University of New Mexico UNM Digital Repository Santa Fe New Mexican, 1883-1913 New Mexico Historical Newspapers 7-6-1896 Santa Fe Daily New Mexican, 07-06-1896 New Mexican Printing Company Follow this and additional works at: Recommended Citation New Mexican Printing Company. "Santa Fe Daily New Mexican, 07-06-1896." (1896). sfnm_news/5356 This Newspaper is brought to you for free and open access by the New Mexico Historical Newspapers at UNM Digital Repository. It has been accepted for inclusion in Santa Fe New Mexican, 1883-1913 by an authorized administrator of UNM Digital Repository. For more information, please contact [email protected]. SANTA. FE DAILY NEW-MEXICA- N VOL.33. SANTA FE, N. Mm MONDAY, JULY G, 1896- - NO. 110 assembling from the several states take THE WAR IS ON. 4en. Young Dead. A..T.& S. F. EARNINGS. Highest of all in Leavening Power. Latest U. S. Gov't Report ON CHICAGO A ALL EYES ARE immediate aotion looking to the preserva- Washington, July 6. dispatch re tion of our party from destruction. The ceived at the Btate y an A War Fires on An Am- department from the Keceivera I'pon the exigencies of the situation admit neither Spanish Ship that Gen. Pierce M. B. Figures would erican Boat-Ure- at Excitement nonnced Young, Two How It Looks on the Eve of the Great of delay or compromise. If we U. S. minister to Gnstamala and Hon' Last Years' Operations.' we must aot. now un- at Key West. preserve the party duras, had died in New York Gen Convention in Democracy's mindful of consequence and regardless Young arrived in this oonntry on June New York, July G. The report sub Name. of results." 6. The steamer 24. He to an at New Key West, Fla., July Bubmitted operation mitted the A., T. & S. F. receivers of NEW HBXIOO ON DECK. York and never reoovered from its effects. by Three Friends passed here at 9 a. ni. pur- the of the the At a meeting of the New Mexico dele- He was a native of Virginia and had a operations system during TEXAS G0LD1TES QUIT THE CONTEST sued by the Spanish warship Alfonso. two of De- gation y Antonio Joseph was se- distinguished record in the confederate years the reoeivership ending rotraer lected its ehairmao snd Demetrio Chavez Both vessels were under full steam. The cember 31, 1895, shows gross esruings, was army. its The member of the cre- Three Friends between eight and ten 158,737,491; operating expenses, $46,112,-763- ; A050UJTELY PURE Hill Enters a Denial to secretary. miles ahead of the Observers Turpie Stay dentials committee is John Y.Hewitt; warship. A tiooa Nliowlng;. net earnings, $9,202,455, after taxes, ssy the warship fired upon Three Friends etc. There was for With Matthews Illinois member of oommittee on permanent or- Capt. Sol Spiegelberg, county oolleotor, expended equipment A. A. and is to head her off. It is re- and construction acoount and doubt be soon of the men ganization and platform, Jones; trying turned over to the several tress $2,806,442 FORT WING ATE FIRE. begun. Many flolid for Bland. rules and order of Demetrio ported that the U. S. warship Maine and there is a balance of current liabilities lost all their clothing and property. business, steam Chavez. a U. 8. outter are getting up pre- urers the following amounts of taxes col over current assets after deducting assets Gallup Gleaner. paratory to intercepting both vessels. not available as of I IteMt roy.-- 6. Convention week OF OOOBSE HB WILL. lented during the past mouth: capital, $1,572,062. Soldier' quarter! ttrrly Chioago, July Great excitement prevails here. The new has no debt AdmiulHtration t'eri'illom 4'oal I'itH. skies Senator stated Territorial $ 3,075 ai company iloating Hulltling opened oonspiouonsly with clear Turpie this morning County 7,7X8 58 and has ample funds for all liabilities. Burned. The ooal camps are scenes of great ose of his name as a of 1,1X2 68 and a eool breeze. train y that the probable NATIONAL POLITICS. City Smita Fe The statement of the value of securi- Every lown of Cerrillos 54 41 par activity these days. The hard coal mine compromise candidate is wholly unau- ties and cash available new com- uniformed clubs and bands of for the A fire whioh of men brought thorized. He said he would stand by 48 threatened to entirely started up with a good force July music. The "Dick Blnnd" marching KANSAS BEPUBLIOAN BOT.TEUS. Totnl $12,101 pany in the hands of the reorganization Matthews till the very last. on was wipe out Fort Wingate occurred on 1. The market for anthracite coal is not olub put in nn appearance at 7 o'clock Topeka, Kan. "The Republican silver Under the law collections are not due committee December 31, 18.15, THE OIIOWD. reinforcing 2,500 Bland boomers already INDIANA leagoe" was organized here Saturday to be tnrned over bv the collector nntil $13,083,000, including $5,505,000 St. Louis Thursday afternoon. It broke out be" open at this season of the year but the ' dele- and San Franoisco oonsol fours which here. "They made an early attack on tUe The bharp contest in the Indiana and A. B. Hnlit, who was made president the 10th of each month, bnt as Chairman tween 4 and 6 o'clock aud was not produot will be stored at Denver and hotels and roused the Botes gation over the seleotiou of a national of the movement, claims that 200 Dndrow, of the oonuty board, is absent were subsequently sold for $1,971,550, other to the fall occupants. the to quenohed until it had destroyed nearly points provide against supporters are coming in big delegations committeeman was to have been decided have signilied their intention nnd will not return until the time for the briuging aotual cash holdings up and winter demand which has always been . f .- ... uAn . t i' , .......... n.. Mr. fonnd $4,651,550, after for receiver- $100,000 worth of property. The fire . Villi (II. II I 1 lUflM I.UUIDIIIIBt WUUM,.n at a meeting this morning. The silver of joining the club., No one is to be Angnst meeting, Spiegelberg allowing greater than the company has been able re- and bond Of broke out in the of tributed the Blaokburn olub. forces felt eonfiderit of being able to admitted to membership who is not or it convenient to comply with the request ship expenses payments. oeiling the band to supply. of this amount has since been ex- Near the political centers the streets place S. P. Sheerin with a man in touch has not formerly been a Republican. the other members of the board and $1,000,000 room and spread rapidly east aud west. The mine at Miller gulch wns reopened are surrendered to the maroh-er- s with the silver idea. O. of and Demoorats are not make the transfer of funds in time for pended in meeting secured luterest on the prnotioally J. Shekel, Populists eligible. The dry lumber flamed as rapidly as if it June 24 for a run of nbout sil weeks. nnd oorri-dor- s was effected distribution them at session funded debt and in addition interest pay- In the hotel Evaosville, placed in nomination The organization was at an open by were oiled, p.nd the fire soon be- The outpnt from this mine is a superior . of ments have been made to passed the crowds are so closely wedged against Sheerin. A long discussion fol- meeting composed largely of working-men- the board. amounting An of gas coal. of yond control. attempt to stop it by quality that passage is impossible. lowed. The eleotion wns deferred until The plan bad been quietly worked $2,324,018 from the earnings the prop- The Cook fc White mine has been The annual fixed have been blowing up the east end of the quarters The real after the nomination of the presidential up for a week past and membership erty. charges wns made. The was and opened at two places, one of which open- NEW MEXICO NEWS. brought down to $4,660,590, and the com- charge strong WOBK OF Tnit CONTENTION candidate. oards were distributed and signed by not demolished the but ings will be nsed as an air course. Three now holds $1,450,000 consols only building OUT IN THE COLD. many Republicans. pany per heaved the of shifts of men will this mine to began in earnest y with a cent bonds of the burning embers to the roof operate meeting After the election of officers a declara Mexican government, the old its full The of the coal of the national committee 1 The from New So- - administration building. It was capacity. quality at o'olook. Tammany delegation of and were Splendid rains have fallen in every part as a result of the adjustment of the is the same as that of the fanu.ns White There was intense interest in the meet- York arrived this There was tion principles platform soon in flames nnd the officers' quarters morning. was decided to hold of New Mexico during the past week. norA snbsidy. Ash and the has never The selection of offloers no band at the to meet them. adopted. It public on the east Bide of the square were all de- mine, company ing. temporary depot at which the Bilver will William H.
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