content regulars Vol 23 No 292 July/August 2020 19 THE WAy WE LIVE nOW cHRISTOPHER SmITH 3 LEAD STORy 20 Views, reviews & previews is listening ‘Replying we sing as one individual...’ ART : Owen Higgs on 25 gHOSTLy cOunSEL Exhibitions in Lockdown AnDy HAWES Barry A Orford encourages wants to save the book unity amongst Catholic BOOkS: John Twisleton on An Anglicans Astonishing Secret Andrew Hawes on EDITORIAL 18 3 The Anglo-catholic Pointers to Heaven BISHOPS Of THE SOcIETy 35 companion to Online church Jack Allen on Why LukE WALfORD Medieval Philosophy introduces a new resource Maers William Davage on a 26 SAInT QuEnTIn 4 World Peace Day Primrose Path J A LAn SmITH Barry A Orford on 29 SummER DIARy calls for an act of reconciliation Evelyn Underhill THuRIfER continues in lockdown 5 Anglo-catholicism in 32 The resurrection of a special Lancashire church 31 fAITH Of OuR fATHERS TOm HODgSOn kEVIn cABLE ARTHuR mIDDLETOn considers the legacy of Bishop is moving to Jaffa on staying orthodox Baddeley 35 corpus christi in Bickley 34 TOucHIng PLAcE 8 The Wesley Brothers and the Ss Just et Pasteur, Valcabrere, France Eucharist RyAn n D AnkER encourages us to read Wesley’s hymns 11 Lauda Sion HARRI WILLIAmS on a very different Corpus Christi 11 A message from the Director of forward in faith 12 Who? me? mIcHAEL fISHER is called 14 meeting mrs Scudamore ELEAnOR RELLE introduces a Catholic pioneer 16 Ecce Sacerdos magnus ROgERS cASWELL remembers Fr Brandie E R E G Adoration for Corpus Christi V A at St Mary’s, Walsingham. O M I C Articles are published in New Directions because they are thought likely to be of interest to St Benet’s, Kentish Town is open for individual prayer. readers. They do not necessarily reflect the views of the Editor or those of Forward in Faith. 2 ■ new directions ■ July/August 2020 “Replying, we sing as one Lead individual …” Story Barry A. Orford encourages a unity of spirit rthur Sullivan was having fun, of course, dividing W. wait to be marginalized into irrelevance by the controlling oli - S. Gilbert’s lyric comically between two gondoliers garchy. The need is for renewed vision, the gift of the Holy A who were reigning jointly as a monarch until it was Spirit for which we must pray, and then action. discovered which of them was actually king. What a pity that Revitalization begins at grassroots level, when people who the words have taken on a less happy meaning in a different have been wary or dismissive of each other find they can agree context. on truths which unite them. On that foundation fresh vision There has been a tide of criticism of our bishops following and impetus become possible, and we will find the confidence their decision to forbid clergy to enter their churches in the we need to speak to a Church culpably ignorant of its inheri - wake of Covid-19. What must be asked, however, is how far tance. their conduct reveals a monochrome episcopate with an in - sufficient understanding of the Church and a shared lack of Everything depends, though, upon our Catholic sacramental theology – a leadership singing as one individual from official management texts. What else can ex - recognizing and seizing those opportunities, plain their puzzlement that clergy and laity might be angry and to do this we are going to have to when the celebration of the Eucharist in church, even by a soli - emerge from behind some defensive tary priest, was stopped by episcopal instruction? However, instead of simply complaining we need to ask barriers. what needs to be done as a result. The major pastoral challenge of Covid-19 has revealed starkly the inadequacy of the outlook How do we get this moving? How do we make ourselves governing our Church’s life. What is going to fill the gap which heard? How do we make an impact? These are pressing ques - has been exposed? When the pandemic dies down there will tions for all of us, but I put them in particular to those who be recriminations about what bishops did in response to it, but are much younger and more energetic than I am, and whose these can only be a distraction from the real task facing us. I commitment I admire: can you reimagine contemporary ways know from correspondence that I am not alone in thinking of teaching the Catholic Faith received by the Church of Eng - that in this uncertain situation there are considerable oppor - land? The Tractarians did it with the Tracts for the Times . How tunities awaiting Catholics in our Church. Everything de - might we do it? But above all, will we do it – all of us who call pends, though, upon our recognizing and seizing those ourselves Catholics? opportunities, and to do this we are going to have to emerge When Cosmo Gordon Lang was a young priest, he was from behind some defensive barriers. asked by the Master of Balliol, Benjamin Jowett, to consider leaving his work in Leeds to become Fellow and Theological How do we get this moving? How do we Tutor at the College. Lang turned down the offer, saying hon - make ourselves heard? How do we make estly that his own Catholic position was at odds with Jowett’s liberalism. Jowett replied, “I know this. It is just why I am ask - an impact? ing you to come … We [the liberals] may have truth – I think we have – but we have no fire!” Not long ago, there was a conference which brought to - Have we the fire which will energize us into a concerted ef - gether Anglican Catholics of different persuasions. I was pre - fort to recall our Church to learning and living its Catholic vented from attending it, but I understand there was general heritage? ND agreement that it had been a worthwhile exercise. Now is the Fr Barry A Orford writes from Hampstead time for that shared endeavour to be reactivated. The Church of England’s self-understanding is at stake. Awareness of its Catholic nature has been steadily eroded, and if we do not work to restore it, who will? There is an overwhelming need Ordinations for us to line up behind the Creeds, to proclaim a Catholic un - Our prayers are with all those who were due to have derstanding of the Church and the Sacraments, to emphasize been ordained at Petertide, whose ordinations have had the importance of reverent liturgical worship, to insist on the to be postponed as a result of the pandemic and the recitation of the Daily Office as the prayer of the people of moratorium on public worship which it has brought God, to reclaim a devotional theology, to know our history, to about. An update on Society ordinations being resched - be clear about the social implications of Catholic conviction. uled for later this year will be provided in the September If Catholic Anglicans of every hue cannot pull together edition of New Directions. constructively on these fundamentals then we might as well July/August 2020 ■ new directions ■ 3 The Anglo-catholic companion to Online church Luke Walford introduces this new resource eing aged twenty, I struggle to remember a time in sible, from All Saints, Small Heath and St. Albans, High - which the internet was not the complex, ever expand - gate. B ing tool we have now. The huge computer screens, • Links and information for Mass from a range of Anglo- floppy disks, and mobile phones of the past (ones that could Catholic churches throughout the country. only be used for telephones), all feel like relics in our techno - • Videos, links, and resources for Daily Prayer logically advanced lives. As soon as socialising became an im - • Finally, there is a tab dedicated to Our Lady with informa - portant aspect of my childhood and teenage years, we were tion from the Shrine of Our Lady at Walsingham. able to use the technology at hand to communicate outside of With an extremely positive response at launch and regular en - school hours. As the rise in social media contributed to all my gagement with the site throughout this period of pandemic, I school friends and I sharing funny videos, as I got older the in - hope the Online Companion has been helpful for people. Al - ternet helped support my growing interest in Christianity. I though as we move out of lockdown and churches are set to shortly found myself moving around ‘Anglican Twitter’ and open again, albeit just for private prayer, the future of this on - ‘Catholic Twitter,’ unofficial micro communities of people line resource seems uncertain. sharing their experiences, stories, and prayers. My idea of creating a resource allowing people to easily en - gage with online church is not a completely unique one. An With an extremely positive response at online community that springs to mind is Disability & Jesus, a launch and regular engagement with the site community I enjoy engaging with. Throughout the period of throughout this period of pandemic, I hope lockdown there have been stories and testimonies from people who, because of disability or chronic illness, are unable to en - the Online Companion has been helpful for gage physically with organisations and facilities. Some memo - people. rable accounts are from people who for the first time in a long time have been able to visit museums, theatres, and music ven - Following the rise of the coronavirus pandemic, churches ues. Like the Church, cultural institutions have made some sig - were closed, and clergy took to the internet to share their serv - nificant strides in developing their online content.
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