NEWSAND TECHNICOLOR VIEWS \i:i owa President ’sMessage By DR. HERBERT T. KALMUS On the opposite page you will notice the architect's rendering of a new TECH- NICOLOR laboratory, which is now near- ing completion at Joinville, France. The purpose of the French TECHNICOLOR lab- oratory (called Societe Technicolor) is to provide products and services equal in every way to the products and services provided for them by TECHNICOLOR, Ltd. in London and the TECHNICOLOR labora- tories in Hollywood. We have long taken particular pride in the uniform quality of all products and services that bear the TECHNICOLOR trademark and trade name. Engineers from the TECHNICOLOR laboratories in Hollywood and London Charles Brackett (left), President of the Academy of Motion Pictures Arts and Sciences, and Dr. Herbert T have supervised construction of the new Kalmus, President and General Manager of Technicolor Motion Picture Corporation, look over a print oi first movie in which human beings were shown in full color. Technicolor presented the French laboratory to insure this continuity “La Cucaracha/' the print of “La Cucaracha" to the Academy to commemorate completion of manufacture of four billion fee of standards and methods of operation of release print 35mm film by Technicolor. in the new establishment. We are often asked at TECHNICOLOR whether we look forward to a day in Academy Compliments Technicolor on which most of the countries where films in color by TECHNICOLOR or print by 4 Billion Feet of Film TECHNICOLOR are exhibited will also A print of the first three-color live action motion picture made by TECHNICOLOR have TECHNICOLOR laboratories. We was presented to the Motion Picture Academy of Arts and Sciences by Dr. Herbert T consider these questions entirely justified Kalmus, President and General Manager of TECHNICOLOR MOTION PICTURE CORPO in view of the extraordinary expansion of RATION. The film, a two-reel feature called "La Cucaracha," was the first live actior the cinema generally and Technicolor in three-color print to come from TECHNICOLOR (although a Walt Disney three-colo> particular. The call for TECHNICOLOR cartoon made by TECHNICOLOR preceded i t) and it brought human figures in full col- work comes now from every part of the or to the general public for the first time. world. Our standards of service may very Dr. Kalmus presented the print of "La they will record even more far-reaching well require a network of laboratories Cucaracha" to Charles Brackett, President improvements in cinematic production around the world one day. of the Motion Picture Academy, in a and presentation." It is my firm conviction that the present ceremony held in the Academy library. Charles Brackett thanked Dr. Kalmus policy of many producers of working ex- "I am delighted to present to you, as on behalf of the Academy, saying, "Four clusively in color film opens a future for President of the Academy of Motion Pic- billion feet of TECHNICOLOR film is a TECHNICOLOR on which it is impossible ture Arts and Sciences, this print of 'La staggering statistic. Our congratulations.. to set limits. Cucaracha' to be placed in the archives "I well remember when 'La Cucaracha' We like to think that we are not merely of the Academy," Dr. Kalmus said. "This broke like a sunrise on the drab gray ready for the future, but actually forming two-reel picture was produced in 1933 screens of the world. It dazzled us all by it through projects like construction of the by Pioneer Films, whose officers were its beauty and its novelty. Societe Technicolor laboratory at Join- John Hay Whitney, President, and Merian "The beauty of the process remains. ville. C. Cooper, Vice-President. This little fea- Its novelty is certainly gone. Nowadays ture marked the transition from two- people say of a picture, as though they component to three-component TECHNI- were pointing out a quaint peculiarity, COLOR photography and printing, and 'It's in black and white.' TECHNICOLOR hence is a milestone in developing the "The only complaint about TECHNI- best methods of bringing color to the mo- COLOR I ever heard from anybody is & NEWS VIEWS tion picture screen. that, after seeing a picture in your pro- Vol. XVII April, 1 955 No. 1 "TECHNICOLOR MOTION PICTURE cess, the world outside the theatre looks CORPORATION is presenting this print of a little drab. The same thing can be said Published from time to time by 'La Cucaracha' to the Academy to com- about an exhibition of Van Goghs. Technicolor Motion Picture Corp. memorate the manufacture of four billion "On behalf of the Academy I am HERBERT T. KALMUS, President feet of 35mm color motion picture release happy to accept this print of 'La Cuca- 631 1 Romaine Street prints. Those four billion feet have re- racha' for our archives. It will be kep 1 Hollywood 38, California corded advances in every phase of film among our important memorabilia — the Margaret Ettinger, Editor making. I have every faith that when we little picture that brought cinematic colo complete our next four billion feet of film, into its own." — TWO — 6 1 Technicolor Report Traces PtifHiliWIP?® Upswing in 16mm Color Printing to Increasing Use by Business and Industry & 1 TECHNICOLOR receives many inquiries II about its important work in the 1 mm in- dustrial film field. Recently , Business Screen mrrnrrrn trrnyrnfFfTi 1 1" I f 1,11 L .1 T I i it it rttil 1 1 Magazine published an article on TECHNI- HffifflSS Ei iM i rm.irtTTixD tmamxxD activities in this field, which an- m COLOR'S swers many of the most frequent questions TECHNICOLOR receives on this phase of its ii work. We are privileged to reprint this article in full: The extraordinary upswing in TECH- NICOLOR'S production of 16mm film be- tween 1952 and 1953 (from 19 million Construction UnderWay at New to 35 million feet) — allowing for an in- crease in government-initiated orders — Technicolor Laboratory in France suggests a far more sweeping change in Construction of the first buildings for the French TECHNICOLOR plant is now American industry thinking on commer- nearing completion at Joinville, France, just outside of Paris. cial film than the obvious desire to be Dr. Herbert T. Kalmus, President and General Manager of TECHNICOLOR MO- ready for color television. While some of PICTURE CORPORATION, reports that several TECHNICOLOR Hollywood and recent TECHNICOLOR 16mm footage is TION engineers are cooperating in the construction of the new plant and in the being banked for later use on the net- London its equipment. D r. Kalmus stated "This engineering super- works, another sizeable segment has design and installation of vision will insure that the French TECHNI- been prepared with theatre-type projec- COLOR plant will be patterned after the tion alone in mind. An increasing num- tion Milk). Technical improvement and existing TECHNICOLOR plants and that ber of companies seem to have reviewed added volume have enabled the Division its products and services will be of the both their sales and public relations pol- to establish a base price of 6.25 cents same top quality as those which have icies, and have decided to tell more of per foot of release print. always been identified by the TECHNI- their story on color film. Aim at Greater Flexibility COLOR trademark and trade name." CinemaScope Prints for Ford It is anticipated that the new plant be- The continuing work of the TECHNI- ambitious projects of ing erected by the Technicolor affiliate, One of the most COLOR laboratories toward entire flexi- Societe TECHNICOLOR, will have an an- this "besides color television" policy in- bility has been a great factor in TECHNI- Cinemascope prints nual capacity of at least seventy million cluded the 16mm COLOR 16mm business. The Division pro- for Wilding (70,000,000) feet of color positive release which TECHNICOLOR made duced release prints on both dye transfer prints. Release print production is ex- Productions, Inc., on behalf of the Picture and color duplicating stock. They worked to some time in 1955 Co. The picture reviewed the pected commence Ford Motor with three strip films, with color nega- and will represent a further contribution Ford line of cars and trucks, and entire tives and with successive frame (cartoon a sales tool for to TECHNICOLOR world wide service. was planned primarily as negatives). Business arrangements for the new Ford dealers. Other similarly large-scale Even old hands in the industrial film French plant are patterned after the projects were handled by TECHNICOLOR business are surprised to see how far TECHNICOLOR company's British affili- for the Greyhound Bus Company through TECHNICOLOR has carried this flexibility. ate, TECHNICOLOR, Ltd., and should sim- Jerry Fairbanks, Inc., and for the Ameri- Today TECHNICOLOR will take 35mm ilarly contribute to the earnings of the can Petroleum Institute through Roland color film at any stage — even cut nega- parent company, TECHNICOLOR, Inc. Reed Productions, Inc. Clearly, the new tives — and manufacture 16mm release concentration of interest in color film for prints which can be used either in a Technicolor Report on Industry Use television has reminded industry of the theatre or on television. Continued from Column Two additional values of 16mm color film for and the enthusiastic acclaim was unani- The question of the quality on tele- theatrical -type projection, and touched mous. vision of color prints not made specif- off a twin boom in the 16mm world. One can conclude from this that few ically for television is still being heatedly The TECHNICOLOR 16mm Division has TECHNICOLOR prints are barred from debated. The TECHNICOLOR Television experienced very little except boom con- television, although prints made for elec- Division (organized in 1950) has worked ditions since TECHNICOLOR President tronic projection are most desirable.
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