9\f,naissance 'J\[g,ws Volume 6, No. 2 Vision - Integrity - Quality February, 1992 Estrogen is bla1ned Transsexuals found to be at high risk for breast cancer A researcher at the Harvard of all cases. saying this was a health problem Medical School says that male-to­ Baum recommended that indi­ that affects up to 100,000 people in female transsexuals taking estro­ viduals taking estrogen be carefully North America and Europe. She also gen should have regular examina­ monitored with monthly breast self­ said the study provided insights into tions for breast cancer because they exams and regular mammograms understanding the effects of estro­ are at greater risk for developing and physical exams by doctors. The gen. the tumors. medical literature reports three @ Due to the importance of this Dr. Janet Baum, who is also af­ cases of transsexuals who died from study, other publications in the filiated with Beth Israel Hospital in late detection of breast cancer. gender community may reprint this Boston, told her colleagues at the Baum said that many of her col­ article without requesting permis- annual meeting of the Radiological leagues kidded her about her study. sion. Society of North America in early But she defended her research by -PJS December that of the 31 transsexu­ als she examined, two had pre­ cancerous growth in their breasts. Flip your wig She said this was a higher incidence than would have been found in a comparable group of women. The patients she examined ranged in to help others age from 26 to 70, with the average Renaissance members have the patients talk, I heard the same age being in the late 30s. opportunity to help cancer patients message repeated: that the loss of She said that under X rays, the who have lost their hair through hair was often more devastating breasts of the transsexuals look just chemotherapy. Cheryl Noblit, a than the chemotherapy itself. like those of young women except hairdresser in Conshohocken, will Of course, the natural remedy for for the presence of "a lot more pec­ wash and style donated wigs and hair loss is a wig, ''but insurance toral muscle than would have been give them to cancer patients who companies are often refusing to cover expected." cannot afford to purchase wigs. the cost of a wig. Some of these Last April, the Centers for Dis­ "I have a very close friend who is patients are over a financial barrel. ease Control (CDC) linked breast battling cancer," Noblit says. "I have It's just one more problem, one more cancer to estrogen prescribed for taken her for her chemotherapy expense in their lives." menopausal women. In some cases, treatments and have observed while Noblit began to refurbish and the CDC said, taking the hormone she, and others, too, have lost their custom fit donated wigs to cancer more than doubled their risk of hair as a result. patients in November. As word of getting the disease. Baum said the "As I listened to various cancer her volunteer service spread, de­ doses of estrogen taken by male-to­ mand has outstripped supply. female transsexuals are five to 10 , tiaara. a:P~taves < "We can use wigs of any color, times as large as the doses given n~w liational .· > ·...• . and fiber," she said, adding that older women to treat the effects of black wigs are especially needed. menopause. Beast cancer also can pOlicfy On age~ ''When I read of Cheryl's project occur in men, but it is very rare - in my local newspaper, I thought of accoun tingfor less than one percent .••••• §~e ·••• J> · ag~ •····· i · s. (continued on page 4) 'R.f,naissance 'J{f,ws o/o{ 6, 'J{p. 2 Announcements... Events to note ... Background Papers ... February are available for $1 each plus $.25 postage for each pair ordered. Eight papers are available: 1-Myths & Misconcep­ 1st South Jersey Chapter meeting: Makeup tions About Crossdressing, 2-Reasons for Male to Female demo by Jafra Cosmetics Crossdressing, 3-PARTNERS: Spouses & Significant Others, 4-The Matter of Children, 5-An Annotated Bibliography, 6- 1st Lower Susquehanna Valley Chapter Telling the Children: A Transsexual's Point ofView, 7-What Is meeting: Tag sale Renaissance?, and 8-AIDS & HN Safety and Ethics. 15th Greater Philadelphia Chapter Pen Pal Project meeting: Ari Kane of the Outreach If you are willing to write letters to pen pals, please inform Institute Maryann Kirkland, or write to the main office, c/o Dept. PP. Prisoner Project March A gift of only $6 gives a trans-gendered inmate 12 issues of 7th South Jersey Chapter meeting: Dr. Reynolds on child abuse the Renaissance News. Please help provide this needed sup­ port to our sisters in prison. 7th Lower Susquehanna Valley Chapter The Transsexual Phenomenon meeting: Makeup demo by Mary Kay A few copies of the deluxe edition of this book by Dr. Harry Benjaminare still are available at $39.95 postpaid. 21st Greater Philadelphia Chapter meeting: Shelia Kirk, M.D., on Our chapters ... hormones Greater Philadelphia April Meets third Saturday of the month in King of Prussia, Pa. 4th South Jersey Chapter m eeting Fall/winter meetings start at 8:00 p.m. For information, call (215) 946-8887. Michelle Lynn, chapter leader. Write Renais­ 4th Lower Susquehanna Valley Chapter meeting sance PHL, Box 530, Bensalem, PA 19020-0530. 18th Greater Philadelphia Chapter Lower Susquehana Valley meeting Meets the first Saturday of the month at Cameron Cut Rate, Cameron and Market Streets, Harrisburg. Call (71 7) 780- May 1578 for latest information. Brenda Davidson, chapter leader. 9th Renaissance 5th anniversary gala! Write Renaissance LSV, Box 2122, Harrisburg, PA 17105. South Jersey 2\f,naissance 9\[g,ws Meets on the first Saturday of the month at the Atlantic © 1991 RENAISSN<CE Eooe>.TKJN Assoc1ATION, INC., P.O. Box 552 , KING Of PRusslA, PA 19406 Mental Health Center, Inc., 2002 Black Horse Pike, McKee, N.J. Doors open at 7:00 p.m. Call (609) 641-3782. Kara SENIOR EDITOR Foreward, chapter leader. Write Renaissance SJ, c/o P. 0. Box Paula Jordan Sinclair 189, Mays Landing, NJ 08330. CONTRIBUTING EDITOR JoAnn Roberts POETRY EDITOR Our affiliates... Gloria Lee Mundy Groups wishing to become a Renaissance affiliate must pay ADMINISTRATIVE ASSISTANTS a small annual fee for services normally afforded to chapters Beth and Rachel Marshall for free. Affiliates have no legal connection to Renaissance and remain autonomous. Services include unlimited access to $2/copy; $12/year (12 issues).No reproduction of reference publications and newsletter copy. original articles without the written permission of Write for details to Alison Laing, Director of Outreach, P. the editor. The NewsOueenand The Iconoclast are 0. Box 552, King of Prussia, PA 19406. trademarks of Renaissance. Our affiliated organizations are: Articles must be submitted for publication one • Monmouth/Ocean Group, P.O. Box 1326, Brick, NJ month in advance. Renaissance is a 501 (c)(3) non-profit organiza­ 08723 tion providing education and support to the gender • AEGIS, P.O. Box 33724, Decatur, GA 30033 (404) 939- community and the general public. 0240 2 'R,tnaissanct 7{J.ws 'J/o{ 6, 'J{p. 2 FDA asks voluntary ban on silicone gel breast implants The Food and Drug Administra­ committee of experts. Most told how tion from the FDA," said Dr. Don tion (FDA) last month asked sur­ breast implants had changed their LaRossa, a plastic and recon­ geons to stop using silicone gel breast lives for the better. Others told structive surgeon at the University implants for a period of six weeks horror stories about breasts hard­ of Pennsylvania Medical Center. "I while it investigates new informa­ ened with scar tissue, immune sys­ think it's unfortunate."Dr. Gordon tion about the long-term safety of tem disorders thought to be caused Schwartz, a surgeon at Thomas the devices. by leaking silicone, and breast can­ Jefferson University Hospital, said The voluntary ban was requested cer undiagnosed because of the the FDA was "pandering to politics" by FDA Commissioner Dr. David implants' interference with mam­ when it made its recommendation. Kessler and was made after an mography. Between 1 and 2 million persons agency advisory panel recom­ While surgeons are not required have received silicone gel breast mended that implants be allowed to to comply with the FDA recommen­ implants in the past 30 years. An r emain on the market while addi­ dation, it is unlikely that surgeons estimated 65 percent of those were tional research was conducted. will continue to use gel implants for breast augmentation. Kessler said he will reconvene the even though most believe the im­ While silicone gel implants are advisory panel by the end of this plants are safe. not now available, implants filled month. "I don't think any surgeon would with a saline solution are, even This past fall, hundreds of feel comfortable putting silicone though they are less popular with women testified before an FDA implants in with this recommenda- surgeons. Federal judge to hear transsexual in1n.ate's sex abuse case next 1n.onth A transsexual inmate in a Michi­ assaults she received at other pris­ she ran away from home to escape a gan prison may be vindicated next ons because of her feminine appear­ sexually abusive father and an alco­ month when a federal judge hears ance. She has been taking female holic mother. After a year, she was her sexual harassment suit charg­ hormones on and off since the age of laced on hormone therapy by a doc­ ing that a guard forced her into 16. tor in California in preparation for a performing oral sex.
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