ORDINARY COUNCIL MEETING AGENDA 17 SEPTEMBER 2018 12 DELEGATES REPORTS 12.1 DELEGATE REPORT - MITCHELL ENVIRONMENT ADVISORY COMMITTEE OVERVIEW AND UPDATE (25 JULY AND 1 AUGUST 2018) Author: Elyse Kelly - Environmental Programs Coordinator File No: ET/03/003 Attachments: Nil SUMMARY This report provides an overview of the Mitchell Environment Advisory Committee (MEAC) and a summary of the discussions held at a working group meeting on the 25 July 2018 and an ordinary meeting on the 1 August 2018. Cr. Eldridge chaired the meeting on the 25 July and was an apology for the meeting on the 1 August 2018. Council representatives included the Director of Development and Infrastructure, the Parks and Gardens and Arboriculture Coordinator, the Strategic Planning Coordinator and the Environment Coordinator. RECOMMENDATION THAT Council receive and note the Delegates report, Mitchell Environment Advisory Committee overview and update (25 July and 1 August 2018) BACKGROUND In July 2011, Council established the Mitchell Environment Advisory Committee (MEAC). At the 21 August 2017 Council meeting, a revised Terms of Reference (TOR) was adopted. The purpose of the Mitchell Environment Advisory Committee is to “…capitalise on the knowledge, experience and skill available in the community to provide Mitchell Shire Council with strategic advice in respect to environmental sustainability and management issues and initiatives within the municipality”. The Terms of Reference for MEAC allows for the establishment of special interest working groups as needed to progress specific initiatives. DISCUSSION A working group meeting was held on the 25 July 2018 to discuss the development of an Urban Forestry Strategy for the Shire. At this meeting, the Committee discussed the definition of urban forestry, the benefits of trees in urban landscapes and tools available to local government for the protection of trees and planning for new trees in urban areas of the Shire. The Committee looks forward to progressing these discussions, including reviewing other urban forestry documents. The Ordinary meeting of MEAC was held on the 1 August 2018 and commenced with a guest presentation from Councils’ Strategic Planning Coordinator about current and recent strategic planning projects. MITCHELL SHIRE COUNCIL Page 127 ORDINARY COUNCIL MEETING AGENDA 17 SEPTEMBER 2018 DELEGATE REPORT - MITCHELL ENVIRONMENT ADVISORY COMMITTEE OVERVIEW AND UPDATE (25 JULY AND 1 AUGUST 2018) (CONT.) Discussion included the Beveridge North-West Precinct Structure Plan, Broadford Structure Plan, the Inland Rail ARTC project and the Rural Land and Activities Review. It was agreed that the draft Broadford Structure Plan and Draft Beveridge North West Precinct Structure Plan would be tabled at the next available Mitchell Environment Advisory Committee meeting for discussion and comment. The draft Mitchell Environment Advisory Committee annual report was tabled detailing the Committees activities over the past twelve months. This report was endorsed and will be presented to Council in accordance with the reporting requirements stipulated in the MEAC Terms of Reference. A report noting the success of 2018 National Tree Day was tabled and a recommendation was passed that the…Mitchell Environment Advisory Committee support Mitchell Shire Council’s ongoing involvement in National Tree Day. The Committee were also advised of the upcoming Aussie Backyard Bird Count from the 22 to 28 October 2018. This will be the fourth year that Mitchell Shire has supported the event. In general business the Gardens for Wildlife Program run by the Australian Plants Society Mitchell and the calendar of Spring Events in Seymour were discussed. The next meeting of the Committee is Wednesday 3 October 2018. CHARTER OF HUMAN RIGHTS IMPLICATIONS The rights protected in the Charter of Human Rights and Responsibilities Act 2006 were considered in preparing this report and it’s determined that the subject matter does not raise any human rights issues. MITCHELL SHIRE COUNCIL Page 128 ORDINARY COUNCIL MEETING AGENDA 17 SEPTEMBER 2018 12.2 DELEGATE REPORT - HERITAGE ADVISORY COMMITTEE OVERVIEW AND UPDATE (18 APRIL 2018 AND 20 JUNE 2018) Author: Sean Greer - Coordinator Strategic Planning File No: HI/04/005 Attachments: 1. Beuhne Memorial - Draft text for interpertive signage SUMMARY This Delegates report provides an overview of the Mitchell Heritage Advisory Committee (MHAC). Council’s Coordinator Strategic Planning attended the meetings held on 18 April 2018 at the Kilmore Library and 20 June 2018, at the Broadford Library. RECOMMENDATION THAT Council receive and note the Delegates report. BACKGROUND The Mitchell Heritage Advisory Committee was established in 2007. The purpose of the Mitchell Heritage Advisory Committee is to provide strategic advice on natural, built and heritage issues within the municipality. The Terms of Reference outline the relationship of the committee to Council as follows: The Committee will make recommendations to Council in an advisory capacity. The Committee will provide technical advice, local knowledge and support to Council. DISCUSSION 18 April 2018 In General Business, the Committee discussed: • Heritage Anomalies / Citations Review – the Committee was provided with an overview of heritage citations that have been recently revised for existing heritage overlays that are ambiguous. This will form the basis of a future Planning Scheme Amendment to ensure consistency across heritage listed places in Mitchell. • Whitburgh Cottage update – an update that the grant was not successful was provided regarding a Living Heritage Grant application for restoration works to the Cottage. Kilmore Historical Society representatives provided an outline of proposed works to the rear of the building. MITCHELL SHIRE COUNCIL Page 129 ORDINARY COUNCIL MEETING AGENDA 17 SEPTEMBER 2018 DELEGATE REPORT - HERITAGE ADVISORY COMMITTEE OVERVIEW AND UPDATE (18 APRIL 2018 AND 20 JUNE 2018) (CONT.) • Rotary Kilmore Clock Tower – the location and concepts of a clock tower proposed by Southern Mitchell Rotary as a community asset was tabled for discussion. The consensus from committee members was that the location could be better suited in Hudson Park (possibly to be incorporated with the miniature railway) or elsewhere in the Mill Street mall. • 37 Sydney Street, Kilmore – concerns raised on the issuing of a planning permit for a takeaway food premises (PLP023/18 - relocation of “Hektik Kebabs” van) on the subject site and uncertainty about plans for the rear building. ACTION: Council officers to explore the possibility of bollards being installed in front of the existing building at 37 Sydney Street, Kilmore as a protection measure. • Other matters: o Wandong History Group advised of the upcoming “Walk through the Wars” week-long exhibition for ANZAC Day and the final years of the 100 years of ANZAC Commemoration activities. o Wandong History Group advised that a Living Heritage Grant application was lodged for restoration works at St Michael’s Church with the permission of the Church. o Kilmore Historical Society provided an update on a successful Open House Tour that occurred on 14 April 2018. o Concerns raised about the condition of the Red Lion Hotel in Kilmore and Committee has sought a status update. 20 June 2018 Actions arising from previous minutes: • Committee Actions Spreadsheet – a spreadsheet was prepared and circulated at the start of the meeting to Committee members present. Feedback was positive and this will become a standard item on future meeting agendas. In General Business, the Committee discussed: • New State Laws on Heritage Buildings – a summary of the key changes introduced through the Heritage Act 2017 which came into operation on 1 November 2017 was provided. This includes the State Government having powers to issue repair orders or fines / notices when state-listed heritage properties are being neglected. MITCHELL SHIRE COUNCIL Page 130 ORDINARY COUNCIL MEETING AGENDA 17 SEPTEMBER 2018 DELEGATE REPORT - HERITAGE ADVISORY COMMITTEE OVERVIEW AND UPDATE (18 APRIL 2018 AND 20 JUNE 2018) (CONT.) • Beuhne Memorial signage – VicRoads are required, as per their obligations under the planning permit, to install an interpretation sign for the Beuhne Memorial at the roundabout of the Northern Highway and Broadford-Kilmore Road intersection. VicRoads have sought assistance from Council regarding the design and content of the sign. A draft was provided to the Committee for consideration (provided as Attachment 1). The Committee were agreeable and advised that the Apiarists’ Association would have an active interest. ACTION: Council officers will seek final feedback on this matter from the Apiarists’ Association. • Other matters: o Broadford Historical Society experiencing website issues. o Australian Rail Track Corporation (ARTC) – Inland Rail Project. ACTION: Council officers to explore a meeting to be held between ARTC and the Wandong Community Group. o History Week is upcoming between 7 – 14 October 2018. Potential of promotion to be explored. o Remembrance Day commemorations – Wandong History Group are currently seeking a grant through Department of Premier and Cabinet. o Wandong History Group looking to a site card for the Derrill Mill in Mt. Disappointment. CONSULTATION Subject to resolution, this report will be provided to Committee members. FINANCIAL, RESOURCE AND ASSET MANAGEMENT IMPLICATIONS There are minimal financial implications for Council arising from the General Business discussion during the
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