TinmsnAY, APRIL TH \ Park Playground AT THE END OF THE TRAIL Six Stars in IT'S A NICE SPOT FOR HUGH Air Show is Draws Youngsters Hi school pi All-Color Film Basis of Film the Sprint; cation" Millions of people all over week, tin- municipal par); he- r^ — — Most pictures which come- to New came the center of Juvenile ac- ' America listen tit "Hollywood ' Redondo's the- local theatres boast two or Hotel" air program every, week. tivity here this week. The Kern mayhe three stars at the head i Show Place! "R on Avenue playground wils closed I of their casts, hut thc feature 1 Tlli Nn» IMuvllli,'! last Friday afternoon because •s. II was a "natural" i presentation at the Plaza the­ that a pi.-tur.- hy the same till.- the director is hired on the atre next Sunday entitled "Gold. IJAIHO I TIT KKVKI.S' same ha*is MS school teachers, would he "hox office." flul | IB Where You Find It" has gone, "Hollvwond Hotel". wa:i only an according to Mrs. Oda Vans. I overboard * with a roster which •I:\DKK srsi'iriov principal. | Imaginary hostelry, and for the includes six outstanding play­ to he ma- Dale Ullcy, city recreation di­ .screen it would have ers. tonight a! put all of the city park lifelike Tech­ llerialized. It opens rector, A production in Torrance theatre. nicolor, "Col.! IN Where You fthe Ti.l. TAKK KOMANfK' youngsters for their holiday nnd Find It"" co-stars Olivia d'e Havll-I Robert Haas was assigned as inul tlir grounds presented a busy land and George Brent In the! art director and given 'carle •IKM.LVVVOOn HOTEL' scene as boys and girls swarmed romantic leads. As if this were | blanche with an over.size budget -about the apparatus and equip- not enough, they are supported j WhSt he designed was a hotel hv such outstanding actors as j complete In every detail from Claude Mains, John Utel, Mar- j salt celar to lobby dome. - garct Lindsay, Barton MacLane. j The furniture is all hand-made Tim Holt (son of Jack Holt) | according~~-~~ to special designs in arid Marcla Ralston. Woo-Woo! I'm Lucky—But this time the ohoi'iisTr The story is an adaptation are doing the wooing while Hugh ((woo-woo) Hcrherl is! thing like ?2.n(W snuare feet m ADULTS 25c Phone Torrance 132 CHILDREN 10o Yom Clements ftipley's best j simply flabbprgaHlcd! It's all part of the fun in the new! black glass laid in squares went whiclf iT'M-riallv hi'^o'smopbl-1 Imisi('al "Hollywood Hotel," opening tonight at the Tor-'""." l ^m'la'"'<1 fl001' of thc Ol" Thursday, Friday. April 14. ITv ___ . ' Director Bushy feerkeley, a Dick Powell—Glenda Farrell in 'HOLLYWOOD HOTEL' itan magazine. An outdoor! ' (t ">n '_£; __ and "WOMEN hrPRlSON4*———————— drama of Bold in California,..It : tells of the fii •ntirc orchid stock of tin leading florists of Holly Sal unlay. April hi. One Hay Only •atoned to Around Hollywood_^__________________________ Film Lots - PLAY NITE SATURDAY the state's | HOLLYWOOD (U.P.)- Imper-1 when she decided to he a ric- '. ""'duinent figure aJ Note : histol'y- - ____^___THIS3JVEEK ONLY!!! tinent -portrait of Susan Hay-i signer instead of a stenogra- j 1|IK players is Louelli Said by reviewers to be one! ward:d: pher. She deslgnet1 s"Hl!llauJ."PicU l'W"'ll and. "CHANGE OF'HEART""™~~" " ~^Br~th<rTiTo5r~tWjratlfn|-aiid rnnl^f— Sh "who recently she disagreed with ! Istic Technicolor pictures ever ped tra ff c in Hollywood . because he was nc t inventlonal in !.-: and Ken Maynard i produced. Its scope' required a lu­ Bi onkh n Bonfire No. enough in his desi g And then ___"BOOTS OF pESTINYM 'cast of unusual talent. .The pic- j 2 ar.d the first three-a 1 a r m | she applied for i artist's -co-star in : ture - is—entirely—filmed—tu_ttie_ij;t),,(:iag,.atic - to—appeal^in—thc-Hmodtrl—j. No. 3 "S.O.S. COAST GUARD"' Olivta~deTl3Vfltanrt~airf~fieorge—Brent-who Mat-Only Episode !he Technicolor production "Cold Is Where Yon Find It" j »ow 1!l38 Multiplane Techm-1 mm colony i She rr Isses trains quite rcgu- Hrza-rlreatre-irrfhnvthorne Stmdayr^0101'-———- _ ___:_._...__————' St"' '" Sl AK-a-chlld—she—had lioth- Sunday. .Monday. Tuesday. April 17. IS, li> --- you . wish you. had been seen j legs broken In an automobile Hctte Ilavl.K and (ieorire Ceo. Brent — Olivia DeHaviland in' with last night. accident, and used crutches Brrnl in—".IIv-'.KBr.t." "nil Major Bowes'Praises Telephone Operators i Special EastCJ1 i She is set for a career in pic- two years. "BI.ONDKS AT WOIJK" "GOLD IS WHERE YOU FIND IT" •: tures and will first be seen in That's all except aWit the with (.lendtt l-arrell in Technicolor and • "Three Broadway Girls." ___ Grand Canyon incident. What Htarts Sunday! ^W7C7FieIcrs Ma?Hia:Raye in -.•B- Show Planned- 1—Susjin—likes—r-a4-n-y—weather-!- threw intn (hp_hid g'Ucrrp -f-nntHT-.t^thrrt-hr—————— •which' is Must as well thfs s i T--"' "•-"->'••• feature, son in Hollywood. She like.-i_lflu*?s ih<L to"1 1>lts °f an answc1.' "BI.'.'KBKVUn'S KIOIITII "Lomil-i theatre will sHBW-wntrn parades, and t her,^aTT^^-ma^^t^^HUl!n-l'1'oPQliia $$$ - SURPRISE NITE-=-$$$—— ting Sunday "no;/ .of the plenty of people parading this i from a b°y friond '" lh(' East : She had written her acceptance THE HEADLINES" •ets" featuring .Tackle Cooper year, too: vi'.h llniinv DII Jack Holt in "MAKING of his offer. He probably still and The :i Stiu and Noah Beery, Jr. in "TROUBLE AT MIDNIGHT" :i liig cast of stars. Here She once threw sonieth fancy of; into the Grind Canyon, which .vaiting for the reply. $$$ - COME EARLY - $$$ ye.unii. On she had been told was reserved "Uadio City for old razor hlndes. She reads Revels" features a long list ol ; ,the last chapter of a mystery star pel formers from radio and: novel first, plays with dolls I THANK YOU! screen. Some of the cast are; when no one is looking and • The splendid support given my candidacy tlmiout a gun which she can Jack Oakio. Milton' lierle. Bob i owns the city leaves me deeply appreciative of the confidence Burns, Victor Moore and Helen! shoot. BrodericU. • ' : Hilvo you finessed that she is expressed in my election to the city council. I hope by my work with -the- -tmmicipa; board, to merit that Sat'iTdaT^'t'ms^Ie^i^com- ' '>'; 'and that her nose is tilted confidence during the next four years. subjects. and that sh< Yours for a better, always progressive Torrance— SPRING posed of "varied "V i English, pnrt Iri.-h ai little Fayc is featured in "You1 ious- Sweetheart." a delightful _ John V. (Jacft) Murray mantic—comrdy——drama—— ;\ gii-l who 'is only et Osterwald, a telephone operator In Washington he radio program of Major Bowes' Original Amateu. ±?'fS,ur£^^^•T^'|^olll,,,- n.-.mui- i» J.-AOI. .,,1,. Jt HV"™1 :f< she won from the Major a tribute to all her slstert i another Honalong Cassidy story ' BmoK|y" operato«,-a»-a rule^are-not-appteclated at their i featuring Pll 1 Hnvri ami .Indith Susan loudly and rea- i TI fii ctiurcn and" ed Major Bowes. "They do a splendid job." And hi Alien. paradlse; n, for thousands of telephone calls are made to register vote" in other places. She THANK YOU! f th" dark, and slu­ Fern Avenue sir s t-> «care'the prowl- • The people have spoken and the best candidates SU1 at ties" and In New York City The 7 elf have won. I congratulate James Hitchcock, John V. Unit Presents type- all the n tlu Murray, A. H. Bartlett and Mrs. Harriett Leech on "RECESSION BOWES' UNIT raining to the Plaza theat Entertainment th Hi' Thai aider" -S AT PLAZA rect from the Los Angelc their election. For the support I received -I-wish to PRICES" pheum theatre. This unit is A nui s ic and. dance program thank all those who X-ed their ballots for . NEXT WEEK said to be the most versatile, presented ii> the Civic Auditor- Pedestrian Strikes -Buck and pleasing group of singers, j ium last - Saturday night under PASADENA, Cal. (U.P.) Tin dancers, musicians and mimics; t|1(, nuspices of the Fern ave- worm turned when a drive! William E.. Shawger ever to l-e sent out on the road ! „,,,, p.T.A., drew a 'di^appoint- kept hnnkiiiK his horn becausi PRE EASTER SPECIAL Thursday, Friday, Saturday, Sunday, April 14,15,16,17 sched- i Margaret Hollenbach. opened the program with three num­ was a 20-mimite revue by Mur- Complete Richfield ff f^ C bers, followed by several selec­ ielie Zalielle'.s starlets of Tor­ 75' tions by the well-drilled Har­ rance. including Marjory Itews, Protective monica band. Nancy Ann Whyte, Patty Dut- night, he Frank Lauver pleascr tl, his ton, Elizabeth Hall, Marilyn Ann Footprints accordion solos and A and Haarer, Am LUBRICATION hicken-thief i Josephine - Fleming, Haroldean Hoga THEATRE , Ross. Janis Haarer, • Why not have your car "SUMMER SHIELD" during "Yo 10- ^^"'.r1" 20 11 Ruth Briggs, -'"net Arbuckle, this big offer? Usual fine service and expert work. DoWayiic Harrison, Johnny Me Also equipped to do night lubrication. Drive in. Let's Tier, ThursJay, A| Last U.iy Clune, Marjorio Arbuckle, Jiian- get acquainted.
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