fact that this process has Mellor Street, Packmoor, Stoke- now officially the Parish taken the best part of seven on-Trent, ST7 4SN Happy Candlemas! The Priest in Packmoor, New- years, though, gives you a Feast of the Presentation of chapel, Harriseahead and clue to the speed of the KEY CONTACTS the Lord reminds us that Brindley Ford. You proba- working of the Church! Parish Priest Jesus, the Light of the bly thought I already was! Rev Fr Julian C Green As you see, we have a two World, first appeared as The new boundaries of the Assistant Priest week bulletin again this the light as a baby, enfold- parishes mean that all of Rev Fr Prabhakar Pamisetty MF week. The reason is that I ed in the arms of Our those areas mentioned, St Joseph’s Presbytery am going on back to Spain Blessed Lady. The Feast which were formerly part 715 High Street for the next section of the day is filled with meaning of St Bernadette’s Parish, Stoke-on-Trent ST6 5RD Camino. This time I will when we consider that are now part of English Tel: (01782) 782121 be walking a long section Jesus, who proclaimed Martyrs’, Biddulph. The pp.partnershipparishes@gmail. of the Way, from Mérida himself to be the New Brindley Village estate is com to Salamanca. That is a Temple of God, came to now in St Joseph’s Gold- Parish Secretary total of about 282km, the Old Temple in Jerusa- enhill parish. We also took Teresa Harding about 175 miles, which I lem. He who is the Word the opportunity to tidy up Tel: (01782) 782121 will cover in 12 days walk- made flesh came so that the boundary between Email: partnershipparishes ing. Please do sponsor me we, who live the life of Tunstall and Goldenhill online or in church, so that Office Hours: Mon, Tues, Fri human flesh, might be- parishes, making the A527 I can get nearer the target! 9am to 3.30pm. Weds, Thurs come Temples of God too. the new boundary from the 9am to 1pm. SAINT OF THE WEEK Safeguarding Our safeguarding reps are: St Joan de Lestonnac leave. She returned Biddulph: Mary Lomas 1556-1640 to Bordeaux and founded a Goldenhill: Suzanne Meakin St Joan was born in Bor- new congregation, the Kidsgrove: Denise Hewitt deaux, France, in 1556. Congregation of the Reli- Packmoor: Peter Whitehouse They can be contacted through She married at the age of gious of Notre Dame of the Parish Office, or call the 17. The happy marriage Bordeaux, and several Diocesan Team on 0121 230 produced four children, young girls joined her as 6240 or safeguarding@rc- but her husband died sud- novices. They ministered denly in 1597. After to victims of a plague that Website her children were raised, struck Bordeaux, and she entered the Cistercian worked against the spread monastery at Toulouse but of Calvinism. Joan served The Parishes are part of the Archdiocese of Birmingham: Registered Charity no. poor health forced her to as superior until her death. 234216 PAGE 2 SUNDAY BULLETIN Goldenhill Packmoor Kidsgrove The Sacrament of Forgiveness (Confessions) Biddulph Biddulph Sun 8.30am Goldenhill Sun 10.30am Kidsgrove Sat 6pm Packmoor Sun 6pm Saturday 1st 6.30pm Holy Mass of Sunday Mark & Teresa Foden Sunday 2nd 9.00am Holy Mass Catherine & Leonard Johnson Presentation of the 11.00am Holy Mass Int Bernadette McGough Lord (Candlemas) 6.30pm Holy Mass Barbara Heath Monday 3rd 6.00pm Holy Mass Holy Souls St Werburgh Tuesday 4th 9.15am Holy Mass Eileen Marrow Feria 9.30am Morning Prayer 2.15pm Holy Rosary 6.00pm Holy Mass Private Intention 8.00pm Prayer Group Wednesday 5th 6.00pm Holy Mass Holy Souls St Agatha Thursday 6th 9.30am Holy Mass (in school) Private Intention St Paul Miki & Comps 6.00pm Holy Mass Holy Souls Friday 7th 9.30am Holy Mass (in church) Private Intention Feria First Friday 6.00pm Holy Mass Denis McGinley Saturday 8th 9.15am Holy Mass Private Intention Our Lady 6.30pm Holy Mass of Sunday Sandra Nixon Sunday 9th 9.00am Holy Mass Mary Nixon Fifth Sunday of Ordi- 11.00am Holy Mass Michael Meaney nary Time (A) 6.30pm Holy Mass People of the Parish Monday 10th 6.00pm Holy Mass Holy Souls St Scholastica Tuesday 11th 9.15am Holy Mass In Thanksgiving (MJ) Our Lady of Lourdes 9.30am Morning Prayer 2.15pm Holy Rosary 6.00pm Holy Mass Denis McGinley Wednesday 12th Feria 6.00pm Holy Mass Holy Souls Thursday 13th 9.30am Holy Mass (in school) Private Intention Feria 6.00pm Holy Mass Eileen Marrow (SVP) Friday 14th 9.30am Holy Mass (in school) Private Intention Ss Cyril & Methodius 6.00pm Holy Mass Holy Souls Saturday 15th 9.15am Holy Mass Private Intention Our Lady 6.30pm Holy Mass of Sunday Winefride & Leonard Atherton Sunday 16th 9.00am Holy Mass John A Lacey Sixth Sunday of 11.00am Holy Mass John Martin Ordinary Time (A) 6.30pm Holy Mass People of the Parish THE PRESENTATION OF THE LORD PAGE 3 rededication of PARISH REGISTERS England as the dowry of our lady Deaths And also for the soul of Sandra Nix- The Friendship Club is a monthly You are all invited to be part of this on. Requiem Mass for the repose of meeting for older people, organised wonderful initiative of the Bishops of her soul will be offered at St John’s by Fr Hudson’s Care. The next meet- England & Wales: to rededicate Eng- Kidsgrove on Monday 17th February ing is on Tuesday 25th February, at land to Our Lady. This first hap- at 12noon followed by committal at the usual time of 2pm at Kidsgrove pened in 1381, when King Richard II Carmountside Crematorium. Town Hall. New people are always consecrated the country to Our La- welcome, so come and give it a try. If dy. The rededication has two part: Requiescat in pace you need more details or would like the personal consecration, which you to arrange transport please ring are all invited to take part in, and the Biddulph Refreshments To sup- 01782 269990 rededication of the country, which port Fr Julian's fundraising efforts for we are invited to participate in. Teenage Cancer Trust we are looking Friday 21st February: All are invited for volunteers to make a dozen cup- Prayer Group cakes and two slicing cakes to be Come and join our Partnership of to start the preparation for the Per- sonal Consecration, using the 33 day served each Sunday after Mass with Parishes’ Prayer Group at English tea and coffee. The donations will go Martyrs’ on Tuesday 4th February at Preparation booklets. Booklets are available next week. Please on- to his sponsorship for the Teenage 8pm. We meet on every second Cancer Trust. We already have four Tuesday. Everyone welcome! ly take one if you intend to do the Consecration. volunteers and would like a few more to join a rota. If you are able to help Wednesday 25th March: For those then please see Jackie Menzies. Heart to heart who have prepared: making a Per- Our weekly Heart to sonal Consecration to Our Lady Parish Priest’s Open House Heart with Jesus at St Sunday 29th March: The rededica- There is no Open House while Fr Joseph’s Goldenhill tion takes places around the country, Julian is away on the Camino. The will not take place for at Walsingham shrine, and in Cathe- next Open House, when Fr Julian is the next two weeks. drals and Churches at 12noon. That available to be seen by any parishion- The next Heart to Sunday we have Bishop McGough er, will be on Monday 17th Febru- Heart will be on with us. He will confirm the children ary. There will also be Open House Thursday 20th Febru- at St Joseph’s at 11am Mass. At the on 24th February and 2nd March. ary at 7.30pm. end of Mass we will join the national rededication. You are all invited to In memory of Jack Shufflebotham, Fr Care Home outreach share in a ‘bring & share’ buffet after. Julian is going to walk the Vía de la Kidsgrove The next Plata and Camino Sanabrés from Se- prayer service will be Sanctuary Lamps ville to Santiago de Compostela this at Ravenswood, The This week the lamps are dedicated for: year. The whole route is 1000km and Avenue, on Tuesday St John’s: Agnes Coates & Byrne he will be doing it in chunks of five 18th February at Family; Crotty, Davenport & Howle days/120km through the year.
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