X. UNPUBLISHED TOKENS OF THE CHURCH OF SCOTLAND. BY B. KERB, M.A., F.S.A.Scot., . CURATOR . J COINSF D O R AN , LOCKIE, F.S.A.SCOT. To all interested in communion tokens the publication, in the Society's . BrookProceedingsS . J . , A r 1906-07 e latr fo e papeth M e th y f b ro , F.S.A.Scot. n "Communioo , n Token e Establisheth f o s d Churc f Scotho - land: Sixteenth, Seventeenth and Eighteenth Centuries," was an event of outstanding importance. Althoug r BrooM h k made onl e modesyth t claim thas papehi t r migh e sai b o contaitt d a fairl" n y representative collection of descriptions and drawings of the tokens of the period dealt with," his list, including, as it did, over 1400 tokens, was so comprehensive t oncthaa t i et becam e standareth d wor f referenck o e subjecth n f o eo t the earlier tokens of the Church of Scotland, and such it has remained ever since. Durin e perioth g f oveo d r thirty years sinc e publicatioeth r M f o n Brook's paper, however, many additional tokens of the Church and period concerned have bee ns seeme therefore, notedha us usefu a t I o e dt b . lo t , object to compile as extensive a list of such tokens as possible, and to illustrat t fullyei , wit supplemena s publicatios hviea it a we o t us d t nan to Mr Brook's original catalogue. We, of course, do not claim to have achieved completeness. We recognise that many tokens of the period concerned must have disappeared entirely; many must have escaped UNPUBLISHED TOKENE CHURCTH F F SCOTLANDO SHO 5 14 . onle ouwelo ar yrto e lnotice w awar d an e; that many others exist which we hav t beeeno n abl identifyo et Brook'r M . s remar e effecth o tkt that possible b w t i woulno e Ot to no dcompil e subjecpapey th an en o rt that coul describee db complets da stile b le o t valid seems u .o st The lines laid down in Mr Brook's paper have been followed in ours, tokene th s being describe e samth en do system , their measurements being similarly give sixteenthn ni e sam th inchn a ed f artistian so , c conventions being observed in the drawings. We have, however, thought it helpful to make a slight departure from Mr Brook's model by adding at the end of each description the name of the collection in which the particular specimen concerne wore foundth s whicf n kbees i do wa r ha no ,t h i described . The fact that onl collectioe yon mentiones ni eacn di h cas nots ei coursef ,o , intende o suggesdt t thae toketh t n describe s uniquei d factn i ; , many foune b severan o di t tokene r lise oth ar ftou l n collectionssi . It was inevitable that in a pioneer work like Mr Brook's there should be a number of errors. Doubtless many of these would have been corrected by the author himself, had it not been for his unexpected death before his final revision of the proofs of his paper. In some cases, descriptions and drawings were made from imperfect specimens. In other cases, trade token r tokenso f Secessioo s n Churches were mistake thosr nfo parisf eo h churches. There were also a few purely clerical or typographical errors. As a preliminary to our supplement we have noted such mistakes in the form of a list of corrections of Mr Brook's paper. We have also been able to identify some of the tokens of disputed attribution, the drawings Brook'r oM f f whico sd workhen thes appead e an ,th e t a ridentification s are appended to the list of corrections. Where definite evidence as to origin is not provided by the inscriptions on tokens, or by the preservation of specimens at the church where they were used usualls i t i , y difficult ofted an , n impossible positive b o t , e about the correctness of their attribution to particular localities. Whenever possible have w , e checke verified dan d attributions relo t hav e yd w eha t bu , to a great extent on traditional information, unsubstantiated by actual proofs. When attributions have seemed to us unreasonable, or have given ris o irreconcilablt e e difference f opinioo s n amongst collectorse w , have though t besi t describo t specimene eth s concerne "unidentified.s da " Description d drawingan s a comparativel f o s y small numbe f suco r h tokens, as well as of others of whose origin all trace has been lost, have been r catalogueou f o wile d W l .en includewelcom e th informatioy t da ean n identificatioe whic leath y o dht ma thesf no e doubtful specimens. The note communion o s n tokene Establisheth f o s d Church compiled late th e y Revb r ThomaD . s Burns have bee f considerablno e valus u o et in our work. Dr Burns's notebooks, which accompanied the collection of Churce tokenth o t Scotlandf hso m givehi y those n b kee a ,ar f eo n collector 0 1 VOL. LXXV. 146 - PROCEEDINGS OF THE SOCIETY, 1940-41. who made the fullest use of his unique opportunities. They contain numerous sketche f tokenso s , whic t onlhno y have enable confiro t s du m identifications in cases of doubt, but also form records of the existence of tokens of which we have not been able t to find actual examples in any of the collections to which we have had access. Although Dr Burns's sketches are hastily executed, are not to scale, and are not suitable for reproduction informatioe th , n which they conve valuablo ys seems u o et s that we have included in our catalogue brief descriptions of them wherever e tokenth s concerne e otherwisar d e unknow . Measurementus o t n - un s fortunately cannot be given in these cases, as Dr Burns did not record them. fea wn I other cases, where actual specimens hav t beeeno n forthcoming, w eo rel t descriptionsn hav o yd ha e e majoritth , f whico y h have been published in various articles on communion tokens. Some of the items in our catalogue have thus been extracted from such lists of tokens as those compile e Rev r th Davi D .y db d Paul e Revth , . WhitelawHA . , and Mr James Anderson. Reference is made in each of these cases to the original description d wher an ,n authoa e s provideha r n illustratioa d n as weldescriptioa s a l face nduls th i t y noted. e cas th f somo e n I e tokens, there exist numerous varieties, differing from each other only in minute details. As the enumeration of such varietie tediouss si id s an unlikel,t extrem welcomee bu b y o yt an e y db specialists, we have thought it best to follow Mr Brook in disregarding them, and to publish only such marked varieties as may be immediately recognised even by the inexpert as distinct types. We a.re indebted to many museum curators, collectors, ministers, and others advicr fo ,assistanc d ean preparatioe th n ei thif no se paperth n I . e privileg r worcoursth hav e ou d kw f ef examininha o e o g nearle th l yal collection f communioo s n f tokenborrowino d san , knowgus suco t n h tokens as we wished to have drawn. For their courtesy and helpfulness in this connection we wish specially to thank the Directors of the National Museum of Antiquities, the Royal Scottish Museum, the Glasgow Art Galleries and Museums e Pertth d h t an GalleryMuseu, Ar e d th man ; Librarians of the Church of Scotland, the University of St Andrews, the Dundee Public Librarie Museumsd Dicse an th kd Institutean , , Kilmarnock; the Keeper of the Anthropological Museum, Marischal College, Aberdeen; Tom Brown, Esq., Selkirk r Nei Si . J K;l . Cochran-Patrick, K.B.E., F.S.A.Scot., Beith; the Rev. J. Hutchison Cockburn, D.D., F.S.A.Scot., Dunblane Cathedral; Alfred W. Cox, Esq., F.S.A.Scot., Glendoick; the Rev. John A. Lamb, B.D., F.S.A.Scot., Manse of Manor; Archibald McLean, Esq., F.S.A.Scot., Bridge of Allan; Alexander Slimon, Esq., F.S.A.Scot., KirkintUloch . TaylorReve R th . A .d ,an ;M.A. , Aberdeen. The drawings were very carefully made by Mr A. J. Lothian, Technical Assistant in the Art Department, The Royal Scottish Museum. UNPUBLISHED TOKENE CHURCTH F F SCOTLANDO SHO 7 14 . REFERENCES. The abbreviated references given in the lists below may be expanded as follows:— Aberdeen . Anthropological Museum, Marischal College, Universitf o y Aberdeen. (Lumsden Coll.) Anderson . Communion TokensEstablishedthe of Church Northernin Counties of Scotland. By James Anderson, 1906. Brown Collection of Tom Brown, Esq., Selkirk. Burns Notebook late th e f Revso . Thos. Burns, D.D. C. of S. Churc f Scotlano h d Library, Tolbooth Church, Edinburgh. (Burns and Col. Campbell Colls.) Cochran-Patrick Collection of Lady Cochran-Patrick, Beith. Cox . Collection of Alfred W. Cox, Esq., Glendoick. Dick Scottish Communion Tokens other than Established thosethe of Church. By the Rev. Robert Dick, 1902.
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