M — MANCHESTER HERALD. Monday. Jan. 26. 1987 MANCHESTER APARTMEIITS KIT 'N’ CARLYLE ®by Larry Wright CONNECTICUT iF O m W IT FURNITURE Manchnter-2nd floor, 2 RUSINESS & SERVICE DfRECTORY Board increases Court salvages History isn’t bedroom, hoot and op- W W1T6N’ I lx)H*T icHoW \NHBR0 Woodon high choir ■ cor Bar vte's 6AS/ to Find. He- pllancn. No peti. SSSO be lowered to choir one fund for hockey grand Jury work Plus security. Call 646- toble. Coll 6434452.D LBAVK> ATp WL o f on Giants’ side 3W9. CMIPENTItY/ mm PUIMBD fORHvTOPe, Wotercloud woterbed, CBUCARE a BEMOOaMe a ... page 3 ... page 4 ... page 14 Two bedroont townhouse m offrets ond heoter. Fits R - heat, hot woter, corpet- ony stondord queen size Happy riomas • “ R” clean Carpentry A Remodelino Ino, air conditioned, all Lorry's polntlne ond tex­ bed frame. $300.742-0536. homes. Protetslonol resi­ Services-Complele home tured ceUIngs. Free esti­ Ihiroom re appliances. Nice location. dential and commercial repairs and remodeUng. Coll 647-1S95. mates. Reasonable. stallcrtlon cleaning. Coll between 4 We specialize In ba­ 646-7D69. gorb(iM<fl$ TV/STEREO/ and 10 pm. 456-8317. throoms and kitchens. New 5 room duplex apart­ ropoln. ( ~ APPLIANCES Small scale commercial osterCofd < ment. 3 bedrooms, w ork . R egistered , In-' baths, fully appllanced. CLEANMO sured, references. 646- No pets. References and Refrigerotor - 2 door, 16 SERVICES 8165. security. S65D plus utili­ cubic□ feet. Monuol de­ J A L Slone Palnters- ties. 649^003. frost. $25.00. 643-2809.0 (Reducedt rotes-WInter House ^leaning - Custom furniture and ca­ seasen).Praiesslenal ex­ $35/weekly/bl-weeklv. binets; furniture and an­ New duplex - 2 bedroom, 1 perienced In all phases of TV 13 Inch Zenith - B/W, Coll 569-1708 leave tique repair, custom wood 1/2 bath, appliances In­ works well, good second pointing trade. Neot message. working. Coll The Woods- work, guronteetf on time. aurliPBlrrManchester — A City o( Village Charm Hrralh cluded, 1 month security, TV. $10. Coll 646-1617.0 mlth, 6434538. S6S0 monthly. Utilities not Residential or commer­ Hercules House cleaning cial. Manchester. 64M04I. Included. Peterm an Build­ Ponosonlc stereo - combl- service • thourough house ing and Realty, 449-9404 or [PANITNIS/ notlon AM/FM, turnta­ and/or office cleaning 643-1951 or 647-1340. ble, cassette, speakers. PAPERNIS Odd loba,TruckffW-Hkin9 Tuesday, Jan. 27,1987 done. Most lobs only $25. rtpolrv. You name H,wa WOT by MBA. Me. 30 Cents Excellent condition. $50. Coll today tor a tree Three room oportments- 646-5939 otter 4:30 pm.o do -It. Free aallmatii^ estimate at 649-3052. Name your own price —• Insured. 64349M. No appliances. No pets. Father and son. Fast, Security. C all 646-2426 ■fl? TOWN OP MANCHBSTBR [MACHINERY Office cleaning-weekly, dependable service. Dumot Electric— Having weekdays 9 to 5. Electrical Problems? Your local hondvmdnl LBOAL NOTICB and tools tree estimates. Call even­ Painting, Paperhanglng A Call John,at 643-4353 and Citizens J [ ings. 6434748. Removal. Call 872-8237. Naed a large or a small Tho Planning and Zoning Commission will hold o Public Manchester 1 bedroom Repair? W e Specialize in plgos# Igove message. News agency Hoorlno on Monday, February 2, 1907, of 7:00 P.M. In tho oportment-parklno cellar Sears 8 Inch table sow - In Residential Work. Joseph Hoorlno Room, Lincoln Confer, 494 Main Street, Monchee- Interlor/exterlor painting Hawket Tree Service- ter, CT to heor and consider the following pefltlone: storage, heat and hot very good condition. Belt - new construction com­ Dumas, Fully Licensed. want ban water, appliances. $510 driven, 1/2 HP motor, $55. A&R CiBanIng Free Estimates. 646-5253. Bucket Truck a ChIppW’. MANCHBSTBR LUMBBR, INC./KBM TYLBR. NBAL A. mercial, residential and Stump removal. Free esti­ monthly. Coll 649-2871. Coll 643-1680.O Office A building clean­ TYLBR, JR. • SPBCIAL BXCBPTION • 401 NBW STATB apartments. Spray paint­ mates. Special considers ROAD (M-04) Application under Articio II, Soctlen ing. Excellent local re­ ing, brush and roller, Electrical Contractor - lion for elderly and handi­ 16.15.02(0) to permit the operation of o lumborvord business wood staining, texture on site In excess of four (4) acres, requiring more than says Waite ferences. Free quote. capped. 647-7553. 0 on roads HOMES jOFRCE/RETAIL celling spraying, water Replace that old fuse elxfy (60) porklng spoces and outside storage on land known 742-5633. panel, upgrade to a new at 401 Now Stoto Rood. FOR BENT [equipment proofing. Quality depen­ Typing done In m y home. dable on time work, li­ circuit breaker panel. SAMMARTINO, BUORNB - ZONB CHANOB • 2$ DALB By John F. Kirch A Quick and reosonobla,. censed and Insured. Call B Dryer, outlets, swlmmlnp BOAO AND 712/904 MIOOLB TUBNPIKB BAST (S-7» To Herald Reporter Olivetti electric typewri­ pools, wired, rec rooms. Editing services alto change the zoning classification from Rural Rosldenco and Manchester-3 bedroom A D Associates at 871-7D13. ter - good condltlon.$35. BOOKKEEPHIS/ Fixtures Installed, diso available. Call 647-1924 of­ Retldonce A A to oil Residence A A for porcolt of land consist­ house oft Main Street. No ing of approximately 70.6 acres and known os 23 Dole Rood under arrest A citizens’ group is calling on the Coll 646-6281. fer 5pm. utilities, references, se­ INCOME TAX commercial wiring done. and 782/904 Middle Turnpike East. Your assurance of quick 20 years experience li­ town to ban development on roads curity. $750 month. 646- At this hearing Interested persons may bo heard and wrltton 7336. response when you adver­ censed and fully Insured. Snow Plowlng-drlvowayt, overburdened by traffic. [RECREATIONAL $10, and up. 6494446. communications recelvtd. Copies of these petltlene hove tise In Classified Is that Free estimotes. 646-8396. been filed In the Town Clerk's office and may bo Inspoctod Spokesmen for the Progressive The suggestion is among several __ [equipment TAX ATTORNEY our readers are ready to By Rodelna Kenaan during normal office hours. Socialist Party, a Druse militia that made in a letter written by Town le m O R E A N O (Rtllrad IRS) buy when they turn to the Looking for a good used When you coll Closaltled PLANNING AND ZONING COMMISSION The Associated Press Residents And Friends For Infras- will prapar* all Tax Raturna. little ods. 643-2711. mobile home? Be sure to to place an od, a friendly LEO KWASH, SECRETARY has been in charge of guarding ’ olOFFICE SPACE Men's Micron hockey Waite, refused to comment on the tructure Control, or TRAFFIC. The N skates - size 8 1/2, pull out look In the Classified co­ Ad-Visor will answer your Doted In Manchester, CT this 26th day of Jonuory, 1907. BEIRUT, Lebanon — Police said letter was sent to Town Manager WHITMAN report. Inserts. Excellent condi­ Use 0 low-cost ad In lumns ... that's where the coll and help you word 041-01 gunmen kidnapped a Saudi Arabian Robert B. Weiss, Planning and Main Street - Watkins 105 Downey Drive., Apt. A Classified for quick re­ In London, the Anglican Cliurch tion. $35.00. Call 646-1565.0 best buys ore advertised I your od tor best response. today, bringing to 11 the number of Zoning Commission Chairman center. Professional of­ Manchester, 528-1591 sults. 643-2711. 643-2711. 643-2711. ^ said it was making “ urgent inquir­ foreigners reported abducted in Alfred W. Sieffert Sr., Public Works fice space, 2 offices and Ski boots - Italian, size 10 NOTICE ies” about Waite’s whereabouts. reception oreo. New, PUBLIC HBABINO two weeks. A news agency said Director (George A. Kandra and or 11. Excellent condition. The British Foreign Office said it Ideal location and park­ BOABD OP DIBBCTOBS hostage negotiator Terry Waite Police Chief Robert D. Lannan. $65.00. Call 872-4912 otter 6 TOWN OP MANCHBSTBB, CONNECTICUT was “ in contact with Terry Waite's ing. Call 647-1662, Bob was detained by the terrorists with The letter, which was also sent to pm.o bodyguards seeking clarification of Vonderkall. LBOAL NOTICB Notice It hereby given that the Board of Dlrtcfort, Town of whom he was meeting. local newspapers, called for a MISCELLANEOUS GARS LIGAL NOTICB this report.” G olf Clubs - set of McGreo- TOWN OF ANDOVBII TOWN OP ANDOVBR Manchester, Connnecticut, will hold a Public Hearing of hit . Waite, a lay envoy for the townwide traffic study to identify FOR SALE FOR SALE PINAL ACTION OP THB Lincoln Center Haorlna Room, 494 Main Stroof, Monchaeter, Archbishop of Canterbpry Robert gor Jock NIcktaus Irons, ADOPTION OF Anglican (3iurch, has not been seen the local streets overburdened by MISCELLANEOUS SUBDIVISION PLANNING a ZONING Connecticut, on Tuesday, February 3, 1907 of 0:00 P.M. to Runcie, in his first public comment 3-motched woods, covers, COMMISSION consider and act on tho following: in public since Jan. 20, when he set traffic. It identified several streets FOB BENT Rug, oriental, 9 x 12. It's RBOULATIONS BY THB pro bag with umbrella. PLANNING a ZONING Proposed appropriation to Education out from his hotel in Moslem west since Waite embarked on this where a development moratorium $99.00. 649-1794.0 old but In fair condition. At o moetlng of Iho Planning COMMISSION a Zoning Commission held Special Prolects - Fund 41 - for o Transi­ Beirut for a meeting with the mission, said he was “ greatly should be imposed, including Oak­ $50. Coll 742-7485.0 tion Program tor Refugto Children.................... ' S3,200.00 concerned” about his envoy's Garage for rent-$30 per At o meatlno of tha Plonnlno on January 12,1987, the Plan­ kidnappers of two Americans.
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