R.N.D. Royal Naval Division

R.N.D. Royal Naval Division

Photograph Front Cover shows musketry practice from trenches at El Kantara, Egypt in April 1915. Top left:- Nelson Battalion entraining at Port Said en route to El Kantara, Suez Canal. Middle left :- Nelson Battalion crossing Suez Canal on route to EI Kantara. Botton left:- Nelson Battalion drawing water at El Kantara. Water was brought from Port Said by lighter & pumped into tanks. These photographs from the J. F. Nicol collection at The Liddle Collection, Leeds University. Note:- In the history 'The Royal Naval Division by Douglas Jerrold one finds:- On 1•t April, orders were received by General Paris to send a detachment to take over a section of trenches at Kantara on the Suez Canal defences, and a composite forceconsisting of two half-battalions from each of the 1 •t and 2°d Naval Brigades (Drake, Nelson, Howe and Anson Battalions), under General Mercer, left forKantara by rail at 7 a.m. th On the 7 the attack by Turkish troops proved to be nothing more than a reconnaissance by a mounted patrol, some sixty strong, which was beaten offwithout loss, the enemy not venturing within effectiverange. ROYAL NAVAL DIVISION R.N.D. INDEX NUMBER 3. ISSUES 17 to 24 incl. Page Numbers. Issue Number 17 :­ 1570 --- 1679. Issue Number 18 :­ 1680 --- 1795. Issue Number 19 :­ 1796 --- 1905. Issue Number 20 :­ 1906 --- 2015. Issue Number 21 :­ 2016 --- 2124. Issue Number 22 :­ 2125 --- 2230. Issue Number 23 :­ 2231 --- 2345. Issue Number 24 :- 2346 --- 2443. Copyright© Leonard Sellers. 2004. ISSN. 1368-499X A. Abbeville. 1991.1992.1994.1995. Aberdeenshire. 1776. Achi Baba. 1576.l 700. 1706.1709.1733.2050.2052.2054.2059.21 l l.2329.2334.2362.2371 .2379. 2380. Adam. Surgeon. Field Ambulance. 2271. st Adams. Surgeon.l 1590. Adana (Prisoner of War) Cemetery. 1786. Adelaide Trench. 1899. Adjutant General. 2426. Adjutant. (Responsibility) 1582. Adler Fann. 2154. Adler Farm Road. 2153. Admiral of the Fleet. 1586. Admiralty. 1672.1683.2353.2420. Advanced Bearer Posts. 1641. Aegean. 1699.1706.2059. Aeroplane. 2253. Agamemnon HM5;. 1605. 2050. Ages. 1778. Ainsworth. 2061. Albatross Farm. 2156. 2165.2169.2175. Albert. 1832. Aldershot. Aldridge. Lieut. R.M. 1752. Aldridge. Lieut. 1852. Alexandria. 1612.1614.1615.1767.1852.l966.2031-2103.2286.2327.2335.2359.2361.2362. Allen. Surgeon. 2°d Field Ambulance. 2271. Allen. J. Able Seaman. Hood Bn. 2110. Allen. John. Rowe Bn. 2330. 2334.2335.2339. Alnwick Castle. S.S. 2050. Amalfi. 1698. Ambulance. 2°d Field. 1603. Ammunition Mark VI. 1909.2026.2032.2033. Ammunition Supplies. 2004. Ancre. (Battle of.) 1580. l 785.1786.1789. Ancre British Cemetery. 1778. Ancre. (River) 1580. 1832.1998.2337.2402.2403. Ancre Trench. 2003.2007. Ancre Valley. 2393. Anderson. Surgeon. 3rd Field Ambulance. 2271. Anderson. Theodore. Able Seaman. Hawke Bn. 1788. Andrews. Anson Bn. 2262. Andrews. Captain. R.M.L.L Plymouth Bn. 2285. Andrews. F. X. Lieutenant. StaffCaptain. 189fu I. B. 2171. Andrews. Lieutenant Commander. 1831. 1832. Anneux. 1646.1652.1655.1657. l 712. Anneux Spur. 1652.1655. Annlux. 1646. Anscania SS. 233 5. Anson Battalion. 1581.1652.1660.1662.1663.1666.1673.1699.1717.1719.1721. l 723. l 724.1751. l 782. l 785. l 787. l 789.1803.1811.1812.1855.1857.1965.1976.1978.1979.2056.2075.2080. 2087.2151.2152.2161.2162.2163. 2165.2251.2254.2255.2307.2337.2338.2400. Anson Battalion. 2°d. 1817. Antwerp. 1631.1773. 1810.2020. Antwerp Articles :- Court ofInquiry into the Circumstances ofInternment. 2420/2435. Examination ofCommander S.W. Beadle of Hawke Bn. 1630/1633. Examination ofCommander Victor Lindsey Arbuthnot Campbell of Drake Bn. 1834/1843. Examination of Colonel C. McParsons, Commanding Officer Chatham Bn. 2037/2039. Examination ofMajor G. S. Richardson. Staff. 1958/1963. Gordon. AA -Report oflast days at request of Churchill. 2346/2353. Meyer Reginald Godfrey. Experiences. 2313/2324. Ostend, Dunkirk, Cassell & Antwerp. By Sgt. Meatyard. Plymouth Bn. 1682/1689. Reid. W. Able Seaman. The Diary of a prisoner of war. Antwerp & Doberitz. 1932/1941. Anzac. 1577.1578. l 601. l 605.1612.1614.1626.1627.1700.1702. l 784.2051.2277.2288/2292. Appennines. 1698. Apthorp. Sub Lieutenant. Hood Bn. 1978.1988.1993. Aquitania. 1576.1764. Arabian Bazaar. 1614. Aragon. HM T. 1986. 2103. Arbre 2156. Argyll & Sutherland Highlanders. 2304. Ari Bumu Cemetery. 1702. Ark Royal. HMS. 1984. Armoured Cars. 1807.1919. Armoured Train. 1684. Armstrong. Hood Bn. 1986. Army. 1st. 1712. Army. 3rd_ 1726. Arragon HMS. 1766. Arras Memorial. 1778. Artillery. 1910. 1916. 2005.2079.2155. Artillery- Arrangements forR.N.D. 2018. Artillery Alley. 1999. 2407. Artillery barrage. 1668. Artillery 63rd Div. 1721.2255. Artists Rifles 1 st. 1651.1661.1662.1663.1666.l 719.l 724.1922.1928.1995.2075.2084.2087.2166. 2168.2169. Artists Rifles :- Paschendaele - Experiences of Private McLelland Burrage. 2187 - 2205. Ascanius SS. 2355.2362. Asia Minor. 1701. Asiatic Annie. 1577. 1700.2057.2059.2069.2365.2366.2369.2375. Asquith. Arthur. Hood Bn. 1583. 1584.1591.1594.1595.1597.1598.1599.1600.1601.1602. 1603.1735.1749.1750.1753.1754.l 756.1761.1763.l 764.1766.1768. 1849. 1850. 1852. 1853.1854.1855.1858.1985.1990.1991.1992.1994.1996.1997.2035.2112.2114.2165.217 1.2207.2215. 2365. Asquith. (PrimeMinister) 1586.2021. Aston. Sir George. General. 1809. 1811.1919 .1920. Asturiar SS. 2336. Athos. Mountain. 1856. 1866. Atlas Mountains. 1696. Attlee. The Rev. 1979.1980. Aubin. Lieutenant. 2040. Auchvillers. 2401. 2402. Auld. George. Nelson Bn. 1616.1625. Australian 4tli Brigade. 1701. Australian Light Horse. 2291. Australians. 1966. 2285.2361.2375. Avelin. Major. 2357. Aveluy Road. 1832. Aveluy Wood- Report of Operations. March 1918. 1922/1929. 2337. Avenue de Constantinople. 1758. Aviation Ground. 1630. Avonmouth. 1612.2030.2031.2275.2327. Awoingt. 1660.1661.1665.l 718.l 722. Ayrshire. S.S. 2044.2048.2051. Azmak Cemetery. 1702. B. BabyRackham. 1576. Badge. (Cap). Anson. Battalion. Front Cover issue 18. Nelson. Battalion. Front Cover issue 17. Backhouse. Commodore. 1817.1835. Backhouse Post. l 705. l 784.2296.2297.2299.2300.2302.2306. Baghdad (North Gate) Cemetery. 1786. Bailey. Sub Lieut. Hood Bn. 1977.1979.1993.1995.1997. Bailleul Road. 2253. Bailleu! Road East Cemetery. 1788. Baird. Sub Lieut. 1762.1767. 1852. 1854.1855.1857.1860.1978.1980.1985.1994. Balance. Surgeon. Anson Bn. 2270. Baldwin. Hood Bn. 1594. Balfour. Captain. Div Train. 1986. Bamber. J. B. Ply Div. 2131. Band. (Hood) 1673. BantfHouse. 2161.2163.2164.2166.2167.2171.2176. Bangor. Lord. 1993. Bapaume. 1651.1657.1662. l 789. Bapaume Road. 1653. Barclay. Arthur. Nelson Bn. 1616.1624. Bare. A. R. Captain. StaffCaptain. 2005. nd Barfield. Sergt. Major. 2 Field Ambulance. 2271. Barker. H. W. Major. Nelson Bn. 2171. Barley Curle & Co. 1885. Barlow. Lieut. 1981. nd Barlow. Lieut. Col. 2 Reserve Bn. 1591. Barnes. Sgt.Major. lst Field Ambulance. 2271. Barnett.Captain. 2005. 111 Barnett.R. W. Captain. Brigade Major 189 • I.B. 2171. Barrages & J;�orming up Positions (Lessons Learned). 2180. Barricade No 6. 1590. Barrow-Green. Sub Lieut. Hood Bn. 1597.1756.2110. Barry. Brodie. Leading Seaman. Nelson Bn. 1616.1623. Barwick. Hood Bn. 1594. Basilica (Court of Justice) 1698. Battersby. Sub Lieut. 1767.1768. 1854.1855.1856. l 858. Battery Lane. 2084. 2086. 2088. Bavincourt. 1667. 2401. Bay of Biscay. 2046. Bazentin Le Grand. 1831. Bazentin-le-Petit Wood. 1829.1831. Beach 'A' Suvla 2279. Beach 'B' Suvla 2279. Beach 'C' Suvla 2279. Beach Cemetery. 1626. Beadle. S. W. Examination of C.O. Hawke Bn. at Antwerp. 1630/1633. 1810. 1812. Beak. Mark. Commander. Victoria Cross. D.S.O. Drake Bn. 1578. 1735.1789. Beaucourt Mill. 2402. Beaucourt-Miraumont Road. 1998. Beaucourt Salient. 2406. Beaucourt Station. 2402.2404. Beaucourt Switch Trench. 2407.2408. Beaucourt Trench. 2403.2408. Beaucourt. (Village) 1581. l 582.1583.1733.1785. l 786.1788.2402.2404.2406.2407.2412.2415. Beaumont Hamel. 1785. Bedford 4thRegiment.1651.1661.1662.1666.1719. l 724.1922.1925.1927.1928.1928.2075. 2084.2087.2166. 2 l 68.2191.2196.2235.2237.224 l .2248.2249.2255.2258.2403. Beetles. (Boat) 2279. Begbie Lamp. 1682. Beith. Major. 2038.2039. Belgian Distress Fund. 1675. Belgian Artillery. 1688. Belgian Refugees. 1815. Bell. A. Nelson Bn. 1616.1621. Bell. G. W. Ply Div. 2131. Bell. Ply Div. 2131. Bellevue. 2162. Benbow Bn. 1633.1772.1774.1780.1782.1803. 1810. 1812.1835.1894.1955.2295.2316. Bendyshe. R.N. Colonel. R.M.L.I. 2290. Bennett. Sub Lieut. 1975. Bentham. Sub Lieut. Rood Bn. 1767. 1855.1856.1860.1863.1979.1980. l 987.1993.1994. Beresford. Admiral. 1803. Berks Houses. 2154. 2165. Berrisford.Charles. Lord. 1586. 1942. Berry.E. Ply Div. 2131. Bett. Lieutenant. Anson Bn. 1849.1975.1979. Betteshanger Church. 1902. Betteshanger Park. 1811.2314. Beurre Mill. 1720. Beveren Waes. 1630. 1838. 1842. 1843. 1845.1960.2038.2350.235 l .2423.2423 .2425.2429. Bewes. H. E. Major. R.M.L.I. Plymouth Bn. 2285. Bicycle. 1754. Bien-Hoa. French Transport. 2047. Biggs. H. B. Sub Lieut. Hawke Bn. 1899. Bighi Hospital. 1874. Binns. Lieutenant. 1867. Birdwood. (Anzac Commander) 1578. Biding. Anson Bn. 2264. Biscay. Bay of. 1871. Bishop ofLemnos. 1856. Blakely. Hood Bn. 1599. Blacklock. C. A. Major-General. 1712.1726. Blackwell. Surgeon. 1986.2273. BlandfordCamp. 1573. 1575.1591.1612. 1814.1893.1964.2030.2032.2034.2269.2327.2355. Blandford Camp :- Notes from the County Chronicle and Somerset Gazette. 1669/1676. Blandford St. Mary. 1669. Blankenburghe. 1689. 1836. 1845. Bligh. ErnestGordon. Nelson Bn. 1616.1619. Blisters. 1584. Blizzard. 2109. Bloor. Hood Bn. 1749.1751.1753.1755.1764.1770. Bois-de-Hollande. 2002. Bois-de-Noulette British Cemetery. 1785. Bolus. Sub Lieutenant. Hood Bn. 1984.1987. Booby traps. 1579. Bomb Factory. 2110. Bomb School. 1604 Bordeaux. 1815. Bouehet. 1685. Boughen. 2040. Boulogne.

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