Culture&Heritage Volume 3 | Number 3 | Summer 2017 News Update Trenton City Museum at Ellarslie CALENDAR OF EVENTS Celebrates 115 years of Cadwalader Check out the many things to see and do in Mercer Park ‒ An Olmsted Vision County. Pages 4-6 COUNTY EXECUTIVE A letter from Mercer County Executive Brian M. Hughes. Page 3 MERCER'S HISTORY Learn about local people and places. Page 7 OPPORTUNITIES For artists, historians, and related organizations. Page 6 important urban parks. By the Sunday Concert in Cadwalader Park, 1931. By Graham Holmes. time Olmsted began to design Cadwalader Park in 1890, he The Trenton City Museum at Ellarslie, argue for abolition of slavery in the south- had been planning parks in this along with the Cadwalader Park Alliance, ern United States. country’s leading cities for over 30 years. Cadwalader Park in are pleased to announce an exciting sum- By the time Olmsted began his work in Trenton is Olmsted’s last great mer exhibition highlighting Cadwalader landscape architecture, he had developed urban park. Park and its world-famous designer, Fred- a belief in community and understood the erick Law Olmsted. The exhibit will be on importance of public institutions. Olmst- Cadwalader Park is also notable both floors of the museum from July 8 ed believed that the public realm should as the only park in New Jersey through September 17 with various com- be a respite; a place to retreat from the personally designed by Freder- plementary events, lectures and tours. stress of urban life, and that public open ick Law Olmsted. While many Born in Hartford, Connecticut in 1822, space should be accessible to all people. other parks and spaces were de- Frederick Law Olmsted spent many years In 1857 he took the position of superin- signed by the Olmsted firm in experiencing various professions and tendent of Central Park in New York City the years following, Cadwalader touring the world seeking and absorbing and, along with architect Calvin Vaux, is the only one to be designed knowledge before homing in on landscape won the design competition for the park by Olmsted himself. Trenton is design as his life’s passion. He first studied the following year. He then spent the next fortunate to possess one of these surveying, engineering, chemistry and seven years as the primary administrator urban treasures which still pre- farming and toured Europe visiting nu- in charge of the construction of Central serves many of the landscape merous parks and private estates. He pub- Park. Olmsted’s success in park-making in and spatial qualities of the orig- lished books on his travels and used his NYC led to his renowned career designing inal plan. Cadwalader Park is literary activities to oppose slavery and to and creating some of our nation’s most Continued Page 3 The New Jersey State Museum Exhibits Embattled Emblems: Posters and Flags of the First World War One hundred years ago, in Jersey soldiers served – 1917, the United States en- the 29th “Blue and Gray” tered the First World War. Division and the 78th Once war was declared, “Lighting” Division. Also President Woodrow Wil- included are rare flags of son – the former governor the 111th Machine Gun of New Jersey – faced the Battalion and the First difficult task of transform- Ambulance Company of ing the American people Red Bank. into a pro-war populace As a center of cultural, willing to make supreme educational and scientif- sacrifices for the country. ic engagement, the New Replete with patriotic im- Jersey State Museum, a ages and rhetoric, posters division of the New Jer- used the power of illustra- sey Department of State, tion art to raise money for inspires innovation and the war effort and induce a lifelong learning through changing American mind- its collections, research, set towards war. exhibitions and programs Whereas posters formed a in science, history and art. chief source of propagan- The museum fosters state da on the home front, mil- pride, serves as a cultiva- itary flags served a similar tor of tomorrow’s leaders, purpose on the battlefront. and engages visitors of Once overseas, the Amer- all ages and diverse back- ican Expeditionary Force grounds in an exploration used the patriotic form of of New Jersey’s cultural the flag – a crucial military and natural history pre- tool for centuries – in order sented within a global to instill identity and pride context. in regiment, army, and Located at 205 West State country. The flag, there- Street in Trenton, the fore, constituted another museum is open Tuesday highly-visual, motivation- through Sunday from al device – a device that, 9 am to 4:45 pm; closed like printed posters, func- Over the Top for You,1918, Sidney H. Riesenberg (1885-1971) Mondays and all state hol- tioned to reinforce Amer- Offset Lithograph, Gift of Mrs. Ben Hagen. idays. The Museum has a ican commitment to the suggested admission fee cause of war. Most of the posters pro- also includes the posters of $5 for adults and $4 for moted the U. S. Treasury of two New Jersey-based These “embattled em- seniors and students with Department’s five Liber- artists, Charles Livingston blems” represent two large valid ID; children 12 and ty Loan campaigns that Bull of Oradell and Alonzo New Jersey artifact collec- under are free. Admis- raised millions of dollars Earl Foringer of Cliffside tions that will be exhibited sion fee revenue supports for the war effort. Other Park and Saddle River. for the first time in Embat- the museum’s collections, posters encouraged enlist- tled Emblems: Posters and The World War I flags in exhibitions and programs. ment in the armed forces, Flags of the First World the exhibition are owned volunteerism with the Red For more information War, opening September by the State Capitol Joint Cross, and conservation of about this exhibition 16, 2017 through August Management Commission food on the home front. please reach out to the Cu- 19, 2018 at the New Jersey in care of the New Jersey Many were designed by rator, Nicholas Ciotola, at State Museum. State Museum. Decorated famous artists and illustra- with streamers commem- the New Jersey State Muse- The exhibit features 40 tors of the day, including orating famous battles, the um, Nicholas.Ciotola@sos. visually-striking posters Howard Chandler Christy, flags reflect the military nj.gov / 609-826-3935 or vis- created by American art- Harrison Fisher, and Hen- history of two Army divi- it the museum website at ists in support of the war. ry Raleigh. The exhibition sions in which many New state.nj.us/state/museum. - 2 - An Olmsted Dear Friends, Vision (continued) Now that summer has arrived, I hope you take the opportunity to check out beloved by many of Trenton’s all that Mercer County has to offer during the coming months. From art residents who nostalgically exhibits to theater to outdoor concerts and so much more, this edition of the recall pony rides, picnics, con- Culture & Heritage newsletter is packed with events and activities from now certs and the balloon man, through September. and by many who come today to experience tennis matches, For example, you could visit the Trenton City Museum at Ellarslie, which is baseball games and family hosting an exciting summer exhibition highlighting Cadwalader Park and its outings, not to mention those world-famous designer, Frederick Law Olmsted; check out an exhibition of who flock to the various ex- New Jersey artifact collections from the First World War at the State Museum hibits offered at the Trenton in Trenton; or view the terrific artwork produced by our older adults at the City Museum. annual Mercer County Senior Art Show in East Windsor. And be sure to read about the Westland Mansion in Princeton, where President Grover Cleveland This summer, visitors can lived during his later years. view history exhibits on the second floor depicting the life I wish everyone a relaxing and safe summer, and hope that you enjoy explor- and works of Olmsted and ing our great County and its rich assortment of cultural offerings. the history of the park includ- ing: vintage and contempo- Sincerely, rary photos, park memora- bilia, concepts from the 2000 plan for the restoration of Cadwalader Park and much more. The first floor galleries Brian M. Hughes will show works of art, both County Executive contributed by contemporary artists and lent from private collections, specific to depict- ing the park in all its glory. A July 14 VIP opening lecture The Mercer County Senior The will feature E. Timothy Mar- shall, former Administrator Art Show is Scheduled for Princeton for Central Park. A public opening will be held on Sat- July 19 ‒ August 4 Garden urday, July 15, with a Sunday Statesmen afternoon brunch with Tren- The Mercer County Divi- submit one piece of art in ton favorite Barbara Trent. sion of Culture and Her- any of the following cate- to Hold 48th The exhibit will wind down itage along with the Of- gories: acrylic, craft, digital in September with a lecture fice on Aging are gearing imagery, drawing, mixed Annual Show by Glenn R. Modica, author up for the annual Mercer media, oil, pastel, photog- of "Cawalader Heights," the County Senior Art Show. raphy, print, sculpture, and If you love barbershop style history of an Olmsted neigh- The show, which is sched- watercolor. The registration or a cappella music then you borhood and, on September uled from July 19 through deadline is July 14. For more don't want to miss seeing 16, TMS will host a plein air August 4 at the Meadow information please contact the Princeton Garden States- painting event throughout Lakes Retirement Com- the Division of Culture & men perform their Annual the park and the adjacent munity in East Windsor, is Heritage at (609) 989-6899 Show, which is scheduled Cadwalader Heights neigh- open to all Mercer County or register online at mercer- for Sunday, September 10, borhood.
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