"^ ',./ ^- Vol. 16, No. 107 California State University, Northridge Thursday, May 25, 1972 Trustees ok Northridge By Tom Read , ridge" to.the trustees, waspleas- iiig Tuesday liecause "the great , STAFF WRITFR ed with the board's inove. "I'm, • majority ,of the feedback I heard The formalitie.S are j)Vor--al- elated. I liope that"those seg- from students was in faver of iiiost. iiients of th(> community and the 'Northridge " San !• ernando Valley State Col­ c.impus who opposed this action .•\rguments in favor ofthe name lege has become California State will understand that we are nut California State University, UniA'ersi.ty, Northridge, subject ..trying to disassociate the. San Northridge are that it provides ,to the automaticrapproval actiuii I'ernando VaUey from the schotil. a specific location for persons trying to locate the school, it of the Coordinating Cimncil for "We are.very proud of beingin Higtier i:ducation at its May 30 avoids confusion with Los An-i the San Fernando VaUey," said geles Valley College and the " meeting, ClOary, adding that school cata­ A unanimous vote Wediiesday city*of San Fernando, will help logs, brochures and letterheads- improve the relations between the of the, California State Univer­ will carry the words "San Fer­ sity and Colleges Board of TruS-- —students and the community the nando Valley" along with the new title is shorter and more con­ tees insured the, ,-adoption ot name. ^..^ . •'.Northridge" fur the school's cise and it provides continuity new name, Associated Students President with branches of the University CSUN Pie.siili'ntJaTire's^leary, Dave Wilk said he spoke in favor of California (Davis, Irvin'e, Ri­ who proposed the name "North- of "CSUN" at the trustees meet- verside; Los .Angeles, San Diego and Berkeley). ,\ccording to Wilk, the only campus element whichdidii't sup­ Prop. 9 'debate' fizzles port "CSUN" was the Chicano A small'c<'owd gatlijned Wed­ ot California; ban the use of lead community. "I got a few letters nesday ill the Open I'orum to hear gasoline by 19"6rf)lace a morE^- from them, arguing that -San Fer­ 'a brief, one-sided debate on the toriuni on nuclear power plants; nando Valley' should be kept in clean environment act. (proposi­ take polluters off environment the name because it is more a tion 9). l)oards and give the citizen the part of the areas cultural heri­ Dr, George Berkstraes.ser, right to get a class action in­ tage." .. professor of chemical engineer­ junction against polluters if the Everto Ruiz, who teaches ing at USC and i'red Baumber­ .igi'iicies don't enforce the law. "Field work in Barrio Studies" and "The Chicano and the Arts," ger, information officer of tlie We have made it physically anc oppo.sed using "Northridge" for State Air Hesour'-'"-- !<o;ir'l .vtio • • iioi:.ii-ali> inipossiMe for big ttie new name, "When people oppose proposition ,1. lailed lo liu^ino.ss to pollute: we have eli- thought of San Fernando Valley show up, uiin.itiMl many ofthe loopholes," State College, they associated I'roposition 9 will be thi' iiii),st Mrs Koii|,|( claimed it with the whole Valley, not just iiuportai.t bill-t^jiil'.; :;;,-irs ••'.I'.l. lu 111 • 1 o. rk marketing ad- a small middle-class White com­ vote on this \ear. .icciTding to tiiiiiistritoi and <;lnirman i)f the munity," he said. ' Joyce Kouple, one of the diri'c- I'Ooloj;-. action coiiun^ttee al HC.-\ However. Rui^: and most Chi­ tors of the People's Lobby, Mrs 111 Vjli .Nuys. presented an lu- canos on campus didn't make a Kouple. citing the concern of big tellectuali/,ed study of the pro­ concerted effort to keep the schoo business, claimed tlie big oil blem Cook said many people name "San Fernando," "There interest wrote parts of ttie pro­ cialm the art is too restrictive are more important issues that position to silence their critics. and expensive It will result in 1 want to be involved in." he said, They never expected their pro- the loss of jol)s. Write-on pcsals to become law, according refering to such direct problems After their brief discussion. to Chicanos as maintaining the Students composed telegrams to Congressmen opposing the., to .Mrs. kouple.' Mrs. Kouple said proposition9 , Mrs Kouple and Mr Coijk, ans­ l-:ducational Opportunities Pro­ war Wednesday after,: a Vietnam 'Veterans sponsored anti­ will: ban off shore oil driliingj, wered _ .luestions from the au­ gram .and the Chicano c'ommu- war march to Western Union.Daily Sundial photo by Bob Chomberlin along the entire Pacific coast dience nitv Center, Toy chest This boat received the most original entry award during the mm i-regatta held Wednes­ day in the reflection pond, The coritest was sponsored by the sailing club. Daily Sundial plioto by Tom Kurmqn ^age 2 Wliey State Daily Sundial Ufay If,'i97'2 FCC 1st PHONE Fail opening tentative for MONEY BACK GUARANTEE!! new Day Care Center Six week summer classes begin June 19th and "Parents would be wise to The controversy over osta- of existing bliildilig.s. It al-so re- ; July 31st.'Tuition - $370. views annually the total campu.s enroll their children in other cen­ blishment of a day caro renter at ters in case of technical difficul­ Cal State Northridgo lias appa­ space as compared to the num­ NATIONAL INSTITUTE OF COMMUNICATIONS ties which could prevent the cen- rently ended.. ber of students unrolled at the col­ 11516 Oxnard St., North Hollywood 91606 ter from opening in the fall," "After a year of frustration the lege. continued Conran. 980-5212 Day Care Center wi'll no longer ~ The fee increase pas.sed bythe Applications for the centerwill be'a conversation piece but a r(>al- students in April will not take ef­ be available in late August on a ity in the fall of '72," according fect until the fall semester of'72. to Jim Conran, a member of the Th^ 50? increa.se in student feres'-"-ftrat-eome^ first served basis. day care committee. will total to $10. At pre:sent the day Parents should pick up the forms The committee is presently care committee is looking into in the Associated Students Of­ Free Free Loan looking at houses near the college federal money to get the center fice, buiWlng A-5. in hopes of finding a permanent open. ' • "At this time I would like to Towing location for the center. Richard The committee does have some thank Susan Hospodar for all her Cars hard work and diligence with COMPLETE VOLTSWAGEN CAR SERVICE Purcell, chairman of the space money and will hire a director board, is also aiding the com­ for the center iii early July. The writing the day care proposals" FACTORY TRAINED JVIECHANICS AND.THE BEST PARTS AVAILABLE mittee in. locating a house for the committee is looking for some­ continued Conran. "She repre­ ALLOW US TO WARRANTY OUR WORK 6,000 MILES AND STILL KEEP center. ^ •\ one with a professional back- sents the finest qualities found in PRICES 20% TO 100% BELOW OTHER DEALERS The space board receives re­ groiin'd in the area of child women today at Valley State Col- A-l VW t%^ M i^A-vf 7957 Van Nuys Blvd. quests for space and'remodeling development,. lego." SERVICE 894-7075 (Across from G.M. Plant) AHD BRIEFLY PREPARATION FOR SUMMER LSAT Students to select new A.S. name A special meeting of the As­ Orchestra, conducted by associa­ "Symphony No. 19," by Mias- .sociated Students w,ill be held at te, professor of music David Whit­ kovsky. Other works are'"So- GR^ ATGSB 5 p.m. tonight jnSierra Hall South well, will present the final con­ noro and Brioso" by Philip Browne NOW ENROLLING . ;245 to discuss the new corpora­ cert of the semester at 8:30 and "For, AU the Wild Things" tion name for the.A S ',.by Richard Toensing, arid a con­ • Prppar^jtion tor tpsts requires tor adnrssioii to p.m. t-'rida) ih the Campus Thea-' post qraduafe schools AU currently enrolled students ter. • -. temporary concerto for "troTTr-~ • ^n st'SS'On courses smaller groups are invited to attend and vot-e o'n The program features the first bones and band. • ,Unlimited icipe lessor's lor revtpw a name to correspond with the inodi>rn performance of two early Tickets are $1 student, $2 • Courso hii^ferial constantly, upd-ifed ** • -Honie study material prepared Dv experts lO ^.icn field new name of the school. original works for wind ensei"!)-, general. • . bles: "I.e.Matin et Soir" (1780), Wind concert bj Josef Starzer and the only Band concert STANLE'/H.iKAPLAN Cal St^te Northrldge's Wind -Russian symphony for the band. Cal .State Northrldge's AU- EDUCATIONAL CENTER =gw*«. Since 1938 Collfege Band. conducted by as- In Los Angeles Area [213) 273 1890 sbciate professor of music Ro­ ^ . -'"'^^b W^estwood BtDulevcird bert Delwarte will perform'' at 8:30 p m, tonight in speech-dfama mcGEE V ^°"' ' Works by LoPresti. Reed, Gi- 'TRY IT, YOU'LL LIKE l-\ For STATE SENATOR annini, J.S, Bach, and McBeth will be perfomred. DRIVE IT, YOU'LL BUY IVr Admission is $1 student, $2 COMMENCEMENT general. FLETCHER'S MAZDA CAPS AND GOWNS The panic clinic All graduating Students and Faculty may The panic clinic will again be 16422 VENTURA BLVD, held during the week of final pick up caps & gowns at the TUB accord­ examinations. It will be held in ENCINO, CALIF. 91631 ing to the following schedule: Cafe Ole and in' t^e first aid For prices call emergency station in biilldlng O 8:00 AM^7:30 PM as a cooperative venture involv­ MIKE MANDEL, Monday thru Thursday, J'une 5--8 ing the student health center and ,the student union.
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